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New Tomb Raiders screenshots - You'll want to protect her

VGA's + A trailer showing very little combat and focus on exploration and platforming = does not fempute.

You're probably right. It's a shame isnce they keep talking about these hubs that they haven't shown, and actual tomb elements, but they've yet to show any of it. They just keep showing these action packed sequences that aren't doing much of anything for fans of the series.

Like I said before, I'd love to be proven wrong and the PS3 version turns out great. I'd gladly eat crow if that was the case.

I'd actually be more confident in the PS3 version if they'd come out and say that they were letting Nixxes handle the port. It's one of the only times that i'd have more faith in an outsourced port.

Ranger X

How can I check pictures that in quotes in full size? This is really annoying when pictures are already quoted the first time they are posted. Especially if I need to re-quote and click links, this is ridiculous.


Like I said before, I'd love to be proven wrong and the PS3 version turns out great. I'd gladly eat crow if that was the case.

What worries me is how everything seen has been 360 so far, indicating that's the lead sku. On PS3 Underworld was missing the cool motion blur that the 360 version had. Plus it had a more stable framerate. They also clearly just brought over the 360 game pad layout from 360, and while that works great with the 360 pad's triggers with the PS3 triggers....not so much.

Having a PS3 only, I'm no stranger to getting weaker versions of games but the differences are smaller nowadays. Hell, Black Ops 2 improved over BO1 as far as framerate. Especially MP where it really counts, it's neck and neck with the 360. So anything's possible.

Why you are so skeptical? 30 fps game on ps3 hardly sucks in the porting, I don't have recent memory of so terrible porting after... Blops 2. & you said to find it acceptable. O_O If for you Blops2 is worth, hardly could be that worse. Tomb Raider is an important ip, I don't think Core screw it on ps3. Jeez I'm not want to become a jinx now just for that.


I mean it's possible they're hiding all the parts that are like Tomb Raider behind closed doors for the right time, but at this point it'd be better if they showed such things sooner rather than later because the impression they have left from all interviews, gameplay demos and hands-on is that this is a high octane action game in the Uncharted style with some stylistic flairs and little deviations (with the hunting shit/leveling up shit, for example) but which in no way has any remote connection to the Tomb Raider franchise as was.

And if you're a Tomb Raider fan, that is indeed a disappointing thing.

And it's not about being "change averse" either. Lara Croft: Guardian of Light was a spectacular game in all ways, and has a huge fanbase on neoGAF and elsewhere. I love it too. So being different is fine. But one, Lara Croft was clearly not supposed to be the next-in-line in the main franchise. And two, it still clearly understood elements that were important to the TR franchise even in that re-imagining. From my demo hands-on, I got the impression that this team didn't understand a single thing about what made the franchise appealing originally.


You dont announce a Tomb Raider game and then not show anything Tomb Raider. Its not like we are asking for much, either. Platforming, puzzle solving, open and explorable levels with a focus on adventure over action.

This game might have that but they have done nothing to show it.
Well there's one shot there with the statues that looks like maybe, just *maybe* a puzzle of some kind. Maybe setting light to a door is a puzzle too!


Why you are so skeptical? 30 fps game on ps3 hardly sucks in the porting, I don't have recent memory of so terrible porting after... Blops 2. & you said to find it acceptable. O_O If for you Blops2 is worth, hardly could be that worse. Tomb Raider is an important ip, I don't think Core screw it on ps3. Jeez I'm not want to become a jinx now just for that.
Just keeping expectations in check. Underworld was back in 2008 and things have gotten better, to be fair. If the PS3 version turns out great I'd be pleasantly surprised. Being from the same house that brought us the latest Hitman game (and that turned out well I've heard) I'd be pretty happy to learn that this has also turned out well.

Even though this game doesn't seem to play the same as previous Tomb Raider games I'm still willing to give it a shot as long as it turns out well. I still would love a Tomb Raider game in the same vein as the older titles. The fact that the character can't swim when she was able to do that since the first game gives me a "huh?" vibe. Such a weird thing to take out, seeing as she's on an island anyway?


