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As a minority how do you feel about living in America currently?

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As an asian american, just felt like a wake up call or something. Time to eat healthy, work harder. Be the best I can be.
I'm a Dual Citizen US-Canada, and spend most of my time in Canada. But I will put in work, as I have with BLM movements, to help unify us even further.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'm still kind of numb to it. In shock I guess. I am worried though, I had some serious trouble sleeping last night.
Nothing. But I choose to be optimistic. I want to believe that people are inherently good.

I'm going pay attention, I will be more involved. I won't let anyone treat me or my family like a second class citizen.

But I refuse to be pessimistic. There's nothing there.

Pessimism is great because you can only either be validated or pleasantly surprised.

People are not inherently good and you should be watchful.


really really bad. feels like the world i woke up in is not the world i believed it to be, but when i look at history it tells me that the progress and gains we've made as a country and a society were only relatively recent. guess we have a lot longer to go.
My friend left this note for her kids before going to work this morning, now I'm not a minority and neither is she, but I really hope more families are doing this.

I'm sorry if it's too huge


This is incredibly poignant.


As a black man? Disgusted. We're still at a point where the direction of this country is controlled by angry racist white people.


It's a real bummer, and probably the most fearful I've been since 9/11. I live in NYC, which is practically a different country compared to most of Murica, but even still we've had to deal with issues of police brutality and killing of unarmed people of color. Trump's attitude about "law and order of the inner cities" scares me. The way he was basically calling for a lynch mob for the central park five scares me. And the way, even after almost thirty years and after a DNA acquittal he still attributes guilt to those men is very fucking scary.

Too many of our young people are being taken away from us (whether via prison or murder), but I always felt Obama's DOJ would do its best to get justice for us. Now we have a man who is basically encouraging that sort of action from law enforcement with his vitriolic and divisive rhetoric.


Right now I am laughing and crying over what the world has become. This is reality and I am shocked.

I don't know what to feel. I just have a bad feeling for the future.

I feel fine. Why should I be worried? I'm a citizen, my life isn't going to get worse, hopefully better economically.
My gf and I are talking about me getting a vasectomy. We don't want to risk being forced to bring a child into the country in this state.

Also we have been talking about leaving DC since we need to be in a place that has state rights.


My friend left this note for her kids before going to work this morning, now I'm not a minority and neither is she, but I really hope more families are doing this.

I'm sorry if it's too huge


Your friend sounds like a real swell person. We need more of this attitude.


I feel for my son and I worry about what this world will teach him now. Barring some miraculous transformation Trump has normalized everything I have grown up to believe is wrong.


As Van Jones said, this is a white lash. Of course rural whites would respond to a black man in power with a political surge and the KKK. Reconstruction is followed by "Redemption".

As a Chinese American, I likely won't be in immediate threat under Trump's America. However, I fully expect American relations with China to sour further under a Trump Administration, and that's when things will get much less comfortable.


As a black man born and raised in Mississippi of all places, I can deal.

But still. The fuck with this country. The fuck with this world.

Duterte/Putin/Brexit/Trump/Maduro. What is this. What in god's fuck is this?

Baby steps.


As a minority living in the South, I still love America 🇺🇸

Disappointed today, sure, but life goes on.


AGITΩ;223796376 said:
It's still a country ruled by old white people, any progress I hope to achieve in the future feels unobtainable.

This is what hurts the most, really. This election has destroyed any hope i've had of progress. On any front, social, ethic, climate, scientific, anything.

I feel like now more than ever, relying on the intelligence level of others is always going to land humans in a Brexit or Trump situation. Appealing to the base desires of these people will always be more powerful than appealing to their humanity or intellect.

The idea that we'll make strives in science, put people on mars, or survive the impending climate crisis with our values in tact has never been farther if shit like this is able to happen so easily.


I am pretty annoyed at the validation that was given to that racist, sexist, homophobic element of the country. I'm Puerto Rican, and have lived here for many years. I have never been at the receiving end of any kind of intolerance and I highly doubt that that will change, but it just irritates the shit outta me that Trump won on that platform. I love this country deeply, but today I am sad and inconsolable. I'm also deeply ashamed of my fellow latinos here in Florida that voted for him. You wanted him - well you got him. And now let's all strap in and watch the Republicans take the country back 100 years.


