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Amazing character design


Phoenix Wright has some great designs. Von Karma was intimidating, Phoenix was an extension of the player, and Edgeworth was that rival that was better than you in every way imaginable, yet you always found a way to win.

Man that series is great. The designs convey the characters nicely.


Yeah to chime in on the GeoW debate:

Go play the UT series if you want to actually see some interesting space marine Design.

GeoW is FAR from their best work design-wise.




EricDiesel said:
I also like a lot of the Oddworld characters.




Also have to throw in some Earthworm Jim designs.




I'm goin old school.
You won this thread... SO many people picking anime-style characters that, aside from costumes, aren't really all that different.
Here's a handful of my faves (and damn you for stealing my ideas ;)):




Edit: holy shit, only just noticed the similarity in the last two!:lol
Zifnab said:
I get your point, but I don't see how Marcus Fenix is an "amazing" design. Heck, you yourself say "good design." Too me, amazing design is something that jumps out at you; something that perhaps you would never have thought of yourself. "Damn, I would never have drawn or imagined X like that!"

If I asked any average artist to quickly draw me a bald space marine wearing exceptionally thick armor with no helmet, I bet most of them would come up with something looking very similar to Marcus. To me that indicates that the only amazing thing about the design is that it is amazingly average. So can you point out exactly what makes Marcus such an amazing design?

I say just good design because I'm not familiar with the game outside of playing a couple early level on pc and that mad world trailer, I'm not familiar enough to decide whether he's good or amazing design. but at the very least, I don't find him generic because he's very distinct and identifiable. if you see a picture of him, you won't mistake him for other space marine from other game. and that's the first step of good design.

my post is not to point that Marcus Fenix is an amazing design, just to point out that it's not hard for some other people to think he has amazing design.


Coolio McAwesome said:
Mike Haggar

When his daughter is kidnapped by a gang of street thugs, Mike Haggar doesn't call in the Feds. Rather, he rips his shirt off and proceeds to beat the shit out of a bunch of trannies and Andre the Giant clones. He also used Zangief's moves before they were cool, and his moustache approaches Tom Selleck levels of awesomeness.

Not to get of on too much of a tangent here, but I would love to see a Haggar vs. Zangief game in the near future. Each character would have their own stages (Haggar would fight through the mean streets of Metro City while Zangief would beat up bears in snow covered Siberian terrains) before ultimately coming face to face with the other in their respective final boss battles. Also, Zangief would have breast cancer.
As the topic starter, I officially declare Coolio McAwesome "Winner of the Thread."

Give this man a trophy.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
MickeyKnox said:
Masterchief's design is blatantly lifted from Roughnecks, the CG animated Starship Troopers show from the late '90s.


Halo was revealed in July 1999 and plenty of people on this very forum had seen it before that. Not to mention that the character is also an evolution of the Marathon security guard from like, 1863.

Roughnecks didn't air 'til August 1999.

OuterWorldVoice said:
Halo was revealed in July 1999 and plenty of people on this very forum had seen it before that. Not to mention that the character is also an evolution of the Marathon security guard from like, 1863.

Roughnecks didn't air 'til August 1999.

And anyways, Halo is one of the few things in the Sci-Fi genre that features a white, male hero.


Water Dragon from Sonic Spinball


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I'm sorry, but Oddworld designs are horrendous. It's not very imaginative or appealing to cobble together various gnarled body parts in random proportions and call it a character. Joe Camel with a cowboy hat is not good character design IMO.
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