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E3 Hype Begins.... Who Really Needs to Bring It Hard This E3?


Nintendo should validate the Wii U and announce at least one or two strong first party 3DS games.

Sony should unveil more Vita games and remind people how strong the PS3 is in 2013. Maybe show off another exclusive, price drop, etc.

Microsoft needs to show the most for 2013 in general, considering their release schedule.

Both Sony & Microsoft have equal need to show off new hardware for different reasons though. Sony needs the PS4 out there so they don't have a year deficit on the competition again (one they overcame this generation by the skin of their teeth) and Microsoft wants to stay ahead of the curve as much as possible.


Wait, isn't Guillermo Del Toro's game supposed to be out this year?

Not that I expect it to be any good but the monster design will be cool, hopefully we get to see that at E3


not a medical professional
Bring J Allard back, wearing the hoodie + sport coat combo, surefire win.



At this point it's Nintendo. They have been getting a lot of negative publicity of late with the wiiu so they need to come out strong to shut everyone up. They also need to do so because the other two console makers will also have new hardware to reveal. It's hard to top that kind of hype

ps: sony needs to do real well too, especially given how vita is doing. So despite a new system they need to do a solid showing for vita. Last year only Gamescom did it right. They did the worst at E3 when it came to vita.


Unfortunately, I already have hype for e3 ever since Oct when I realized that we could get new trailer for SSB4.

I doubt work really started on the game until earlier this year, and I woudn't expect to see it until mid 2014 at the earliest. I guess that means there's a chance it could be at this E3. I just feel like Nintendo's current strategy is to only announce games that are approximately 6 months from release.


tagged by Blackace
They all three need to bring their A game at E3.

MS to prove they are more than Halo, Gears, and Kinect.

Sony to prove they are still a force and not washed up.

Nintendo to prove the WiiU is as fantastic as I know it is.
Best answer.

MS to me needs to prove they still give a fuck about me, the gamer, who doesn't just want to play shooters. Yes, I LOVE Halo. But I like diversity in my games too. Microsoft is in the best position to take risks with how much market share and cash they have, and I feel like they're going to get more and more complacent with their position; I mean they already have two first party studios working on FPSs, is it too much to ask for something different than Fable/Forza/Halo? Is it too much to ask for Rare, a legendary studio, to get some creative space?

Sony needs to prove it can produce a cohesive hardware package to rival Microsoft. I think the games are there, they just have difficulty justifying the hardware, like they did with the PS3 early on and how the Vita was an expensive console with even more hidden costs (memory cards needed for installs namely).

Nintendo just needs to pull out at least one or two heavy hitters to remind people they bought a Wii U for the great exclusives, considering how bleak the future is for 3rd parties on the Wii U past 2013/2014. Announce a Mario, a CG trailer for Smash, Bayonetta trailer, boom. Nintendo has met their status quo. Hard to expect more out of Nintendo really.


Everyone needs to. It's fucking do or die.

Nintendo needs to get off their asses and stop being so secretive. Announce the megatons we KNOW are in development. Show us why we need a Wii U. I want one down the road, show me why I need one NOW. Show us the supposed "more powerful GPGU". They'll be fine this gen, as they always have been, but fuck me, they do make things unnecessarily hard for themselves.

For Sony, I doubt we'll be seeing the next Playstation at E3. Instead, I expect to see games and services galore. They need to remind people about the excellence of the PS brand. In actuality, I'm at a loss on what they will do. It's a huge question mark.

Microsoft can easily steal the show if they play it correctly. Unveil the next XBOX, and show us why we need one. I don't give a shit about the specs really, I just want to see games running on it, as well as how it can improve the quality of entertainment. If they don't bungle anything, all eyes will be on them.


As in "Heathcliff"
I doubt work really started on the game until earlier this year, and I woudn't expect to see it until mid 2014 at the earliest. I guess that means there's a chance it could be at this E3. I just feel like Nintendo's current strategy is to only announce games that are approximately 6 months from release.