I'm a gay white Jewish male. I'm still pretty riddled with anxiety. I couldn't sleep. I can't eat. My stomach has been in knots since last night. I fear for this country and hope that something--anything--happens before January 20 to prevent this from happening. But it's clearly too late. I want to move out of the US. I don't think I'll be able to since relocating is very difficult and I'd have to find a new job first but I don't feel safe anymore in this country.
As a black woman, I think I will be relatively okay. The only silver lining is that I don't live in a Red state. So yay for that, I guess.


I always thought America was diseased but never fathomed the depths, as every reflection I'd give us the bottom line of at least appearing decent. Now? Nothing, we've even scraped off the veneer of our shit stained country and yes, I'm surprised but also kind of not, since we all had an inkling of what the climate was for us. Just never thought they'd be so blatant
My nephew had a breakdown when he got the news this morning. A kid at school told him all Muslims would go to prison when President Trump wins. The people who instill this kind of hate in their children are feeling enabled and validated.


As a Latina immigrant, just really depressed about seeing it confirmed at such a level just how much this country doesn't want me here.

I expected too much of the USA. I certainly expected more out of it than my home country (Colombia). I guess that's unfair. But it really seems like enough people here are okay with moving backwards in regards to a lot of issues. And with Republicans controlling every branch of government, that could be a reality.

I have quite a lot of privilege and was lucky enough to become a citizen before this so I can probably ride out most of the stuff. My friends though? I can only see their lives getting harder.


My friend left this note for her kids before going to work this morning, now I'm not a minority and neither is she, but I really hope more families are doing this.

I'm sorry if it's too huge


That's really nice, but "Love will always Trump hate" isn't exactly a saying that rings true today. I truly feel for parents nationwide who have to explain this result to their children now, especially to the girls.
I'm working on renewing my passport. Not looking for a new home or anything, just want to see what else this world has to offer. I can't just be a coasting 9 to 5 consumer anymore.


I live in Cali so it's not like I'm super scared or anything but this fucking sucks. I feel for my fellow Latinos and minorities stuck living in red states. I'm not happy at all.
I'm not at "Acceptance" but this weird like margin before it that's still reconciling the last 12 or so hours. Like seeing "President-elect Donald Trump" on the news is fucking WEIRD. But this is America reaping what it sows. Right now in spite of the election naturally being the topic of the day on social media, I'm just going to work on what I have to and what I can. I consider myself pragmatic, but I refuse to feel defeated at the same time. I'm just psychologically exhausted.

I'm a Latino living in NJ where Hillary won and we're mostly sick of Christie. I'm sure my day to day won't change but it just feels like you got told you've got a disease and lord knows when you'll be in remission. And yet waiting for January and the first 100 days is like waiting on your test results.

The stress and feeling of uneasiness comes when I think about any Muslim or POC and immigrants and what the next year is going to mean for them. Ugh.

All else fails I have a house in Honduras I can chill in. ;P
I wouldn't call the majority of the American racist.

I blame it on the DNC for offering such an unappealing candidate. No I have never liked her from the start. I just couldn't talk about it much in the sea of yess queen posts.

I think America is increasingly divided between the coastal/city and inland/rural regions.

I am Chinese America btw, does anyone have stat on the voting split of Asian or Chinese American?

Nelo Ice

All the hope and optimism I had are dead. Not sure what I'm gonna do. Life just sucks. And America has made it clear that minority lives ain't shit. Guess I'm never gonna amount to anything since I'm not white.


Black poor male in college trying to make the poor part not be true and I feel shit. I've legit been in tears. Maybe I'm overreacting. I have little hope things will be ok. Too much power was ceded and....damn.

Still debating if I should work a ten hour shift tonight on no sleep. I should probably bury my head in some academics and video games and get this stress off.

I feel like complete shit. Hopefully my usually unbeatable optimism returns. I won't try and force it though. I'm gonna let this sorrow run it's natural course.

I don't know what Ill do if my biracial daughter starts to experience anything racial at school.

I could probably write a book on how I feel. But for now...Fuck.
The note's cute and everything but America is not "better" than Trump. He represents the country now as the result of an official process.

Rest assured that non-light skinned minority kids are being taught something much more useful.


Numb, not necessarily scared, filled with resignation, I cannot do anything about this outcome and I'm just choosing to play it by ear.
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