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Battlestar Galactica Season 3 thread

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That episode was a lot better than I thought it would be. Wow. Adama sure does like calling people a fatass.

I have no idea what the next episode is about


Hey Coop - please relabel your spoilers as pertaining to the next episode, not tonight's.

Same for you, Eggo. Please make it clear the link pertains to the finale.


All i said was I have no idea what the next episode is going to be about jesus and i spoiled mark the final preview


Drunky McMurder
Coop said:
All i said was I have no idea what the next episode is going to be about jesus and i spoiled mark the final preview

It seems perfectly clear that your post was a spoiler about tonight's episode.

Which would be fine, but for the part that it is not at all about tonight's episode.


you can't put a price on sparks
good episode. they're really skimping on special effects lately though, no doubt they blew their whole budget on the escape episode. next episode looks like they're gonna add in a little more.


Coop said:
All i said was I have no idea what the next episode is going to be about jesus and i spoiled mark the final preview
I read the first little bit anyway since you chose to put your miniscule little finale warning at the end. Thx!

Anyway, great episode last night. I liked the new set, if it can be called that. Feel bad for


Coop said:
All i said was I have no idea what the next episode is going to be about jesus and i spoiled mark the final preview
"Apparently EW gave tonights episode an A," made me think the spoiler was for last night's ep. When I read the spoiler, I realized it had nothing to do with boxing, and then I realized it was for the mid-finale.

Your spoiler markings are not properly designated as being for the mid-finale. Please change them so future thread readers don't stumble onto it inadvertently. Do it for the children! Do it for AMERICA.


An excellent character development episode as expected. That episode was probably dirt as cheap to produce and was excellent - that's when you have the right stuff going for you... yuou can have great effects episodes and then go back to chap ass episodes and still be doing great things for your audience.

I will say that the 'preachy Adama' part is being overdone a bit.


GameFan Alumnus
Eh, last night's episode was alright. It was still Boxingstar Galactica which doesn't really do anything for me. I figured
Lee and Kara slept together a long time ago. I didn't see the romantic clinch coming though. Also, were Bill and Roslin sharing a post-sex joint? Sure looked like it. Mary McDonald has an odd schoolteacher come-f-me look going on.


Just got around to watching last night's Ep...Wow. After two weeks off, it reminded me why this is the best show on TV.


This episode made me cry. That's right I'm not ashamed to admit it, Battlestar Galactica is so ****ing good That i regularly yell shit at the tv and cry and other ridiculous shit like that.



I'm about to watch it...
I must say though that I get the feeling that part of BSG died with Resurrection Ship last season. And I'm not just talking about the supercrappy 4 episodes that followed, there used to be a general feeling of subtle gritty realistic coherence throughout all the episodes plus almost every episode was very rich in that it always showed interesting sides of so many characters. And even though the show still rocks, I think it's too bad that most episodes are a lot more simplistic now and also that the cylons have become a shitload less interesting, they don't even seem intelligent at all to me.

Well... Maybe they'll get back on track... I hope so.

Damn, just saw it, first one since Resurrection Ship that I feel is really back on track, hope they keep it up!
Man the part where
Lee sees Kara and Anders married was actually painful to watch, as in I actually felt Lee's pain.
I love this show.


Dammit Coop, WTF at that post.

Last night's ep was great. The show is most exciting, even in the directing, when it does episodes based on character arcs.
That was an amazing episode.

I think Season 3 of BSG is going to go down as one of the great TV seasons ever. IMO. I can't believe the momentum that they are able to keep up, even when they stop for a few stand-alone, character driven episodes.


Reese-015 said:
Damn, just saw it, first one since Resurrection Ship that I feel is really back on track, hope they keep it up!

You say that for this episode? Not Exodus part II.....what the frack is wrong with you?

Systems_id said:
Man the part where
Lee sees Kara and Anders married was actually painful to watch, as in I actually felt Lee's pain.
I love this show.

yeah, that was painful to watch. Like a trainwreck in slow motion.
SpiderJerusalem said:
Awesome I just highlighted your spoilers thinking it was about tonights that I just watched. This thread can go to hell

Here's a protip. Stop reading the spoilers when you see something that wasn't in the episode you just watched, instead of going through the next three paragraphs. Seriously, I started reading the same thing, realized it wasn't last nights episode, and...you know.. stopped fvcking reading. It's not rocket science.

As for last night's episode. Another good one. Explained pretty much everything we thought we already knew, but did it in such a way that you still learned more about the situation, and genuinely felt the pain for the characters involved.

If there is one thing I've learned through the first two and a half seasons, is that we can trust the writers to give us the pay off. I don't know how many times, especially in season one and two, I wondered where the hell they were going with something, only to have them give a payoff that I didn't see coming, and in excellent, creative ways. Now, I just go along for the ride, knowing that it'll be worth it.


