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RUMOUR: Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is 720p, PS4 version is 1080p?

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Damn, lol.


Dreams in Digital
Gemüsepizza;87074251 said:
If this is true his tweet a while ago just got more hilarious:

Only a few weeks and we will know EVERYTHING about the games, it will be amazing.

Perhaps he was rather hoping the answers were different? Perhaps this is why he asked that.


It's pretty simple, Xbone's GPU is very close in performance to a 7770. Here you can see in order to get it to run at 60 FPS for CoD Blops, the res is at 1280x1024.


If the res is any higher, they won't be able to achieve 60 FPS.

I see what your saying and while comparisons to PC cards are good to get a basis its not exactly 'real world' developers on PC titles need to account for so many hardware configurations they are not exactly optimized for a single card like they would be for a console environment.

Really seems to be exactly PS4 raw performance is better which leads to less time to port with less optimizations required plus the tool set is better (at least was earlier). The XBO toolset has not been good for the longest part of the year including the drivers etc, add to the fact the hardware is not as simple to program for the ports need optimization to produce the acceptable frame rates which multiplatform devs clearly dont have enough time to do.


No personal attack, but man people need to get a bit more inventive with their use of gifs instead of recycling the same 2 ones all the time. So many to choose from...
I expect nothing but the highest quality from GAF in this regard.

yeah i get what you mean
it's just that i feel this is such a great gif and i'm pretty sure very little people has seen it since i've only seen it on that kz:sf thread (which only lasted like 6 pages)
now that more people have seen it i'll stop posting that


If you stretch that 720p picture to the same size as the 1080p picture on a 47" TV, guess which one would come out blurrier?

The 720p by a little little bit,

If on my 40'' stretched out they look identical from 8ft away there not going to look drasticly different on a 47inch

and yes 7inches will make some difference, but this difference will be fucking tiny.


After witnessing this crazy thread I thorght I would see if 720p vs 1080p makes a diference on my tv.

I have my PC hooked up to my 40''1080p tv which I am sat about 8foot from, and when comparing 720p + 1080p screenshots of ryse I could not see any difference at all.

with this cod shot

I was surprised by how much the difference seemed less then when viewing on my 21'' 1650x1050 pc monitor from about 1-2 ft away.On my 40'' its only when the gif changes, and its not so much because of the quality but rather i'am just noticing the pixels moving.

but even though it is a really small difference i have been brainwashed to think 1080p is a big difference and is something I need.

1080p benefit is only noticeable if you have like a 60inch tv and are sitting 8ft from it. On a 50inch tv sitting 8 ft away I cant imagine the benefit of 1080p really being that noticeable.

With good FSAA 720p doesn't matter at all. See Forza Horizon, that game is absolutely gorgeous. Then you play Bioshock Infinite and it sucks. Same resolution, huge difference. But in either case X1 should easily be able to run Ghosts in 1080p60, after all the only nextgen advantages are higher resolution and normal mapping. Where is that 8x360 power? Was is not a fluke when Spencer said it was 4x360 on national TV and afterwards said it was a mistake?
I think a lot of us owned an OG Xbox, or at least bought a 360 initially. 360 was awesome. Loved that console, it treated me well when PS3 was too over-priced, and had third party games that weren't as good on it (because of the consoles design choices). I started to lose faith in the MS brand half way into 360's life cycle. It started to become apparent that they were more focused on the social media/entertainment side of things, and I just lost interest in their repeat franchises.

I feel like the decisions MS have made with X1 only reaffirms what I felt 5 years ago and why I switched back to PS3 to ride out this current gen, and am going with PS4 for next gen.

You, me, and every rational gamer I know. We've all moved on from the 360. MS lost us a few years back :(


You gotta be trolling. The comparison only works if you pick a native 720p screenshot and upscale it to 1080p and then compare it to the same scene but native 1080p. I can't even begin to understand the logic beyond your comparison. It's sort of mind blowing actually.

Its like the people saying that 720p is fine don't understand that the picture is stretched to 1080p when it is upscalled if it wasn't their would be black bars on your screen. Once you have the 1080p and the 720p up scaled to 1080 side by side is is instantly noticeable.


The 720p by a little little bit,

If on my 40'' stretched out they look identical from 8ft away there not going to look drasticly different on a 47inch

and yes 7inches will make some difference, but this difference will be fucking tiny.

You need to actually play games at both 720p and 1080p to really see the difference. A lower resolution introduces a lot more shimmering and aliasing, especially on transparencies like foliage, fences, etc. Screenshots won't show that nearly as much.

Plug your PC into your TV and run a game at both resolutions to see what I mean.
With good FSAA 720p doesn't matter at all. See Forza Horizon, that game is absolutely gorgeous.
At the cost of serious blurriness. I can't even read the signs unless I come to a full stop.

