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Bayonetta 2 Review Thread - Metacritic: one billion-hit combo, buy it kids

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The depth Bayonetta has is in its combat, everything else is just average, the game is tedious,

its just hack some enemies >crazy megton boss> >crazy megton boss>hack some enemies >crazy megton boss > >crazy megton boss.
You just described every God of War too, buddy.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The depth Bayonetta has is in its combat, everything else is just average, the game is tedious,

its just hack some enemies >crazy megton boss> >crazy megton boss>hack some enemies >crazy megton boss > >crazy megton boss.

Everything else except the combat in a combat focused game is average?

The game is tedious because it has you do the thing it's really fucking good at? What?


The depth Bayonetta has is in its combat, everything else is just average, the game is tedious,

its just hack some enemies >crazy megton boss> >crazy megton boss>hack some enemies >crazy megton boss > >crazy megton boss.

you're control some crazy kick ass fabulous woman who has super cool variety choices for combat too.
You just described every God of War too, buddy.

B-b-b-but God of War has puzzles, because everyone obviously likes to take time out of the action and focus on puzzles right????

I'am sorry guys Iam not trying to troll, I just dont understand all the 10/10 this game is getting, it just doesn't make sense to me.

Just like it doesn't make sense to look at something like GoW as a better action game when it's action is subpar compared to Bayonetta and it's story sure as hell isn't doing it any favors.
The depth Bayonetta has is in its combat, everything else is just average, the game is tedious,

its just hack some enemies >crazy megton boss> >crazy megton boss>hack some enemies >crazy megton boss > >crazy megton boss.
And yet God of War gets a free pass? Bayonetta is an action game, its supposed to have combat depth.


I have played enough games and seen enough footage that I dont need to buy the game to know that I will get fed up of it after a couple of hours and probably wont bother about firing it up again and will just become a coffee coaster.

Cool but that doesn't mean it's not a 90 plus game. It just means you don't like it


I'am sorry guys Iam not trying to troll, I just dont understand all the 10/10's this game is getting, it just doesn't make sense to me. I guess I'am biased against Bayonetta.
It's a game focused on combat/gameplay - and that particular gameplay and it's mechanics are very good, apparently the best in it's genre?


I mean if I only played a hypothetical demo of God of War and believed that Bayonetta is the pinnacle of the genre, which it is, I'd be pretty damn confused about the scores God of War is getting too.

Do yourself a favor and pick up the game before you even make a judgement on it rather than basing your opinions on just the demo.

If anything the original is available for like 10 bucks, if not pick it up for Wii U and experience it for yourself.
The depth Bayonetta has is in its combat, everything else is just average, the game is tedious,

its just hack some enemies >crazy megton boss> >crazy megton boss>hack some enemies >crazy megton boss > >crazy megton boss.

I have played enough games and seen enough footage that I dont need to buy the game to know that I will get fed up of it after a couple of hours and probably wont bother about firing it up again and will just become a coffee coaster.

Damn, are you the type of person where they included the motorcycle and after burner sequence in? Please, less of that.

Give me action in an action-oriented game. I am not complaining about shooting in a shooter, racing in a racer or fighting in a fighting-game.

Besides that combat it is great anyway. The cutscenes can get boring, but besides that the music and graphics are great. The presentation of everything is great. There is a good bunch of content.


I'am sorry guys Iam not trying to troll, I just dont understand all the 10/10's this game is getting, it just doesn't make sense to me. I guess I'am biased against Bayonetta.
It's... fun and rewarding to play, it's packed full of content in a day and age where a ton of major releases have season passes announced before the base game is even out, and other things that appeal to different people. It just means you don't like the game, you don't have to be bewildered about the reviews it's getting.
I'am sorry guys Iam not trying to troll, I just dont understand all the 10/10's this game is getting, it just doesn't make sense to me. I guess I'am biased against Bayonetta.

We just arent sure how you can like God of War but say Bayonetta inst good, at least i cant figure it out, Bayonetta is lightyears ahead of GOW


So many Nintendo minuses it looks like.(subtractions to the score for no other reason than a game being exclusive to Nintendo hardware).

I can think of little other reason for all of these these 0.5s and 0.2s. Yet a game with horrid a.i. and repeated hyper linear gameplay, not calling any names, gets perfect 10's just because it has a dramatic story from the same persons.
You never fail to amuse.
I'am sorry guys Iam not trying to troll, I just dont understand all the 10/10 this game is getting, it just doesn't make sense to me.

You played the demo, and watched a few gameplay videos. That's the extent of your experience with Bayo right? Have you played any other character action games or just God of War?

