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As a minority how do you feel about living in America currently?

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My wife and I are both biracial. We were both disappointed by the outcome of the election. The only silver lining we could find is that my wife, son, and I are all white passing.


Neo Member
Really disappointed. But at the same time also not totally surprised.

I never thought that Trump was anything new. Sure, he turned the volume up to 11 but as far as I was concerned he was doing explicitly what portions of the Republican party and lots of other groups have been doing implicitly for as long as I've lived my 34 years as a black man. In that way the same struggles of yesterday are still here today.

Yeah, things are definitely worse or gonna be in every way but I also feel like I've been carrying that weight forever.


I'm legit confused.

For people to vote for a guy like Trump shows me they don't really care about POC.

For people of color voting for Trump, wtf man.
I'm Muslim. I'm brown. I have a beard. I'm scared as hell right now. I live in a gun heavy republican state.

Idk I'm ready to move to Portland or something. I'm legitimately scared.


I have never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad I graduated and no longer live there. One of my US friends keeps joking about how I left at the right time two years ago or so... Well, I guess it is not a joke anymore.

I lived/studied there for 6-7 years and I made lots of friends including some that I still talk to every day. Holy shit at how many actually voted for Trump... I really don't want to go look at my Facebook feed to check who I was close with actually voted for him. 😢
I'm white Latino, but my children could very much end up very brown so I'm afraid for them. I had planned to have kids starting next year too, but now I'm having second thoughts. I'm just fucking done with this country. It's Amerikkka as far as I'm concerned, and I'm scared for my black family members too.


Scared and disappointed.

This country just said they don't care about minorities, women, or the LGBTQ community. It was always obvious, but this was emphatic.

Worried what this means for the "law and order" candidate.

Have been talking with my wife about having a child, but no way am I going to bring another PoC into this world.


The same person who called BLM a terrorist organization will become the attorney general

The note's cute and everything but America is not "better" than Trump. He represents the country now as the result of an official process.

Rest assured that non-light skinned minority kids are being taught something much more useful.

AGITΩ;223796376 said:
It's still a country ruled by old white people, any progress I hope to achieve in the future feels unobtainable.

It was founded by white men off the back of slavery ,racism, and genocide.

This country was never made for us , its just most white people I think have become more tolerant. I have never considered this country for us considering how we are treated. We are the most oppressed people in this country . Why do we share affirmative action with white women when we need it more than them?

I feel just like I did before the election I need to get my degree and find a company that is welcoming to hiring a african american man. Making sure I avoid the police as much as possible and racist people.
I feel as though theres a division and a ceiling that I am in, boxed in as a second thought or I'm looked at as a lessor of the American system.

I still have faith in American people. I really do not like the American system.


Glad the "post racial" America lie was exposed. And we can stop pretending now that half the country are not racist or apathetic to minority suffering.
My nephew had a breakdown when he got the news this morning. A kid at school told him all Muslims would go to prison when President Trump wins. The people who instill this kind of hate in their children are feeling enabled and validated.
Dear lord America is slowly turning into Nazi Germany. Only a matter of time before public schools are required to hang a portrait of Emperor Trump in every classroom.
I'm really glad I don't.

The Netherlands sure has its problems as well but at least we don't have a openly sexist, lgbtq phobic and racist piece of shit as our upcomming head of state just yet.


I'm legit confused.

For people to vote for a guy like Trump shows me they don't really care about POC.

For people of color voting for Trump, wtf man.

The majority of people care about themselves and their families above everything else. Besides active racists and the regular nutters, Trump convinced people in states that have had terrible economies for many years that he would change things. That beat out what little concern those voters had for the plight of strangers.


Brown Muslim here... Really scared here. :(

My other post about this:

Its a scary time for American Muslims... :(

What is going to happen for Muslims seeking jobs? Are employers going to be not hire as many Muslims before? Its already hard to get a job. :(

Whats going to happen if I go abroad? Will be allowed to re-enter my country (American Citizen).

Are going to be treated like 2nd or 3rd class citizen? :( Are there going to concentration camps like what happened to the Japanese. :(

PS: I know a quite of few rich Palestinian Muslims who voted for Trump due Clinton's policy on Palestine/Israel issue...

To all of them I have to say that we live here in the USA not there! >:| :|

What will happen to the folks who have ACA? :(


I feel the same really this election just confirmed what I figured most people in this country thought about me anyway.


I'm just glad I live in California. Almost everyone who came to my restaurant yesterday voted for Clinton.

So I can still look most people in the eye.


White gay man. Husband and I can blend in for most situations. But we live in a deep red state.

Hillary won more than 80% of the vote here in New Orleans; we feel safe about the local government and our fellow respecting our rights here. But once we leave city limits, there is an uneasiness. We'll be limiting our travel a good bit more in the future, staying to blue islands of safe zones.


