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New Pew study: Europe will be 10-15% muslim (Sweden 31%) by 2050.What will it entail?


I would be curious if you could show me these statistics on Muslim refugees attacking Christian refugees.

There are no real statistics there is a huge number of unrecorded cases. In Germany politicians even argued to separate Christians and Muslim refugees because of it. They even argued to separate women and men as well

So no I am sorry I can not give you an exact number but I could give you a German article for example and there are many more of these. Its even stated in the video I posted as well.

Because they never wanted to flee from the religion or oppression of others.: In German regfugee camps there are more and more cases in which Christian refugees getting threaded, attacked etc. from Muslim refugees. There were cases in which they were not allowed into the kitchens and use other spaces because they were Christians

which horrible opinions? Since we are here talking not about American Muslims but European ones who are getting radicalized I do not see these horrible opinions to be honest.
Which horrible opinions? Really? Were you dropped a lot when you were a baby?


"those damn Muslim and their muslamic rayguns will kill us all"
-this thread.

Worthy of 4chan. I'm impressed.
I don't see the logic in making fun of something that was proven to be 100% right, guy was talking about rape gangs years before they were shown to be true and deliberately swept under the rug by the authorities, quite possible he has family members that were abused


Which horrible opinions? Really? Were you dropped a lot when you were a baby?

The problem here is that you can infact prove these opinons. As I showed you as well. Islam is stuck in the middleadges. If you want to compare it to Christians you have to go back at least 500-800 years.

The problem with Islam is that it needs first of all a here reformation and secondly a new beginning totally separated from Saudi Ardabia and Co. My solution would always be a new form based on western values andTeaching by western Imans educated in Europe.
Otherwise you will never getting rid of these horrible morals and beliefs Islam has. Also a religion based on a literal warmonger which Mohammed was is not real a good foundation either. And then there is the HUGE anti semitism in Islam. So yes it may seem horrible but the truth is often very horrible and to change this we need to talk about the horrible stuff.


And then there is the HUGE anti semitism in Islam. So yes it may seem horrible but the truth is often very horrible and to change this we need to talk about the horrible stuff.

You're confusing dogma without awareness of what's happening on the ground.

Does the idea of a Muslim, a Jew, a gay Muslim, a black man and a few white christians hanging out confuse you?

Do you think that never happens?maybe in your 99% white suburb with nothing in it. Sure. But in the real world we actually get along.

Consciousness is a house in which has many rooms. Religious identity is in one sure. So is being able to get along because you're not some antisocial on the spectrum kid so terrified of life and so socially stunted you believe everyone is some sort of dogmatic asshole.

Because...breitbart said so?

Like Christian Consciousness for example.

The Nazis all identified as white Christian. How did their treatment of Jews work out?

Stop espousing your dog shit man. It's so devoid of any wisdom or knowledge of reality on the ground.

It bespeaks a closetted suburbanite kid on the spectrum.

The effectiveness of how extreme any proponent of any religion is, shockingly based on ones income and how shitty their QOL is.

For example, all the religious crazies in America, are in Alabama. Alabama is a shit hole.

All the religious crazies like the ISIS militant caste were born out of, yes thats right, shit holes.

It's like theres a correlation between the less people have in life personally, the more they need something else, like idiomatic dogma. The connection is... oh wow it's poverty. No shit really?

Culturally the mid east some of Africa Islam is the most pervasive. And it's dogmatic Islam that's gripped those poor assholes.

Culturally in Alabama it's Christianity. Oh look same thing. But notice how the dogmatic principle can change with the times?

You all lack so little nuance, so little exposure to culture in reality. Not the Internet. It's fucking sad.

Maybe you should visit one of those "Meet a Muslim" programs they do in those backwater shit holes. You might have to make eye contact with a brown person so you'll need all your courage!


I think this will not be a problem at all. Religion is on the way down. My great grandparents were religious, my grandparents less but still identify as christians, my parents were raised religious but aren't and I'm not raised religious at all. The same will happen to muslims. It's just a matter of time. The younger generation of muslims are already leas religious than their parents. They also grew up with internet, science and technology. Their children will be even less religious than they are and so on.

I actually believe that a lot of younger muslims are already not religious, but still identify as muslim because they feel that is the "group" they belong to. I think a lot of them don't care but that it's more of a solidarity thing and they put up with stuff out of respect for their parents and older family.


The younger generation of muslims are already leas religious than their parents.

Well that can depend, in many cases in France it seems that younger generations take stronger positions in their religion than their parents. But such things come and go indeed, and there's no reason we can't have a trend for more open-minded believers. A lot depends on context, and geopolitical issues won't be the same a few years from now (hard to tell if it will be better or worse, though). Many of that 2050 population aren't born yet, so education will play a large role in how they will behave.
Also it's worth noting that people shouldn't fear muslims for being muslims. There are already millions of them in Europe and most are fine people and perfectly "compatible" with European values.


Sweden is fucked. I think we're going to need to build a wall in Finland.

Eastern Europe knows what's up, mass immigration needs to stop now.


Europe will become more liberal and then suddenly less liberal

I don't think so. Do you think every Muslim child born in Europe will become religious fundamentalists?

Isn't London's current mayor Muslim? Populations adapt. The US Muslim population is rather liberal in voting patterns, although socially conservative.

These demographic shifts are common bogeymen created by the Alt-Right.