The high scores aren't just lip service... People genuinely love the way the game plays and what it provides as a full package. Encounter design, bosses, variety, game progression etc. The demo and a few videos really doesn't give you the full picture.


I'am sorry guys Iam not trying to troll, I just dont understand all the 10/10's this game is getting, it just doesn't make sense to me. I guess I'am biased against Bayonetta.

Hi Impact :)

You don't understand the reviews because you haven't played the damn game.


The depth Bayonetta has is in its combat, everything else is just average, the game is tedious,

its just hack some enemies >crazy megton boss> >crazy megton boss>hack some enemies >crazy megton boss > >crazy megton boss.

I have played enough games and seen enough footage that I dont need to buy the game to know that I will get fed up of it after a couple of hours and probably wont bother about firing it up again and will just become a coffee coaster.



Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
The depth Bayonetta has is in its combat, everything else is just average, the game is tedious,

its just hack some enemies >crazy megton boss> >crazy megton boss>hack some enemies >crazy megton boss > >crazy megton boss.

The depth God of War has is nowhere, so depth in the comba system is actually a good thing in comparison.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Glad to see the scores average out at 9.

For its easy to learn but deep to master combat, varied enemies, bosses and environments. its not in the same league as s lot of other 90+ games, and here why I think that.

The visuals and art style while unique ar not everyones cup of tea
The story isnt winning any oscars
The gameplay could be tedious.

In the reviews there seems to be no one addressing, obvious points which many games may not like.

reviews are just an opinion, though a good reviewer should spend time and effort thinking about different points of view.

With B1 I played the demo on my 360 and thought ''mmmm a wacky fast paced action game'' I didnt think it was bad and can understand why people love it, but reviewers giving B1 and B2 perfect or near perfect scores I cant understand.

and I dont think I'am alone in this, I loved the god of war series including god of war 3, to me its in that higher tier of games that Bayonetta does not belong in and judging by the fact that god of war 3 sold 4.7 million on a single platform and Bayo 1 sold just over 2 million on two platforms supports what I think.

Dont get me wrong its clear its a solid action game but Just what is so special about this game in this day and age?

My two cents on the combo system, depth etc:

I never really liked it in the original, though I admittedly did suck at it.
I really enjoyed the combat of The Wonderful 101 in comparison, I found having different weapons with just a standard combo and special attacks with inputs that made sense (jump + attack for rising, 360 degree spin + attack for cyclone) much more intuitive and easier to wrap my head around.

Bayonetta's combo system is just random memorisation of what combinations of buttons do what, with no meaningful reason for them to do that. Like, right now I couldn't tell you what buttons to press to do a launch attack or an AoE attack. I always just found one or two easy combos and just spammed them.

Other than the combo system though, the enemy tells, dodging, dodge offset, panther/bird form etc all feels really damn good. Easily the best in the genre in that aspect.
Man, you really didn't get Bayonetta huh? Strange that you got Wonderful 101 though as they share so much.
I have no idea what you mean by 'random memorisation of buttons with no reason for doing what they do'. Shoot shoots, punch punches, kick kicks, back+attack = launcher, forward+attack = stinger, 360+attack = spinning attack. All of this is pretty much standardised action game fare. It's kind of crazy that it went over your head.

Fady K

Incredibly impressive scores! At this rate I'm thinking it will be the highest rate game of this gen possibly? Such consistently high scores. Platinum are a beast.


We just arent sure how you can like God of War but say Bayonetta inst good, at least i cant figure it out, Bayonetta is lightyears ahead of GOW


have u even read my posts, I never said Bayonetta isnt good, I just dont class it in the class of elite classics such as Zelda: OOT, RDR,GTA5, HALF LIFE2.

If I was reviewing it I would give it a solid 88%, for the reason that while its an amazing pure action game, that fact the its so focused in that area, other parts of the game dont keep up and if you dont find the combat entertaining the game does not have much else to offer you.

Come to think of it there are probably some Bayonetta fans that think about god of war the same I think same way I think about Bayonetta.
Incredibly impressive scores! At this rate I'm thinking it will be the highest rate game of this gen possibly? Such consistently high scores. Platinum are a beast.

Well, Last of Us Remastered has 95/100 if you count that, so I doubt so. And this is after one year. Plenty of games previous gen that got over the current Metacritic.


have u even read my posts, I never said Bayonetta isnt good, I just dont class it in the class of elite classics such as Zelda: OOT, RDR,GTA5, HALF LIFE2.

If I was reviewing it I would give it a solid 88%, for the reason that while its an amazing pure action game, that fact the its so focused in that area, other parts of the game dont keep up and if you dont find the combat entertaining the game does not have much else to offer you.

