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RUMOUR: Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is 720p, PS4 version is 1080p?

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I think a lot of us owned an OG Xbox, or at least bought a 360 initially. 360 was awesome. Loved that console, it treated me well when PS3 was too over-priced, and had third party games that weren't as good on it (because of the consoles design choices). I started to lose faith in the MS brand half way into 360's life cycle. It started to become apparent that they were more focused on the social media/entertainment side of things, and I just lost interest in their repeat franchises.

I feel like the decisions MS have made with X1 only reaffirms what I felt 5 years ago and why I switched back to PS3 to ride out this current gen, and am going with PS4 for next gen.

I feel the same, almost exactly.

Other than the fact that i owned a ps3 at launch ( yet didn't play much of it). I stopped supporting my 360 about a month after kinect dropped. ( which was difficult as i had 3 at the time, and still do)


If anything has reaffirmed the disconnect between mainstream gamers and enthusiasts, it's this thread. Storm in a tea-cup stuff. Have fun though I guess.

If they PS4 doesn't have to give up AA, lighting, and all manner of assorted visual goodies to reach 1080p, then even the most casual gamers will notice the difference. 60fps just brings out the ugly in low res.




Please tell me how my posts are fanboy posts, also why are people calling me a fanboy if they're in a thread about the xbox, hating on the xbox. Yet somehow I'm the fanboy, just really amazing stuff. Then everyone wonders oh why is neogaf being called bias. Lets keep believing rumors and hating on xbox, and calling those who defend it fanboys. Just keep it up.

Please stop. You're ruining this wave of awesome.


I see what your saying and while comparisons to PC cards are good to get a basis its not exactly 'real world' developers on PC titles need to account for so many hardware configurations they are not exactly optimized for a single card like they would be for a console environment.

Really seems to be exactly PS4 raw performance is better which leads to less time to port with less optimizations required plus the tool set is better (at least was earlier). The XBO toolset has not been good for the longest part of the year including the drivers etc, add to the fact the hardware is not as simple to program for the ports need optimization to produce the acceptable frame rates which multiplatform devs clearly dont have enough time to do.

Yup, it only shows what CoD's engine is capable of running at for Blops. Given that Ghosts is more intensive and slightly improved graphics wise, it lines up with Xbone having to run it at 720p. It's likely a straight port from the PC codebase anyways.

Like you said, the tools and dev experience will improve as time goes on. But when PS4 is also sitting out there, it looks increasingly likely that devs will target it first and pare back whatever is needed to make it run on Xbone.
I think one reason this past generation console gamers couldn't tell much difference between 720p and 1080p is because the amount of polygons on screen did not lend to the higher resolution bringing out more smaller details. Due to the simple fact that there were no smaller details to bring out.

Watch a pixar movie on a 720p TV and then a 1080p TV though and come back and tell me there was no difference. The higher amount of polys and higher resolution textures and whatnot will lend to resolution increases changing how different it looks then the previous resolution.

If you have 1,000,000 polys on screen in Game A, then 720p is enough pixels to represent each poly fully, since 720p can showcase 970,000 or so pixels. So there are no hidden textures/polys down there you can't see due to the resolution not being able to bring them out. This gen though? You will have many millions of polys on screen at once, which will display perfectly on the 2,000,000 pixels of the 1080p TV but will be washed away in the 970,000 pixels of the 720p display.

That is my theory. I just benchmarked Tomb Raider and Batman Arkham City on 720p , 900p , 1080p at ultra settings and the changes were incredibly apparent. Even asked my wife just to see if someone who isn't trained to this stuff could notice. She simply stated the 720p looked blurry, like a DVD. The 1080p looked crisp, like a blu-ray ( i was so proud ).
Please tell me how my posts are fanboy posts, also why are people calling me a fanboy if they're in a thread about the xbox, hating on the xbox. Yet somehow I'm the fanboy, just really amazing stuff. Then everyone wonders oh why is neogaf being called bias. Lets keep believing rumors and hating on xbox, and calling those who defend it fanboys. Just keep it up.

