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2013 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Let the JPEG Die Already




Neo Member


Sadly it's a bad port. The game could look so much better...
At least it has very low requirements. Runs with over 40fps with 8xSSAA on a 7870 XT


Sadly it's a bad port. The game could look so much better...
At least it has very low requirements. Runs with over 40fps with 8xSSAA on a 7870 XT
Is it a bad port or is it a standard console port? Like is it actively broken and on fire? Because that would be bad.
But if it runs great and doesn't crash and stuff, bad might be a bit strong. I don't actually own it, so I don't know.

It's hard to gauge the reaction on how it actually is because we have been spoiled by great PC versions lately. Everyone is now expecting nixxes level care and polish, and anything less is bad.


I actually like how the PC Enslaved shots are looking. I picked it up today, but who knows how it will look on my computer without the fancy supersampling stuff. :p
I actually like how the PC Enslaved shots are looking. I picked it up today, but who knows how it will look on my computer without the fancy supersampling stuff. :p

I think a ton of downsampling is required to make it look even somewhat acceptable... but I have an unnatural aversion to aliasing.

The combat is fun but it feels like I've already played this game in the form of DmC. I'm not sure if it gets any better though. I'm not very far in at all. Been too busy trying to wrestle in some control over the camera.

The platforming is also really annoying and I just wish I could skip those parts.
I agree . take this shot for example :


Looks like it was ripped straight from the Anime.

Not sure if serious... That one looks terrible :p

Game really shines when there's some visual effects going on, like these:

Some more:

Now that's some pre-rendered FMV quality right there. Insane how they manage to do those special effects in real time.


With all the anime to choose from, it's almost a pity that of course Naruto would be receiving such a seemingly nicely done game version. That banding though. Ah... if only Ni No Kuni wasn't a console exclusive. I'd take that no matter how unlovingly ported it would be.

Parsnip's Dark Souls shots make me want to play again. Those look so good. I like the bottom one especially.

And yeah, this thread needs more S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

I've been lacking much time for games or anything last couple of days, but Enslaved is addictively fun. Admittedly, a pity that it didn't receive some updates, but it plays fantastically smooth (even if there are some hiccups at transitions).

These took quite some SweetFX'ing:

Incidentally, nine times out of ten I get CTD's when snapping a shot at portrait resolution. I'd love to hear if anyone else gets this. I experience similar tribulations when doing portrait shots for Betrayer (also UE3).


Not sure if serious... That one looks terrible :p

Game really shines when there's some visual effects going on, like these:

Some more:

Now that's some pre-rendered FMV quality right there. Insane how they manage to do those special effects in real time.

I am not saying the shot looks super nice .
But for me . if you asked me out of the blue wether this is game or Anime i would doubt myself.


Oh hey. I'm not much of a gaffer, but I'm always interested to see new places where people try to wrangle good screenshots from games. And yeah, I could do that. Do you want me to bunch up a couple of them? Pick my favourites? Do you want smaller jpg's instead of these big-ass PNG's? Do you want them to link back to my Flickr so people can check the descriptions and comments for tips? Let me know how I can help.



Oh hey. I'm not much of a gaffer, but I'm always interested to see new places where people try to wrangle good screenshots from games. And yeah, I could do that. Do you want me to bunch up a couple of them? Pick my favourites? Do you want smaller jpg's instead of these big-ass PNG's? Do you want them to link back to my Flickr so people can check the descriptions and comments for tips? Let me know how I can help.

All of the above. Seriously just whatever way you think is best.


So how do you guys pick your sweet fx settings? I messed around a bit with it last time I played Skyrim, but I just can't decide what looks good. It seems like a lot of people pop the colors a bit (vibrance?). Do you tweak every game separately or just roll with some preset that you created and that works for you?

edit: Also Grief, I'm at Anor Londo so I might take some of those shots soon. I forgot to mention last time that my toon is a lady, suppose that won't be a problem? Can't really tell through all that armor anyway. :p Other than the elite knight set, any preferred gear? I'm rolling with greatshield and greatsword of artorias by default, but if you have any preferences I can try and see if I have them.


So how do you guys pick your sweet fx settings? I messed around a bit with it last time I played Skyrim, but I just can't decide what looks good. It seems like a lot of people pop the colors a bit (vibrance?). Do you tweak every game separately or just roll with some preset that you created and that works for you?
Mine are tweaked depending on the game.


So how do you guys pick your sweet fx settings? I messed around a bit with it last time I played Skyrim, but I just can't decide what looks good.

It's really a mix of current aesthetical preference, what game you're playing, and what mood you're going for. The good thing about SweetFX, if used well, is that you can get the same game to look very differently. The main problem is that it's hard to balance right, and most people just go for more contrast, more sharpening and more colour, whereas VERY often, it looks better to go for reduced contrast and vibrancy. I think that's the main reason why this thread previously had a strict rule to not use SweetFX: so many people did not restrain themselves (and you might lump me in that category, easily). It's also one of the dangers when using Photoshop filters like Topaz. If you slap the same presets over just any shot, chances are the outcome won't look like a magnificent enhancement, but as an aching sensation that you'd rather have seen just the basic screenshot. But as in everything, that's up to taste.