You're confusing dogma without awareness of what's happening on the ground.

Does the idea of a Muslim, a Jew, a gay Muslim, a black man and a few white christians hanging out confuse you?

Do you think that never happens?maybe in your 99% white suburb with nothing in it. Sure. But in the real world we actually get along.

Consciousness is a house in which has many rooms. Religious identity is in one sure. So is being able to get along because you're not some antisocial on the spectrum kid so terrified of life and so socially stunted you believe everyone is some sort of dogmatic asshole.

Because...breitbart said so?

Like Christian Consciousness for example.

The Nazis all identified as white Christian. How did their treatment of Jews work out?

Stop espousing your dog shit man. It's so devoid of any wisdom or knowledge of reality on the ground.

It bespeaks a closetted suburbanite kid on the spectrum.

The effectiveness of how extreme any proponent of any religion is, shockingly based on ones income and how shitty their QOL is.

For example, all the religious crazies in America, are in Alabama. Alabama is a shit hole.

All the religious crazies like the ISIS militant caste were born out of, yes thats right, shit holes.

It's like theres a correlation between the less people have in life personally, the more they need something else, like idiomatic dogma. The connection is... oh wow it's poverty. No shit really?

Culturally the mid east some of Africa Islam is the most pervasive. And it's dogmatic Islam that's gripped those poor assholes.

Culturally in Alabama it's Christianity. Oh look same thing. But notice how the dogmatic principle can change with the times?

You all lack so little nuance, so little exposure to culture in reality. Not the Internet. It's fucking sad.

Maybe you should visit one of those "Meet a Muslim" programs they do in those backwater shit holes. You might have to make eye contact with a brown person so you'll need all your courage!

I know quite a few Muslims thank you very much and yes they are not like that but that does not mean it s not the majority. The marjority of Islam has radical beliefs if you want it or not and not its not only the poor people coming from shitholes.

Example: Again Germany there is one yearly protest against Israel done my Muslims here. in 2014 and 2015 they quoted Hitler, showed his "greetings" and wished death to all Jews.

When I am talking about the Islam I am talking about the majority which I even liked a study how they think around the world. And all my statements are facts nothing you would see on Breitbart etc.

And no I am sorry but there is a reason why parallel worlds inside our society exist these days because they can not get along with other cultures. I guess you are American so you have never seen how radical Muslims are in Europe example In Germany.

They reject basics rights, they reject equality of men and women, they force their daughters to marriage. The amount of child marriage in Germany has risen to thousands each year.

There is being tolerant and than there is being naive. And not be able to criticize Islam is being naive.

I have posted this quite a few times and this does not come from some right wing TV station. This is a real honest doc about the situation in Germany. Please watch it it takes 30 minutes and has English subtitles. Maybe then we can talk

This is the situation in Germany and many other countries in Europe.



I don't think so. Do you think every Muslim child born in Europe will become religious fundamentalists?

Isn't London's current mayor Muslim? Populations adapt. The US Muslim population is rather liberal in voting patterns, although socially conservative.

These demographic shifts are common bogeymen created by the Alt-Right.


Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds

Four in ten British Muslims want some aspect of Sharia Law enforced in UK

And you know what the most scary part? These are mostly Young Muslims born in the UK because they getting radicalized in these countries. Older people do not want the Sharia



Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds

Four in ten British Muslims want some aspect of Sharia Law enforced in UK

And you know what the most scary part? These are mostly Young Muslims born in the UK because they getting radicalized in these countries. Older people do not want the Sharia

That's just not reality on the ground though is it. Again its just not framed in reality.

You're literally lying about having Muslim friends you fucking weirdo, who does that.

Trash subcultures are rooted in all society. I literally have never ever had issues with Muslims in any experience in my life. Ever.

Have you? Again do you get any in your white man suburb?

Fuck me, in terms of shit I've had to deal with and negative experiences it's been fellow whitey being a cunt.

Seriously, has any of you looked a Muslim in the eye? Is looking people in the eye hard for you?

I'm struggling to find an example of the history of the west where a ethno minority has able to supplant the official rule of law and replace with religious dogma.

Like in what fucking reality are you people living in when "the muslims" are going to take over government and start to legislate the rule of Islam into law.

Like you worry about that? You're so fucking sad. Or are you pearl clutching about what's happening in Muslim ghetto shit holes.

Come the fuck off it mate. Such a sad case.

Brutal shit happens in low economic shit holes. News at 10.

They should create a racist black mirror season for you sad fucks - would make bank.

0 negative interactions with Muslims in my time and I interact with "them browns" daily.

Oh actually one time where this Muslims and his kid had his Nintendo DS on too loud on the bus.

Here's a reality check for you son. You have had 0 negative interactions with Muslims in reality. Not the interwebs. Reality.

And now you're here espousing your dog shit notions of ethno nationalism. Trying to coopt greater ideals.

And I've already explained in the thread why that happens.

Cos you got nothing else in your life going on. And something needs to fill that vacuum, that void where human interaction, personal development and self reflection should be.

It's a sad front for something else mate. It's so transparent I almost feel awkward for you.

And all these thoughts and arguments, just happen to cooinside with the trending nationalism. Not even an original thinker, fuck it, dive in to whatever shit is trending am i rite.

At least flat earthers keep it real.


Will be interesting how things will develop. Looks like a clear split between Western and Eastern Europe.