Ah, so we are complaining about 3/100, makes sense.

And the other parts do keep up, many of these reviewers are applauding the visual style and music in the game. No of course you wouldn't enjoy the game if you don't find the combat interesting. But that goes for every game, that is why the combat is absolutely top-notch especially compared to something like God of War. The spin-off levels in Bayonetta were way less fun, I'd much rather have them swap them out for combat.


The depth Bayonetta has is in its combat, everything else is just average, the game is tedious,

its just hack some enemies >crazy megton boss> >crazy megton boss>hack some enemies >crazy megton boss > >crazy megton boss.


Sheesh with a view that reductionist I couldn't even tell if you're criticizing Bayonetta or God of War.



have u even read my posts, I never said Bayonetta isnt good, I just dont class it in the class of elite classics such as Zelda: OOT, RDR,GTA5, HALF LIFE2.

If I was reviewing it I would give it a solid 88%, for the reason that while its an amazing pure action game, that fact the its so focused in that area, other parts of the game dont keep up and if you dont find the combat entertaining the game does not have much else to offer you.

Did you play Bayo 2 or are you just talking out of your ass?

have u even read my posts, I never said Bayonetta isnt good, I just dont class it in the class of elite classics such as Zelda: OOT, RDR,GTA5, HALF LIFE2.

If I was reviewing it I would give it a solid 88%, for the reason that while its an amazing pure action game, that fact the its so focused in that area, other parts of the game dont keep up and if you dont find the combat entertaining the game does not have much else to offer you.

Yes, i have as a matter of fact, and you LITERALLY said "I loved the god of war series including god of war 3, to me its in that higher tier of games that Bayonetta does not belong in"

Reverend Funk

Comfy Penetration

have u even read my posts, I never said Bayonetta isnt good, I just dont class it in the class of elite classics such as Zelda: OOT, RDR,GTA5, HALF LIFE2.

If I was reviewing it I would give it a solid 88%, for the reason that while its an amazing pure action game, that fact the its so focused in that area, other parts of the game dont keep up and if you dont find the combat entertaining the game does not have much else to offer you.
You haven't played the game, but you know the exact score you would give it if you reviewed it? How does that even work?
I feel sorry for the lot of you who care so much about numbers which mean nothing it's a shame you cant just enjoy something without others approvals.

What a sad state of affairs.


I like how you can add "-netta" or "-yonetta" to pretty much every word in existence and it'll sound fun. Pencilnetta, laptopnetta, iPhonetta. Ok sorry It's 3 am and I can't sleep and I'm hyped for this game. Less than 2 weekkks!
I like how you can add "-netta" or "-yonetta" to pretty much every word in existence and it'll sound fun. Pencilnetta, laptopnetta, iPhonetta. Ok sorry It's 3 am and I can't sleep and I'm hyped for this game. Less than 2 weekkks!

Hahahaha that actually made me laugh harder than it should have


I like how you can add "-netta" or "-yonetta" to pretty much every word in existence and it'll sound fun. Pencilnetta, laptopnetta, iPhonetta. Ok sorry It's 3 am and I can't sleep and I'm hyped for this game. Less than 2 weekkks!

Pls no copynetta pastanetta?

Great to see the game is reviewing well, I'm excited to see what all the fuss is about, especially after loving the wonderful 101.


The Birthday Skeleton
Oh, some glowing reviews from GT and GB popped up last night. Nice to see that all the respectable gaming sites/magazines are really appreciating this game.

Interesting to see how these great reviews are infuriating for some, moving from port begging to concerning about sales and sudden social justice awareness.


Incredibly impressive scores! At this rate I'm thinking it will be the highest rate game of this gen possibly? Such consistently high scores. Platinum are a beast.
It's not even the highest scoring game this year! For all the doom and gloom, 2014 hasn't been a bad year at all.


If I was reviewing it I would give it a solid 88%, for the reason that while its an amazing pure action game, that fact the its so focused in that area, other parts of the game dont keep up and if you dont find the combat entertaining the game does not have much else to offer you.

Well, duh. You play an action game for the action, if you don't like the combat then don't even play the game ; the other elements are there to support the core game, not serve as a compensation if you dont' like it.


I just think it's the fact that 2015 looks so good that people have looked negatively on this year.
You might well be right. That and higher than normal expectations for next-gen.

I can't understand it myself, I can't remember the last time we had a truly 'bad' year.


I have replayed Bayonetta more than 30 times. Got Pure platinums on every difficulty and played through angel slayer more times than I can count. I have yet to get a pure platinum for Rodin.

I will do it all over again on Bayo1 for WiiU and I will finally perfect that cigar smoking badass.
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