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RUMOUR: Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is 720p, PS4 version is 1080p?

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Oh God.
The thing is... if this is true (and it's starting to look like it is), then it's only gonna get worse as the games start getting built for next gen from the ground up, and it's likely that it will affect the scope/grandeur of the games on other consoles by lowering the bar so that the XB1 can somehow manage to jump over it (the bar) IMHO.

And as to people downplaying the difference between 1080/900/720p, they might be right in saying that not all people can distinguish between them... BUT... hardcore players often do, and they (we) are a vocal bunch who advise people on the pros and cons of things (next gen consoles in this case), and this isn't just an isolated case... the problem is that the issues for the XB1 have been piling up for a while now... and it's not even out yet.

So when Penello says that he laughs at this kind of threads, it sounds like he is trying to save face... when the most likely reality is that the XB division within MS must be quite hectic and stressed with all the bombs that have been falling on them.
If you can't tell the difference between non-upscaled 720p and 1080p on a 1080p monitor you may want to go see a doctor. As someone who has played many PS3 games on my 1080p monitor (PS3 and PC monitors don't have upscalers) it is extremely noticeable and annoying to see the intense blurriness and softness.

It's probably something I would notice if I saw them side by side, but just looking, I don't know if something is 720 or 1080. I know in fps games, I always have a hard time targeting things in the distance, so maybe higher resolution would fix that problem, yeah?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The 720p by a little little bit,

If on my 40'' stretched out they look identical from 8ft away there not going to look drasticly different on a 47inch

and yes 7inches will make some difference, but this difference will be fucking tiny.
Your 720p example is downscaled from 1080p, which gives it artificial amount of supersampled AA. That's not the way 720p games are rendered.


But the biggest thing they will see by far is that it is $100 cheaper and they can still play COD on it. Then they will hear through the grapevine that it also happens to be the more powerful system.

Yep absolutely. The importance of the factors go as follows imo

1. Price - Cheaper
2. Power - Most powerful
3. Multiplat performance - best version in most cases guranteed

Of course above all the exclusive offerings is the most important. But that's an objective thing that can go either way.
I wish I could say this really matters in the grand scheme of things, but really, outside of people around here that know better, average consumers aren't going to notice. Still is a nice change for me personally, since PS4 is the console I'm sticking with for the future.

If reviews say "A looks better than B", and consumers know the entry fee for A is cheaper than B.... that won't matter?

It only takes a friend or two to pick a PS4 because it will have the better looking version of your favorite game, and for cheaper, for the word to spread to the group.


No personal attack, but man people need to get a bit more inventive with their use of gifs instead of recycling the same 2 ones all the time. So many to choose from...
I expect nothing but the highest quality from GAF in this regard.

I personally would like to see more usage of "Steven Seagal shooting kids" and "Garbage Day" gifs myself. Maybe Panello (Nappa's Head) asking Nelson (Vegeta's Head) what does the scouter say about PS4's CoD resolution... "it's over 720p". I suck at gifs though.


I can't tell any difference between 720 and 1080 on my monitor. I'm much more affected by dodgy framerates

I took a 1920x1080 native image and compare it against the same image which was shrunk to 720p and then upscaled back to 1080. I think this roughly demonstrates the difference.

You can pretty clearly see a difference, particularly if you look at fine lines or less clear things, such as the dudes on the roof. And overall it's just a bit crisper in 1080. Some people may notice or care more than others. To some it may not be a big deal to be in 720. To others nothing is a bigger deal.


Seems like Wii's success and what ever kind of success Kinect had blinded Microsoft. If only they weren't trying to get a kinect in every home they might have been able to spend extra money on better hardware. First Nintendo with it's tablet, now maybe xbox with it's camera sold in the box.

And it's sad because it's true, & now both Nintendo & Microsoft will have to suffer the consequences of their absurd decision making for the next 5 to 6 years.

Sony is the only one that has gotten themselves together in the hardware department.


I decided to search for CBOAT to see what this post was, and...Wow I must have missed this other little gem from about a week ago.

ineva metnioned forz.a notbe 1080-p, they s

houcld make it. But, excption not rhthe rule tho:ug.jh. thru this genm, never mind try tomatch eyecandyi. n thx to esram 720 to900 wilb e nte norm on xone

y1ou watch

you jes watchh
Yep, from my anecdotal experience, people know whats common knowledge in terms of which one is best for certain purposes, or will at least know that there's some debate on the topic and ask for advice.