Are you all suffering from impaired vision or something? The polygons, textures, aliasing - everything looks absolutely terrible.

You know what, it's stupid comments like this that piss me off, have you seen the game running with your own eyes? Are you actually judging the game based on some screenshots? Who are you to question my vision or the vision of others. Screenshots are just there to give you an idea of what the game looks like because these days it's all horrible bull shots anyway.

The game looks FINE, trust me I've played all the major games and Tomb Raider is one of the better looking games on the market as far as consoles go. Suggesting everything looks terrible is just plain idiotic on your part, the Xbox 360 is seven years old so what the hell were you expecting?

I would prefer if you didn't respond to my reply, I can't tell you how little I care for your tone. If you have an opinion then bring it forth and be smart about your choice of words. Moron judges game based on screenshots, very poorly done mate.
You know what, it's stupid comments like this that piss me off, have you seen the game running with your own eyes? Are you actually judging the game based on some screenshots? Who are you to question my vision or the vision of others. Screenshots are just there to give you an idea of what the game looks like because these days it's all horrible bull shots anyway.

The game looks FINE, trust me I've played all the major games and Tomb Raider is one of the better looking games on the market as far as consoles go. Suggesting everything looks terrible is just plain idiotic on your part, the Xbox 360 is seven years old so what the hell were you expecting?

I would prefer if you didn't respond to my reply, I can't tell you how little I care for your tone. If you have an opinion then bring it forth and be smart about your choice of words. Moron judges game based on screenshots, very poorly done mate.
You seem 'close' to the game. Tell me about the environmental puzzles. Please.


You know what, it's stupid comments like this that piss me off, have you seen the game running with your own eyes?

Yes, I've seen many of their released trailers.

Are you actually judging the game based on some screenshots?

Yes, I am judging the technical aspects of the game. That is one of the things that PR-intended screenshots are supposed to, i.e. convey information about aspects of a game.

Who are you to question my vision or the vision of others.

Well, I think I am allowed to point out when people fail to notice somewhat obvious graphical deficiencies.

Screenshots are just there to give you an idea of what the game looks like because these days it's all horrible bull shots anyway.

I'm glad that they didn't releas bullshots. I'm glad that they are honest. Too bad that the textures, the aliasing, and the geometry in those screenshots are really subpar compared to temporary AAA console games. For example, the texture of the walkie-talkie or her white shirt - it's incredibly lacking for something as imposing in the overall visual frame of the shots and/or gameplay.

The game looks FINE, trust me I've played all the major games and Tomb Raider is one of the better looking games on the market as far as consoles go. Suggesting everything looks terrible is just plain idiotic on your part, the Xbox 360 is seven years old so what the hell were you expecting?

I expect what is considered standard geometry, adequate resolution textures, and occasionally a bit of anti-aliasing (although the latter is not the norm). The shots in the OP are not very good in these aspect.

I would prefer if you didn't respond to my reply, I can't tell you how little I care for your tone. If you have an opinion then bring it forth and be smart about your choice of words. Moron judges game based on screenshots, very poorly done mate.

Whoa there. Ease up. I'm judging the graphics, not the gameplay. In which part of my post did I mention anything about gameplay? Nothing. So I fail to see how I am a "moron that judges game based on screenshots".

I think you're too invested in this game, since you have such a problem with taking criticism of some technical aspects of a game.


Xav's hyperventilating over Tomb Raider criticism is cute, but it'd be better if instead of having a panic attack every time someone criticized his sacred cow, he'd go on to describe how they're wrong instead of just saying 'what you are saying pisses me off, and the reason it does is because I say it does! You say the graphics are bad? Well they are good, I've played many games in my day and this is one of the best looking ones! Morons, the lot o' you!'

Xav is not progressing his cause.


How can I check pictures that in quotes in full size? This is really annoying when pictures are already quoted the first time they are posted. Especially if I need to re-quote and click links, this is ridiculous.