Frankly I thought that episode was boring overall. A couple good points, but rehashing old stuff isn't my favorite part of bsg. I was happy when they
left the planet
, I don't want to see more stuff about it.
Lee and Kara's relationship
is also something I'm not interested in at all. I've come to hate her character since sometime last season.

Kung Fu Jedi said:
Here's a protip. Stop reading the spoilers when you see something that wasn't in the episode you just watched, instead of going through the next three paragraphs. Seriously, I started reading the same thing, realized it wasn't last nights episode, and...you know.. stopped fvcking reading. It's not rocket science.
It says "tonight's episode" right above the huge block of spoilers, giving no indication that the spoilers are for an episode not yet aired. The first few words are something you don't want to read. I was also caught by it.


Well, after two solid but flawed episodes, it seems BSG is back on track with the awesome. 3rd season is completely owning so far. I actually wasn't expecting this one to be that great, but it was pretty damn excellent. I love Apollo, and this was a great episode for him, as it's been the best bit of character building he's had in a while. Adama was, as usual, perfection as well. And Starbuck!! This is the first episode I've really liked her this season! I thought she did a great job, riding the line between being a tough yet sensitive woman perfectly.

The flashbacks were really well done as well, and I liked the angle on New Caprica about all of them getting used to being on the planet, and preparing to stay their indefinitely. We've never saw that, but with them living there for 16 months, it was an inevitable feeling.

Unfortunately Space didn't show the preview for next week. I know it's the ninth episode so far, but with the premiere being a double, is next week's the mid-season finale?
usea said:
It says "tonight's episode" right above the huge block of spoilers, giving no indication that the spoilers are for an episode not yet aired. The first few words are something you don't want to read. I was also caught by it.

I was caught by it as well, but you can tell very quickly that it's not about this past episode. If you read the whole thing, it's no one elses fault but your own.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
I was caught by it as well, but you can tell very quickly that it's not about this past episode. If you read the whole thing, it's no one elses fault but your own.
The point is we don't want even that first damn sentence.


Boogie said:
You say that for this episode? Not Exodus part II.....what the frack is wrong with you?

Well of course the Exodus stuff was fantastic but even there I missed the strong realistic connection I used to have with the characters, I must say that Exodus was definately not bad in that department though but it wasn't as good as the old ones imho either.

(the ending with Adama shaving made up for a whole lot though :D )


Chili Con Carnage!
JayDubya said:
I can't help but think Kara's actions in Friday's episode didn't make any sense, really.

Same. Unless, the writers expect us all to remember that she used to be married to Lee's brother, but if that was the problem then they should have mentioned it..you know, since season 1.

This show is really going down hill imo, first the plague thing, now this, sloppy writing is destroying the illusion for me.
MrOctober said:
This episode made me cry. That's right I'm not ashamed to admit it, Battlestar Galactica is so ****ing good That i regularly yell shit at the tv and cry and other ridiculous shit like that.

My dad yells at the TV and makes motion gestures during TV/movies. I just can't bring myself to do that. I've never been moved that much by a TV show before...some movies though, yes.

I tend to get a lot more worked up while playing video games :lol

edit: enraged, rather. I don't cry from video games.
BenT said:
The point is we don't want even that first damn sentence.

I know this, and I agree. But the first person I responded to was upset because he had read all the spoilers. Being decieved into thinking the spoilers were about the previous nights episode and reading the first line or two is certainly the fault of person who posted the crappy spoiler message. Reading all the way through to the end of those spoilers, and then complaining about it is no one's fault but your own.

As for Kara's actions in the episode, I'm not sure what to think either. She was kind of all over the place, and really inconsistent. I understood back in the earlier seasons when she was attracted to Lee, it made sense considering she use to be engaged to his brother, and had become close to the family. But once Anders entered the equation, things changed and shifted in an odd direction very quickly. This episode demonstrated that in a nutshell.

I have a feeling we haven't seen the end of this yet either.


Ghost said:
Same. Unless, the writers expect us all to remember that she used to be married to Lee's brother, but if that was the problem then they should have mentioned it..you know, since season 1.

This show is really going down hill imo, first the plague thing, now this, sloppy writing is destroying the illusion for me.

I don't think Kara was unrealistic at all in the boxing episode, I thought she was finally there again in a fleshed out way. And the things like the plague are not bad plot elements by themselves, it's just that the screenplays now often lack the richness that they used to have. And yeah, that kinda breaks the illusion a little bit, you used to have strongly fleshed out intelligent characters, every single one of them. From the moment that you put them into a somewhat simplistic frame, stuff starts to feel off.


What I mean by "unrealistic / doesn't make sense" is that for whatever reason (probably something as simple as that she was his brother's girlfriend), it's clear that Kara didn't want to persue Lee or be with Lee, and that she favored Anders. If she wanted Lee, she could have had him, easily, if she hadn't tried to treat him like a cheap Anders stand-in.