I think it's because you primarily seem to be defending the XB1, or at least decrying people that are hating on it. People are hating on it because if it can't put out a game like CoD Ghosts in 1080/60, a game that doesn't even push the envelope of the next gen systems in theory, then it bodes very, VERY ill for the future of the console and its disparity in multiplat titles. If the disparity is due strictly to lack of optimazation, ok fine it will improve with time (hopefully). If the disparity is due to unchangeable things like the main memory bottleneck and the reduced processing power due the inclusion of eSRAM taking up silicon real estate, well then the disparity is going to exist for the next 8-10 years, and that is a very, VERY bad thing.

Most of the people here are platform agnostic. They want the best platform for their dollars. If the XB1 was $399 and the PS4 was $499, people would likely be saying "Ok, well you get what you pay for", but the fact that the XB1 is suffering performance wise even though it's MORE expensive is ridiculous.

Granted, that added cost is due to the inclusion of the Kinect, but there's the rub. MS's single-minded determination to force the Kinect on the masses has bitten them in the rear. It forced them to release a weaker console at a higher price than the competition, and that's what this whole thing is about.

Every time you post you either refute others calling you a fanboy or you complain about people hating on MS. People are going to call out bullpony when they see it, and for the past several months everything coming from MS has been complete, utter bull. So they're getting called on it, plain and simple. The hate is going to continue as long as they keep spinning nonsense and/or as long as more drawbacks to the system are discovered.

I've given MS thousands of hard earned dollars over the past 12 years, and have sunk around seven THOUSAND hours into my gamertag. Yet all that means zilch in the wake of all the mistakes they've made with the XB1. If people like me are going to call MS on their bull despite our past loyalties, then it's only going to continue man, sorry.

And seriously can this thread slow down? I read fast but jesus it's hard to keep up!


Gold Member
if you're saying PS3 fanboys were more determined, all you're saying is Xbox fanboys are not as determined. Maybe that's an indication Microsoft messed up even more than Sony did by comparison? ;P.

Nope, just surveying the landscape. Show me one Xbox thread that hasn't gone to complete shit in the past 2 months.

I just don't want to participate in Xbox One threads anymore. There's no point.

I do sometimes to give a poke here and there, but I know there's no point. It just gets swallowed up.


No personal attack, but man people need to get a bit more inventive with their use of gifs instead of recycling the same 2 ones all the time. So many to choose from...
I expect nothing but the highest quality from GAF in this regard.

It's getting meta, which I typically hate, but those two GIFs are really getting good mileage right now in my eyes.

The quoted GIF is just DOPE. Love it.
it means he believes we're all overreacting and that the mainstream consumers won't give a shit

of course
hah well, duh :p

but it's pretty funny, because i remember people around the office who were not gamers at all asking me about games on the ps3 and xbox and which ran them better. people may not notice but they tend to want the best.


I think he is implying that GAF is a tea cup and the shit storm that is currently ensuing is small enough to be contained within it... because we are a minority.

When the truth is out there, I wonder if phill Harrison or who eveer goes on CNN will do a Reggie.

and say stuff like '' if you stick our games side by side they will look as good''

''Sony twists the numbers to make you think its better then it is in real world viewing''


That cboat post is just brutal, particularly the direct call out to Penello. I think that should just put to bed the old argument of whether Penello is "in" PR or not, because if it's his job to obfuscate that's like the textbook definition.


I think it's because you primarily seem to be defending the XB1, or at least decrying people that are hating on it. People are hating on it because if it can't put out a game like CoD Ghosts in 1080/60, a game that doesn't even push the envelope of the next gen systems in theory, then it bodes very, VERY ill for the future of the console and its disparity in multiplat titles. If the disparity is due strictly to lack of optimazation, ok fine it will improve with time (hopefully). If the disparity is due to unchangeable things like the main memory bottleneck and the reduced processing power due the inclusion of eSRAM taking up silicon real estate, well then the disparity is going to exist for the next 8-10 years, and that is a very, VERY bad thing.