And I love the fucking hell out of that game. One of the greats imho, but those jaggies only disappear because of the soap-opera dream-sequence like softness of the image.

It works, it does, and was absolutely the right call for that game on that hardware. But at 1080p on new hardware it'd be so much better.


I think what is scary about all this (if you are or were an Xbox One buyer), is the fact that these are things that you will/would have to live with for however long the next cycle lasts (6 + years etc.). Of course, I would expect MS to iron things out as things go along. But what if the design choices they've made have put them in a position where they are stuck with these bad choices, and how will that impact third party devs from here on out (the Cell Chip all over again) We still don't know a whole lot about how developing for the ESRAM or Xbox One is (unless I'm mistaken). Whereas we keep hearing reports about how easy it is to dev for the PS4.

This all just sounds troubling beyond just these two games hitting 720p. Mortimer + CBOAT are making it sound like this was a rushed console. I guess the smart thing would be to wait a year before buying one (which could be said even for the PS4, or any new console at launch). But I would be very weary of investing that kind of money into a hardware plagued with so much doubt.


My guess is, since there was also a rumor that MS developing tools weren't as mature as the PS4 tools, plus being weaker, they decided to focus on looking as close as possible to the PS4 games visually by sacrificing resolution, after all, the average gamer won't care about it IMO. I think they will sort it out eventually but and make the gap smaller than it seems to be now.
Yep, it was the best route to take for the launch games considering the situation they've gotten themselves into.

If they had opted to shoot for 1080p, the average joe would probably notice Call of Duty suddenly running at 30fps after years and years of a smooth 60fps on current gen hardware. Dude bro who plays exclusively Madden and Call of Duty will be 100 percent fine with 720p, let alone ever notice it.

These kind of moves kind of make it clear who the intended audience is for the Xbone, and it's not me anymore. That's been clear to me for the past 2 or 3 years now regarding Microsoft and the Xbox brand.


We've had 1080p TV's in the mainstream for many years now. With fixed pixel displays, it's not as good looking when it doesn't have the native resolution compared to CRT's displaying various resolutions.

At this point after playing 7 years of 720p games, the next gen of consoles should not be giving us 720p games on year 1.


He was saying that Xbox One would magically make Native 1080p games without compromises & such. That's all.

Sorry, I just saw a poster say that Halo would be 1080 with clean IQ. I saw no mention of compromises or Sony's first party. Your response just confused me but hey, it's a wild thread.
No personal attack, but man people need to get a bit more inventive with their use of gifs instead of recycling the same 2 ones all the time. So many to choose from...
I expect nothing but the highest quality from GAF in this regard.

Your username? Quite apt.
Those gifs are awesome BECAUSE they're used often. Creatively.


I think a lot of us owned an OG Xbox, or at least bought a 360 initially. 360 was awesome. Loved that console, it treated me well when PS3 was too over-priced, and had third party games that weren't as good on it (because of the consoles design choices). I started to lose faith in the MS brand half way into 360's life cycle. It started to become apparent that they were more focused on the social media/entertainment side of things, and I just lost interest in their repeat franchises.

I feel like the decisions MS have made with X1 only reaffirms what I felt 5 years ago and why I switched back to PS3 to ride out this current gen, and am going with PS4 for next gen.

Lé Blade Runner;87117427 said:
I agree. Xbox 360 used to be the preferred console among my peers, but later on the OS and the whole Xbox Live Gold shebang became a bit too obnoxious for most of us. Sony's amazing PS+ service reared its head, and most of us jumped ship.

It's just funny how the power has shifted. Microsoft dominated this generation early on, while Sony played catch up and ended up winning the last half of it. With PS4, the march goes on.

You're speaking my language. I've been with MS since the start of their console adventure, but I'm jumping off now until they figure things out and steer the ship back to gaming. If they don't want to, or see the money in customers who aren't in it for the gaming, so be it. I'm glad to have other companies to take my gaming dollars to.

I also agree. Back during the 360's launch, they were delivering on 1st/2nd party exclusives. But as the years went on, the exclusive lineups started deteriorating further & further to the point where it was just Halo, Gears, & Forza. The constant focus on Kinect & Media since E3 2010 was the final nail in the coffin (& I'm sure it was for many others as well).

It's one of the main reasons why PS3 had caught up to the Xbox 360 in worldwide sales, & 360 was at about 45+ million 360's sold while PS3 was at 41+ million or 42+ million PS3's sold before Kinect came out on November 2010. And it's because that Sony doesn't forget about core gamers while Microsoft just ditched them all off (it sure wasn't the casuals that made the Xbox brand popular after all).

