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The Last of Us trailer + preorder goodies + boxart + multiplayer confirmed

Uncharted 2 was 12-hour long game. I believe in the Neil/Bruce wonder duo.

Well, we'll see, it's definitely not as linear as Uncharted but I don't see us exploring an entire village either. :p
I dunno, wasn't the reception to the village section of UC2 what spurred them to create this game? We will see
Jesus. A MP mode where resources are ridiculously low, stealth is encouraged, and where you have to scavenge janky shit from the environment to get that pathetically small-but-desperate advantage on your opponents could be so fucking intense. Rushers in most shooters can simply be mowed down but what happens when they're rushing you with a 2x4 and you only have two shots left in your revolver? D :

Then you miss both shots OH GOD THROW THE GUN. Quick turn in an attempt to sprint away only to see someone tossing a molotov cocktail he's put together after searching through the map for loot. You dodge into a room leaving your would-be assailant to get roasted only to be stealth killed by someone holding a shard of glass who was watching the whole thing happen from inside a closet.

It's a hard life in TLoU multiplayer.*

*Not indicative of actual TLoU multiplayer, this is just crazy fan speculation. Adjust your expectations for shootbangs with friends + CoD style perks and upgrades
Multiplayer needs to be some literal Last Man Standing. Broken-bottle fights, loot options, one health pack in the whole area, and using the environments for the advantage.

Nobody will give two shits about it if it's Everybody Gets Guns and Lots of Ammo with arena maps. They'll go back to Black Ops II for that.
While I love playing Last Man Standing style multiplayer with only one life each, I also think a Last Man Standing where you have multiple (but limited) lives would also work. However there definitely needs to be a limit on how many times you can spawn or else people will just go crazy rushing everyone and it will lose that survival element the game is trying to build.

Imagine for multiplayer you are split into teams and everyone starts with nothing but their fists. Everyone then begins to explore and scavenge for glass bottles, bricks, pipes, whatever they can find. The maps are a larger than your typical map for the player count so that you're not always bumping into someone. All these items would be randomly hidden around the map so after a week it doesn't become a rush from the gate to the best items. Some places could perhaps require help from a teammate to reach. No regenerative health, everyone has a life bar and it's extremely fragile so you have to be cautious. Very rarely someone may stumble upon a gun, but it would have just a few shots and wouldn't be guaranteed that a gun appears each match. Similarly someone could stumble upon a med pack. Then perhaps to increase the risk have some locations potentially occupied by the infected (having them be AI). Over a few matches on any particular map you'd then learn that some locations have a good chance of having a good item but are also more likely infected. If you get killed by one of them, you'd then respawn as one of them and all the surviving players would look identical so theirs no bias in who you attack.

Or maybe even do something non-traditional. Get out of that arena feel for multiplayer. Drop you and one or more teammates into a location and give you a goal to accomplish. Find something, get somewhere, just something that you must do. Then drop another group of players into the same location and give them a different goal. The catch is none of these goals would require killing players from the other group. Essentially what you have is two co-op missions going on by two different groups of players that just happen to be in the same place. You may not encounter the other group of players, but if you do you have a choice to make. You can either play it safe and move along or engage, if you kill them you can loot them but if you die you lose everything. And if you complete the mission successfully everything you had scavenged would carry with you to your next mission, so there's a lot of risk going in to engage someone but also a lot of potential reward.

Naughty Dog could really make this multiplayer extremely tense and keep that survival theme going strong. I'm excited to hear how they decided to approach this.


Posted on 10 December, 2012 at 8:37 am by hayzink

this will be something i buy because im interested in the story but i have a few questions.

how is the game going to play? is it like uncharted where you have open action sequences combined with more scripted fights and scripted platforming?

is survival an element to the actual gameplay or just the story, will we have to collect things in order to survive?

basically to sum it up what stops this just basically playing like uncharted?


(i like uncharted before anyone asks)

Posted on 10 December, 2012 at 11:03 am by Arne Meyer

Thanks for being an Uncharted amd Naughty Dog fan! I’ll try to answer your questions as best we can right now. We’e released a few videos showing gameplay and we probably will in the future. We’ve called this game an *action* survival game for a reason – because we are making an action game first and foremost. The survival aspect comes in many forms – regarding collecting items, if you saw our E3 gameplay or the additional sequence we released in August, you’ll see that picking up items allow you to craft other items for offensive (molotov cocktail) or defensive (bandages) purposes. There are, of course, other items you can craft as well. The Last of Us is still very much a unique game becuase we are trying to make an action survival game – there are parts where the pacing is slower and a lot more tense than other parts of the game.



