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Resident Evil 6 PC Version |UnOT| Bros before BOWs


Hmm, my game likes to crash when I play Agent Hunt and seemingly only when I play Agent Hunt.

In any case, do you think pumping on your monster strength is the way to go?

EDIT: Actually it could have someone to do with the graveyard stage.


Well gameplay wise I'm not really seeing what all the hate was about so far. Feels almost exactly like RE5 but with more freedom in player movement (with all the rolling shenanigans you can do).

Yah, game controlls like a charm, really dig the movement.
If it only would let me play for more than 20 minutes :/


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I had it crash when I tried to take a screen with FRAPs, once I shut that off it's been smooth sailing.

Apparently it's really unstable with any kind of injectors as well, so no sweetfx, smaa or whatnot.


The player population is noticeably lower than what I can recall for the 360 launch or at least the first week of it. It could just be that me trying to do No Hope and The Mercs, whereas a lot of people are probably aiming for lower difficulties for the campaign.

Anyone sticking to playing with strangers? How has joining games been like. I haven't had that much of a problem, but I haven't had many choices. (Of course everyone wants to play Leon's campaign first, even though that's the one campaign I don't want to play.)


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Got through the first two Chris chapters with a friend and I'm really digging it. The mobility is fantastic once you toy around with diving and rolling around - it's really cool, actually. So much style.

Only real gripe thus far is the friendly AI. Move out the way, you useless assholes, I'm the rock star here.

e: I forgot to add this, but the enemy variety is really impressive. Only two chapters down and I've already seen so many different enemy types. It's great.


PC Bullshot IQ 120hz Mercs is everything I hoped it would be. Not seeing any slowdowns in No Mercy, either!
It's really a shame they didn't make RE.NET platform agnostic.


If the jeep texture is a bug, it's one I got as well. It looked bad. When I had the textures set to high, one part of the jeep also had a weird flashing.

I'm just glad it's running better than the benchmark.

It was like that in the console version as well, and it's really noticeable too because you have to interact with the jeep. Unfortunately the whole game is pretty inconsistent with it's textures.


Well gameplay wise I'm not really seeing what all the hate was about so far. Feels almost exactly like RE5 but with more freedom in player movement (with all the rolling shenanigans you can do).

Exactly the same here.

I didn't buy RE6 on release because

1) I had become more of a PC gamer in recent years

2) I heard it was atrocious.

But it really does just feel like a ramped up version of 5 so far. Granted, I'm only one chapter in with Leon, but I really liked that chapter when playing it co-op. They did an excellent job playing with expectations in some of the slower sections and some of those set pieces definitely brought the "wow bang" factor. We had a lot of fun.

I also think the new mechanics are pretty fun so far. The quick draw shoot, the dive on the ground mechanic, etc. When we got to the spitters in the sewers, we both dove on the ground and were rolling back and forth while shooting at them. It was pretty awesome. Plus it just feels cool to dive back and shoot guys. It's has the stylistic feel of Max Payne but with more depth.

In terms of performance, I haved had a single hitch thus far. Granted, I'm running a 7970, but my buddy who is still on a 5900 Radeon Card could still run it at a rock solid 60fps as well. Even when crazy shit started happening like lots of enemies, fire, explosions, and crashing vehicles, it never dipped once. Very impressed with the performance so far. And that matters a lot more to me than a lot of graphical options. It seems to be a pretty solid port.


Got through the first two Chris chapters with a friend and I'm really digging it. The mobility is fantastic once you toy around with diving and rolling around - it's really cool, actually. So much style.

I am ashamed to say died twice in the first chapter just because I was dicking around with the rolls, ground shots, and melees. :)


I played Agent mode a few minutes ago by myself because my buddies were busy and I didn't want to play campaign without them.

I am surprised how much fun I had. Especially cause I could hear the dudes over voice chat but didnt' say anything back. I felt like a zombie stalker. it's cool how you can crawl and play dead or spawn and hide behind doors.

It was actually a lot more fun than I expected. Mainly because unlike most games that have this "play as the enemy" type mode, you feel like you are really taking part in their story because it's a regular game with set pieces and everything. It's not just some horde mode or versus game where you are playing an enemy type. You are doing it while other shit is going on and they are trying to do other objectives, which is really neat.


Oh dear.



You know I am a graphics lover and I play all my games downsampled if possible, but never every could I get annoyed by a single low-res texture if the overall look of the game is quite good. But that's just me I guess-


You know I am a graphics lover and I play all my games downsampled if possible, but never every could I get annoyed by a single low-res texture if the overall look of the game is quite good. But that's just me I guess-

I agree. The game may not look amazing but it definitely looks good enough that particular set pieces have still wowed me, and, most importantly, it runs very stable (at least for me) on max settings. But it seems these dudes posting these aren't playing RE6. They are too busy playing "let me find a low res texture so I can post it on a message board.

Me, I'm just surprised at how much I'm enjoying the game, especially given all the terrible press it got upon console release.
Just activated my code for this... When did they change the listing from 'Resident Evil 6' to 'RESIDENT EVIL 6 / BIOHAZARD 6'?

Looks kinda silly


erotic butter maelstrom
You know I am a graphics lover and I play all my games downsampled if possible, but never every could I get annoyed by a single low-res texture if the overall look of the game is quite good. But that's just me I guess-

Textures aren't important to me but there's some really bad ones in RE6. They stick out like a sore thumb.

Game is really fun so far, though. I love the controls.


I really liked my time with RE6 and had NO clue about Onslaught. Looks awesome.