Yeah, They started working on the game ever since March to May. My prediction is that they are going to set up first trailer at E3 2013 to hype the fans and convince people to buy Wii U. Hopefully they would set up Dojo like couple months after E3.

Release Date: Mid 2014 to Late 2014 is my prediction as well. I will be surprised if they are going to release it early.


I think they all do.

MS needs more diverse first party lineup.

Sony needs to have a real draw for its next gen system. This is what they lacked the most this gen imo. PS3 was just another console.

Nintendo needs more diverse first party lineup (their 1st party is like anti-MS. Eachother has what the other one needs) and more 3rd party support.


Nintendo, Sony, then Microsoft in that order.

Nintendo needs to show me why I should bother spending over $300 for a souped up 360 with a tablet, and this is coming from a huge fan of theirs. They need to prove that they're committed to bring us more than the standard Mario/Zelda/Mario Sports fare when any meaningful 3rd party support they may have completely dries up.

With many Japanese games going multiplatform and/or losing their worldwide appeal, Sony needs to give Western gamers a reason not to jump ship to Microsoft's platform.

Microsoft have a nice momentum going on and will be fine with a few exclusive reveals. Free XBL would be a great way to pressure Sony as well.


tagged by Blackace
Nintendo, Sony, then Microsoft in that order.

Nintendo needs to show me why I should bother spending over $300 for a souped up 360 with a tablet, and this is coming from a huge fan of theirs. They need to prove that they're committed to bring us more than the standard Mario/Zelda/Mario Sports fare when any meaningful 3rd party support they may have completely dries up.

With many Japanese games going multiplatform and/or losing their worldwide appeal, Sony needs to give Western gamers a reason not to jump ship to Microsoft's platform.

Microsoft have a nice momentum going on and will be fine with a few exclusive reveals. Free XBL would be a great way to pressure Sony as well.
In the super unlikely event that XBL multiplayer at least goes free, it's pretty much over for Sony, I'd think.


They all have a lot of homework to do

The big 3 basically FUCKED E3 in 2012, took all its magic and killed any hype with their boring shit

Haha I remember when the Sony conference ended everyone was like yep Nintendo has won this E3...then when the Nintendo one was ended yep Ubisoft won this one


I'm on the Hype Train, bottoms up
I'm on the Hype Train, you can fill my cup
I'm on the Hype Train, ready to crash and burn, I never learn
I'm on the Hype Train

yeah, anyway...

I think Nintendo will be up against it and probably Sony to if rumours are to be believed and their console releases in 2014.


All hardware providers have burden of proof that they're worth investing in. Last couple of E3s have been glorified shareholder meetings.

Of software companies the Japanese need a strong showing. Capcom, Konami, SE, Sega all need to come out swinging. Every year it's "Well..maybe they'll show something at TGS?" And consumer interest continues to die. Time to start digging those IPs, innovate, time to break out or fade in obscurity.


In the super unlikely event that XBL multiplayer at least goes free, it's pretty much over for Sony, I'd think.

Oh no, not hardly. It'd be a big blow but I don't think even locking PSN multiplayer behind a paywall would put a bullet in the PlayStation brand.
At least for Microsoft's next system, all I really expect (and would be fine with) is a "better 360", rather than anything necessarily revolutionary. I'd be fine with the same basic interface, services, and similar types of games, just faster, and at similar prices ($299-$399). Oh, and BC.

My expectations are basically something like when I upgraded from iPhone 4->5. It didn't drastically change anything, but the entire experience from top to bottom is way snappier and more solid, all my old software still works, and I paid the same launch price. And there's still plenty of extra hardware power available for developers to take advantage of.

And it's not like there would need to be drastic hardware architecture changes like the introduction of shaders and multi-core processors last time around. Things will inherently be more iterative this time around, which is why I think you can still get a more powerful system, but also still have BC. Smartphones and tablets have changed the game.



