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15 year old girl beaten as security guards look on

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Flek said:
what a bullshit…those guys 2 grown up man vs 1 atacking girl could have solved the "problem" jut with ackting agressive (without doint anything though - just showing off) 100%

fuck them - they have no moral at all - EVERY normal person would have helped the girl. At least every man.

they were there, they were the ones standing by doing nothing


The Everyman
Tokubetsu said:
I bet you most of the people in this thread wouldn't have stepped in either.
to a pull a girl off another girl? easy

i dont have any hair for her to pull anyway
Even if I had already won a fight between another person. I couldn't be insane enough to continue kicking that person in the head while their down. Thjat's some mental instability type stuff right there.


Unfortunately, in this day and age where everyone is sue happy, if they jumped in they could've been held personally liable. Their employer wouldn't back them most likely. I used to be a security guard back in the day, and our policies changed rapidly once hit with a lawsuit. Only time you're allowed to fight back was when your own life was in danger. Though this doesn't apply to all states unfortunately. Blame lawsuits and pink-clouded liberals in this case. You should see how you walk on eggshells in law enforcement like police or gov institutions these days. Criminals have more rights than the innocent and those who "serve and protect" unfortunately. This will be the decay of our society.

EDIT: On a side note though, in PA, a concealed weapons, or open carry holder could have intervened by laws to protect them though. This is actually what partially gives police their authority to use force.


We had some recent cases of people trying to help getting killed by the (underaged) thugs in Germany. But as an outcome, people are asked not to look away when stuff like this happens. Civil courage and all. Could can actually be charged if you do NOT come to help and at least ry to scare them away.

Until a knife is pulled out 10-20 adult onlookers should be able to protect someone from one girl and three boys. Or at least deter them, take pics and call the police and wait until the cops arrive.

Having been kicked in the face and then thrown out of the establishment my class had rented for our Abitur party by the bouncers right onto the parking lot where the attackers still could´ve been I know how she must feel. So if I EVER see something like this happen I swear I´ll fuck them up or die trying.
What those idiots should have done is broken up the fight, and if the company fires them, sue the shit out of the company AND the police department (for not escorting the girl) AND whoever owns the bus tunnel.

I guarantee a jury would have made sure they got paid for doing the right thing.


I'm surprised at how many people are yelling about security guards not helping and ignoring the swathes of people standing around that aren't going to lose their jobs if they intervene. I wouldn't intervene because I'm not about to get stabbed over some teen that may have started that shit for all I know.

The girl, who is black, also told the detective that the altercation began at a nearby department store, where some in the group made threatening comments that she had "nice things" and that she acts "white."
Is this now classed as a hate crime?


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I watched the video. The story doesn't make you nearly as sick to your stomach as it does when you watch the video and see these people STEALING HER SHIT as she drops it and the lead attacker STOMPING HER FUCKING HEAD. I wonder if these security guards would have stood around all chill (they were 2 fucking inches from her the entire time) if someone would have come in shooting.


Ah fucking hell, Westlake? Should've been more folks helping, fucking idiots. I used to go through the bus tunnel all the time. I would've helped her and really chewed out everyone watching for being assholes on the spot.


I worked my way through college doing security work, and can personally vouch that it's essentially the most worthless occupation on the entire planet. Well... maybe ant wrangling is almost as worthless, but it's damn close.

If you're an unarmed guard, the only real action you can legally take in the presence of violence is to place the suspect under citizen's arrest. Believe me, you really don't want to do that, as it's a one-way ticket to the unemployment line (and bad references from your employer to boot!).

Now armed guards, on the other hand, are scary people. They have roughly half the classroom training and gun-range time of police officers, and most states don't even require a psych evaluation. If armed guards had been the focal point of this incident, it's highly probable that the story would have unfolded a bit differently to everyone's detriment. :lol


GreekWolf said:
If armed guards had been the focal point of this incident, it's highly probable that the story would have unfolded a bit differently to everyone's detriment. :lol

Yep. "Why'd they shoot them? Couldn't they have talked it out? Guns = Evil." and so on.

I don't know about Act 235 here, all I know is I had to take a psych example before I got into Act 120 (law enforcement) and once again before I got hired. As far as range time goes, I'm not too sure on that either. All I know is firearms should have much-much-much more training time. 3 8+hr days a week for 4 weeks is not enough training time. Luckily I come from a firearms family and have many friends who are gun fanatics that I had a huge amount of experience under my belt. You'd be surprise how many people I remember from that class that I'd have to watch also so I don't get shot by. Sad, but true.
I still don't understand why these people are called guards if they don't do anything that comes close to the definition of guarding.