Western Europe will serve as an experiment for data and possible improvements.
I don't think so. Do you think every Muslim child born in Europe will become religious fundamentalists?

Isn't London's current mayor Muslim? Populations adapt. The US Muslim population is rather liberal in voting patterns, although socially conservative.

These demographic shifts are common bogeymen created by the Alt-Right.

Funny you got that from my post, I was talking about the general population but sure.


Funny you got that from my post, I was talking about the general population but sure.

In isolation your comment may seem that, but wouldn't it be a fair assumption given the topic?

If not, my bad. But it seemed like logical progression based on the thread title. More Muslims making up a greater percentage of the population, more conservatism?

Unless you mean more Muslims, more conservative backlash from al right groups, which makes sense too.
That's just not reality on the ground though is it. Again its just not framed in reality.
No one cares about your anecdotal evidence. Your experiences nor mine matter for determining whether something is an issue or not. Dunki posted links of research done on these matters and you have nothing to counter them. If that research is nonsense you need to present some arguments as to why that is. You've offered absolutely no sources to support your claims, and yet you keep going on calling other members racist and so on.

I literally have never ever had issues with Muslims in any experience in my life. Ever.
Last year I came back from my mother's place after spending christmas eve there with my family. It was probably 1AM when I got to my appartement building. I was threatened by 2 muslims who got in the elevator with me. The cause was that they thought I quickly shut the door because I saw them. In truth, I walked over to the elevator so I could call it in advance. I've had other bad experiences as well, but try not to let them control the way I interact with or think about muslims. But the truth is that more and more young muslims are embracing more extreme versions of Islam, which are simply incompatible with western society. Here's a recent (Dutch) news article and report form the Dutch public broadcaster:

The ex-rapper gives a personal lecture in Genk. He tells how he came to repent after the birth of his son. "I was born as a Muslim, but I did not behave as one in that time." Tears roll across his cheeks, because Tounssi regrets. He says that he has not only stopped making music, but also no longer listens to it. According to Tounssi, this is sinful, as is fornication, adultery, certain clothing and the consumption of alcohol. "The punishment within Islam for song and music is extremely serious."Many young people in the room are impressed by his story. Arabist Jan Jaap de Ruiter, affiliated with Tilburg University, says that there are more and more of these kinds of meetings in the Netherlands. "This is due to the search for identity and the desire to be a true Muslim."


That's just not reality on the ground though is it. Again its just not framed in reality.

You're literally lying about having Muslim friends you fucking weirdo, who does that.

Trash subcultures are rooted in all society. I literally have never ever had issues with Muslims in any experience in my life. Ever.

Have you? Again do you get any in your white man suburb?

Fuck me, in terms of shit I've had to deal with and negative experiences it's been fellow whitey being a cunt.

Seriously, has any of you looked a Muslim in the eye? Is looking people in the eye hard for you?

I'm struggling to find an example of the history of the west where a ethno minority has able to supplant the official rule of law and replace with religious dogma.

Like in what fucking reality are you people living in when "the muslims" are going to take over government and start to legislate the rule of Islam into law.

Like you worry about that? You're so fucking sad. Or are you pearl clutching about what's happening in Muslim ghetto shit holes.

Come the fuck off it mate. Such a sad case.

Brutal shit happens in low economic shit holes. News at 10.

They should create a racist black mirror season for you sad fucks - would make bank.

0 negative interactions with Muslims in my time and I interact with "them browns" daily.

Oh actually one time where this Muslims and his kid had his Nintendo DS on too loud on the bus.

Here's a reality check for you son. You have had 0 negative interactions with Muslims in reality. Not the interwebs. Reality.

And now you're here espousing your dog shit notions of ethno nationalism. Trying to coopt greater ideals.

And I've already explained in the thread why that happens.

Cos you got nothing else in your life going on. And something needs to fill that vacuum, that void where human interaction, personal development and self reflection should be.

It's a sad front for something else mate. It's so transparent I almost feel awkward for you.

And all these thoughts and arguments, just happen to cooinside with the trending nationalism. Not even an original thinker, fuck it, dive in to whatever shit is trending am i rite.

At least flat earthers keep it real.
First of all why would I lie about this? There is absolutely no gain for me to lie. Besides as I said before whre do you live? America? IF so you HAVE NO CLUE about Islam in Europe right now.

Stop comparing American Msulims with European ones. I would have no issue with American Muslims. And no I do not live in some suburbs I live in a big City. So please spare me you never look Muslims in the eye. Yes I do and I have no trouble with Muslims as long their follow OUR laws and constitution.

Also yes I had a HUGE negatvie interaction as a child which I also mentioned before. We were in a clase with mostly turkish people mulsims in fact 5 peopole were german 20 were not. We got treated like shit. I got a knife on my throat fo beingg german and they tried to burn my hair.

But this has nothing to do with my opinion about it. MY opinion based on facts I have shown you multiple times if you can not even check them like the video why do you even attack and accuse me of lying? Again there is nothing to gain here for me by lying.

So why is this? Why is the UK having a hard time assimilating Muslims?

Because Countires like Saudi Arabia and Turkey controlling the Mosques in Europe. There is no regulation and they spread their radical beliefs to children. If we could just abolish all of these and isntead build own mosques with teacher being educated in Europe it would be a much much better place.


First of all why would I lie about this? There is absolutely no gain for me to lie. Besides as I said before whre do you live? America? IF so you HAVE NO CLUE about Islam in Europe right now.