On another note: we have a friend who emigrated from India to the United States about a decade ago. He's a full citizen now. He texted us late last night expressing terror about going out in public if he leaves the city into deep red territory, noting that hate crimes in Britain spiked in the time period after Brexit passed. He is the sweetest guy you could know, and I feel goddamn ashamed that he has to feel this way.

We've already told him: if we're available, take us with you. We will go with you.

That isn't what this country should be.


I'm a white Cuban who went for Hillary. Don't knoe hoe to feel. Im as white or even mote light than otber whites but my siblings are darkish brown. None of us are happy.


Native American. Disappointed that bullying and hateful speech are apparently OK for the person who will be a face for the nation. Other than that, it doesn't matter much, we'll be ignored by both sides.


Much won't change if you're black I think. Hispanic also. Most white people are used to that. Visibly Muslim though? I feel very very bad for those people, the rhetoric is going to see an uptick.


Heartbroken, depressed, and scared. It's all I was afraid of magnified. But I can't just stop and act scared too long. This motivates me to try even harder to provide for my family and I, and still hope for the best.

One thing for sure is it feels like advancements in life as a minority is going to halt. The goal is shifting to "don't make it worse please" which sucks.


I'm Asian and I live in California so I'm not worried. But I have other minority friends that I do worry about.


Not from there personally but a trans friend of mine has been sick with worry :/
And a lesbian interracial couple I know that had planned to settle in the US are now seriously considering Europe as well.
Honestly, I feel the same. Trump winning doesn't magically change much for me. I live in the SF Bay in California, so my view is different than a minority in places like the bible belt.

It's just another day for me. My day to day remains the same.

I just hope the republicans dont fuck up the economy.

Time to accept trump as potus and move on.
I'm Asian and I live in California so I'm not worried. But I have other minority friends that I do worry about.

Yeah black dude here in SoCal so we won't be too affected but I only leave the house to go grocery shopping, workout, and watch movies So I guess I'll keep doing that thank goodness for being self employed


White gay man. Husband and I can blend in for most situations. But we live in a deep red state.

Hillary won more than 80% of the vote here in New Orleans; we feel safe about the local government and our fellow respecting our rights here. But once we leave city limits, there is an uneasiness. We'll be limiting our travel a good bit more in the future, staying to blue islands of safe zones.


On another note: we have a friend who emigrated from India to the United States about a decade ago. He's a full citizen now. He texted us late last night expressing terror about going out in public if he leaves the city into deep red territory, noting that hate crimes in Britain spiked in the time period after Brexit passed. He is the sweetest guy you could know, and I feel goddamn ashamed that he has to feel this way.

We've already told him: if we're available, take us with you. We will go with you.

That isn't what this country should be.

I guess this would be the general feeling, minorities in mostly minority areas will feel safe but minorities in deep red areas will feel less so


Flashless at the Golden Globes
That's really nice, but "Love will always Trump hate" isn't exactly a saying that rings true today. I truly feel for parents nationwide who have to explain this result to their children now, especially to the girls.

Your friend sounds like a real swell person. We need more of this attitude.

This is incredibly poignant.

No, it's not poignant. It's a fairly tale. This is the same message Hillary gave. Hope and love. Optimistic bullshit. Fuck all of that. He needs to be brutally honest with his kids and tell them that they will be bullied and they need to know he will be there for them.

We just elected a vile racist sexist piece of shit. We need to wake the fuck up and deal with it instead of saying you can change the world. Hillary had tens of thousands of volunteers who didnt matter. Didnt change anything. Trump said a few racist things and cared only about himself and became President. It's Democrats stop being little pussies, grow some balls and start looking out for themselves. It's a dog eat dog world out there and parents need to teach their kids some fucking survival skills instead of telling fairy tales like this.


As a Palestinian American, I feel fine to be perfectly honest. The bigots win sometimes. I'm curious as to how this is all gonna play out, and that's about it.


Disappointed in the black and latino turn out in the US/voting percentages for Trump by blacks and latinos.
Hope for the best?

That is all I got. I'm Asian, Middle America considers us the 'model' minority..so I guess we have that going for us.


As a Middle Eastern male, I feel like I just slid back in time 15 years. Never felt more like an Arab than an American.


I know someone that works at a Kmart and shared a co-workers story. Last week a customer told a cashier that he couldn't wait until trump becomes president so she could get deported to Mexico - just because she couldn't return an item or something like that and she was Hispanic

Open Racism is going to happen


Hope for the best?

That is all I got. I'm Asian, Middle America considers us the 'model' minority..so I guess we have that going for us.

This. Except my soon to be wife is Mexican-American. She's a little on the lighter side and we live in Denver - so I don't think it'll be too bad for us but I'm worried for everybody else.


Trying to look on the bright side of things. I already live in a red state so my rights as a black woman were already dwindling away, but my city is democratic so I am not completely surrounded by conservatives. I am also lucky enough to have a job that encourages diversity and work with a wide variety of people.

Incredibly scared though for a relative who is in a state that went 100% red and dating a woman who passes as white. They were already getting shit before the election. I hope to whatever god is out there it doesn't escalate.
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