Yer catch 22 here. I can't imagine not jumping in but at the same time, who fucking knows these days, if the guards intervene they could have been sued for assault. It's not so much fucked up that the guards didn't do anything, it's that individuals no longer seem to be able to be held accountable for their actions and security and even to an extent police have their hands tied regarding how involved they can actually get in those situations according to the current laws.


SpectreFire said:
I still don't understand why these people are called guards if they don't do anything that comes close to the definition of guarding.

Also, they are "security guards" and the word "security" implies... providing security.


xbhaskarx said:
Also, they are "security guards" and the word "security" implies... providing security.

Yes. They provide security to their employers.

People need to understand that these aren't "National Security Guards". They are privately hired by their employers to protect their interests and their interests alone. Not you or I.

It's like asking why a software engineer couldn't stop a train from crashing after the driver died of a heart attack. "B-b-but he's got the word engineer in his job title!!!"
Burai said:
Yes. They provide security to their employers.

People need to understand that these aren't "National Security Guards". They are privately hired by their employers to protect their interests and their interests alone. Not you or I.

It's like asking why a software engineer couldn't stop a train from crashing after the driver died of a heart attack. "B-b-but he's got the word engineer in his job title!!!"

No its not. Do you know how to pick a girl up and walk her to safety? No? What if you had 2 fellow people help you pick her up?

Its not like these guards have walking disabilities. Nobody said they have to get into the fight and fuck up the bitch stomping on her head. All they had to do was at least show some kind of decency and check to see if she was ok and maybe at the very least pick her up and walk her to a safe location. Its not fucking hard.


Lionheart1827 said:
No its not. Do you know how to pick a girl up and walk her to safety? No? What if you had 2 fellow people help you pick her up?

Its not like these guards have walking disabilities. Nobody said they have to get into the fight and fuck up the bitch stomping on her head. All they had to do was at least show some kind of decency and check to see if she was ok and maybe at the very least pick her up and walk her to a safe location. Its not fucking hard.
Why single out the guards? Why not everyone else that didn't have to worry about employment contracts?


KnightM7 said:
Thats really odd. So Club bouncers do more to protect the public than actual security guards?

*reads article more

Oooh ok, security guards are just there to protect the merchandise, they couldnt care less about the people.
Right, had someone been stealing something and they decided to intervene I'm sure they'd have been praised for that.


Lionheart1827 said:
I was only singling out the guards because the post I quoted was about the guards.
Then I extend the question to everyone (including the OP). Why single out the guards? All the other bystanders had less of an excuse to not get involved. Is it because people misguidedly thought "Security Guards" are employed to enforce a general concept of "Security"?

NimbusD said:
Right, had someone been stealing something and they decided to intervene I'm sure they'd have been praised for that.
Well yeah, probably. That is what they're employed for. They guard merchandise, not people.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
SmokyDave said:
Why single out the guards? Why not everyone else that didn't have to worry about employment contracts?

First of all, they're guards -- which is why she went up to them. They stood right there and let it happen. I bet this whole thing looked very confusing to everyone around since guards are the ones who're supposed to deal with these types of things, yet didn't do anything. That said, yeah, people should have tried to do something when it became clear that the guards wouldn't.
God sometimes i hate my race. Because she act like she got some sense, she act like shes white. I swear we as a black race always take two steps foward then we take a step back


GhettoGamer said:
God sometimes i hate my race. Because she act like she got some sense, she act like shes white. I swear we as a black race always take two steps foward the we take a step back
(Today, 01:32 PM)
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Sorry dude, I had to :)
SmokyDave said:
Then I extend the question to everyone (including the OP). Why single out the guards? All the other bystanders had less of an excuse to not get involved. Is it because people misguidedly thought "Security Guards" are employed to enforce a general concept of "Security"?

Well yeah, probably. That is what they're employed for.

I'm sure thats the first thing that goes through an everyday person's head unfortunately. If you see guards around, they are taking care of it. Little do they know though. :/


This behavior is known as diffusion of responsibility. The average person will stand by and do nothing because they think someone else will handle it. Sucks. =(


is now taking requests
SmokyDave said:
Then I extend the question to everyone (including the OP). Why single out the guards? All the other bystanders had less of an excuse to not get involved. Is it because people misguidedly thought "Security Guards" are employed to enforce a general concept of "Security"?