What I mostly do, when I play a game, is LOOK at it. Are the textures and lighting already very saturated? What happens when I desaturate? In my Enslaved shots I did just that. The game was very saturated, and the textures looked oversharpened and high on contrast. I like to try and go for a look that pleases me, and while very overwhelming from the outset, I tired of the games look quickly. So I toned down the contrast, ramped down vibrancy as well as saturation (via tonemap), fiddled with DPX and technicolor to warp the colours and lighting a bit (I've not the words to properly explain what I aimed at -- I think I try to make it look as if the game is not going for the primary colours): I toned down the blue and ramped up the reds and greens via LiftGammaGain to make the gameworld look a bit more faded, and I used the lift part to make sure shadows weren't crushed.

You have so many options, really, that writing up what you decide to do for any given game can run into pages of boring stream-of-consciousness blabber. If you're not sure what to do, just make radical changes up and down for parameters, see what it does, and then adjust down to taste. But mostly it works best if you decide what you want before you do it. Or pick a style that you want to emulate (from a film, comic book, painting or whatever). You won't always be able to pull it off, but when it works, it's kind of fun. Also, in most current games, that use their own colour correction which changes between areas, there's often no such thing as a SweetFX setup that will be good for the entire game (Dark Souls is notorious for this).

Dither, SMAA, curves, vibrancy (up but mostly down), tonemap and more and more often, gaussian blur, are staples for me, to which I almost always return in any game.

Also, if a game suffers from banding, I like to throw in some grain to offset the effect. Not to everyone's tastes, but it can work without being too obnoxious. Sadly, SweetFX grain isn't the best implementation of grain.



It's really a mix of current aesthetical preference, what game you're playing, and what mood you're going for. The good thing about SweetFX, if used well, is that you can get the same game to look very differently. The main problem is that it's hard to balance right, and most people just go for more contrast, more sharpening and more colour, whereas VERY often, it looks better to go for reduced contrast and vibrancy. I think that's the main reason why this thread previously had a strict rule to not use SweetFX: so many people did not restrain themselves (and you might lump me in that category, easily). It's also one of the dangers when using Photoshop filters like Topaz. If you slap the same presets over just any shot, chances are the outcome won't look like a magnificent enhancement, but as an aching sensation that you'd rather have seen just the basic screenshot. But as in everything, that's up to taste.

What I mostly do, when I play a game, is LOOK at it. Are the textures and lighting already very saturated? What happens when I desaturate? In my Enslaved shots I did just that. The game was very saturated, and the textures looked oversharpened and high on contrast. I like to try and go for a look that pleases me, and while very overwhelming from the outset, I tired of the games look quickly. So I toned down the contrast, ramped down vibrancy as well as saturation (via tonemap), fiddled with DPX and technicolor to warp the colours and lighting a bit (I've not the words to properly explain what I aimed at -- I think I try to make it look as if the game is not going for the primary colours): I toned down the blue and ramped up the reds and greens via LiftGammaGain to make the gameworld look a bit more faded, and I used the lift part to make sure shadows weren't crushed.

You have so many options, really, that writing up what you decide to do for any given game can run into pages of boring stream-of-consciousness blabber. If you're not sure what to do, just make radical changes up and down for parameters, see what it does, and then adjust down to taste. But mostly it works best if you decide what you want before you do it. Or pick a style that you want to emulate (from a film, comic book, painting or whatever). You won't always be able to pull it off, but when it works, it's kind of fun. Also, in most current games, that use their own colour correction which changes between areas, there's often no such thing as a SweetFX setup that will be good for the entire game (Dark Souls is notorious for this).

Dither, SMAA, curves, vibrancy (up but mostly down), tonemap and more and more often, gaussian blur, are staples for me, to which I almost always return in any game.

Also, if a game suffers from banding, I like to throw in some grain to offset the effect. Not to everyone's tastes, but it can work without being too obnoxious. Sadly, SweetFX grain isn't the best implementation of grain.

Thanks for the wall of text. :)
I have a feeling that my indecisive nature will be the death of me once I get started, but there are definitely some games that I feel could use something extra (for the lack of a better word), maybe sfx is just the thing I've been missing.

When I played Skyrim I just ended up downloading a modest enb preset from nexus and rolled with that. The lazy way out. :p


When I played Skyrim I just ended up downloading a modest enb preset from nexus and rolled with that. The lazy way out. :p

Well, for Skyrim, ENB offers stuff that could never be done in SweetFX (it being LDR); ENB is HDR and can really change up the image rendering. But yeah, even there, SweetFX has its uses.

Also, it's not lazy to try out presets done by others. Just don't be afraid to open up those HLSL files and start changing some parameters.
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