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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Choc said:
they can't. I am fairly sure its in the constitution about freedom of media and the only way to have a truly free media is to have a state funded independent broadcaster.

even after a double dissolution election destroying the Greens?

I don't see why the ABC broadcasting corporation act can't just be amended just like the Telstra Corporation Act?

edit: where in the constitution... ?

Dead Man

markot said:
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is likely to be told by government officials today that if Australia drops offshore asylum seeker processing, the community could then expect social problems similar to those of Paris or London.


Hang on. He is likely to be told by government officials? Why do we care what government officials say to the leader of the opposition? Especially since it will just reinforce his own beliefs anyway?


hamchan said:


Also 3DS redesign next year with the second analogue for sure huh, or at least looking likely? Well at least EB always has good trade ins whenever redesigns come out. Oh wait but then i'd lose my ambassador games wouldn't I? Hmmm :-/.

Thats probably what I'll do. Being on good terms with the store helps, but some will let you buy the new one, take it home, do the transfer, then get the same trade value for the old system the next day once you copy everything over. It's a minor hassle but some will do it especially if theyre low on inventory.

If in doubt, get the manager to sign a quoted price on the receipt and you should still be able to get the deal on it. I did exactly that for the 3DS release/DSi trade in, only it turned out I had too much in DSiWare to make up for the price difference given the e-shop was delayed til long after the trade in deal expired. But now the e-shop is running, you're golden.


There would have to be a redesign soon I reckon. They can't expect the hardcore MH fans to carry that thing around to play.

Maybe importing was a bad idea after all lol.


midonnay said:
even after a double dissolution election destroying the Greens?

I don't see why the ABC broadcasting corporation act can't just be amended just like the Telstra Corporation Act?

they floated Telstra on the stockmarket. It sells things, it can make money and profits and suits to float on the stockmarket

the ABC is a non-commercial entity that does not suit the stockmarket at all. It would have to be a private by out by 7 or 9 or the like

and then mediawatch would go, and people would crack it that we do not have a so called indepedant media station.

Also ABC is incredibly INCREDIBLY important to regional australia. Its not until you talk to people who grew up there, or live there that you get how big it is out there


HolyCheck said:
sure its not the right thread, but you people care!

day9 has a Diablo 3 beta key and will be streaming as of tomorrow.
Damn, I'm out all day tomorrow :(

Also, I only know who day9 is through that trumpets video, good times.



I am guessing that this image is making it look like the 3DS has a fat arse with this new thing and playing to the racial stereotype black men like big butts and they cannot lie


RandomVince said:

SBS is only partly funded by the Federal Government and is a commercial entity

its allowed to have advertising

SBS Analogue (yes i know its going dodo way) also runs on UHF and is not as accessible as the ABC

it also does not have teh billion radio stations in regional areas that the ABC has or the resources

the ABC being sold would be seen as a disaster for regional australia and even if it was coalition policy BobKat would say no


So my job situation seems to have ground to a halt. Despite it sounding all urgent on Friday, with my manager telling me they'd try and get it all worked out on Monday, nothing has happened. At this point it looks like she's stalling, hoping it just all goes away :S

So now I'm going to send an email to my manager's manager to try and get things moving.

Then, HR I guess.


legend166 said:
So my job situation seems to have ground to a halt. Despite it sounding all urgent on Friday, with my manager telling me they'd try and get it all worked out on Monday, nothing has happened. At this point it looks like she's stalling, hoping it just all goes away :S

So now I'm going to send an email to my manager's manager to try and get things moving.

Then, HR I guess.

You should approach your boss again and remind her about 'monday' before you go to the next level. If you are pissed about the response, then go to the next level but you need to prove you have done everything you can at your level

going above your manager is a big step and there is no turning back. You need to be ready for the shit storm that could go down.


midonnay said:
even after a double dissolution election destroying the Greens?

I don't see why the ABC broadcasting corporation act can't just be amended just like the Telstra Corporation Act?

edit: where in the constitution... ?