Sony had a rocky start with the PS3, but ever since September 2009 with the PS3 Slim, the $300 price tag, & by bringing out more 1st party exclusives, they started to get themselves back together, & now, the PS3 has been the console to own since. And now they're getting even more goodwill with PS4 while Microsoft's continuing to decline with Xbox One.


Threads like this are the reason I love this place (just realized it was my 6 year anniversary 2 days ago).

That said, I'm sure MS will eventually get their shit together. They really need to get their messaging straight. Sony has been very upfront with everything and it's been very beneficial. Crazy how the sides have shifted from last gens launch. It's head to head this year as well. I'm really curious how the sales are going to pan out.

A shit design from conception to completion can't be messaged straight. It's underpowered, overcomplicated, unfocused, and overpriced. It's going to fail. I actually think the WiiU might outsell it this holiday.


You need to actually play games at both 720p and 1080p to really see the difference. A lower resolution introduces a lot more shimmering and aliasing, especially on transparencies like foliage, fences, etc. Screenshots won't show that nearly as much.

Plug your PC into your TV and run a game at both resolutions to see what I mean.

I will try with san Andreas I think its the only game my 5450(lol) can do at 1080p


Please tell me how my posts are fanboy posts, also why are people calling me a fanboy if they're in a thread about the xbox, hating on the xbox. Yet somehow I'm the fanboy, just really amazing stuff. Then everyone wonders oh why is neogaf being called bias. Lets keep believing rumors and hating on xbox, and calling those who defend it fanboys. Just keep it up.

The funny thing is, you would probably be banned for this post before half the people in here.

Feels good man.

.....I miss old GAF :(


No personal attack, but man people need to get a bit more inventive with their use of gifs instead of recycling the same 2 ones all the time. So many to choose from...
I expect nothing but the highest quality from GAF in this regard.

I don't think banderascumming.gif will ever get old. Is the Super Mario Bros of gifs.
So gamers that don't share your opinion aren't rational?

"Rational gamers I know" as in, you know, Real Life. In other words, people I know who aren't Fanboys (on either side). Is that so hard to believe? These are some hardcore, 4 hours every night gamers who just fell out of love with the 360 and the XBone isn't pulling them back in.

Anecdotal, but my experience / perception.


Don't mean to jump on the "ditto" train but I think this bears repeating. This is exactly how I feel right now, and its been getting more and more difficult for me to support the idea of buying the console that has the overall infrastructure that I prefer.

I don't even give a shit about the supposed "bad will" that Microsoft seems to have engendered in so many. A DRM program that wasn't nearly as insidious as many acted and was fairly similar to the PC side, a higher price point, and a mandatory kinect. Alright-none of the above are things that I love, but they aren't dealbreakers.

But barely being able to push out first-gen ports above 720p shows either an alarming lack of power or an alarming lack of developer acumen.

I think it is a bit of a mix of power and the tools they have at the time. It was not long ago that they updated the tools, most of these games have been in development for a while. The whole 6 months behind I think is what is rearing it ugly head. Even with the system being less powerful than the competition, when you have poor tools/drivers this really cripples things.

A good comparison would be drivers for GPU's, where from one driver to the next you see improvements for games from 5% to 20% or higher. If MS was truly behind with their tools and add in not being as powerful combined is really bad and is impacting development.

Still, with that being said, there are still some impressive games coming out for launch on the Xbox One and I am not too worried about the future of games on the system as we know they will just get better. Luckily, I will get the PS4 as well and have my PC to get the best version of each game.


if you're saying PS3 fanboys were more determined, all you're saying is Xbox fanboys are not as determined. Maybe that's an indication Microsoft messed up even more than Sony did by comparison? ;P

I mean, my reaction to both was the same - I didn't get a PS3 for many years after the debacle, even though I was a core Ps2 gamer. This time around, I probably won't get an XBO for several years even though I was a core 360 gamer.

But as far as I saw back then, I can't agree with your assessment. yes, it was easier to have a conversation without getting "disheartened", but that's because NeoGAF is way, way bigger than it was before. A single post can be drowned out in twelve negative ones in a second now. That would have happened back then too had NeoGAF been this large during the PS3 debacle, but it wasn't.

Unfortunately for Xbox fans, and I say this with genuine sympathy, they are going to have to take it on the chin for a year or two and just deal with the swamping negativity because Microsoft has earned this and it's going to take a while for them to build back their trust. Just like Sony earned gamers ire after 2006 and it took years for trust to be fully regained (and they almost lost it all again with the hacking scandal).

Ok, agree to disagree. I still think the numbers game made the biggest difference. Sony fans coming off of the PS2 with Xbox fans nipping at their heels? No contest. Love you input though.
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