Most of the people here are platform agnostic. They want the best platform for their dollars. If the XB1 was $399 and the PS4 was $499, people would likely be saying "Ok, well you get what you pay for", but the fact that the XB1 is suffering performance wise even though it's MORE expensive is ridiculous.

Granted, that added cost is due to the inclusion of the Kinect, but there's the rub. MS's single-minded determination to force the Kinect on the masses has bitten them in the ass. It forced them to release a weaker console at a higher price than the competition, and that's what this whole thing is about.

Every time you post you either refute others calling you a fanboy or you complain about people hating on MS. People are going to call out bullshit when they see it, and for the past several months everything coming from MS has been complete, utter bullshit. So they're getting called on it, plain and simple. The hate is going to continue as long as they keep spinning nonsense and/or as long as more drawbacks to the system are discovered.

I've given MS thousands of hard earned dollars over the past 12 years, and have sunk around seven THOUSAND hours into my gamertag. Yet all that means piss-all in the wake of all the mistakes they've made with the XB1. If people like me are going to call MS on their bull despite our past loyalties, then it's only going to continue man, sorry.

And seriously can this thread slow down? I read fast but jesus it's hard to keep up!
I would defend the PS4 the same way, except there is nothing to defend. PS4 is a great console and there is nothing to hate about it, so what do you want me to do.
I can't tell any difference between 720 and 1080 on my monitor. I'm much more affected by dodgy framerates

If you can't tell the difference between non-upscaled 720p and 1080p on a 1080p monitor you may want to go see a doctor. As someone who has played many PS3 games on my 1080p monitor (PS3 and PC monitors don't have upscalers) it is extremely noticeable and annoying to see the intense blurriness and softness.


After witnessing this crazy thread I thorght I would see if 720p vs 1080p makes a diference on my tv.

I have my PC hooked up to my 40''1080p tv which I am sat about 8foot from, and when comparing 720p + 1080p screenshots of ryse I could not see any difference at all.

with this cod shot

I was surprised by how much the difference seemed less then when viewing on my 21'' 1650x1050 pc monitor from about 1-2 ft away.On my 40'' its only when the gif changes, and its not so much because of the quality but rather i'am just noticing the pixels moving.

but even though it is a really small difference i have been brainwashed to think 1080p is a big difference and is something I need.

1080p benefit is only noticeable if you have like a 60inch tv and are sitting 8ft from it. On a 50inch tv sitting 8 ft away I cant imagine the benefit of 1080p really being that noticeable.

I play games at 720p (consoles) and 1080p (my PC hooked up to my tv), and the difference is very large on my 40" tv. This is playing actual games, not a goddamn picture. Every damn person who watched me play PC games with a 360 controller, asked why it looked so much better than theirs (they thought I was playing games on a 360 due to the controller). And it's not just the jump in resolution that makes is look so good, but the fact that it's being displayed at the TVs native resolution. You would have to be goddamn blind not to see the difference in an actual game.
but it's pretty funny, because i remember people around the office who were not gamers at all asking me about games on the ps3 and xbox and which ran them better. people may not notice but they tend to want the best.
Yep, from my anecdotal experience, people know whats common knowledge in terms of which one is best for certain purposes, or will at least know that there's some debate on the topic and ask for advice.

Who do you think they're going to ask?


I'm not saying they won't care at all, I just don't think it will be as big a factor as this thread would suggest.

You give the casuals too little credit. PS4 is the more powerful system, $100 cheaper and looks like multiplats will look better on it too (which btw was a HUGE advantage the 360 had last gen)...so yes it's a big factor.


Nope, just surveying the landscape. Show me one Xbox thread that hasn't gone to complete shit in the past 2 months.

I just don't want to participate in Xbox One threads anymore. There's no point.

I do sometimes to give a poke here and there, but I know there's no point. It just get's swallowed up.