Who do you think they're going to ask?
yeah, and I'm not a huge gamer dude or anything, I just happened to be a good bit younger and in the 'guy who knows about tech stuff' demo. this was around the time the ps3 hit $399 (the 80GB no BC fat iirc), and a lot of moms in my department would ask about the systems, because they really didn't know much beyond what their kids wanted.

It should also be no surprise that while the ps3 had some interest, a lot of it came down to one factor. I'll let you guess what :p
I took a 1920x1080 native image and compare it against the same image which was shrunk to 720p and then upscaled back to 1080. I think this roughly demonstrates the difference.

You can pretty clearly see a difference, particularly if you look at fine lines or less clear things, such as the dudes on the roof. And overall it's just a bit crisper in 1080. Some people may notice or care more than others. To some it may not be a big deal to be in 720. To others nothing is a bigger deal.

What the hell. Yes because that's what the Xbox One is doing with Ghosts here, it's picking a native 1080p source and downscaling it to 720p, and then upscaling it to 1080p. Good lord folks, what the hell happened to common sense?! Why don't you take a 720p native screenshot?
I took a 1920x1080 native image and compare it against the same image which was shrunk to 720p and then upscaled back to 1080. I think this roughly demonstrates the difference.

You can pretty clearly see a difference, particularly if you look at fine lines or less clear things, such as the dudes on the roof. And overall it's just a bit crisper in 1080. Some people may notice or care more than others. To some it may not be a big deal to be in 720. To others nothing is a bigger deal.

Ok, I can tell that difference side by side. Makes the problem y'all are having more clear(no pun) now
It's probably something I would notice if I saw them side by side, but just looking, I don't know if something is 720 or 1080. I know in fps games, I always have a hard time targeting things in the distance, so maybe higher resolution would fix that problem, yeah?

Well if you turn up AA on your games it may reduce the softness and blurriness somewhat but a 720p image being stretched on a 1080p screen without being upscaled is pretty obvious. Everything is just much, much sharper at the native resolution of your screen.
I took a 1920x1080 native image and compare it against the same image which was shrunk to 720p and then upscaled back to 1080. I think this roughly demonstrates the difference.

You can pretty clearly see a difference, particularly if you look at fine lines or less clear things, such as the dudes on the roof. And overall it's just a bit crisper in 1080. Some people may notice or care more than others. To some it may not be a big deal to be in 720. To others nothing is a bigger deal.

It will look worse with 720p actual rendering resolution though. What you're doing is downscaling and then upscaling.

On topic: Could it be that Xbox One has some weird hardware limitation that makes higher resolutions than 720p impossible or hard with 60 fps? Ever since it was announced that Killer Instinct was 720p I found that weird.


If MS was shocked about Sony's earlier introduction of Nextgen, what difference would have their 2014 release actually made in terms of design changes? Could they just have added more ROPs, CUs? Wasn't it already too late anyway?


What the hell. Yes because that's what the Xbox One is doing with Ghosts here, it's picking a native 1080p source and downscaling it to 720p, and then upscaling it to 1080p. Good lord folks, what the hell happened to common sense?! Why don't you take a 720p native screenshot?

I didn't say that's what COD was doing. I explained my process for simulating the difference between 1080 and 720.
Amirox I agree with you regarding 'will most people notice?' People aren't going to see the 720p version and decide it looks terrible. However, they will understand that its 720p, cause thats stuff spreads fast. Most people have 1080p tvs now and they want 1080p content whether they can tell the difference or not. You would never buy a 720p bluray if such a thing existed.
I wish I could say this really matters in the grand scheme of things, but really, outside of people around here that know better, average consumers aren't going to notice. Still is a nice change for me personally, since PS4 is the console I'm sticking with for the future.