Click and hold to get a bigger view or open the image in a new tab.


The game looks shit. Can I be apart of your cool club now?



i don't care if you jerk off over pictures of Lara Croft or throw darts at images of Tomb Raider; but for the love of christ do something better than whine when someone doesn't fit into your worldview. Trying to say that "GAF" irrationally hates the game (as if GAF has a hivemind) or that people don't have plenty of legitimate criticisms... and then trying to hide behind some dribble to defend it ("omg, like, I've played ALL the beautiful games and this one is one of the most beautiful! Have you played all the beautiful games?" and "I have actually PLAYED the Tomb Raider demo, thank you very much, I bet all you sniveling bitches have not done such an enlightened activity as that, no sir!") is not going to advance the cause.

Tomb Raider fans want Tomb Raider.


And i haven't seen one since 12 years ago.

Underworld was very Tomb Raider. It still had plenty of room to get improved (camera work, combat still), but it was heavy puzzle, platform emphasis with tomb exploration at center. A few little flourishes in between.

That is Tomb Raider. So was Anniversary for that matter. Legend was a little awkward though.
I finished Legend and restarted Anniversary since I got sidetracked years ago so I can play Underworld. If it isn't awesome I will hold "GAF" responsible.


Gold Member
i don't know... looks okay to me, but i just keep getting an 'angel of darkness 2' type feeling from what's been said & shown (as in, i'm not sure the developers themselves really know what they're up to with this)...


I finished Legend and restarted Anniversary since I got sidetracked years ago so I can play Underworld. If it isn't awesome I will hold "GAF" responsible.

GAF has no universal consensus on Underworld (or any other game), although from what I recall few people said it was 'awesome.'

I think it's worth playing, with caveats. But it is very much Tomb Raider.


The game looks shit. Can I be apart of your cool club now?


Good post. Especially after your personal attack earlier.

[quote="Glass Rebel, post: 45030651"]I finished Legend and restarted Anniversary since I got sidetracked years ago so I can play Underworld. If it isn't awesome I will hold "GAF" responsible.[/QUOTE]

Well, at least you can actually swim in that game.
Seriously I need a link to the "protect Her" thing it's so annoying to see it without the context

"When people play Lara, they don't really project themselves into the character," Rosenberg told me at E3 last week when I asked if it was difficult to develop for a female protagonist.

"They're more like 'I want to protect her.' There's this sort of dynamic of 'I'm going to this adventure with her and trying to protect her.'"


It's still annoying even when you know where it came from. Largely because people feel the need to repeat it over and over in every TR thread.
Can we stop getting on people's cases for coming to judgments based upon released media? They release media to get us to make judgments about the game, and those can be positive and negative.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Weapon mods in Tomb Raider? I dunnnnnoooooo. Starting to look like a third-person Far Cry 3 (but more linear) with Uncharted mechanics, and I don't want that from Tomb Raider.

Still giving the game a chance though.


The fact they made the platforming automated ala Uncharted is the single most annoying thing about it.

They did that before Uncharted with TRLegend.

Underworld was very Tomb Raider. It still had plenty of room to get improved (camera work, combat still), but it was heavy puzzle, platform emphasis with tomb exploration at center. A few little flourishes in between.

That is Tomb Raider. So was Anniversary for that matter. Legend was a little awkward though.

None of Crystal's TR games were "TR" to me.Magnetic platforming,extremely linear levels(with very few exceptions),white ledges all over the place,embarrassingly easy puzzles,slow-mo gimmicks,and a stupid emphasis on overdramatic characterization (OMG i killed a hyman being boohoo lets kill a hundred more or where is my mommy) they were nothing like the Tomb Raider games i used to love.