Jesus. A MP mode where resources are ridiculously low, stealth is encouraged, and where you have to scavenge janky shit from the environment to get that pathetically small-but-desperate advantage on your opponents could be so fucking intense. Rushers in most shooters can simply be mowed down but what happens when they're rushing you with a 2x4 and you only have two shots left in your revolver? D :

This sounds too cool, I doubt the real MP will live up to this though.

Edit:Just watched the high quality version of the VGA trailer and I noticed loads of jaggies, also that city section looked sort of bad. Kinda wish it was a next-gen game now.
No CE? Though if there is one, it'll just be a statue. But I want my steel cases!!! Not many games offer this.

+ mafia28 on December 9th, 2012 at 8:07 pm said:
Nice the game looks really good, is there any chance for a collector’s edition?
Thanks and continue the great work!

+ Arne Meyer on December 9th, 2012 at 10:30 pm said:
Still working out if we will have a collector’s edition or not. Keep your fingers crossed!



It will require some combination of these two. Also, the back cover will require Ellie to now be 25 and looking like a buxom model.

Please utilize orange and blue as primary colours. They ranked the highest in our survey.

Well done.

As for MP, I'll never touch it, but the single player will be played through to completion multiple times.


Well... if they're doing MP I hope (if it's meant to just be like UC MP as I'm thinking it is) they stick to the basics ala UC2 MP and not UC3 MP; where there's a clusterfuck of nonsense everywhere.

Other than that, still deciding if I want this game or not. It looks cool but... I have no clue how things are really going to add up now. Still waiting and seeing for that "must have" moment lol.
"Not ready to talk about Multiplayer"; *Reveals multiplayer preorder bonus.*

Yes, ladies and gentleman; this is the generation where preorder bonuses show up before any other news does.

From the looks of it, it has the same features as Uncharted Multiplayer. Not sure if I like that or not considering the disappointment that was Uncharted 3.
Man facial expressions are seriously impressive:

eh, it looks really impressive in the quick cut during the trailer, but watching it now repeatedly like that, it's not that good imo, the 3d model is really impressive, but the animation actually looks unfinished, his eyebrows are not moving at all, which is not possible when you're shouting like Joel did in the trailer.

whatever, I'm sure it'll get better when release, ND does that all the time

edit: hmm maybe I sit too close to my monitor when I first saw the gif, now that I sit back, it looks better and that stiff forehead is less apparent/distracting.


Naughty Dog's talented animators shitting all over facial motion capture. That's all done by hand. It's really something.

Well FWIW, i remember thinking the same thing playing Silent Hill 2, with Sato shitting on facial motion capture against hand-made animations, in the making of.
Haven't posted on here for a while, but just wanted to say directly to the team working on this (I know you're reading this!) that I'm VERY impressed by everything I've seen so far and that I can't wait to get my hands on the game.

Really excited about the multiplayer as well. I hope to see something very different from Uncharted though. And hopefully SOME form of co-op. That would be amazing.
Great boxart, I'm surprised is so brown considering how lush the game's infested forestry is, though. It does set a mood, however.

Multiplayer was confirmed a long time ago. Hope they make it very survival-y, and tactical, like SOCOM:

-No health regen, unless by pickups or creating your own health with scattered items (it would take time o
-No respawn (round based)
-Reliant on stealth/sound
-Very few bullets, scavenge map for weapons and ammo (like Halo, but more survival-y)
-Flesh out that buddy system they introduced in UC3's horribly watered down MP

Maybe even have some nifty gameplay mechanics like everyone carries a small pack of health they can use once per round (requiring time to pull out and apply) or transfer to teammates. Would be even better if you could target limbs, resulting in crippling, which could be healed via pickups and teamwork, via that buddy system idea they half-assed in UC3.

MP games these days focus too much on throwing perks at you and senselessly running and gunning. Here's a chance to bring back slow, methodical gameplay that brings with it its own intensity. Search and Destroy in COD4 and SOCOM's multiplayer has always been intense and exciting, as well as tactical and heart pounding. I truly hope they go this route

UC2 MP was great, let's hope they redeem themselves with an amazing Multiplayer for TLoU

What do you guys expect/want it to be like?

I'm 99% positive there will be the stuff that casuals/most people want, i.e. deathmatch, some capture the flag mode, some horde mode, whatever. There'll be no regen health as that doesn't go with the core of the product.