Stop comparing American Msulims with European ones. I would have no issue with American Muslims. And no I do not live in some suburbs I live in a big City. So please spare me you never look Muslims in the eye. Yes I do and I have no trouble with Muslims as long their follow OUR laws and constitution.

Also yes I had a HUGE negatvie interaction as a child which I also mentioned before. We were in a clase with mostly turkish people mulsims in fact 5 peopole were german 20 were not. We got treated like shit. I got a knife on my throat fo beingg german and they tried to burn my hair.

But this has nothing to do with my opinion about it. MY opinion based on facts I have shown you multiple times if you can not even check them like the video why do you even attack and accuse me of lying? Again there is nothing to gain here for me by lying.

Because Countires like Saudi Arabia and Turkey controlling the Mosques in Europe. There is no regulation and they spread their radical beliefs to children. If we could just abolish all of these and isntead build own mosques with teacher being educated in Europe it would be a much much better place.


You assume people are just like you and are completely incapable of progressive growth. We are winning the culture war if that's what you want to call it. And no I'm not in the US. "US Muslims are the good ones" fucking ridiculous.

Course there is, because you get to push against the narrative that I'm describing you as. Pretty fucking easy to lie on the internet man.

And again my opinion is based in fact too. If you go into any low income ghetto. You will find messed up shit. You're singling out Muslim ghettos because you're a dickhole.

There's just as many fucked up people doing fucked up shit in the ghettos man. Trust me on that. These people use ISLAM to excuse their cunt behavior. The same way you use Nationalism to excuse yours. Just intentionally missing the forest for the trees.

I don't believe any of it. You're all of the same mental type. You all have a void in your existences that you need to fill with something man. It's obvious as fuck.
You assume people are just like you and are completely incapable of progressive growth. We are winning the culture war if that's what you want to call it. And no I'm not in the US. "US Muslims are the good ones" fucking ridiculous.

Course there is, because you get to push against the narrative that I'm describing you as. Pretty fucking easy to lie on the internet man.

And again my opinion is based in fact too. If you go into any low income ghetto. You will find messed up shit. You're singling out Muslim ghettos because you're a dickhole.

There's just as many fucked up people doing fucked up shit in the ghettos man. Trust me on that. These people use ISLAM to excuse their cunt behavior. The same way you use Nationalism to excuse yours. Just intentionally missing the forest for the trees.

I don't believe any of it. You're all of the same mental type. You all have a void in your existences that you need to fill with something man. It's obvious as fuck.



So why is this? Why is the UK having a hard time assimilating Muslims?

Because at its heart it's an insular religion, that doesn't advocate integration. over adherence to family, community and the teachings of Allah above all things. Outsiders are framed with detachment if not distrust and the penalties for failing to adhere to the inner cultural consensus of acceptable behaviour are often times horrific by modern western standards.

It's very hard for most people to understand exactly how suffocating and all-consuming living under such a society can be. As a counterpoint, I recommend watching the Netflix documentary 'one of us' which details the travails of three Hasidic Jews who attempt to leave their Orthodox community. There are commonalities to many of these isolationist societies in terms of how they operate and how difficult it is for people within them to break away, due to how intricately they control and definite the group norms.


You assume people are just like you and are completely incapable of progressive growth. We are winning the culture war if that's what you want to call it. And no I'm not in the US. "US Muslims are the good ones" fucking ridiculous.

Course there is, because you get to push against the narrative that I'm describing you as. Pretty fucking easy to lie on the internet man.

And again my opinion is based in fact too. If you go into any low income ghetto. You will find messed up shit. You're singling out Muslim ghettos because you're a dickhole.

There's just as many fucked up people doing fucked up shit in the ghettos man. Trust me on that. These people use ISLAM to excuse their cunt behavior. The same way you use Nationalism to excuse yours. Just intentionally missing the forest for the trees.

I don't believe any of it. You're all of the same mental type. You all have a void in your existences that you need to fill with something man. It's obvious as fuck.
I already said that our gov is also at fault for this kind of radicalization. But this does not ignore the fact that mosques in Germany are controlled by Saudi Arabia and Turkey and they are using these places to radicalized Muslims.

And I never said they are the worst HOWEVER I believe that someone who believes in the Sharia has no place to live in my Country. Also I do not use Nationalism I could care less about this. All I want is peace in my country. And Islam is causing a lot of uproar here.

And it would be all much better if we could deport the assholes and instead bringing in the you call so moderate Muslims. Still it is a fact that Muslims also hate Jews and it is also true that the anti Semitism in Germany has risen because of Muslims. And I do not care if you believe me or not. These are my opinions based on FACTS and experience combined with tons of newsstories every fucking day. Germany has become way more dangerous than when I was a child and it saddens me to see this.

Also you are not fighting any War. The term culture war is absolute bullshit. And I am sorry but if your so called Progressive feminists celebrate someone like Linda Sarasour and even made her to a role model. Someone who openly advertises the Sharia, and hates Jews you can hardly call these people progressive. The Anti Semitism especially on the left is very strong these days. Hey I have even see people here defending the fucking HAMAS

And let me tell you one last thing. EVERYONE who is accepting our constitution and our laws is welcome here. ANYONE ELSE is not. It is as easy as that. IF you do shake the hand of a man and not of a woman because of religious believe. You have no place here. If you think your daughter or wife as no rights you are not welcome. If you believe that homosexuality should be illegal? Then you have no fucking place here. It is as easy as that.