The Greens getting destroyed by a double dissolution, the government privatising the ABC... what on earth are you on about?
I was really looking forward to Dead Island (PC) but apparently the co-op isn't working and you can't even use a 360 headset with the controller atm. Looks like i'll be playing solo.


Choc said:

I am guessing that this image is making it look like the 3DS has a fat arse with this new thing and playing to the racial stereotype black men like big butts and they cannot lie[/QUOTE]
You got the first bit right but it's actually referring to a lesser-known OT meme which suggests that GAF is crazy about big asses (US spelling for context). Skin colour is incidental in this case.
Agyar said:
The Greens getting destroyed by a double dissolution, the government privatising the ABC... what on earth are you on about?
The Greens got unprecedented gains in the last election. A double dissolution election is as likely to reverse that situation as preserve it.


Sutton Dagger said:
I was really looking forward to Dead Island (PC) but apparently the co-op isn't working and you can't even use a 360 headset with the controller atm. Looks like i'll be playing solo.

Most of the issues can be easily fixed with patches, just give it some time.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
The Greens got unprecedented gains in the last election. A double dissolution election is as likely to reverse that situation as preserve it.

if anything the green vote might increase as they are seen as the only ones not stark raving fucking insane at the moment


midonnay said:
future prediction:

ABC to be privatised

Howard tried stacking the board with allies which failed miserably when many became ardent defenders of the public broadcaster...

only thing left to do is to sell off the beast >_>

they'll frame it as paying off labor's debt just as they did Telstra.

God I hope not. Otherwise we will have to join the ratings battle with the commercial channels. Why would anyone want another commercial station with the same crap? The ABC is pretty special how it is and we lose a lot of its appeal if privatised.


Choc said:
they floated Telstra on the stockmarket. It sells things, it can make money and profits and suits to float on the stockmarket

the ABC is a non-commercial entity that does not suit the stockmarket at all. It would have to be a private by out by 7 or 9 or the like

and then mediawatch would go, and people would crack it that we do not have a so called indepedant media station.

Also ABC is incredibly INCREDIBLY important to regional australia. Its not until you talk to people who grew up there, or live there that you get how big it is out there

all those arguments about the needs of country people were made against the sale of Telstra but really the Nationals are just a puppet party.

the Coalition would protect themselves against those attacks by compelling the new company to follow a charter similar to how Telstra is forced to maintain a basic phone service under the Universal Service Obligation.

its the perceived bias of the public broadcaster that they really want to kill off.

Furthermore, tv broadcast licenses are valuable. There are only a handful of them and they're protected from competition.

The ABC also has a strong brand and lots of other ventures like radio, retail etc.


Choc said:
You should approach your boss again and remind her about 'monday' before you go to the next level. If you are pissed about the response, then go to the next level but you need to prove you have done everything you can at your level

going above your manager is a big step and there is no turning back. You need to be ready for the shit storm that could go down.

I talked to my manager and she seems ok with it.

Company politics are so stupid.

Email sent.



Obviously we just need an alliance of the shooters & fishers, fred nile, citizens electoral council and we're done. edit: of yeah, forgot the nutbags at family first and kap


If the ABC was privatised I think I'd give up on this country. I honestly cannot stand watch any commercial television (no, SBS does not count).


viciouskillersquirrel said:
The Greens got unprecedented gains in the last election. A double dissolution election is as likely to reverse that situation as preserve it.

Which in itself hardly provides any support for this idea of privatising the ABC.

I also don't buy into the News Ltd. heralding of The Greens destruction. They've been calling for it since the election, giving the impression The Greens are overrepresented in Parliament and managed to gain their one House of Reps Member and nine Senators through some fluke. I don't believe that most of the voters who put The Greens first are going to return to voting for one of the two major parties considering dissatisfaction with their policies and leadership had them voting for The Greens in the first place.


With the majors slipping ever further to the right on the spectrum, you wouldn't imagine the Greens losing too many votes from those left leaning individuals.