Right, again, that's because of the size of NeoGAF now versus the way it was back then. Right now, NeoGAF probably has an equal percentage of its total userbase negative about the Xbox one as we were about the PS3. Every PS3 thread was negative on neoGAF for ages after 2006. All the threads about multiplatform games being better on 360? This is almost chump change.

It's just the scale of the debate has grown so much that it's hard to hold any conversation, positive or negative. But obviously since most people are rightfully going to be negative about XBO, it's the small percentage of people who remain positive who feels the community is too difficult to handle right now.

And as I said, I can sympathize with that. I've never been afraid to enter a fray, no matter how many people were against me if I feel I have the right of it. But I know that's not for everyone.

I'm not saying they won't care at all, I just don't think it will be as big a factor as this thread would suggest.

Ah, well I pretty much agree with that. Here's what I said on this score earlier ->

What WOULD be the implications of Call of Duty: Ghosts being 720p on Xbox One, but 1080p on PS4?

Things to discuss ->

● Would there be any long term effect in sales? I personally don't think so - the cards are already set for which system will do better in the first half dozen months. It's what happens when the truly big guns start coming that will matter, not a cross gen game like this.

● Would most potential consumers even care or notice? I don't believe if they walked up into a store and saw the Xbox One version and PS4 version side by side (if the resolution stuff is true) that they would notice. However, systems and games in this industry sell on word-of-mouth more than any other factor. So they may not personally notice it, but they WOULD notice all their gamer friends saying the XBO version is markedly inferior to the PS4 version. Ergo, a boulder starts rolling down a hill...

● What does this say about Xbox One's hardware? Is it not capable of running games that look better than this @ 1080p? Of course not! As we see from Forza 5, it runs at 1080p and 60fps. But, what it may mean is that the added complexity of the system architecture - owing primarily to the ESRam memory set up - is causing hurdles in development, forcing games which are on tight deadlines to have to make concessions on the Xbox One. It has been said that PS4's dev environment was much further ahead in tools, that it is much quicker "to triangle" on the environment than its competitor. This is exactly the type of situation that would play out if true... it's not that Call of Duty is doing things too hard for the Xbox One, it's that the added complexity of the system (and thus the added dev time) is forcing launch window games to have to make more cuts in order to get within that deadline.

● I'll get Call of Duty: Ghosts on PS4 then! But you shouldn't because that shit looks fucking grotesque too.


Neo Member
hah well, duh :p

but it's pretty funny, because i remember people around the office who were not gamers at all asking me about games on the ps3 and xbox and which ran them better. people may not notice but they tend to want the best.
I know people just keep somehow ignoring that word of mouth is the most powerful and dangerous tool in marketing the things implied in this tread are now literally wallpapered on every gaming message board and social media sight around that some bad word of mouth, the average consumer might not know what the difference is or means but they know one exist and the info is now everywhere.

Ploid 3.0

Seems like Wii's success and what ever kind of success Kinect had blinded Microsoft. If only they weren't trying to get a kinect in every home they might have been able to spend extra money on better hardware. First Nintendo with it's tablet, now maybe xbox with it's camera sold in the box.


You give the casuals too little credit. PS4 is the more powerful system, $100 cheaper and looks like multiplats will look better on it too (which btw was a HUGE advantage the 360 had last gen)...so yes it's a big factor.

But the biggest thing they will see by far is that it is $100 cheaper and they can still play COD on it. Then they will hear through the grapevine that it also happens to be the more powerful system.
I've been playing pc games at 1080p since early 2007 and 1600x1200 before that (both resolutions are ~2 million pixels). The Xbox 360 and PS3 both had 1080p capable hardware in 2005 and 2006. Because of that I'm calling it busted out the gate. However, if it's true then XBone lost a sale. I'm done playing blurry games.

This old man is done yelling now.


I wish I could say this really matters in the grand scheme of things, but really, outside of people around here that know better, average consumers aren't going to notice. Still is a nice change for me personally, since PS4 is the console I'm sticking with for the future.
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