As i said in a previous post Core's Tomb Raider games were built around gameplay (up until Chronicles) while Crystal's TR games were built around story and characterization.They seem obssesed ever since Legend to turn this series into some kind hollywood movies and from the looks of things with the upcoming game they have now pulled all the stops into making it one.
So when exactly is this game coming out? Shit was announced ages ago. They can't be spending too much time on graphics because those textures look like hot ass.


Legend wasn't really all that challenging. A bit too fast-paced and short for a Tomb Raider game but I found it fun.

Yeah i mean it was ok, it just felt like a step back after they were slowly bringing Tomb Raider back into the light.

Ok, I seem to remember the game looking better than what these pics are showing.

What the fuck did they do?

In Tomb Raider's defense, it really does look like a pretty good PS360 gen title in action. Presumably the game won't look worse than it does in alpha demos upon release, so I'm not too worried about the visuals.

But that's all the defense this crap will muster from me :p

Can we stop getting on people's cases for coming to judgments based upon released media? They release media to get us to make judgments about the game, and those can be positive and negative.

I never understood that either. And they never complain about judgments as long as those judgments are positive! Funny how that works!

sublimit said:
None of Crystal's TR games were "TR" to me.Magnetic platforming,extremely linear levels(with very few exceptions),white ledges all over the place,embarrassingly easy puzzles,slow-mo gimmicks,and a stupid emphasis on overdramatic characterization (OMG i killed a hyman being boohoo lets kill a hundred more or where is my mommy) they were nothing like the Tomb Raider games i used to love.

I honestly hardly remember anything about the stories in those games, hardly seemed a focus at all. I definitely remember the exploration, the puzzles and the tombs, which while not precisely series highs certainly enjoyed the spirit of the series. You won't get an argument out of me vis-a-vis difficulty, since that remains the issue I have with the newer games, but in no way can I define them as anything other than the way a modernized Tomb Raider game would be.


The visuals don't look very good, but perhaps there are larger levels they haven't shown yet, which would require this nerfed look for the sake of consistency. I don't know; I'm assuming the reboot runs on an engine that is an evolution of TRU. While the levels aren't huge, certain parts of Underworld look pretty impressive in 2008. On the PC version of TRU, you could run PIX to debug the shaders, and there were like 10 texture samplers per shader on most environmental objects. Just to give an idea of shader complexity in the game; though, I bet there's valid argument about inefficiency.

As for the colour palette, it would be wasted potential if they don't change it up drastically during the day or during sunrise/sunset. Or even in 'tomb' levels, where the devs could go nuts with the fiction aspect and it doesn't have to be all turd brown.


I was really in support of the reboot when it was first announced. Early on in written form it sounded so cool. With the more open hubs and the gear gating. I like Lara's design. Since they weren't even talking about combat early on, surely the focus was where it should be: on platforming and puzzles. Now here we are a year and a half later with about an hour of footage shown and there is so little platforming that it is troubling and the little that is there isn't reassuring. My only hope is that as part of the PR disaster this game is, that they have just chosen to not show us the platforming (and since we haven't seen much of the hubs or the tombs as I'd imagine them maybe they are there). Still seems like a longshot.

And for whatever it is worth. I love Uncharted. But I don't want TR to be that. We have Uncharted. And we have like 12 other games coming out that look to be taking inspiration from that series. What we don't have is anything like TR. Even if you think the CD games are a step down from the early games, what is out there in this sort of realistic platformer/adventure subgenre that is as good as Anniversary or Underworld now (I admit Underworld has issues, but still has some cool platforming, how do I get from point A to B kind of stuff)? Prince of Persia has gone on a long hiatus because (I assume) AC sells so much. That's why it is so important for me to keep TR focused on platforming and puzzles the way it has always been. Besides the simple fact that I want TR to be like TR which should honestly be enough. I could see this game the way it looks to be fun enough of a game, but as a TR game I am worried.

This seems a little off-topic given its a screenshot thread, but hey sometimes you need to vent.