Well yeah, probably. That is what they're employed for. They guard merchandise, not people.

The bystanders obviously figured - just like the girl did - that the security guards would be on top of things. It actually makes sense that the thugs would be the only ones who knew how useless the security is.


Those guards should be ashamed. The idea that they would be sued for intervening is idiotic. Even if they were, their employer has insurance for that kind of thing. All they had to do is at least stand between the two girls. Who exactly is going to sue them? The person viciously beating the other girl? Give me a fucking break.

And people trying to argue the guards aren't there to stop this kind of stuff need to stop. When two people are viciously beating each other on the company premises, that is precisely the kind of danger to company property and other people that guards are there to prevent.
Problem with security guards is that they really have no power, but these guards obviously were just stupid, any regular human being is allowed to help out or help defend an innocent life in danger. No matter their company policy, the security guards should have still intervened, I doubt the company would have fired them for being good Samaritans.

ItsInMyVeins said:
First of all, they're guards -- which is why she went up to them. They stood right there and let it happen. I bet this whole thing looked very confusing to everyone around since guards are the ones who're supposed to deal with these types of things, yet didn't do anything. That said, yeah, people should have tried to do something when it became clear that the guards wouldn't.

That's the problem, most Guards are NOT supposed to deal with these kinds of things. The whole concept of "observe and report" is the motto of most security agencies as to prevent any liable damages. People assume that rent a cops can actually do anything, but really all they are is a "deterrent" and walking security camera. It doesn't excuse them for not helping though, really anyone in the area should have intervened.


It's really easy to judge. I can't blame people for not stepping in, you'd have to be pretty dumb to. What if somebody pulls a knife or a gun? Right there, on the spot I wouldn't and wouldn't expect somebody to do it. Maybe one-on-one.

As for the gaurds, if that's what they're there to do then whatever. Pretty fucking useless if you ask me, but I'm not making the rules.
This girl came to them for help and even if it wasn't technically their place they should have done something, anything.
Options include:

  • Stopped the beating
  • Threaten the other girls beforehand
  • Taking the 15 year old to the security office, LP office, or just escorted her somewhere safe when she informed them of the situation
  • Got civilian attention
  • Anything
So if a kid walks into your place of work and starts viciously beating a young girl, none of you "they did the right thing" types would help at all at the risk of losing your job for assaulting a customer?

Is that what I'm seriously reading?

I don't care if I was a damn school-teacher, if I see someone getting curb-stomped and I'm in a position to stop it, I'm going to kick some teenage ass.
jamesinclair said:
The girl, who is black, also told the detective that the altercation began at a nearby department store, where some in the group made threatening comments that she had "nice things" and that she acts "white."

There's still people out there who act like this? I remember being at a soccer tourny and shopping for a new pair of sneakers (at a Finishline since we don't have these in Canada). I was with a few members of my team and we were all shopping. The guy who was "helping" me overheard our conversation and told me that "I'm not from around here, since I talk funny". After giving my puzzled look I had seen the Jordans' I'm after. Seeing the kid who talks funny picking up a $200 pair of sneakers, he reluctantly grabbed the Jordan box from the back and threw it at my feet. I had asked if he was going to lace them up and he skinned his teeth and did it.

After he did I tried them and decided to go for it. While talking to my friend he had asked why I talk all "white" and why I'm all "uppity"...I replied that it pays to be educated and not to enforce stereotypes or you can end up selling shoes for a living...

I was shocked that there are people still out there like this...I guess they are still out there...


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
BattleMonkey said:
That's the problem, most Guards are NOT supposed to deal with these kinds of things. The whole concept of "observe and report" is the motto of most security agencies as to prevent any liable damages. People assume that rent a cops can actually do anything, but really all they are is a "deterrent" and walking security camera. It doesn't excuse them for not helping though, really anyone in the area should have intervened.

The problem (apart from an overly litigious society that allows for things like this to happen) is that I doubt many people know of that. While most people probably know that they aren't exactly cops, I don't think many realize that they have a written contract that states that they aren't allowed to intervene when things like this happens.