I already said that our gov is also at fault for this kind of radicalization. But this does not ignore the fact that mosques in Germany are controlled by Saudi Arabia and Turkey and they are using these places to radicalized Muslims.

And I never said they are the worst HOWEVER I believe that someone who believes in the Sharia has no place to live in my Country. Also I do not use Nationalism I could care less about this. All I want is peace in my country. And Islam is causing a lot of uproar here.

And it would be all much better if we could deport the assholes and instead bringing in the you call so moderate Muslims. Still it is a fact that Muslims also hate Jews and it is also true that the anti Semitism in Germany has risen because of Muslims. And I do not care if you believe me or not. These are my opinions based on FACTS and experience combined with tons of newsstories every fucking day. Germany has become way more dangerous than when I was a child and it saddens me to see this.

Also you are not fighting any War. The term culture war is absolute bullshit. And I am sorry but if your so called Progressive feminists celebrate someone like Linda Sarasour and even made her to a role model. Someone who openly advertises the Sharia, and hates Jews you can hardly call these people progressive. The Anti Semitism especially on the left is very strong these days. Hey I have even see people here defending the fucking HAMAS

And let me tell you one last thing. EVERYONE who is accepting our constitution and our laws is welcome here. ANYONE ELSE is not. It is as easy as that. IF you do shake the hand of a man and not of a woman because of religious believe. You have no place here. If you think your daughter or wife as no rights you are not welcome. If you believe that homosexuality should be illegal? Then you have no fucking place here. It is as easy as that.

Yeah great rhetoric with zero nuance again.

There's a difference between believing something asin, anyone whose a white nationalist prick like those you will not replace us cunts don't belong in the country either.

And being a law abiding citizen. We're a country of laws. You break em you go to prison.

Shameful shit happens in all low economic ghettos, just as shameful as what happens in Muslim ghettos. Just as fucking bad and nasty.

But if you start ejecting people for believing in random shit then I would want to know who this divine arbiter of truth is.

These are my opinions based on FACTS and experience combined with tons of newsstories every fucking day.

Dude if you're seeing news stories on this every fucking day then lol. You're getting gamed by an algorithm. It's feeding you that shit -you get that's how the net works right?- It's a self fulfilling cycle. Please tell me you understand that your own feed is gaming you.

Play games. Don't let the games play you.

It's not anti semitic to question the objectives of the Israeli government.


Yeah great rhetoric with zero nuance again.

There's a difference between believing something asin, anyone whose a white nationalist prick like those you will not replace us cunts don't belong in the country either.

And being a law abiding citizen. We're a country of laws. You break em you go to prison.

Shameful shit happens in all low economic ghettos, just as shameful as what happens in Muslim ghettos. Just as fucking bad and nasty.

But if you start ejecting people for believing in random shit then I would want to know who this divine arbiter of truth is.

Dude if you're seeing news stories on this every fucking day then lol. You're getting gamed by an algorithm. It's feeding you that shit -you get that's how the net works right?- It's a self fulfilling cycle. Please tell me you understand that your own feed is gaming you.

Play games. Don't let the games play you.

It's not anti semitic to question the objectives of the Israeli government.

I'm not him. But I get similar news almost daily just by reading the local newspaper and watching the news on public television. And our news is considered very unbiased even abroad. Especially compared to American media. Most right-wing parties consider them all liberal though. I'm talking about proper media. Not some sensationalist bullshit.


I'm not him. But I get similar news almost daily just by reading the local newspaper and watching the news on public television. And our news is considered very unbiased even abroad. Especially compared to American media. Most right-wing parties consider them all liberal though. I'm talking about proper media. Not some sensationalist bullshit.

But ultimately it's ghetto tourism right?

Tales From the Shit Holes?
First of all why would I lie about this? There is absolutely no gain for me to lie. Besides as I said before whre do you live? America? IF so you HAVE NO CLUE about Islam in Europe right now.

Stop comparing American Msulims with European ones. I would have no issue with American Muslims. And no I do not live in some suburbs I live in a big City. So please spare me you never look Muslims in the eye. Yes I do and I have no trouble with Muslims as long their follow OUR laws and constitution.

Also yes I had a HUGE negatvie interaction as a child which I also mentioned before. We were in a clase with mostly turkish people mulsims in fact 5 peopole were german 20 were not. We got treated like shit. I got a knife on my throat fo beingg german and they tried to burn my hair.

But this has nothing to do with my opinion about it. MY opinion based on facts I have shown you multiple times if you can not even check them like the video why do you even attack and accuse me of lying? Again there is nothing to gain here for me by lying.

Because Countires like Saudi Arabia and Turkey controlling the Mosques in Europe. There is no regulation and they spread their radical beliefs to children. If we could just abolish all of these and isntead build own mosques with teacher being educated in Europe it would be a much much better place.

Don't let it get to you, the same poster called me a liar for saying I had friends who died as a result of terrorism. God, I wish he were right. Seeing the parents of friends of mine who were needlessly killed.. they are a shell of the people they used to be. Passing by Pulse all the time... Its really been incredibly traumatic for the whole city, even over a year later.

He also seems to be under the mistaken impression that having major disagreements with the teachings of a religion is akin to racism. Its not at all. A religion is a system of ideas and beliefs, and like any of those, should not be shielded from criticism.


