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Adventure Time Season 5 |OT| Welcome to the Multiverse

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dang, Simon. but him turning back into the Ice King and losing his sanity in an instant was pretty funny; "what, there's a party? *whee*"


This was a great episode, poor Simon.
Death feeling bad for him at the end was pretty interesting

How so? Access to magical items isn't the same as being a wizard.

Death showing sympathy? That was weird.

That episode really should have been a 2 part special, etc

Who knew Ice King had such an awesome girlfriend? I hope we see more of her.

She was awesome but wouldn't her jumping through the portal cause time problems?
It is heavily implied but not confirmed. As it stands Susan being human isn't a huge deal unless we find out some crazy details from her past like
she winds up being Finn's sister

That would be a shocker if that's true. I still find it strange that she tried to dunk Finn's head into the water. I thought she would have guessed a long time ago that he wasn't like the fish people.

i like her more now. she's more interesting when she shows her evil side a little bit.

I guess so, but sometimes she goes a little too far. I bet someone already made a list, but I'll just list reasons.

- Throwing everyone into the prison because of that king's screw up
- When seeing the gumball knight,
instantly trying to kill him
- Ignoring the husband candidate from Peppermint Butler and
getting his face all messed up trying to get her attention
- Instead of helping Fire Princess she
tries to experiment on her

She isn't all bad. Every mistake I mentioned, she always made it better in the end. She did
release everyone from prison, let the Gumball Knight go, and gave the husband candidate a clone of herself
. Her committing some of these acts in the first place, is what makes it bad overall. I see some people list letting James
sacrifice himself as a bad thing, but I don't think that was a bad thing she did. That was more for survival
so she didn't have a choice.

I like a few malicious characters as well, but some of these are a little much.


That would be a shocker if that's true. I still find it strange that she tried to dunk Finn's head into the water. I thought she would have guessed a long time ago that he wasn't like the fish people.

I guess so, but sometimes she goes a little too far. I bet someone already made a list, but I'll just list reasons.

- Throwing everyone into the prison because of that king's screw up
- When seeing the gumball knight,
instantly trying to kill him
- Ignoring the husband candidate from Peppermint Butler and
getting his face all messed up trying to get her attention
- Instead of helping Fire Princess she
tries to experiment on her

She isn't all bad. Every mistake I mentioned, she always made it better in the end. She did
release everyone from prison, let the Gumball Knight go, and gave the husband candidate a clone of herself
. Her committing some of these acts in the first place, is what makes it bad overall. I see some people list letting James
sacrifice himself as a bad thing, but I don't think that was a bad thing she did. That was more for survival
so she didn't have a choice.

I like a few malicious characters as well, but some of these are a little much.

She's a nice Dr. Wily.

PK Gaming

That would be a shocker if that's true. I still find it strange that she tried to dunk Finn's head into the water. I thought she would have guessed a long time ago that he wasn't like the fish people.

I guess so, but sometimes she goes a little too far. I bet someone already made a list, but I'll just list reasons.

- Throwing everyone into the prison because of that king's screw up
- When seeing the gumball knight,
instantly trying to kill him
- Ignoring the husband candidate from Peppermint Butler and
getting his face all messed up trying to get her attention
- Instead of helping Fire Princess she
tries to experiment on her

She isn't all bad. Every mistake I mentioned, she always made it better in the end. She did
release everyone from prison, let the Gumball Knight go, and gave the husband candidate a clone of herself
. Her committing some of these acts in the first place, is what makes it bad overall. I see some people list letting James
sacrifice himself as a bad thing, but I don't think that was a bad thing she did. That was more for survival
so she didn't have a choice.

I like a few malicious characters as well, but some of these are a little much.

Your list is slightly off base

-She threw them in prison because they protested her ruling of throwing the king in jail. He didn't really "screw" up, she was just being a jerk.
-She assumed he was dangerous.
-How was this a mistake? She didn't owe that guy anything, and no intentions of getting married. Peppermint butler was being a dumbass. And he got his own face messed up by trusting Peppermint, remember?
-She did nothing of the sort. She was observing FP, and trying to come up with a solution to her "world destroying powers."

And yeah, you're totally right with the James thing. She had the guts to make a hard choice. Like a true leader.


Does anyone else feel like Finn is losing his mind this season? Actually the entire second half of this season seems off. It's like a bunch of nonsensical shorts along with weird changes in the characters' personalities. Maybe I'm missing something here.

Also, as much as I feel sorry for Simon, I don't really want him to have a happy ending. I've gotten used to the fact that he's fucked with that crown and there's nothing he can do about it. I was actually surprised how easily Bella Noche was able to take its power and restore Simon.


I don't think Simon can be saved. It has to do with Death telling him something along the lines "Welp, you had your chance."

Why would Death say that unless he knew it was Simon's only way out? Unless he was trying to trick him... which doesn't seem to be something Death would do.
I don't think Simon can be saved. It has to do with Death telling him something along the lines "Welp, you had your chance."

Why would Death say that unless he knew it was Simon's only way out? Unless he was trying to trick him... which doesn't seem to be something Death would do.