Revolutionary said:
As a former security guard, I have to say they did the 'right' thing. Not in a moral sense of course, but as far as their jobs go, that's what they're supposed to do. Security Guards are a visual deterrant (which obviously didn't work this time around) and are taught to observe & report, not take on police duty and break up fights, etc.

All security guards are also discouraged from performing citizen's arrests unless absolutely necessary (which I had to once, which led to a lawsuit, blah blah... fortunately my company took care of it but it was still a fucking headache when all I was trying to do was help).

Yup, sounds right to me.
ItsInMyVeins said:
The problem (apart from an overly litigious society that allows for things like this to happen) is that I doubt many people know of that. While most people probably know that they aren't exactly cops, I don't think many realize that they have a written contract that states that they aren't allowed to intervene when things like this happens.

Well really main issue is that it's not a set standard of rules. Some security firms do allow their personnel to intervene, carry protective gear, weapons, etc. It really depends on who they work for or where they are working often. Guards at a mall for example are usually completely powerless, yet in some more important places they have more liberal policies. This creates problem of people not really knowing what a specific guards capabilities are. You also have issues of specific state laws that differ from state to state that creates unknown guard properties.


This reminds me of a time at an airport. I wait waiting for my flight at the terminal and noticed a girl(probably early 20's) walking along looking very upset. I didn't take much notice because I had no idea what was wrong and it was non of my business. Next thing I see this gutless short fuck guy storms up to her and grabs her by the hair and started yelling into her ear. After a moment he ripped her hair back even further so she cried out in pain and started to drag her along. I was just stunned but I saw the idiot walking right towards a group of guys...they did nothing...then I saw he was about to reach a security scanner bit and what happens? He walks past 4 guards, dragging this poor girl away into the airport and they did NOTHING. I was just...no words. There were like 5 guys(all bigger than this arsehole) and they did nothing. Security did nothing. What the fuck? To this day I feel really guilty because if I had known the people around them wouldn't do anything I'd have run over and helped but you know you kind of expect THE 15 PEOPLE NEXT TO THEM TO DO SOMETHING.


Will QA for food.
Not surprising. Just look at all the people standing around too.

Oh boy, there was there of them. Surely the fifteen, or so people in the photograph could have done something?


Darklord said:
This reminds me of a time at an airport. I wait waiting for my flight at the terminal and noticed a girl(probably early 20's) walking along looking very upset. I didn't take much notice because I had no idea what was wrong and it was non of my business. Next thing I see this gutless short fuck guy storms up to her and grabs her by the hair and started yelling into her ear. After a moment he ripped her hair back even further so she cried out in pain and started to drag her along. I was just stunned but I saw the idiot walking right towards a group of guys...they did nothing...then I saw he was about to reach a security scanner bit and what happens? He walks past 4 guards, dragging this poor girl away into the airport and they did NOTHING. I was just...no words. There were like 5 guys(all bigger than this arsehole) and they did nothing. Security did nothing. What the fuck? To this day I feel really guilty because if I had known the people around them wouldn't do anything I'd have run over and helped but you know you kind of expect THE 15 PEOPLE NEXT TO THEM TO DO SOMETHING.
thats the same thing those guys in the group were thinking too.


Darklord said:
This reminds me of a time at an airport. I wait waiting for my flight at the terminal and noticed a girl(probably early 20's) walking along looking very upset. I didn't take much notice because I had no idea what was wrong and it was non of my business. Next thing I see this gutless short fuck guy storms up to her and grabs her by the hair and started yelling into her ear. After a moment he ripped her hair back even further so she cried out in pain and started to drag her along. I was just stunned but I saw the idiot walking right towards a group of guys...they did nothing...then I saw he was about to reach a security scanner bit and what happens? He walks past 4 guards, dragging this poor girl away into the airport and they did NOTHING. I was just...no words. There were like 5 guys(all bigger than this arsehole) and they did nothing. Security did nothing. What the fuck? To this day I feel really guilty because if I had known the people around them wouldn't do anything I'd have run over and helped but you know you kind of expect THE 15 PEOPLE NEXT TO THEM TO DO SOMETHING.
You were victim to the Bystander Effect.


Wormdundee said:
It's hard to blame the guards though. I've heard of situations similar to this one where the guards did intervene. They get congratulated, and then fired for not following company policy. Then they have a black mark on their resume for the rest of their lives. Sometimes company policy fucks over people no matter what happens.

That it's pretty ridiculous
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