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Berserk Anime Season 2 |OT| wacky waving inflatable sword man!

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...Well, they continued to put some effort in the Kushan martial artists destroying folks(Grappler Baki vibes to the max, that anniversary special short in particular of late), so if they can just leverage some of that also into....most everything else...

We really do need another season of Kingdom and I still say they need to poach the staff~



I know that Gut's sword is supposed to be large, but the width of it seems to be longer than Gut's chest. And it looks like it's easily 2x longer than Gut's body height.


One bad thing doesn't make another bad thing good though.

Saying that the movies were bad is exaggerated. Besides some shortcomings, like abbreviated plot points, pacing, etc., there was hardly anything offensive about it. If anything, they were more average, particularly the first one, with the last two flowing better and the third one reaching a high point.

Mister Wolf

Saying that the movies were bad is exaggerate. Besides some shortcomings, like abbreviated plot points, pacing, etc., there was hardly anything offensive about it. If anything, they were more average, particularly the first one, with the last two flowing better and the third one reaching a high point.

I enjoyed them as much as this or the 1997 anime they all have their flaws I'm willing to look past.
Saying that the movies were bad is exaggerated. Besides some shortcomings, like abbreviated plot points, pacing, etc., there was hardly anything offensive about it. If anything, they were more average, particularly the first one, with the last two flowing better and the third one reaching a high point.

They are the definition of bad, both as an adaptation of an original work and as a visual presentation (ranging from good to plain unacceptable for a motion picture).
Call me ole fashion but I still wish the entire series was hand drawn by like production IG or something. I know nowadays that's too expensive but damn.

Edit: ole= old
There's no emotion in this. It just feels hollow. That hill of swords scene in particular was bad.

I really hope people don't just watch this shit.
Those two episodes were much less terrible than the start of season one, but completey botched any emotionally resonant moment from the material - in particular, all the emotions and conflict in the scene of Guts biting Casca. Just flip back and forth between two pngs of sad Guts and rage-demon Guts.

It also doesn't make one lick of sense to someone who hasn't read the manga due to skipping some arcs and the botching everything involving the baby.

At least they're smart enough to have 2D animated the children, instead of blowing their character budget on characters from a 30 second scene, like in the start of season one.
The thing that really gets me is that it's digital animation. If you're going to copy-pasta, you could at least offset the animation cycle so the copies aren't constantly on the same animation frame as one another. It takes literally no effort and is probably enough to fool a casual observer.
Even palette swapping a few colours here and there would be a completely trivial task which would cost fucking nothing.


I just saw the new episode an hour ago.

I'm actually surprised by how much I didn't hate it, considering how abysmal this anime has been so far. And this episode wasn't abysmal...it was merely bad. This is likely just a case of expectations being so low that it was easy to surpass them à la the good gruel. It's still not a good anime, though, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone .

Having said that, I thought there was some stuff that actually worked fairly well. The score is alright. Nothing special, but they've gotten better at playing tracks that sound appropriate for the mood of the scene. There's no stupid jazz. The art direction has also gotten better. It still doesn't look great, and the texture work on the models is still distractingly bad, but some of the environments looked good. I was also pleasantly surprised to see that it wasn't as horribly chopped up MTV style as the previous episodes. There is less shaky cam during the fight scenes, and they actually had long shots of characters with some nice camera angles to boot. So, in certain scenes, this episode actually has a little bit of atmosphere.

Unfortunately, the animation and story pacing are still god awful. The large-scale armies barely move at all even though the CG is supposed to make it easier to animate large crowds. There are panning shots of CG characters which look terrible and would have made more sense to be in 2D, like the 1997 anime. Mule's introduction is ruined. It starts with him already fighting the Kushan, so you're not properly introduced to him or his motivations. I also get the feeling that viewers who haven't read the manga will be confused due to how rushed this show is and how it cut important scenes and story arcs. Sonia's psychic abilities, for instance, are glossed over, and Griffith makes a reference to the Vortex of Souls that has absolutely no context for anyone who didn't read the Black Swordsman arc.

