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Places You're NEVER Going to Again

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Maxis Redwood
What was your bad experience there?

Last time I went to Olive Garden (which was a couple of years ago), the food was good, the service was fine, but I couldn't fall asleep that night. Turns out I had food poisoning. I got up to go to the bathroom and when I was done, the toilet bowl was black. Plus I was puking up the food as well. Like to the point where I was dry heaving. I have never dry heaved in my life until that night. You know it's bad when it comes out of both ends. Never going to Olive Garden again.

Are you me? I had a near identical experience at Olive Garden. I was curled up on the floor of my bathroom in pain for hours, unable to move. Haven't eaten there since... mental block is too strong.


You're going to have to revert back to English sooner or later. I'm not very proficient with the French language. This happens to be the case for most people.

I didn't make myself very clear: i'd start out with a bonjour and then maybe a je ne se pas francais and after that english. Never met any arrogance or snobby attitudes doing that. When approaching with "Excuse me sir" they just roll their eyes and ignore you. kinda cute actually.
Jack in the Box. Three different times that I got food poisoning. I kept wanting to go back and give them another chance because I actually used to like Jack in the Box, but can't do it any more.



Overrated, cold, expensive vegan bullshit that just leaves you fucking hungry. The staff is comprised almost wholly of angry, bitchy servers with no patience and the worst customer service attitude I've ever seen.

Fuck that shit-house.

(This is in Toronto btw)
The Bahama's sucked ass. Everywhere seemed dirty and crowded. Fuck that place in particular.



Wall Drug.

Fuck them and their goddamn inescapable signs.

The place itself is so kitschy, so full of novelties, that it's like being in some nightmare world where you're forced to confront the worst of empty consumerism.


San Jose, California. Was born there and lived there for several years of my childhood until my family moved up to Boise, Idaho. I never understood why we moved to Boise from San Jose as a kid, but I went several times in/after high school and understood why; it's such a hole. Fuck San Jose.

That said, Boise is a nice place to revisit, but I never want to live anywhere in Idaho again.


New York
What a joke of a pretentious state. Wouldn't be so bad if everyone from New York wasn't always telling you that it was the best place in the world. And with them usually just meaning "New York City," and ignoring the rest of the state anyway.


Stockton, California. What a pit. There's the good part of town and the bad part of town, separated by a street. We stayed in the bad part.

I also have particularly vile memories of both JFK and O'Hare airports.


this thread is pretty telling for how many people don't read the OP. interesting nonetheless.

for me, it's golden corral. was forced into going on my last trip to the states and it was horrifying. food was disgusting, plates were dirty. ugh. don't remember the customer service though. probably because there is barely any customer/employee interaction.


this thread is pretty telling for how many people don't read the OP. interesting nonetheless.
Ehh, I kinda figured that would happen. I thought some "funny" people were gonna say something dumb like The foot of the bed or something but it's still a good thread IMO.


Gamestop - Haven't been there in several months and don't ever plan on going back

Also am I just lucky? I've never had a problem at an Olive Garden...how long can this streak last?

As for Anime Conventions, I've only been to one, but it was okay. There wasn't really a smell, but then again I went first thing in the morning so maybe that was why?


Quebec city. My wife and I went there for a wedding and the residents were absolutely rude towards the English speaking canadians.


Allentown, PA. Thought we'd stop here for a night on a holiday trip home. Thought wrong. What a fucking shit hole. It could best be described as a shitty dirty Walmart, but a city.


A favela here in Rio.

I was drunk beyond recognition and ended up at my friend's house who is in a favela, never again. I think the icing was the dead rats you could see here and there. It honestly left me depressed people have to live like that. My friend had a pretty mindblowing view though.
Actual cities i want to avoid forever

Gary, Indiana
Buffalo, New York
WashingtOn DC

These places are all incredibly run down and dirty.

All fast food, pretty much. It makes me feel sick.
Cracker Barrel. Not sure whether i hate the restaurant or the clientele.
Applebees. I used to go frequently for happy hour, but the food just kept deteriorating.
I study in India and I'm planning to leave in 2 years when it's complete. I'm not coming back once I leave, life has been terrible here.


The amount of vitriol over the TSA is super overblown here, I fly every 4 months or so and they've never given me a problem.

The TSA deserves every single bit of vitriol. They've made me late for planes and then threatened to detain me if I bothered to file a complaint.



I bought some cheap blankets site-to-store for $3 each, down from $9. After and hour - and them dealing with an increasingly long line of rude customers - they couldn't find my blankets connected to my order. Even worse was that I had to stare at the same several blankets I ordered in a bin upfront a mere 10 yards or so from me. They couldn't pricematch them nor use them for my order since mine were shown as being prepared, they just didn't know where.

I went back months later - for what I don't remember - and had an equally horrible experience of waiting too long for nothing and listening to their radio skip like a CD.

Never again.

Edit : As for you OP, you kinda just need to keep expectations in check. The first story was fine, report her, the second I understand. Its not really Big Lots fault, its minimum wage paid to the shittiest generation ever, I've had experiences similar almost everywhere I go. A few days ago I went to a supermarket named Budweys and the cashier never aknowledged me, only talking to another cashier. That would have been fine but she even slowed and stopped checking me out for a few moments to finish her train of thought all while never even having said a word to me. I don't blame Budweys, I blame her for being an asshole at her minimum wage job.
Las Vegas

The most polluted air I've ever breathed, trashy as shit (I was deluded and thought it would be like the days of the Rat Pack), and I along with the rest of my family contracted bronchitis there. Miserable city.


Last time I had jury duty I was trying to find a restaurant. Directly east of the court buildings it is a really, really bad neighborhood.

I was supposed to go north.


Sao Paulo, never ever going back there again unless I have a connection for my journey.

I spent 4 days there on a 'holiday' and everything about it sucked.

It's dirty, noisy, smelly and boring as fuck.
I hear it's cool if you're filthy rich. Great restaurants and clubs etc.
Gamestop. I'm tired of all their shady shit. They fucking act like they are doing me a favor if they sell me a game that I didn't pre-order, have tried to sell me an opened game as new, and they try to sell me other shit I don't want such as other pre-orders, magazine subscriptions, and store cards. I've mostly gone all digital now anyways as an exclusively PC gamer, but I did use them in the past for the CE of the WOW expansions and for 360 titles back when I owned one. Fuck them.
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