Don't let it get to you, the same poster called me a liar for saying I had friends who died as a result of terrorism. God, I wish he were right. Seeing the parents of friends of mine who were needlessly killed.. they are a shell of the people they used to be. Passing by Pulse all the time... Its really been incredibly traumatic for the whole city, even over a year later.

He also seems to be under the mistaken impression that having major disagreements with the teachings of a religion is akin to racism. Its not at all. A religion is a system of ideas and beliefs, and like any of those, should not be shielded from criticism.

Yeah dude, no. I didn't really assign you as a racist. These people just so happen to be the current scape goat. I don't care for your religious criticism.

Just at your faux intellectualism based on a feedback loop of bullshit. Where you've now convinced yourself every Muslim is some fundamentalist asshole.

And again let me again, for the billionth time, you're only going to find fundamentalism in fucked up places, where dogma or irrationality reigns king.

Again its dominant in impoverished shit holes. All the articles you read that are based in some semblance of fact, is just tales from the ghetto.

As soon as people get into the middle class, or upper middle class. Families, you know a real life. Stuff to hope for. All this shit dies on.

I can guarantee you most of these right wing nationalistic cunt stains are no way in fucking shit part of that demographic. Just young and scared punks.

And all these ISIS and terrorist assholes, they are as much Muslim as is Roy Moore a fucking Christian,

If you can't separate the sub culture of fundamentalism from the body of Islam or Christianity or whatever then you're a fucking idiot that was never interested in "criticising" religion.

It's just a faux bullshit inner hate masquerading as an honest conviction for... what fucking race wars? Lol fucking so retro.


Yeah dude, no. I didn't really assign you as a racist. These people just so happen to be the current scape goat. I don't care for your religious criticism.

Just at your faux intellectualism based on a feedback loop of bullshit. Where you've now convinced yourself every Muslim is some fundamentalist asshole.

And again let me again, for the billionth time, you're only going to find fundamentalism in fucked up places, where dogma or irrationality reigns king.

Again its dominant in impoverished shit holes. All the articles you read that are based in some semblance of fact, is just tales from the ghetto.

As soon as people get into the middle class, or upper middle class. Families, you know a real life. Stuff to hope for. All this shit dies on.

I can guarantee you most of these right wing nationalistic cunt stains are no way in fucking shit part of that demographic. Just young and scared punks.

And all these ISIS and terrorist assholes, they are as much Muslim as is Roy Moore a fucking Christian,

If you can't separate the sub culture of fundamentalism from the body of Islam or Christianity or whatever then you're a fucking idiot that was never interested in "criticising" religion.

It's just a faux bullshit inner hate masquerading as an honest conviction for... what fucking race wars? Lol fucking so retro.

I am sorry but if you consider a country moderate in which it is haram for women to ride a Bicycle aka Iran I can not take you seriously anymore. If you take a country like Saudi Arabia in which women need a male guardian you are not moderate. If you rate a country moderate in which women need to wear a hajib and are not allowed to wear you are not moderate.



And no it has nothing to do with being poor or rich it has to do with the radicalization of Islam.


I am sorry but if you consider a country moderate in which it is haram for women to ride a Bicycle aka Iran I can not take you seriously anymore. If you take a country like Saudi Arabia in which women need a male guardian you are not moderate. If you rate a country moderate in which women need to wear a hajib and are not allowed to wear you are not moderate.



And no it has nothing to do with being poor or rich it has to do with the radicalization of Islam.

Wel, Irans descent into a islamic theocracy is our bad.

Saudia Arabia is reforming slowly they are changing. But it's super hard because - these places are shit holes.

But I expect significant more moderate changes from SA. And if you paid attention to Iranian politics the last guy they elected was a reformer.

But if you're specifically talking about Muslims in the west, that kind of shit like I said already, only the poors are like that. The same with the white nationalists.

Muslims can function in society I just gather you don't know any. Or are you the guy that's pretending he does. You all sound the same to me.



People regardless of religion commit mass crimes. You’re just singling out muslins because of your disdain for them. You know it and you can’t be a better person until you say that out loud.

As a gay person, all religions suck and use their religion an excuse to commit atrocities against gay people. It’s happening in Russia for example without the assistance of Islam, I assure you.
People regardless of religion commit mass crimes. You're just singling out muslins because of your disdain for them. You know it and you can't be a better person until you say that out loud.

As a gay person, all religions suck and use their religion an excuse to commit atrocities against gay people. It's happening in Russia for example without the assistance of Islam, I assure you.

I don't like any religious people who view me as less than them because of my sexuality/sexual identity

I don't like any non religious people who view me as less than them because of my sexuality/sexual identity

I'm happy to admit that, seeing as there is regular videos of isis throwing gay people off buildings they have my current ire.

The was a disgusting video a year or so ago of two men holding hands walking through Mockba and the hate they experienced so I am aware of Russias views...hence my never going there (and my taking a direct flight from Australia to Europe to avoid the middle east.)


People regardless of religion commit mass crimes. You’re just singling out muslins because of your disdain for them. You know it and you can’t be a better person until you say that out loud.

As a gay person, all religions suck and use their religion an excuse to commit atrocities against gay people. It’s happening in Russia for example without the assistance of Islam, I assure you.

Eh it has probably more to do with not being ok with importing massmurder and no "we already have bad people here so its ok if we import more lolol" its not an argument its idiocy.


