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a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Hercules didn't eat pizza, Rocky.

They actually had things close enough that we would call them pizzas back in Ancient Greece. πικτή and what have you.

I know this unimportant history fact so I might as well share it.

Travelling to New Jersey on Thursday. Going to see ROH, Shimmer, Chikara, WWE Hall of Fame, $5 Wrestling, DGUSA Night 2 and Mania itself. It will be a blast!

Minus that last part, sounds like an amazing weekend. Enjoy.


They actually had things close enough that we would call them pizzas back in Ancient Greece. πικτή and what have you.

I know this unimportant history fact so I might as well share it.

But did Hercules eat them?


So not worth it
As much as the card and build-up to this Mania sucks, Mania is gonna be awesome because 1. It's Mania and WWE goes all out and 2. Because there's gonna be at least four four+ star matches.


How many of us are going to the Crapstravaganza this weekend? We need to get a meet-up or something set-up.
A meet up around wrestlecon would be cool. I'll be at the Thursday PWS show and all the Wrestlecon events, Mania, and then Raw and will be hanging with BillRiccio the whole weekend. Say hey if you see me, I'm the non Japanese guy in this picture.



As much as the card and build-up to this Mania sucks, Mania is gonna be awesome because 1. It's Mania and WWE goes all out and 2. Because there's gonna be at least four four+ star matches.
Ryback is going to die after a botched Shellshock. no one wants too see that except Vince apparently

also i dont think any match has 4 star potential, let alone 4 of them


If Hogan could come back to job to Cena just once.

Plus, he's still gotta beat that streak!

Cena still has so much to do really. Become IC champ, Hardcore champ, Diva champ, King of the Ring, Cruiseweight champ, etc.

I mean look



So I didn't go to Extreme Pro Wrestling on Saturday (had some out of town errands to run), but our local website which covers the night life in this town did......so we have pictures.
First up:

The Champ, Homeless:


Yes, that does look like a World Heavyweight Championship belt.





Pure Goodness:



That's all the decent images....crowd looks like it was around 50....not bad for small town wrasslin.
A meet up around wrestlecon would be cool. I'll be at the Thursday PWS show and all the Wrestlecon events, Mania, and then Raw and will be hanging with BillRiccio the whole weekend. Say hey if you see me, I'm the non Japanese guy in this picture.

I am also not japanese, but I will be the guy hanging with mechashiva with the awesome beard. Hope we can meet up with some of you. Last years Wrassle GAF meet up was rad.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So I didn't go to Extreme Pro Wrestling on Saturday (had some out of town errands to run), but our local website which covers the night life in this town did......so we have pictures.

That's all the decent images....crowd looks like it was around 50....not bad for small town wrasslin.

Looks like a lot of fun, Homeless is in my Fave Five



ECW on TNN 9/17/99

The show opened with Dreamer and Raven retaining their titles against Rhino and Jack Victory in the ECW Arena. I guess Raven just popped up at the end again. Dreamer was wrapped in barbed wire.

TO THE BACK. Cyrus is in the back with Fonzie. He announces the ban on Sabu has been lifted at Anarchy Rulz and he will be facing Justin Credible! Sabu pops into frame as Fonzie crack rambles.

To open the show, Joel had a particularly lame intro which was just a Milli Vanilli reference.

PN News vs Spike Dudley

PN News? For real? "If you come from Philly, you must be gay." PN's flow is straight up stolen from PG-13. Spike wins in a minute.

TO THE BACK. NEWS ALERT ECW Superstar injured! An ambulance is shown. But who is limo?!?

Super Crazy vs Tajiri

This more or less starts with Tajiri doing an Asai moonsault into the crowd.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Crazy dodges and hits a 10 count punch in the corner. Handspring elbow, German suplex, and basement drop kick int he mouth from Tajiri. Crazy reverses a suplex and hits a stiff twisty powerbomb for the win. Really short.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

TO THE PLAYGROUND. Raven's first comments since returning happen in...a playground? At night? He talks about the Dreamer feud and a lot of clips of it are shown. He claims he let Dreamer win on his last night because Tommy was ready to graduate. I think he either implied he was Jesus or the Anti-Christ and has already been crucified for Tommy's sins. So he's like an evil guardian angel?

Lance Storm and Dawn Marie come out, but they aren't on the format!

Lance Storm vs RVD ECW TV Championship

Jerry Lynn was the one in the ambulance. Lance attacks with a plancha to the floor and a springboard drop kick in the ring. Lance does a chair shot that doesn't get booed. Progress. RVD hit a top rope Van Daminator, which caused Justin Credible to hit the ring.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

The crowd chanted for Sabu, but got Jerry Lynn and were definitely bummed. Johnny Smith also comes out and helps the Impact Players. The Impact Players stand tall.

After the break, RVD is still in the ring and mad. He still wants to have the match with Jerry.

RVD vs Jerry Lynn ECW TV Championship

Even when they're both injured they do silly duck 20 moves kind of sequences. "Jerry Lynn is the gutsiest wrestler I've ever seen." Ever? Jerry Lynn? RVD tries the guardrail Vandaminator. Jerry reverses and hits him with the chair, then does a bulldog on a chair. But RVD hits a regular Vandaminator a few seconds later. I have to say, I'm getting sick of this match already. Most of the same spots of their last show, just in a slightly different order or with a few reversals first. Jerry gets knocked off the apron through the time keeper's table.

via Imgflip GIF Generator

Jerry apparently reinjures his already taped up ribs. Ref staff and Judge Jeff Jones come out and help him to the back. But he comes back! Game on! Jerry gets a few near falls. Superplex. Oh good, another roll up sequence. Jerry gets out of the way of the frog splash and does a roll up....TWO COUNT!!! Vandaminator for the win a few seconds after that.