They also gave Grunbeld the CLANG, so we already know what to expect from the Berserker Armor fight.

Also, Zodd looks ridiculous.

As does Casca.

And we still have shots like this:

The bottom line is that this anime is made by people who don't know what they're doing, and it shows. It's a shame because there are hints of something awesome in there, like when the story from the manga is allowed to be unmolested, and the music is allowed to shine through, and when the camera isn't moving all over the goddamn place.


There's something really wrong with the soundtrack of this anime. Does anyone else notice this weird low-note groan or sigh-like sound in the background? What even is that?

I've been reading some opinions from around the internet and I was surprised to see a lot of people actually liking this and the 2016 anime. Baffling.


I mean, it's like this: I completely understand that by all means we're supposed to hate this because it's horribly animated - and make no mistake, it is HORRIBLY animated with terrible CGI, but I can't help but enjoy it on some level.

Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I finally decided to start reading Berserk last year & haven't read far past the story arc that the anime will cover this season. The story is still really fresh in my mind & I like seeing it brought to life in some form or fashion. I would absolutely LOVE a much better adaptation of the source material, but I still derive some enjoyment in getting to watch the story play out. I wish we could get an anime for Berserk on the same level as the Hunter x Hunter adaptation - that would be perfect or at least continue to release the series via movies/OVAs.
I thought it was a decent episode... As an anime only watcher, I find the juxtaposition between the antagonists (Griffith and his band) and protagonists (Guts and his newly formed party) to be interesting.

We were led to believe that Griffith is a bad guy last season, but he actually saved slaves and people from bad dictatorship, and ostensibly more humane than other armies. He also has a lot of support by the masses. I suppose his monster/ demon companions are once humans part of the guild/party Griffith and Guts are in? That make Guts much more of an antihero because we don't even know why he wants to kill Griffith, who is actively saving the world with the rest of his guild. Griffith's charisma stat are also off the roof, and it's unsettling. That and his monster army in the woods might reveal something about his shenanigans. He also runs the "power of friendship/camaraderie" thing (his monster companions seem dedicated to protect him and stuff, and his followers are super dedicated) where as Guts go solo, a direct opposite of the normal trope.

Anyhow, this season is already way better than last season (still have no idea what that child from last season is). Finally getting the feel why people like this series a lot.


And we still have shots like this:

The bottom line is that this anime is made by people who don't know what they're doing, and it shows. It's a shame because there are hints of something awesome in there, like when the story from the manga is allowed to be unmolested, and the music is allowed to shine through, and when the camera isn't moving all over the goddamn place.

Honestly, why would anyone choose to move the camera like that? It literally resembles the kind of stuff you'd see in PS1-level CGI, when people were still coming to grips with 3D modeling. You're right, the people involved don't know what they're doing. Amateur-tier garbage.
There's something off with everyone's faces in this show, I feel like it's the shape. Aside from that the animation is still awful, and the weird back and forth between it and decent looking 2D stuff is really jarring.

Honestly, why would anyone choose to move the camera like that? It literally resembles the kind of stuff you'd see in PS1-level CGI, when people were still coming to grips with 3D modeling. You're right, the people involved don't know what they're doing. Amateur-tier garbage.

The worst part of this scene IMO is that it doesn't look like some sort of zoom in but rather that Griffith and his horse are sliding across the scene.


This thread makes me sad because it reminds me of how frustrating it is that Berserk got this treatment. However, I don't regret coming here because I found out about this.

It's "Bubuki Buranki" and has a much better second season than a first. It'll probably be the gold standard for cg tv anime for the year ten years.

Looks mighty interesting. It's been so long since I saw a mecha anime. Hope it's good and not fanservice bait like usual -.-


Honestly, why would anyone choose to move the camera like that? It literally resembles the kind of stuff you'd see in PS1-level CGI, when people were still coming to grips with 3D modeling. You're right, the people involved don't know what they're doing. Amateur-tier garbage.
I"d assume it's more about the budget seemingly being, like, 5$ per scene than amateurism. A lot of the stuff looks like early passes of scenes that higher budget stuff would still get numerous, numerous revisions & layers of improvements for but these have to do with whatever they manage to make with very little time and this is what they have to settle for.