And then we just get this dramatic shift both in real time and in flashback alike. I know women can at times seem quite fickle and inexplicable, but I'm pretty sure that's due to the fact we can't help but have our experiences in first-person mode. :) When we can see the past and present as a narrative from everyone's perspective, people's actions should make sense. Hers don't.


I was under the impression that she got scared. She didn't want to deal with what it meant that she and Lee did, the people she'd have to hurt to come clean about it, and she was probably just unable to confront her emotions for Lee, since she actually loves him and is a bit of a self destructive frak up (probably feels deep down that a person like her doesn't deserve to be with Lee). She got herself married to Anders because she didn't want to give herself the option of dealling with her the fallout of her feeellings for Lee. She knew deep down Lee wouldn't throw it in Anders face because Lee is better then that.

But jebus Starbuck is a bit of a whore :lol


JayDubya said:
I can't help but think Kara's actions in Friday's episode didn't make any sense, really.

Women, in general, don't make a lot of sense much of the time. I can say, however, that I do know of a couple who essentially went through that exact situation - except spread out over several years. They divorced their respective spouses, but never married - simply choosing to remain "friends with benefits".


Great flashbacks, great episode.

I really enjoyed the Adama/Roslin scenes. While everybody else was partying, and settling down, they'd go off into a little corner, get high, and talk about cabins... yeah, cabins.

WHY WONT THEY JUST HAVE SEX WITH EACHOTHER? Like for chrissakes, when was the last time either of them had sex?


Kak.efes said:
Great flashbacks, great episode.

I really enjoyed the Adama/Roslin scenes. While everybody else was partying, and settling down, they'd go off into a little corner, get high, and talk about cabins... yeah, cabins.

WHY WONT THEY JUST HAVE SEX WITH EACHOTHER? Like for chrissakes, when was the last time either of them had sex?

We don't know that they didn't. You want them to show us that? :p


Actually, the Adama/Roslin relationship is one of my favorite aspects of the series because it's so subtle and unique, I really like how they didn't make it into an actual explicite real 'relationship'.


icarus-daedelus said:
Well, it made sense to me, and I'm a woman, so perhaps your confusion about her actions was due to there being a more fundamental difference between genders than you seem to think.

A woman who loves BSG and Deus Ex? Be still my beating heart. ;) :lol


Anybody feel for Dualla? She just stood there watching Lee and Starbuck embrace :lol

Billy's revenge from the grave.


Kak.efes said:
Anybody feel for Dualla? She just stood there watching Lee and Starbuck embrace :lol

Yeah, for about three seconds....until I remembered Billy. The episode Billy died, I think my reaction was some verbal variation of "Dee you heartless bitch!"


GameFan Alumnus
Kak.efes said:
Anybody feel for Dualla? She just stood there watching Lee and Starbuck embrace :lol

Naw, she was doing Helo on the side, so it's not like she's crying into her pillow alone at night.


Kak.efes said:
Anybody feel for Dualla? She just stood there watching Lee and Starbuck embrace :lol

Billy's revenge from the grave.

I miss Billy, damn they should have at least given him a nice send-off but that Sacrifice was just horrendous.

Eggo said:
Naw, she was doing Helo on the side, so it's not like she's crying into her pillow alone at night.

What? Joke?


GameFan Alumnus
I thought it was common knowledge Dee and Helo had an extra marital affair when Apollo was fat. I'd have to go back and look, but I'm pretty sure it was revealed in the Exodus episode.


I enjoyed the show quite a bit, especially how they contrasted the nice, (everybody grinning from ear to ear at each other) with the rough (the same people punching the crap out of each other).

On the other hand the "yelling to the sky" scene? I can't get the similarity to FF10's "laughing" scene out of my mind.

Kung Fu Jedi said:
I know this, and I agree. But the first person I responded to was upset because he had read all the spoilers. Being decieved into thinking the spoilers were about the previous nights episode and reading the first line or two is certainly the fault of person who posted the crappy spoiler message. Reading all the way through to the end of those spoilers, and then complaining about it is no one's fault but your own.
I didn't read all of it .
Eggo said:
I thought it was common knowledge Dee and Helo had an extra marital affair when Apollo was fat. I'd have to go back and look, but I'm pretty sure it was revealed in the Exodus episode.

Common knowledge? I watch religiously, and I must have missed this one. Certainly is news to me. And the look on her face said volumes when she saw the two of them embrace. I'm not convinced however that it was a romantic embrace so much as two friends finally putting aside their differences. They've been through a lot together and share a lot of history. On top of that, they just finished beating the snot out of each other too.

Now that's not to say that there might not be a lead up back to the romantic things down the line, it's just that I didn't really see their embrace as being "romantic".
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