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Big Brother 18 |OT| It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere

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The edit doesn't reflect the actual game in house. It would be silly the evict the non threatening old guy before Nicole or Corey. Nicole being a returning vet which made her a big target and Corey is a giant athletic dude. If they evict Glenn over those two the rest of the house is dumb.

Except the house doesn't evict. If he loses, he goes.


Glenn bettah have prayed for a spelling bee comp then.
I think he needs to pray for a pet grooming competition.

I have to imagine there will be overwhelming pressure on Corey and Tiffany to not make Nicole HOH should they survive the showdown comp tomorrow. I could see Day attempting to use Tiff's identity as leverage but Michelle can do the exact same thing as she knows about her secret as well. My bet is that her sibling secret isn't going to last through tomorrow night.

Because Tiffany is playing scared, I think Corey will wind up as the first HOH. James is safe as part of Team Unicorn (ugh) so there will be a lot of pressure to have Day and Frank up on the block. Curious to see the new Sunday comp and how the team dynamic will affect the POV competition.


The way they're setting up storylines, you would think Glenn is gone, he's also out of place in the sea of mid 20 year olds.


The way they're setting up storylines, you would think Glenn is gone, he's also out of place in the sea of mid 20 year olds.
Once he's gone the age range in the house will be from 23 (Nicole, Paul, Michelle) to 32 (Frank, James, Tiffany).

BB17's cast ranged from 22 (Steve) to 33 (Shelli).
At least Donny stuck around for a while during BB16.

That's really quite sad.
that premiere was.... everything. I'm ready to see Paul become a villain for a few weeks before he's evicted but hopefully the house doesn't turn to shit once he's gone


God I wish The Unicorns went with "The Calvary" instead. You know, like "the Calvary is here?" So close to having a running joke


not a medical professional
I hate Bronte. And her face. And her voice. And the amount of screen time she's gotten this ep.

She looks like an abandoned muppet.


I watched the 2 hour start...WHY IS EVERYONE AN ASSHOLE?



Paul the type of guy you get stuck talking to at a friend of a friend's house party.

Thus perfect for Big Brother.


I hate Paul so much, but damn he's nice to look at. I don't mind if he sticks around a bit longer.

Also there's no way Paulie could've kept up the brother secret. He almost looks like Cody's twin. He's almost just a palette swap.


Whelp it's safe to say I truly do not like the people that cast this show. They do so well casting people that just urk and annoy. Can I go back into a time machine and watch season 1-4 all over again. Before this level of manipulations happen.


Tumblr having a meltdown because Paul was coming for Day lmao
<rolls eyes> Day brings that on herself. She's still my top candidate to get booted in the first vote and that's due to her poor social gameplay. That has very little to do with Paul.

Whelp it's safe to say I truly do not like the people that cast this show. They do so well casting people that just urk and annoy. Can I go back into a time machine and watch season 1-4 all over again. Before this level of manipulations happen.
What you're looking for is a Big Brother season without Allison Grodner. Sorry to say that no longer exists in the US format.
Do make a point of seeking out Big Brother Canada 2 if you have yet to do so, at least.
<rolls eyes> Day brings that on herself. She's still my top candidate to get booted in the first vote and that's due to her poor social gameplay. That has very little to do with Paul.

What you're looking for is a Big Brother season without Allison Grodner. Sorry to say that no longer exists in the US format.
Do make a point of seeking out Big Brother Canada 2 if you have yet to do so, at least.

If there was no teams Day would be a lock for first boot. Her social game is fucking awful. Soon she and Paul is gunna clash at some point.


Glenn is definitely gone, which is fine since he's bland anyway. I wish we had some late 30's/early 40's people at least, but whatever. The cast is mostly great. Couldn't stand Day in her original season and can't stand her now. I hope she's gone after Glenn.

Edit: Forgot to mention. I don't really hate the twists yet. They needed to introduce something to prevent insta 8 vs 4 alliance and this maybe can do it. Maybe.
Edit Edit: Totally didn't notice it was even Frank when I first saw him. He looks great and I loved him in his original season. I'll be rooting for him along with James (if he actually does something anyway).
i think Paul is gone after Glenn and then Day is gone because she's still a social hermit + she's a returning hgs which means she's an incredibly easy target to pick and you get no blood on your hands since her own team wants her gone lmfao
I don't buy Frank's win as legit. Ballot box was stuffed. Every diehard fan I know would retroactively award that honor to Britney.

I felt the same about James. Johnny Mac should have won that title, hands down. Though I know Frank and James had a big following with the casuals. So who knows?

Overall I liked the episode, the personalities are interesting enough that I think we have some good potential for a good season. I fear for Tiffany, as she is someone that I have in both the BB pools I'm particpating in. I really hope she survives this week... but even if she does, it's not looking good. People will eventually figure out that she's Vanessa sister. The mastermind is only effecctive when they are behind the scenes, please see Mitch BBCan4. Her game will be found out and the only way she survives, assuming she isn't out this week, is if she balls out and changes her gameplay to a Janelle type... and I just don't see it happening


Death Prophet
Damn sucks that I don't really have access to TV and won't until the end of the week... Plus I barely have Internet access. Welp.


Just hoping for less commercials. It was way too many last night. It seem every 7-10 minutes there was one.
I actually thought they were well timed compared to previous years. They were already introduced and in the house before the first commercial.


I actually thought they were well timed compared to previous years. They were already introduced and in the house before the first commercial.

Watching it online, they had all the commercial breaks backloaded to where the last 30 minutes were as sf2fanatic described: commercials every 6-7 minutes. It was a cheap way to add suspense to the comps, but it worked alright for me.

That being said, commercial breaks are only a minute and a half online.


Corey truly is the king of BB18.

I don't care how vanilla he may be, he's hot and wants to work with the vets/against Paul. What more could you ask for in a HG?

Until Corey can prove he has two brain cells to run together, you couldn't convince me that him wanting to work with the vets wasn't producer led.

Anyways, based on where the producers are leading me, I would be very very surprised if Paul and Da'Vonne weren't nominated this week, with Paul being the target to evict. But I'm probably being dragged by my balls.

We'll see immediately after the feeds click on, I'm sure.
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