This is waiting for me at home, as well as a mountain of other new stuff.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Textures aren't important to me but there's some really bad ones in RE6. They stick out like a sore thumb.

Yeah, I'm not going around looking for bad textures. They just throw them right in your face. It's unavoidable, and they're bad enough to be really noticeable.

In no way does that sway me one way or another on the game (I only had time to finish the prologue), it just looks rough.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Just activated my code for this... When did they change the listing from 'Resident Evil 6' to 'RESIDENT EVIL 6 / BIOHAZARD 6'?

Looks kinda silly

I saw that pop up as a friend began playing the game and thought to myself, "Surely that's not the actual title..."


Well I have to stand corrected, this game owns.

I was playing single player and not having fun but a friend hopped on with me and we played for hours having a blast. I think Chris's campaign is really weaker compared to Leon's.

It is an amazing value before you even factor in the shitload of mp content you get for free with the pc version. The campaign is insanely long yet so far it keeps things fresh constantly. Loved the cathedral part with Leon, the statues were brilliant.


If you preordered through Steam, yes. I can't speak for GMG, though. It downloaded automatically for me along with the soundtrack and art book.

I pre-ordered last week, where exactly would the soundtrack and artbook be? I wasn't around when it pre-loaded so I don't know what exactly got downloaded :(

Edit: Found it! Steam/steamapps/common/re6or bio6/

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just played the intro, but damn, I can't say I'm impressed at all so far. It all seems a bit amateur in execution.

Also, this game has just about the worst textures in the world, doesn't it? It's definitely up there with RAGE.

I found the FOV changing setting in the options, but which category is the "turn off shitty QTEs" option in? I couldn't find it.
I played all the campaign stuff on console already, but was saving Mercs for the PC version. From the sounds of things it seems I won't even need to touch campaigns anymore. Is this correct or are Mercs unlocks still tied to the campaign?


I'd just like to state that Mercs No Mercy Duo kicks major ass. <3
Yes! So much fun
I played all the campaign stuff on console already, but was saving Mercs for the PC version. From the sounds of things it seems I won't even need to touch campaigns anymore. Is this correct or are Mercs unlocks still tied to the campaign?
Unlocks are still tied to the campaign. Someone may make a mod or something to unlock though, right?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Just played the intro, but damn, I can't say I'm impressed at all so far. It all seems a bit amateur in execution.

Also, this game has just about the worst textures in the world, doesn't it? It's definitely up there with RAGE.

I found the FOV changing setting in the options, but which category is the "turn off shitty QTEs" option in? I couldn't find it.

I think it's the "auto action button" option, but I don't know what it's supposed to shut off as there are still all the random QTE's when zombies jump on you.


Just played the intro, but damn, I can't say I'm impressed at all so far. It all seems a bit amateur in execution.

It's honestly one of the worst opening/intros to a game I've played, but it picks up once you're passed the initial yawn-inducing first 15-20 minutes of QTE. Give it a chance, you might be surprised.

On that note, 3-4 hours in, having...fun :O There's some really annoying bugs (magically appearing zombies) and other kinks to deal with but overall I'm enjoying the game. The people who rate this as a 1/10 game have never played a 1/10 game...


A bunch of screenshots from Ada chapter 1. I think I might play the entire game like this, on pro but with UI turned off. It lets me take pretty screenshots, and it makes the game a lot harder not having access to the HUD at all times.

Keep these screenshots coming folks. Need them shots of Ada and Sherry's asses and some mercenaries taunt poses.
Ask and ye shall receive.

Did they do ANYTHING engine-wise to the PC version? I was holding out hope for DX11 (hey, Lost Planet 2 had it) or really just some more features period and some better textures. Is the PC version visually just the 360 version at higher resolutions and frame rates?
The entire game hasn't received higher resolution textures, but some parts have. Like almost all the character textures are 4 times the resolution than on consoles.

I played all the campaign stuff on console already, but was saving Mercs for the PC version. From the sounds of things it seems I won't even need to touch campaigns anymore. Is this correct or are Mercs unlocks still tied to the campaign?
All mercs stages are unlocked by playing mercs. I think the only thing you need to unlock via campaign is Ada.

Some people will need to complete all campaigns to unlock mercs at all. This is actually a bizarre form of censoring, and it applies to German (and maybe other) versions of the game.

I think it's the "auto action button" option, but I don't know what it's supposed to shut off as there are still all the random QTE's when zombies jump on you.
Getting grabbed QTEs are still there regardless of difficulty or options set, you can't turn them off. But at least those are QTEs you can expect and prepare for. The arbitrary QTEs you get during cutscenes should become automatic with the setting turned on.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
There's a hudless option? I need dat.

Yea it actually works really well. You still see the prompts for picking stuff up, QTE's, doors and whatnot and can hit the objective indicator button to temporarily bring it up if you need to check your health/ammo.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Yea it actually works really well. You still see the prompts for picking stuff up, QTE's, doors and whatnot and can hit the objective indicator button to temporarily bring it up if you need to check your health/ammo.

Okay, that's seriously amazing. Probably would've picked it up on consoles if I had known it was an option. I melt for games with no hud. It's one of the major reasons Dead Space usurped RE4 as my favorite game.

Now I'm pretty excited to dig into this.


Think I'll play hud-less now to keep it fresh.

The snow chapter in Jake's campaign sucks.

Yep. Stealth part isn't so bad once you figure you can sneak kill the enemies though. The beginning of Jake 2 and the beginning of Leon 1 are the worst parts of the game.

Thinking on playing with No Hope difficulty, anyone tried it?

Well yeah. What about it? You will die quickly if you are not careful.
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