Alan Joyce just got a 71% payrise

captilism baby

67,000 teachers on strike in NSW tommorow despite IR commision sayings illegal. They've all said fuck the police and going ahead with it

Barry O'Farrel off to a fine start.


alot of the greens vote is soft..... essentially a protest vote by pissed off laborites.

they are vulnerable to a fight about cost of living/jobs etc which is what Tony abbott will use to repeal a future carbon tax.
Agyar said:
Which in itself hardly provides any support for this idea of privatising the ABC.

I also don't buy into the News Ltd. heralding of The Greens destruction. They've been calling for it since the election, giving the impression The Greens are overrepresented in Parliament and managed to gain their one House of Reps Member and nine Senators through some fluke. I don't believe that most of the voters who put The Greens first are going to return to voting for one of the two major parties considering dissatisfaction with their policies and leadership had them voting for The Greens in the first place.
I just wish there were a political party out there that represented my views.


Ugh, you know what shits me off?

Political debate in Australia. Religion vs Secularism debates. 3DS/PS Vita fanboy wars already. GAF hysteria. Hype campaigns. Carbon tax debate. People who dont understand the meaning of the word 'skeptic'. West coast eagles/fremantle fans in WA. Blowflies. The lack of a local Skyward Sword CE confirmation. Getting up at 5am every day. All of Australia's media, every last fucking bit of it. Running over lizards by accident. Working alone all day long. Cheap coffee. And the inevitability that Carlton will win this weekend and Collingwood the grand final.

I need to play some Pac Man.


Choc said:
Alan Joyce just got a 71% payrise

captilism baby

67,000 teachers on strike in NSW tommorow despite IR commision sayings illegal. They've all said fuck the police and going ahead with it

Barry O'Farrel off to a fine start.

O'Farrell has shagged himself here hasn't he, seeing he pushed through some stuff to forego the IRC?

"For the dispute to be resolved, the O'Farrell government would have to repeal the changes it made to the NSW Industrial Relations Act that deny the right to have a salaries and working conditions case decided independently by the NSW Industrial Relations Commission," he said.

Irony he is asking the IRC to act. Heh.


Tony Abbott no matter what he says will never repeal a carbon tax if it gets up. Politicians promise the world and deliver nothing once in office.

Labor promised to repeal the GST, didnt happen. In fact name the last Australian government which repealed a tax after winning office that the previous Government introduced?

The thing is to do it, you have to give up money coming into the government and it affects all sorts of budgets and surpluses and blah blah blah

he will come up with some excuse. Most of what abbott is promising won't happen. The DAP is significantly more costlier than the Carbon Tax plan and so he will scrap that (he does not believe in climate change, there is no doubt of this) and the NBN he can't tear up now because if he does he has to pay Telstra 30 billion

Abbott is all puff with no fire right now. No policies to speak of, no offering something better to the Government except No, and no true alternate views.

I don't support Gillard, but how can you vote for someone who has no policies? We did this in NSW (BOF who just shitted on about 10 years of labor waste and people ate up every bit of it) and now every policy he is making majority are coming out saying I DIDNT VOTE FOR THIS.

well no, you didnt because he didnt bloody tell you he would do that because you didnt force him to make policies. Don't make the same mistake Federally Australia.
Another day wasted because of IT problems on the other side of the continent. Joy. Tomorrow should be a barrel of fun!

Choc said:
Also ABC is incredibly INCREDIBLY important to regional australia. Its not until you talk to people who grew up there, or live there that you get how big it is out there
Mildura didn't even have Channel 10 15 years ago, we had to point our antenna in the Swan Hill direction and people 20km west of us couldn't get it at all. Basically farmers grew up on ABC only changing the channel for the footy or cricket eventually. Different story these days though of course.

Agyar said:
The Greens getting destroyed by a double dissolution, the government privatising the ABC... what on earth are you on about?
Once you go double dutch there ain't no turning back. Except, maybe, for triple dutch, but that is a lot of dutch to handle.

