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Anyone besides me feel like Captain America: Civil War is overrated and exploitative?

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No, Civil War is amazing, but Winter Soldier is definitely the best MCU movie overall.

I wouldn't say it's overrated. Personally, I loved the film. My only complaint was that Steve should have gotten his ass handed to him by T' Chala, Spidey and Tony. However, I understand that it was his movie and that there had to be a movie, so they couldn't make Cap lost. Maybe he could have been wrecked by Tony in the end, though.

MCU Spidey is too green, you can see Cap struggle with fighting him in the beginning but once he got a feel for his power set he took advantage of it. During the end sequence he was about to lose against Tony if it wasn't for Bucky distracting him one last time to let Steve throw him against the pillar behind him.
Eh I don't know about that, at least in the MCU. Maybe Spidey could have bested him an Iron Man but they sort of show that by having it take both Cap and Bucky to take him down. I don't think T' Chala is supposed to he more powerful than him. Cap in the MCU is a beast fighter.

Spidey would be the one where yeah he could probably easily beat Cap

Bucky was as great of a fighter as Cap if not better sometimes. T' Chala was about to kill Bucky in the airport fight by slashing his neck if Scarlet Witch hadn't intefered.


I thought it was one of the more overrated films of 2016... it was fun but nowhere near "best comic book film" like many were proclaiming
I take issue with the title of "Civil War" because,
1. it wasn't much of a war. It was more a skirmish. 2. what kind of war involves around 12 people?. 3. the "war" is basically over by the end of the movie. At least that's what I got out of it with Cap sending Stark the pen and Stark ignoring the call to go catch Cap. Plus it took 1.5hrs to get to the 5mins fight.

Winter Soldier doesn't use an ice gun

Iron Man's suit isn't probably even made out of iron, too heavy

The "Incredible" Hulk is a matter of subjective opinion. I'm sure the inhabitants of Harlem don't deem him "Incredible".

The Avengers don't Avenge anything cos Coulson is alive.

The Guardians of the Galaxy only rescue one planet, not a whole galaxy

Ant "Man" is subjective, because how many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?


I take issue with the title of "Civil War" because,
1. it wasn't much of a war. It was more a skirmish. 2. what kind of war involves around 12 people?. 3. the "war" is basically over by the end of the movie. At least that's what I got out of it with Cap sending Stark the pen and Stark ignoring the call to go catch Cap. Plus it took 1.5hrs to get to the 5mins fight.
And how it can be an "Age of Ultron" if Ultron was only around for a few days?


You really do find the weirdest things to complain about.

And as others have said when I think exploitation in film whether the film itself or on an audience I don't think of title branding on an otherwise connected one universe of films that is intended to all be viewed as such.
I've never seen any of the Amazing Spiderman movies. Is Garfield a shitty Spiderman?
He's a shitty Spiderman in the way Ewan McGregor was a shitty Obi Wan Kenobi.

Decent actors that were well cast but had to deal with the horrible scripts and stories set out for them.

In either case, Holland is way better.
Eh I don't know about that, at least in the MCU. Maybe Spidey could have bested him an Iron Man but they sort of show that by having it take both Cap and Bucky to take him down. I don't think T' Chala is supposed to he more powerful than him. Cap in the MCU is a beast fighter.

Spidey would be the one where yeah he could probably easily beat Cap

I actually love how much more super-human Cap felt in this movie.

The previous ones his best feats were like jumping abnormally high or smashing through something with his shield.

Spidey catching WS's metal fist was hype too.


"Civil War" is the whole dispute between Avengers. It's not just the 18 minutes of physically fighting each other.
MCU Spidey is too green, you can see Cap struggle with fighting him in the beginning but once he got a feel for his power set he took advantage of it. During the end sequence he was about to lose against Tony if it wasn't for Bucky distracting him one last time to let Steve throw him against the pillar behind him.

When Spidey hold Cap's hands with his webbing, there shouldn't be any chance in hell that Cap could show any type of resistance. The movie showed that Spidey is far stronger than Cap, because he held Bucky's iron arm like a toy. Like he did with the car. Also, it's not like Peter couldn't think as a tactical fighter. He thought a plan to beat Ant-Man and he beat Falcon and Bucky.


The sequence of cap and Bucky vs German special forces is underrated

I liked the opening sequence better on rewatch, too. I hated it in the theater and thought it was a total editing mess. I still think it cuts too quickly, but I could make sense of it the second time around. Whether that was because I knew what to expect, or the effect just isn't as disorienting at home as on a theater screen, or what.

Not Spaceghost

It was a movie that was all about its set pieces with some real garbage drama to tie them together.

The airport sequence i could tell was what they were all banking on to be the big hit moment of the movie but it just looked so ridiculously cheap and kind of pathetic.