In Tomb Raider's defense, it really does look like a pretty good PS360 gen title in action. Presumably the game won't look worse than it does in alpha demos upon release, so I'm not too worried about the visuals.
And I already have it bought and paid for on PC (EEK)
GAF has no universal consensus on Underworld (or any other game), although from what I recall few people said it was 'awesome.'

I think it's worth playing, with caveats. But it is very much Tomb Raider.

It was just a joke on the overused "GAF hivemind" meme.

As someone who has only played Tomb Raider 2 (and didn't enjoy it because of the controls) I actually liked Legend besides story, length and combat. The puzzles were decent, nothing special. Anniversary seems to be much more up my alley and when I tried out Underworld earlier this week I thought that the first level (after the mansion) was pretty cool, especially how you get there. Pretty game as well.

I have mixed feelings about this reboot. I'm happy that they've improved the combat (IMO) but I'm not too thrilled to play a game that is 90% shooter. Unlike most critics in the Tomb Raider threads though I chose to believe that it'll be more balanced and not just Uncharted with boobs. I've mentioned in the other thread that judging a game based on its available material is fair but we still have to keep in mind that PR material doesn't always paint an accurate picture of a game. I hope we'll see more of the game around the VGAs so we actually have new information to discuss instead of circling around the same issues since E3.

The "protect her" jokes have reached dangerously annoying levels though.

Well, at least you can actually swim in that game.

You can in this one as well. There's just no water. /trollface


I respectfully dissagree. :)

how DARE you respectfully disagree! You...you MONSTER! ;)

Seriously, I'm with you most of the way in terms of where the series needs to get to (again). I don't want ledges which are clearly defined, and I want more open ended tombs which take some figuring out to decide where you need to go in order to solve the puzzles required to open some door somewhere (And lots of traps!). And a heavy dose of difficulty increase is certainly most desired.

But I feel like even though it was a more directed TR experience, it still felt like it had the formula in hand. It felt like, to me, I was still playing Tomb Raider. When I played the NYCC 2012 demo of this latest TR, it felt nothing like TR. it felt like a foreign virus had corrupted everything about the series until there was nothing left :(
i just want them to put me in a big tomb like the first 3 games, and let me die OVER and OVER again.

like seriously that's what the best part about the old games were. every jump felt like your last, like you could die at any moment.

how is it so hard to do this?


i just want them to put me in a big tomb like the first 3 games, and let me die OVER and OVER again.

like seriously that's what the best part about the old games were. every jump felt like your last, like you could die at any moment.

how is it so hard to do this?





god i miss OG Tomb Raider dying
You can in this one as well. There's just no water. /trollface
Ok, you got me with this one :) Well done.

i just want them to put me in a big tomb like the first 3 games, and let me die OVER and OVER again.

like seriously that's what the best part about the old games were. every jump felt like your last, like you could die at any moment.

how is it so hard to do this?
I remember those days. Finally clamboring up to the top of some underground cliffside and seeing what may have been a rocky cubby hole in the distance. Was it really a cubby hole? Could there be treasure in there? A health pack? Something? Well, its worth exploring but how the hell do I get over there? CAN I even get over there? Maybe.... Maybe I can slide down and do a double jump just before falling off the cliff, and maybe, just maybe I can shimmy along that bit there and do a side jump and if my timing is right I should be able to make the grab. Maybe. Well, here goes nothing...

THAT is what I miss. That and making the jump and finding out it truly was worthwhile.

But is that too much to ask of players nowadays? To go somewhere the game doesn't need to you to go?




god i miss OG Tomb Raider dying

I LOVED that crunch noise as Lara hit the floor. So brutal.

Can't they just put out their lame brown sequels out as retail releases and make true successors to the first 3 games on PSN and Xbox Live or something? Would make everyone happy.


Master of the Google Search
I'm still shaking my head at the buxom figurine they're including with the limited edition.

I think this disastrous PR sage this game has gone through can be mostly summed up as a "lack of perspective" (from the marketing team, mostly).


Terrible color palette. I understand sometimes you want to limit your palette for dramatic effect etc but it just looks awful here.
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