He may have just meant he blew his shot at it that time around. No reason he can't get another opportunity... I hope...
I want PB to accidentally banish Finn and Jake to another dimension and for the show to switch to Simon and Wizard Betty's adventures next season.


Future episode titles revealed.

Bad Timing
Lemonhope Story I & II
Billy's Bucket List

Looks like these will be the final episodes of the season. Some (arguably justifiable) grumbling stemming from Lemonhope getting a 2 parter and not Betty.

Also they uploaded the title card and a story board sketch for Bad Timing on the King of Ooo tumblr if you haven't seen it yet:



Future episode titles revealed.

Looks like these will be the final episodes of the season. Some (arguably justifiable) grumbling stemming from Lemonhope getting a 2 parter and not Betty.

Also they uploaded the title card and a story board sketch for Bad Timing on the King of Ooo tumblr if you haven't seen it yet:

I'm sure we'll get more on Betty next season, though I'm a bit miffed by that news and no word on anything new on Susan Strong. Since we will be moving onto season 6 later this year, I wonder how much steam this show still has left? There are a ton of stories still left to tell.

Speaking of, the AT comics are pretty good. I picked up a bunch off of Amazon and have been reading them. While not really canon, they are great and skirt around some of the stuff they've been doing in the show.


Unconfirmed Member
Awesome, awesome episode. It seems they've got a lot of things to play around with and writing some closures of the characters we have seen. I am definitely excited for the direction of Season 6 when it comes :)


I'm sure we'll get more on Betty next season, though I'm a bit miffed by that news and no word on anything new on Susan Strong. Since we will be moving onto season 6 later this year, I wonder how much steam this show still has left? There are a ton of stories still left to tell.

susan is lame

i want more marceline though :mad:


(Scratches head)

Just when I think i understood the episode, it eluded me. I'll need to watch that again. PB has issues, sad she reminds me of an old coworker to a tee.

Hmm maybe LSP was in a paradox loop

Edit edit: I got it, she totally erased dude from their space time, which is why he was looking into the scene at the end, unable to interact.

That was a cool episode. Did the circle thing mean we were looking back in time or something?

I think the outside of it was a pocket of existence outside of space-time.


Adventure Time continues to amaze me with the things they manage to portray in a kid-friendly manner. That was really sad.


The border was a microscopic timeline. The creatures in there got sent by PB and Johnny got sent there.

PK Gaming

This episode made me fucking hate LSP

The worst part is that people will probably harp on PB for
threatening LSP or creating the time travel device


It's tough being a Princess
This episode made me fucking hate LSP

The worst part is that people will probably harp on PB for
threatening LSP or creating the time travel device


It's tough being a Princess

I don't know, am I imaging things, or has OOO just gone completely off-the-rails sociopathic? LSP has always been exceedingly self-involved, and PB a little strange, but things are getting weird with everyone else. Marceline and BMO are about the only people unaffected.

It just seems...different. On purpose? Or creative drift? Or maybe my imagination.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
The border was a microscopic timeline. The creatures in there got sent by PB and Johnny got sent there.

This was a kind of a sad episode if you think about it, but it was so quick I don't think the gravity of what happened was really explored.


This was a kind of a sad episode if you think about it, but it was so quick I don't think the gravity of what happened was really explored.

that's why it was good. the heaviness was only implied - since they don't have much of a chance to muck about being heavy-handed, it stays light which makes the sad bits quietly potent imo.

i don't get the circle though


i don't get the circle though

I think it's supposed to imply that in this outer dimension you can still see what's going on in normal space-time but you can't interact with it and those in normal space-time aren't cognizant of your existence. Like viewing a television program.

It's interesting to note that the little guys in that pocket dimension don't seem too distressed by being stuck in limbo, some of them even find each other and become friends.


I don't know, am I imaging things, or has OOO just gone completely off-the-rails sociopathic? LSP has always been exceedingly self-involved, and PB a little strange, but things are getting weird with everyone else. Marceline and BMO are about the only people unaffected.

It just seems...different. On purpose? Or creative drift? Or maybe my imagination.

I think you should add Jake to the list of sane guys. If anything he became more rational after becoming a father.


For all intents and purposes, a dude was just straight up murdered in the most recent episode. This show is so fucking weird O_O
Part of the reason it's so good though.
As someone else said though, people are starting to really go the off the rails in terms of personality. Maybe the writers want to reign that in?
I don't even know what to make of the episode that aired last night. Half the time, I'm asking myself "What in the fuck am I even watching anymore?"


I could really have done with an episode of Adventure Time that wasn't sad this week. It was good though. I kind of wish the time between the guy getting transported to LSP losing her memory had been longer, because it felt a bit rushed with PB instantly letting her forget everything. I hope they come back to this storyline, because that blue guy really didn't deserve that. It was sad watching him look in on the circle. And maybe LSP will be less annoying if she ever remembers what she did. I like her, but she can be grating.

I also freaked out when she only transported his head. That could have gotten really dark.
Watching this show incredibly slowly, just saw "Susan Strong". I take long breaks between episodes and every single new one to me is an astonishing treat. What a brilliant show.
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