A run down for that weekend's Anarchy Rulz PPV.

RVD vs Johnny Smith ECW TV Championship
Jerry Lynn vs Lance Storm
Super Crazy vs Tajiri vs Little Guido
Justin Credible vs Sabu
Taz vs Masato Tanaka


So I didn't go to Extreme Pro Wrestling on Saturday (had some out of town errands to run), but our local website which covers the night life in this town did......so we have pictures.


That's all the decent images....crowd looks like it was around 50....not bad for small town wrasslin.

Homeless is a man of the people unlike Alberto Del Rio.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm working on 3 TV pitches and I'm bursting at the seams wanting to talk about them, but I think it'd be bad form to talk about it online. Someone convince me otherwise.
"Team Hoss"

I like that. I like that a lot. Nice OP, Aiii.

Wait, what? Charlie Haas has retired, or 'retired';

Well, holy shit. That sucks, although it's good that Haas is going home to be a family man. What the hell happened, though?

Ryback is clearly going to end Mark Henry's career. It's going to be a shoot retirement match.

No, I refuse to acknowledge that. I have to believe that the match will go well. Ryback's going to spontaneously grow hair so that he can get his wig split, and Henry uses the momentum to snag a title shot, which leads to Henry's swan song after a 6-month title reign.

Everything's going to be fine. EVERYTHING'S GOING TO BE FINE DAMN IT

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm really surprised how watchable WWF 1994 is. I expected worse, but it's been a lot of fun.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Do it. Get them made and then I've got one to pitch to you too!

Demon Summoners. Documentary style show for History Channel. A man goes out to try to summon a demon. He enlists help from actual, real-life religious experts (think: the types of people who read EVERYTHING and actually know real religion, not some dorks that listen to pastors and say they're religious) but actual legitimate religious scholars from all walks of life, from Christians to Satanists and beyond - and the goal is to follow the rules and attempt to summon a demon. It'll do big business.

Think about it - we don't even need to actually summon a demon. Finding Bigfoot and all that other shit? They never FIND Bigfoot. This is Reality TV. Demon Summoners will work.


Demon Summoners. Documentary style show for History Channel. A man goes out to try to summon a demon. He enlists help from actual, real-life religious experts (think: the types of people who read EVERYTHING and actually know real religion, not some dorks that listen to pastors and say they're religious) but actual legitimate religious scholars from all walks of life, from Christians to Satanists and beyond - and the goal is to follow the rules and attempt to summon a demon. It'll do big business.

Think about it - we don't even need to actually summon a demon. Finding Bigfoot and all that other shit? They never FIND Bigfoot. This is Reality TV. Demon Summoners will work.

Hmm, I guess could be like those shows where talk to ghosts...

but how will you know if summoning a demon.. and will people want you to..

Or hmm..


I'm really surprised how watchable WWF 1994 is. I expected worse, but it's been a lot of fun.
Think what makes it ok is it was just an hour or so long, and most matches were just few enhancement talent type or jobbers (Duane Gill!).

Compared to today's show where guys like Bryan, Cesaro, and Ziggler, who should be the ones getting stories and pushes in the company, are jobbing nearly every show. We've seen Kofi vs. Ziggler how many times? Every guy has fought everybody there is practically to fight. There will be nothing new, nothing exciting to keep an eye on.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hmm, I guess could be like those shows where talk to ghosts...

but how will you know if summoning a demon.. and will people want you to..

Or hmm..

Exactly man. I mean, it's reality TV so a certain amount is scripted. Still, I think it's a good idea. I might not pitch it to a network but use Kickstarter to finance it and do it on youtube.

Think what makes it ok is it was just an hour or so long, and most matches were just few enhancement talent type or jobbers (Duane Gill!).

Compared to today's show where guys like Bryan, Cesaro, and Ziggler, who should be the ones getting stories and pushes in the company, are jobbing nearly every show. We've seen Kofi vs. Ziggler how many times? Every guy has fought everybody there is practically to fight. There will be nothing new, nothing exciting to keep an eye on.

Yeah, it's short and it's not just a promo - but you'd have, say, Yoko come out and destroy someone then have Mr. Fuji cut a promo. Good use of time.


So not worth it

Pft, only two choices were actually bad, MK3 (though I can understand the sentimental value she gives it so she gets a pass) and Fable 3. All the others are amazing games.

I was really young [when I played it], probably too young to realize how different it was from other games and how cutting edge it was. I remember at first we had a demo for it. I played that so much. It was the first level with him getting to the elevator. I was kind of like, 'Oh, this is so cool.' I just sat sneaking around [with] the stealth aspects of it.

This was me, on my brothers PlayStation, for weeks on end.
The RVD/Lynn match from Hardcore Heaven 1999 gets all the attention, but the match they had at the ECW Arena later that year in August (which strogo just reviewed) was much better. Probably because Lynn was actually able to work without a broken face.
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