The real disappointment was that after how great and focused cap2 was we got this hodgepodge wanna be avengers 3 movie with caps name plastered all over it despite his story being much less interesting than the other stories in this movie.


I think the chase that followed it wasn't that good, so it took the hype a bit down with it. But yes, that stairwell action was ACE.

And yet not even close to the quality of their TWS fight in the street.

People can rate Civil War all they want, we could've had a true TWS sequel with full on fight scenes. One that built on what TWS did well and fixed the shoddy aspects.

But then audiences couldn't jerk off to Bucky and Cap tag teaming Iron Man.


I liked the opening sequence better on rewatch, too. I hated it in the theater and thought it was a total editing mess. I still think it cuts too quickly, but I could make sense of it the second time around. Whether that was because I knew what to expect, or the effect just isn't as disorienting at home as on a theater screen, or what.

Black Widow's fight in the marketplace is still really bad.
It's just ok in my book. The conflict never rose to a level of seriousness (especially given the ending) and the Spider-man cameo feels like a commercial.
I'm going to be honest, with all the flack over BVS, there does seem to be a lot of hypocrisy in the warm reception to CW. One of my biggest annoyances with CW is the jarring tonal shifts. I mean you'll have a scene like that one guy tying the other guy upside down and drowning him, then it's freaking Ant-man blown up to being a giant while Spider-man makes SW jokes. The tone is kind of all over the place.


I'm going to be honest, with all the flack over BVS, there does seem to be a lot of hypocrisy in the warm reception to CW. One of my biggest annoyances with CW is the jarring tonal shifts. I mean you'll have a seen like that one guy tying the other guy upside down and drowning him, then it's freaking Ant-man blown up to being a giant while Spider-man makes SW jokes. The tone is kind of all over the place.

No see it's okay because it's Marvel.


I agree it's not a captain america film as i keep forgetting it wasn't an avengers film.

But... I'm ok with that honestly. It entertained me all the same.
People give Tony crap for his actions in this film but man I just feel bad for him.

- Rightfully guilty for Ultron, was trying to protect the world (we know he'll fail in this)
- Girlfriend walked away from him (who he described as the one thing he couldn't live without)
- Best friend crippled
- Other best friend lied to him
- Watched his parents get murdered
- Handed over his power to a despot
- Left with nobody to support him except aforementioned crippled friend, distant cyborg who crippled him, and a teenager

I like Cap, and don't think he was wrong (literally the Russos intended you not to pick a side, either could be right or wrong) but I really felt for Tony. Some excellent arc building leading to a redemption in IW.


Winter Soldier doesn't use an ice gun

Iron Man's suit isn't probably even made out of iron, too heavy

The "Incredible" Hulk is a matter of subjective opinion. I'm sure the inhabitants of Harlem don't deem him "Incredible".

The Avengers don't Avenge anything cos Coulson is alive.

The Guardians of the Galaxy only rescue one planet, not a whole galaxy

Ant "Man" is subjective, because how many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?

And how it can be an "Age of Ultron" if Ultron was only around for a few days?


Exactly. I know BVS is a flawed movie but CW's warm reception really brought to light the double-standard going on.

My stance is Civil War is a better film, but I had more fun with BvS. Once you've seen Civil War once that's it, BvS rewards you each time with more and more batshit crazy.


I'm going to be honest, with all the flack over BVS, there does seem to be a lot of hypocrisy in the warm reception to CW. One of my biggest annoyances with CW is the jarring tonal shifts. I mean you'll have a seen like that one guy tying the other guy upside down and drowning him, then it's freaking Ant-man blown up to being a giant while Spider-man makes SW jokes. The tone is kind of all over the place.

Hear me out on this, but maybe, just maybe, despite being cut from similar cloth as BvS, most people just think Civil War managed to pull off its story and juggle its cast of characters and manage its tone better than Snyder's film did?

You can think X was better than Y without also thinking X is the absolute best version that could ever exist of that formula. That's not hypocritical. That's actually pretty reasonable, I think!
Exactly. I know BVS is a flawed movie but CW's warm reception really brought to light the double-standard going on.
The double standard of what, if you like something general consensus praise is okay, but if another similar (it isn't similar and you really need to watch them again If you think so) movie doesn't do as well it isn't fair?

I've watched both numerous times, and Batman vs Superman is a dreary, drudge of a film. Civil War is not. It's not a double standard, it's a general litmus test of which one puts me into a coma. Civil War is not that.
I really liked the angle the story was going for. Maybe the execution was a bit weak. I didn't really care that Bucky killed Tony's parents because you only got a few minutes of his relationship with them.

I think the concept of the Sokovia Accords was intriguing. A lot of both sides points are valid, but the ones that stood out was Tony saying they need to sign or they will make them sign and Steve's point that if they sign there are situations where they have to go save someone or somewhere they have to go but they are forbidden to and vice versa.

The concept was cool but it's hard to fit that into a 2 hour movie.
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