Everyone sucked hard last E3 except for ubi.

None of that tech demo/cg trailer/logo announcing bullshit everyone needs to bring "real" games to E3.

Nintendo - for a new system full unveiling they had a disgustingly awful showing last year they need to justify why the wiiu even exist and why anyone should even care/or bother knowing what it is.

Sony & MS - I fear there going to both pull that e3 2005 tech demo/cg trailer horseshit this e3 but this ain't going to fly it's 2013 not 2005.

MS needs Exclusive for their next Xbox or there wouldn't be a reason to own it over the other system or get hyped for it.

Sony needs to stop ignoring vita and show some games for it & ps4.


Haha I remember when the Sony conference ended everyone was like yep Nintendo has won this E3...then when the Nintendo one was ended yep Ubisoft won this one

Lol. This is how it fully went out.

Microsoft E3 2012 Conferences ends

Everyone: "Yep Microsoft lost it, it's up to Sony and Nintendo now"

Sony E3 2012 Conference ends

Everyone: "Lol Wonderbook...Nintendo so won this"

Nintendo E3 2012 Conference ends

Everyone: "The heck was that? Nintendo failed and Ubisoft won E3!"


Kills Photobucket
Haha I remember when the Sony conference ended everyone was like yep Nintendo has won this E3...then when the Nintendo one was ended yep Ubisoft won this one

Nintendo had a pretty good track record. Even during "bad" years, Nintendo was usually entertaining. Nintendo seemed to be the company that realized it was more than a business meeting, and that people were watching. People also expected something surprising, as Nintendo in the past usually had a surprise for the end. This year, nothing surprising, and their conference as as boring as Sony' and MS's.
I honestly think they had hoped NintendoLand would be their big surprising ace-in-the-hole.

And while it's a fun enough game, it... really wasn't what they needed to "wow" everyone. To sell consoles, maybe, but not to the people who'd watch E3 live.
-Nintendo ; don't spend 10 minutes explaining why something is fun before showing it. Start with a medium surprise (Yoshi's Land!), spend the middle focused on Wii U Sports and other 2013 games and end on a genuine big surprise (New IP!) for the last 10 minutes. Also, don't be afraid to go over 1 hour.

-Microsoft should focus on games and not faff about with commercials for Prometheus or host mini-concerts from Usher. Those two moments were easily the most egregious parts of the 2012 conferences.


Kills Photobucket
I honestly think they had hoped NintendoLand would be their big surprising ace-in-the-hole.

And while it's a fun enough game, it... really wasn't what they needed to "wow" everyone. To sell consoles, maybe, but not to the people who'd watch E3 live.

Nintendoland is awesome, but it really needs to be played to get that. I don't want to overly criticize their stage demo, becasue I honestly can't think of any way to properly stage demo the game myself.


They all need to bring something to the table. Fortunes can change so quickly, nobody can afford to be complacent. Not even half way through that generation cycle the PS3 was way to expensive and never going to catch up, the 360 had nothing but exclusive amazing titles, and Nintendo walked on water again. Now look at it.


Nntendo. 2 E3's in a row of garbage, despite annonuncing/launching a new consle. And this time they might actually have some decent competition (other than Ubisoft, lol).

Third time better be the charm.


Nntendo. 2 E3's in a row of garbage, despite annonuncing/launching a new consle. And this time they might actually have some decent competition (other than Ubisoft, lol).

Third time better be the charm.

I enjoyed Nintendo's E3 2011

I understand if people hyped it big to be disappointed but seeing the Zelda orchestration, Zelda in HD, Luigi's Mansion 2, Bird tech demo, and seeing that Nintendo did announce some third party games made me happy.