Picture this... a tech savvy gamer wants to play the new COD... he learns about the performance differences between the new consoles, and learns the performance issues are not an isolated case and that it's likely to continue, knowing that he purchases COD for the PS4, now this is a "gamer" right?, yes... but when a friend of the gamer finally decides to purchase a next gen system he asks mr. "gamer" what system do you play COD on?, he will likely get the answer and the reason why that is, and this wouldn't be an isolated case... probably influencing him to get a PS4, so the PS4 tech advantage would make a difference although inderectly by becoming the "DE FACTO" console for 3rd party games.


If MS was shocked about Sony's earlier introduction of Nextgen, what difference would have their 2014 release actually made in terms of design changes? Could they just have added more ROPs, CUs? Wasn't it already too late anyway?

Well, in theory, they'd have 6 more months to play the contract manufacturing market and get the specs they really want. Sony has changed the PS4 pretty significantly from the first few versions to what is being released. Microsoft had no such option in order to play catch up. Basically had to go out and kitbash a HTPC with their architecture.


Neo Member
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Activision confirmed that CoD: Ghosts ran at 1080p / 60fps on Xbox One tomorrow?

They would have already done so if it was an option.

What would that post even look like lol

Activision- " everyone that has the authority to make the announcement was sleeping"
Yeah if they could say in truth that this was all BS it would have happened about the time CBOAT weight into the fray I mean this hit is trending on twitter 6hrs is way too long to wait to engage in damage control.
If reviews say "A looks better than B", and consumers know the entry fee for A is cheaper than B.... that won't matter?

It only takes a friend or two to pick a PS4 because it will have the better looking version of your favorite game, and for cheaper, for the word to spread to the group.

It is a pretty simple narrative.

Which has COD?
Both, but PS4 looks better and it is cheaper.
Ok I'll get a PS4.

This is exactly the kind of thing that would matter for the average consumer because the choice has to be based on "something". Trying to explain GPU and RAM speed differences is where you will get small returns.

Which is why it is baffling. It seemed Sony was endlessly helping out third parties to try to get PS3 games up to scratch. Now that it is Microsoft's turn they apparently don't even know of the issue ... from their closest partners.


If reviews say "A looks better than B", and consumers know the entry fee for A is cheaper than B.... that won't matter?

It only takes a friend or two to pick a PS4 because it will have the better looking version of your favorite game, and for cheaper, for the word to spread to the group.

Maybe I suppose. I mean, I never heard anyone outside of message boards and reviews talking about how 360 versions of games are superior. That is a possibility though.


Isn't it a bad simulation though?

Maybe. My understanding was that a game in 720 will be upscaled and in the process not have the same definition as a native 1080p. If it's not accurate then I'm happy to stand corrected. My experience in game development is limited to my little 2D games, working with 2D assets where I can export the original super high res assets to different native resolutions depending on if I'm targeting 720 or 1080, in which case the comparison is apt.


Yup, it only shows what CoD's engine is capable of running at for Blops. Given that Ghosts is more intensive and slightly improved graphics wise, it lines up with Xbone having to run it at 720p. It's likely a straight port from the PC codebase anyways.

Like you said, the tools and dev experience will improve as time goes on. But when PS4 is also sitting out there, it looks increasingly likely that devs will target it first and pare back whatever is needed to make it run on Xbone.

Im sure it things will get better as time goes on, hell its even possible that TitanFall is currently running at 720p due to the fact its still in development and its probably too early for them to say it will be 1080p in final code or not, they said straight out framerate is king. At least Respawn have time to get it optimized for the platform unlike Infinity Ward who have to deal with all the last minute shit and still get it out for launch with no delays.

I would hope all devs use the PC or PS4 as a target for multiplatform games and then downscale as required both those currently being easier to code on is the best way to go i would imagine.

I just don't think this problem will happen all through the new gen, i honestly doubt the PS4 will stay 1080p like everyone hopes it would be nice but going by this gen i doubt it.

I should also wish people didn't want the XBO to fail as that will be the death of XBOX (most likely) and the death of any competition with Sony. Judging how the PS3 started sony only made the PS4 the way they did because of how well the 360 did.


I just woke up and saw this megathread. Damn, whatever happened must be a hell of a ride by the looks of it. famousmortimer, bishoptl, thuway, Proelite, Penello and then cboat ;)

If this turns out true, what it seems to be by the look of it, can't be nice for Microsoft. They can try hiding behind their 'balanced' PR speak all day, such a big difference in resolution is significant.
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