What I see is plenty of modes being offered. I really would like to see something like Day Z mode, perma death and you really need your group to survive. Die and you start over from zero, with a new character.
Somewhere, an alternate world, ND is selling both MP and SP separately.

$60 SP and free to play multiplayer. multiplayer in most game is basically just a ploy to keep people from selling the game and opportunity to get cheap dlc money anyway. no way a stand alone single player for $30/$40 gonna cover the cost of making the single player content.


As a big fan of the pre-1.05 U2 MP, I understand that the MP mode in this game can be nothing like that simply because the appeal from original U2 MP came from the fact that you could take a ton of damage and the challenge in the game came from out-thinking your opponents and using the map layout to your advantage (setting up traps, sneaking around obvious ambushes, legitimate teamwork and map coordination). However, for TLoU, they can't retain that model of low damage bullets because it runs counter-intuitive to the concepts of the setting. In fact, guns shouldn't really play much of a role at all if they want to retain the cat and mouse aspects of the game. The only projectiles should be thrown ones like bricks and the like that simply stun your opponent momentarily allowing you to get up close and personal. Of course, the melee combat needs to be extremely good for this to work correctly. The map design also needs to be really stellar. I want this game to not be about who sees who first, but about who can best react to dangerous situations and use the map to their advantage, whether it be to quickly escape from danger or to set up an ambush. Even then, if I do get surprised, there needs to be a way for me to react to it and see if I can then outplay my opponent.


As someone who really loved DayZ (at least 300 hours in), I really don't want to see anything like that because most of the time the game was extremely boring. Once you've become familiar with the map, it loses all of its appeal for the most part.


eh, it looks really impressive in the quick cut during the trailer, but watching it now repeatedly like that, it's not that good imo, the 3d model is really impressive, but the animation actually looks unfinished, his eyebrows are not moving at all, which is not possible when you're shouting like Joel did in the trailer.

whatever, I'm sure it'll get better when release, ND does that all the time

edit: hmm maybe I sit too close to my monitor when I first saw the gif, now that I sit back, it looks better and that stiff forehead is less apparent/distracting.

They do move, infact the shader actually changes to reflect the skin moving.

It's very subtle but obvious once slowed down:

Like i said before it manages to be realistic but stylized enough not to appear creepy/uncanny, yet despite some cartoony-ness to some expressions (the sitting dude, when you see a hand picking up a machete) they can be very subtle about it, like in this case, which is good.


Somewhere, an alternate world, ND is selling both MP and SP separately.

That would be awesome. Never touched the multiplayer in Uncharted either. Will never touch multiplayer in God of War. Would be great if i could just buy the single player.


eh, it looks really impressive in the quick cut during the trailer, but watching it now repeatedly like that, it's not that good imo, the 3d model is really impressive, but the animation actually looks unfinished, his eyebrows are not moving at all, which is not possible when you're shouting like Joel did in the trailer.

whatever, I'm sure it'll get better when release, ND does that all the time

edit: hmm maybe I sit too close to my monitor when I first saw the gif, now that I sit back, it looks better and that stiff forehead is less apparent/distracting.

They are moving, you can see his brow furrow.

It's image shows a wide shot of the first area from the E3 demo from a vantage point that was never shown in the demo. Possibly the first indication of being able to explore off the main path?
I hope they don't do a beta. Naughty Dog have released a fantastic multiplayer experience on their first try two times now. Both Uncharted 2 and 3 were sooooooo much better in their beta states compared to the final product they released. It's just obvious ND listen to the wrong people in the beta community and do all the wrong things with the feedback
The boxart is really nice, and the preorder bonuses are cool. I'm really hoping that a Collector's Edition is in the works, because I would be all over that.


I hope they don't do a beta. Naughty Dog have released a fantastic multiplayer experience on their first try two times now. Both Uncharted 2 and 3 were sooooooo much better in their beta states compared to the final product they released. It's just obvious ND listen to the wrong people in the beta community and do all the wrong things with the feedback

Eh, U2 had its fair share of problems in its beta phase. It was awesome and continuously improving for five months after release. Unfortunately, after all that time, they decided to completely change the way the game was played in February, which made no sense.


Eh, U2 had its fair share of problems in its beta phase. It was awesome and continuously improving for five months after release. Unfortunately, after all that time, they decided to completely change the way the game was played in February, which made no sense.

UC3 beta was best beta. :< The speed, the feedback, it was all great.
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