Eh it has probably more to do with not being ok with importing massmurder and no "we already have bad people here so its ok if we import more lolol" its not an argument its idiocy.

Oh I'm pretty sure in terms of mass murder. We're the number 1 exporters when it comes to this fight man. By many many times over.

If you're going to talk about deaths and murders in the west due to fundamentalist Islam.


Murders committed by the West unto Islam.

Get out with that shit. We wipe out villages all the time. Shady intel oh well move on.

Mass fucking murder he says. Such a loose grip on reality.

Then after a few decades of perpetual war in the middle east cunts like yourself have the fucking gall to whine about refugees. And this big scary ISIS. Trust me guy, our KDA eclipses ISIS x100. Even more. So save your utter drek.

Same thing I'm saying about these war hawks about N.Korea.

Before you start going to war with N.Korea I say, as long as you will take responsibility for the refugees, otherwise don't fucking bother.

Oh no let the neighbour countries deal with it. Bravo.

Devoid of personal responsibility. It's the same tired barely nuanced understanding of reality.

Fucking "exporters" of murder. Dude of ISIS were fucking us as much as we fuck that mid east region you would of checked yourself out of existence due to it being "too hard".

Look at your strain of fucking accountability.

Goes to war in the mid East for decades..... cries about mid east refugees.

Don't spend trillions and trillions of treasure into fucking over a region for near 20 years and have the audacity to cry about refugees. You fucking weirdo.

You're a fucking weirdo where you can't grasp basic shit like responsibility and accountability. But I guess that's the whole point. Escapism.


Oh I'm pretty sure in terms of mass murder. We're the number 1 exporters when it comes to this fight man. By many many times over.

If you're going to talk about deaths and murders in the west due to fundamentalist Islam.


Murders committed by the West unto Islam.

Get out with that shit. We wipe out villages all the time. Shady intel oh well move on.

Mass fucking murder he says. Such a loose grip on reality.

Then after a few decades of perpetual war in the middle east cunts like yourself have the fucking gall to whine about refugees. And this big scary ISIS. Trust me guy, our KDA eclipses ISIS x100. Even more. So save your utter drek.

Same thing I'm saying about these war hawks about N.Korea.

Before you start going to war with N.Korea I say, as long as you will take responsibility for the refugees, otherwise don't fucking bother.

Oh no let the neighbour countries deal with it. Bravo.

Devoid of personal responsibility. It's the same tired barely nuanced understanding of reality.

Fucking "exporters" of murder. Dude of ISIS were fucking us as much as we fuck that mid east region you would of checked yourself out of existence due to it being "too hard".

Being a fucking moron and ignoring the rise of radicalize youth in Europe is either stupidity on your part or you are for it. Either way you are a idiot in both cases you idiot.
Naive idiots like you are already responsible for a mountain of corpses, thousands of raped women and children and the spread of radicalization on borderline the entire European continent just as the right predicted 3 years ago, this is 100% entirely on people like you.
And people like you still think you have a moral high ground, egotistical maniacs with no common sense thats what you are.


Gold Member
I am hopeful they can become moderates and not let religion dictate their lives. You already see that a lot with younger Muslims in general, it's mainly pressure from parents and whatnot.


Wel, Irans descent into a islamic theocracy is our bad.

Saudia Arabia is reforming slowly they are changing. But it's super hard because - these places are shit holes.

But I expect significant more moderate changes from SA. And if you paid attention to Iranian politics the last guy they elected was a reformer.

But if you're specifically talking about Muslims in the west, that kind of shit like I said already, only the poors are like that. The same with the white nationalists.

Muslims can function in society I just gather you don't know any. Or are you the guy that's pretending he does. You all sound the same to me.

There is a difference between not liking gay people and outlaw homosexuality or even kill people for them. And no this does not only happen in poor families. It happens everywhere. And it happens because of radical teachings in mosques. Thats why I said we need to abolish mosques with Arabic and Turkish financing and build new ones,

I am hopeful they can become moderates and not let religion dictate their lives. You already see that a lot with younger Muslims in general, it's mainly pressure from parents and whatnot.
That is not true the youth is getting more and mroe radical because of the teachings they recieve. Of course its all in Arabic which makes it also hard to control.


Being a fucking moron and ignoring the rise of radicalize youth in Europe is either stupidity on your part or you are for it. Either way you are a idiot in both cases you idiot.
Naive idiots like you are already responsible for a mountain of corpses, thousands of raped women and children and the spread of radicalization on borderline the entire European continent just as the right predicted 3 years ago, this is 100% entirely on people like you.
And people like you still think you have a moral high ground, egotistical maniacs with no common sense thats what you are.

Yeah bro terrorists gonna terrorist. I don't even consider these bitches terrorists. It's low rent.

The only new radicalism I've seen is from these tiki torch wielding assholes like yourself. All these fucking weirdos with an empty vacuum they gotah fill with breitbarts easy answers. Your life is.shit because Muslims. Fucking so fucking sad. But it's persuasive and designed to persuade over to inform. It is effective in persuading terrified of life cowards mostly. Or those with a lot less than others. Not just $ but socially too.

There is no rise. The strain of terrorism they are doing is fucking basic and bullshit. More people die in the states due to so many other things that you don't seem at all concerned about. Since you seem to concerned about saving lives right?