Here's what I don't want:

-Casual games emphasis. I don't want 20 minutes on Storybook's next expansion with the Hunger Games. I don't want Flo-Rida telling me to have a good feeling with Dance Central 5 playing in the background. I don't want two NFL players who have no idea what they're doing fuck up play calling that the Kinect 2 can't understand.
-I don't need a 15 minute demo showing the same Call of Duty scenario that I've played and seen 100 times over.
-We know the 3 main console makers are successful. Toot your horn, its the big stage. But don't spent 15 minutes showing pie charts. Show us why you've been successful with great games that are coming.
-Constantly adding new features to our consoles is great. But we all know ESPN is on our dashboard. I know I can stream Amazon content to my PS3. I don't need a demonstration to see how it works.

Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have the opportunity to hit the reset button on how the past 5 or so E3's have been. I want the focus to be back on the games, not everything else but the games.
I'm guilty of being one of the people that thought Nintendo would bring the heat last E3, and at the very least would be better than MS and Sony since they were launching a console. Started off OK with Miyamoto and the Pikmin in his suit and then immediately drove right off a cliff. They managed to be the worst, which I guess is impressive, just not the kind of "impressive" I was expecting. And then they attempted to salvage it with another 3DS conference held later in the week, and that managed to be just as bad.


I just want SEGA to announce the Yakuza games' English release if they're saving it for E3.
Also S-E might wanna announce the release date for FFX and KH HD during E3, just for the publicity.


E3 already belongs to MS and possibly Sony. Even a new WiiU Zelda is not going to outshine true next-gen console unveils. Sorry.

+1. It just seems too likely that MS will be ready to launch late this year and Sony won't be, which will give the holiday to MS. Nintendo, I think is screwed no matter what they do. MS is going to show off new tech, not old tech like the Wii U. If the rumors persist that the Durango has a CPU that has more threads than any currently available consumer CPU is true, I think we are all in for one hell of a surprise.


Used to be excited for E3, but after last years dissapointing showing I have no expectations anymore. E3 seems to be a thing of the past. There are hardly any good surprises, which is what made E3 fun. For me anyway.

This is how E3 is for the big 3:
Microsoft starts off with half of the time babbling about kinect and the other half showing off next COD, some already known games plus some music star having a concert.

Sony's E3 actually starts 1 month before E3 starts. They reveal all the new games before E3 and only shows more gameplay of the revealed games.

Nintendo used to have good E3 showings with some nice surprises, as they rarely have leaks. But their latest 2 conferences has been crap even though they were talking about their new console.
Nintendo Direct seems to be how Nintendo wants to communicate these days. We got much more info and surprises from these than from their E3 press conference.


Survives without air, food, or water
I'm done with e3 hype. It's clearly not the same as it once was. No reason to set myself up for disappointment... again.


E3 already belongs to MS and possibly Sony. Even a new WiiU Zelda is not going to outshine true next-gen console unveils. Sorry.

If Nintendo fails badly they will need an Ambassador Wii U program or some sort of Apple X Nintendo thingy to pick them up.


I think Sony really need to bring it with the Vita. I'll be getting the PS4, probably, no matter what so that doesn't concern me. They just need to do whatever it takes to get the Vita in peoples hands.
Were Ubisoft the only company last year to show off next gen stuff at an official E3 CONFERENCE (other than the Wii U of course)?

Assuming Watch_Dogs is next gen.

Miles X

I think Sony really need to bring it with the Vita. I'll be getting the PS4, probably, no matter what so that doesn't concern me. They just need to do whatever it takes to get the Vita in peoples hands.

I just don't see how they can, surely most 3rd parties are jumping ship if they havn't already. We've had literally zero positive Vita sales news since it debuted .... can't be encouraging. Perhaps a couple of first party titles though.

mothafuckas getting hype for E3 again...


Battered wife syndrome

I say with all sincerity, it'll be different this time!!!


I just don't see how they can, surely most 3rd parties are jumping ship if they havn't already. We've had literally zero positive Vita sales news since it debuted .... can't be encouraging. Perhaps a couple of first party titles though.

Well I think it has to have a price drop as soon as possible. Price drop it before Soul Sacrifice and then bring the games at E3.


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Console of the forever.
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