Wow, didn't know that the new season was released 2 weeks ago, I was about to ask if the animation improved, but I guess that I shouldn't bother asking that.

If this anime is so hated by the hardcore fanbase of Berserk who are the guys watching it to secure a 2nd season so quick?


I've been reading some opinions from around the internet and I was surprised to see a lot of people actually liking this and the 2016 anime. Baffling.

Much like crappy pizza, there is a floor to just how bad Berserk can get. Even if the animation and sound design are terrible it is still Berserk, and given how few adaptations the series has gotten I can't be shocked that some people love the product being presented to them.


Much like crappy pizza, there is a floor to just how bad Berserk can get. Even if the animation and sound design are terrible it is still Berserk, and given how few adaptations the series has gotten I can't be shocked that some people love the product being presented to them.

I haven't read the mange, so I really love the plot and characters in the anime. I give the terrible animation and CGI a pass since I really love the setting of the series. I know that maybe the manga will be better, but I don't have the time/medium to read the entire manga in a way that will left me sattisfied


Didn't know this turd got another season

What Black Swordsman adaption? They completely skipped that along with the Lost Children just so they could rush straight to the part of the story where Guts starts to form his JRPG party, likely because they were hoping that's what would get them the most viewers. When you see how they've been handling the story along with stuff like this:

it's hard not to get the feeling that at least someone at the studio doesn't care or isn't trying. Also, Studio 4C actually was planning to adapt material beyond the Golden Age, it just ended up not happening because of the movies flopping.

OMG lol.


Much like crappy pizza, there is a floor to just how bad Berserk can get. Even if the animation and sound design are terrible it is still Berserk, and given how few adaptations the series has gotten I can't be shocked that some people love the product being presented to them.

I guess it stems from people not willing to read the manga? To be honest, I have read very few manga before Berserk (the only one I bothered buying the entire collection of...almost) and I can understand why some people just won't bother. It's no where near as fun as watching an anime adaptation that's done well. Still, people should expect more than this shoddy shit :(

I'm surprised they're all facing different directions. Wow!


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Wow, didn't know that the new season was released 2 weeks ago, I was about to ask if the animation improved, but I guess that I shouldn't bother asking that.

If this anime is so hated by the hardcore fanbase of Berserk who are the guys watching it to secure a 2nd season so quick?

People who don't know any better or will never bother to check out the manga.
I'm surprised you haven't got yourself a new avatar yet HStallion

Anime is at the same level as the first season, a solid 0/10 on absolutely every artistic level.
The only thing I like about it is Guts' voice actor
These last two episodes get the award for "least ruined from the source material."

And I can't stop looking at this over and over


Extreme zoom for no reason
All keyframes stop on the same frame
Griffith's floating horse
Griffith's body looking like its floating on the horse
Griffith's face looks like an artifact-intensive jpg on that lineless face
The shadow on the cape that almost looks like a white horse itself

It's amazing.
This looks like they had the starting frame and the last frame and wanted to do a transition,
one of the funniest thing about this anime is that they never understand when & where to cut, and the power of still camera shots.

Their editing team (guy?) makes me think about when a newbie discovers 3D animation and want to do "cool" 3D camera transitions every shot


People who don't know any better or will never bother to check out the manga.

And fans who know better.

Wow, didn't know that the new season was released 2 weeks ago, I was about to ask if the animation improved, but I guess that I shouldn't bother asking that.

If this anime is so hated by the hardcore fanbase of Berserk who are the guys watching it to secure a 2nd season so quick?

The second season was secured before the first even started.


This looks like they had the starting frame and the last frame and wanted to do a transition,
one of the funniest thing about this anime is that they never understand when & where to cut, and the power of still camera shots.

Their editing team (guy?) makes me think about when a newbie discovers 3D animation and want to do "cool" 3D camera transitions every shot
Yep, there are many, many instances of the staff going "hey, I could probably link this manga panel and that manga panel together, with some camera work". Drunk on that CG power.
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