Why not champion and put as much vigor into anti obesity? Obesity kills more Americans than fucking Islam does you fucking panzy coward. You're not grounded in reality anymore.

You believe what you like but have fun escaping reality via breitbart and drifting gently into mental illness.

The Suicide Prevention Hotline is the first advert in the_donald. That'll come in handy for you all.

There is no discussion about the tax plan on the_donald because it runs completely counter to programming. It's all bullshit designed to prey on the weak.

Just like yourself.

Now the IRA, now thats some real terrorists.

How many deaths from terrorism have we suffered from 9-11 until now guy? You must have those numbers if you sincerely gave a shit. Terrorist related attacks inside west europe and the usa + canada. The good guys.

IRA killed about 1,800 civs.

The IRA were running around London with RPGs. Nail bombs and whatever else.

A hysterical bitch like yourself would of hidden for years and years.

I worked it out for you.

6 per year. On average. Amazing. 6 per fucking year you low rent bitch.

6 per fucking year.


Yeah bro terrorists gonna terrorist. I don't even consider these bitches terrorists. It's low rent.

The only new radicalism I've seen is from these tiki torch wielding assholes like yourself. All these fucking weirdos with an empty vacuum they gotah fill with breitbarts easy answers. Your life is.shit because Muslims. Fucking so fucking sad. But it's persuasive and designed to persuade over to inform. It is effective in persuading terrified of life cowards mostly. Or those with a lot less than others. Not just $ but socially too.
Now the IRA, now thats some real terrorists.

"hurr durr alt right idiots wandering streets is just as bad as routine massmurder by jihadis no in fact its worse hurrhurhrdur"

"IRA is worse than spreading Islamic extremism on the entire European continent like we idiots out of nativity did!
Wait what do you mean with "the IRA ALREADY killed less,were less extreme, less spread and had less members?!?" lalala this doesn't count,i cant hear you lalalal"



"hurr durr alt right idiots wandering streets is just as bad as routine massmurder by jihadis no in fact its worse hurrhurhrdur"

"IRA is worse than spreading Islamic extremism on the entire European continent like we idiots out of nativity did!
Wait what do you mean with "they killed less,were less extreme, less spread and had less members?!?" lalala this doenst count, i cant hear you lalalal"


6 deaths per year. Stop posting random YouTube links you get no one clicks that shit right.

Go back to worrying about your 6 deaths a year.


You're a bunch of scared shitless kids. That escaped reality a very long time ago.


We have these ghettos but they are not whole cities but larger districts. In these distrcts talking german is rare. We have schools in which you have 90% of children with migration background and in there you have huge problems with language and religion.

But... where? I was told Köln Mülheim was "turkish" have never seen a person who doesn't speak German there.

Turkish classmates of my daughter speak German to each other.

Germany already did huge mistakes during the 90s with migrant workers and the gov did not learn about their mistakes at all. Handling so many refugees at one time was a huge mistake not only for the country but also for the refugees who are basically left alone.
"Gastarbeiter" mass immigration is from 60s.
Not sure I'm following.


6 deaths per year. Stop posting random YouTube links you get no one clicks that shit right.

Go back to worrying about your 6 deaths a year.

You pointed to IRA and I point out that the islamismus ALREADY killed more in Europe.
And this is your response?

Hahahahhhhahahhahahhahah duded hahahahahhahaah

"b..but not as bad as IRA!!"
"uh actually its faaar worse, inform yourself"
"yeah but since i was wrong this now doesnt count anymore"



You pointed to IRA and I point out that the islamismus ALREADY killed more in Europe.
And this is your response?

Hahahahhhhahahhahahhahah duded hahahahahhahaah

"b..but not as bad as IRA!!"
"uh actually its faaar worse, inform yourself"
"yeah but since i was wrong this now doesnt count anymore"


Knock knock, reality at the door. Figure out how to format a post son. The upsetting truth of reality.

Why don't you take up arms against, bicycling. It kills more Americans than terrorists. Be a true original, start your own racket up.

Let's deport heat waves. It's about time if you ask me. Dang, that police number looks high. But don't think about it too hard. It's all about not thinking about it too hard.


Knock knock, reality at the door. Figure out how to format a post son. The upsetting truth of reality.

Why don't you take up arms against, bicycling. It kills more Americans than terrorists. Be a true original, start your own racket up.

Damn you are soo stupid i live in Europe i know what is going on we had jihadis beheading people at work this later got declared as workplace violence out of pressure from the pc idiots, same with MULTIPLE incidents of jihadis driving into citizens.
So yeah keep your cleaned stats you idiot.
Its not just suddenly falling out of the sky that sweden stopped taking stats for rape cases and stopped looking at them in terms of groups.
Because holy shit if it doesn look bad right now for the swedish "feminist" gov.
And dont even get me started that jews already start fleeing Europe again from several "enriched" places and not because of some alt right morons walking the street, nope instead because of naive morons like you that had no problem importing antisemitism if it comes from islamic extremism for some reason. Weird isnt it?
So naive, so blind, so brainwashed so sad.. soooo sad.


6 deaths per year. Stop posting random YouTube links you get no one clicks that shit right.

Go back to worrying about your 6 deaths a year.


You're a bunch of scared shitless kids. That escaped reality a very long time ago.

Ah statistics that lump all causes of death together. Do you know that statistically people were safer in Syria in the middle of the civil war then in Germany ?
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