Choc said:
67,000 teachers on strike in NSW tommorow despite IR commision sayings illegal. They've all said fuck the police and going ahead with it.
Fuck the police.
Fuck you we won't do what you tell us!
Teachers are gangster.


Omi said:
O'Farrell has shagged himself here hasn't he, seeing he pushed through some stuff to forego the IRC?

Irony he is asking the IRC to act. Heh.

exactly and its a fucking joke he expects the workers to respect the decision of the IRC when he is basically closing them down in wage disputes
RandomVince said:
Ugh, you know what shits me off?

Political debate in Australia. Religion vs Secularism debates. 3DS/PS Vita fanboy wars already. GAF hysteria. Hype campaigns. Carbon tax debate. People who dont understand the meaning of the word 'skeptic'. West coast eagles/fremantle fans in WA. Blowflies. The lack of a local Skyward Sword CE confirmation. Getting up at 5am every day. All of Australia's media, every last fucking bit of it. Running over lizards by accident. Working alone all day long. Cheap coffee. And the inevitability that Carlton will win this weekend and Collingwood the grand final.

I need to play some Pac Man.
The PSV/3DS system warrior bullshit going on in today's threads is just mental. A peripheral gets announced and suddenly every idiot with a keyboard is auguring a brave new technosupremacist controconservative future. I mean what happened today was interesting, but the way some people are behaving, it's like the battle of Agincourt just happened.


3chopl0x said:
Ausgaf used to be fun and happy :'(

it all went downhill after Heppell won the rising star and Nintendo went batshit crazy

7/9/2011 will forever be remembered when Ausgaf lost its innocence

*2 minutes of silence*
Choc said:
Don't make the same mistake Federally Australia.
We will and it will happen again next election. People don't learn lessons. Politicians say what they need to get into power and then hope the other party is too stupid to win power next election. Same thing happened down here in VIC. Same thing will happen again. In any case whoever wins we lose, none of the parties interest me very much.
Almost worth chucking the big boy hat to Katter and seeing where we would end up with him. Would be one heck of a ride and a splitting headache the night after.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
The PSV/3DS system warrior bullshit going on in today's threads is just mental. A peripheral gets announced and suddenly every idiot with a keyboard is auguring a brave new technosupremacist controconservative future. I mean what happened today was interesting, but the way some people are behaving, it's like the battle of Agincourt just happened.

Nail on the head. It's pure, unadulterated stupid in those threads today.


reptilescorpio said:
We will and it will happen again next election. People don't learn lessons. Politicians say what they need to get into power and then hope the other party is too stupid to win power next election. Same thing happened down here in VIC. Same thing will happen again. In any case whoever wins we lose, none of the parties interest me very much.
Almost worth chucking the big boy hat to Katter and seeing where we would end up with him. Would be one heck of a ride and a splitting headache the night after.

latest poll in QLD is 1 in 4 would vote for Katters party


Fusebox said:
My bad, I was just being a smart-arse but it came out unintentionally terse.

The Cronulla 'riot' was a mess. It was meant to be an opportunity for the locals to sort out one particular gang of ethnic teens from Western Sydney that had been coming down every weekend and causing all kinds of shit, culminating in the bashing of a life-saver.

Now keep in mind that Cronulla itself isn't inherently racist, my father-in-law lives in Cronulla, he's Chinese and he ran a charcoal chicken shop in the middle of the main drag for 20 years without incident, but everybody has their breaking points.

Unfortunately, dickheads like Alan Jones starting joining in and spreading the message, so what happened was every West Sydney dick that had been causing shit in Cronulla stayed home that day, and every dickhead white supremacist in Australia jumped into their Bedford van and drove to Cronulla so they could bash anyone with a dark skin.

Just embarrassing for all involved.

That sounds like a racist mob of hatred. I mean, when I said Cronulla I didn't mean the suburb itself, just what happened.
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