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Boyfriend's dad tried to have sex with me :(

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Tell the BF, if he's any good, he won't let you stay inside the house without him being present at all times anyway.
I'm going to echo everyone else's sentiments by saying that you need to tell your boyfriend as soon as possible. I would also consider moving out, so that you are away from that creep but can still visit the mom.

Stay strong, and remember that you did nothing wrong. I wish the best for you, please let me know if I can do anything for you.


We haven't heard anything in a while from the OP. Is she alright?

Aiustis, please post again so that we know you are ok.


I would leave the house ASAP. Tell the bf of course. The fathers behavior goes beyond just being an asshole, he's clearly dangerous (sounds like an angry/violent drunk who has sexual aggression issues). I get the situation is complex in terms of, you love your bf and his mom. But ultimately this isn't your fault, and you need to protect yourself OP. I would not keep this hidden, nor would I assume it's a one time thing. Please consider leaving. At the very least tell someone.
I don't wanna sound gloomy but prepare to get heavy accusations of being a liar, and worse, if the person you're describing is truly a narcissistic, misogynistic asshole.

Hopefully your BF isn't easily manipulated and trusts you.


Well if you get a boner I do not think its rape because that is pretty much consent. She would have to sodomize you for it to be rape. That being said this situation. Is far worse but I wouldn't call it rape because there was no penetration.


Everything about your post is not acceptable. At all. EVER.


complex situation.
if it happens again, tell everyone
as for now... i dunno... complex.

I agree it's a complex situation. None of us out here in internet land are there to deal with it, so take advice gotten here with a grain of salt.

it may be necessary to tell your bf.

it may be necessary to find a way to move, either with or without bf depending on how he takes it.

big question ... who's paying for everything? if big daddy perv is bankrolling all of you living there, you'll have to decide whether getting away from him is worth giving up the free ride.

You have to protect yourself, it wouldn't surprise me if next time it escalated even further potentially ending in your rape.

Don't be ashamed and get out of there as fast as you fucking can.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
OPs bf deserves to know what his dad is capable of when left alone with his gfs. He might not believe it but he should know.
And, if he refuses to believe it, then move on without the guy. It's not the kind of thing that gets better over time. There are plenty of other people in the world that don't have fathers that don't realize that it's not okay to force themselves on their son's girlfriend. Regardless of whether or not the dad followed through, it's unacceptable.

And if he does believe it, good on him. We're not suggesting that he go beat the shit out of his dad, but the BF needs to know that he really needs to not put her in a situation where she's alone with the creep and why they need to consider motels when she's in town.


I would leave the house ASAP. Tell the bf of course. The fathers behavior goes beyond just being an asshole, he's clearly dangerous (sounds like an angry/violent drunk who has sexual aggression issues). I get the situation is complex in terms of, you love your bf and his mom. But ultimately this isn't your fault, and you need to protect yourself OP. I would not keep this hidden, nor would I assume it's a one time thing. Please consider leaving. At the very least tell someone.


You need to get out of the house OP. When he begged you to stay for the benefit of your boyfriend's mom, he may have seemed contrite, but consider that maybe he was attempting to shift the guilty feelings from himself to you. That way, instead of HIM seeing some consequences for his actions (if you leave the house and tell the truth about why, everyone knows he's a piece of shit), he could try and make it seem that YOU are the one causing trouble by leaving poor sick mom with no caretaker. It sucks, but do not let him do this. Leave the house, it's not healthy for you to be there. Tell your boyfriend.

This whole situation is not your fault.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Wow, the rape word is getting thrown around a lot - her description just sounds like he was begging for sex, why the eagerness to move it up a notch?

smh.... this is at least abuse, and chances are it won't stop with this. The chances of this escalating are high.

OP please tell your boyfriend & find a friend to stay with for a little bit.
I don't wanna sound gloomy but prepare to get heavy accusations of being a liar, and worse, if the person you're describing is truly a narcissistic, misogynistic asshole.

Hopefully your BF isn't easily manipulated and trusts you.

If the bf trusts his drunk father over his gf that would be something else.


venison crêpe
May I suggest we return the emphasis of our replies towards helping out a forum member who has asked for advice rather than descend in to a conversation of semantics.

Whilst such a topic may well be a legitimate point for a coherent and level-headed discussion, this specific thread is not the ideal place for it.


Well if you get a boner I do not think its rape because that is pretty much consent.
Let's pretend that you have rapist tendencies, The_Wraith. So you try to rape someone that's obviously trying to fight you off via kicking and screaming. You think hey, look, boner, can't be that serious.

Following your logic, of course, it's ok to assume that the victim secretly wants to raped by you, due to boner, so you rape the vic anyway (while vic is kicking and crying) and later explain it was consensual.

How do you think it'd look if you were watching a surveillance video of it? Does kicking and crying look like consent due to boner?
Agreed with everyone else. Leave the house and tell your bf what happened ASAP. If you are living with the family, there is no telling what the father might do one night and then try to blame it on alcohol or drugs. The guy is a complete creep and you may very we'll be in danger if you stay there.
Wow, praying for a good resolution. Personally, I'd tell the SO and get out of that house. The part that makes this even more agonizing is the mother, who apparently needs the care and attention.


Tell bf. Be honest to yourself and to him. What the dad did was right was completely wrong, and perhaps next time tears won't stop him. Be proactive and protect yourself.


Sweetie, you did nothing to warrant this ok you are not at fault.

Tell your bf, this is something that cant be kept quiet, I understand you reluctance to leave due to his mom but you need to find a safe place to stay. Him being drunk or what have you is no excuse for his actions.
Tell the BF and get out of the house, at least temporarily. The dude AT MINIMUM needs to get some serious psychological help, if not a prison sentence. He's clearly not contributing anything of worth to that family and could cause serious damage if left to fester.

If you choose to stay, make it very clear that you will castrate him if he touches you. If he has any semblance of human emotions, he'll be ashamed of his actions. This gives you power over him. Start recording conversations when he's around. That way, you can have proof to tell his son if he doesn't stop. Also, you may want to invest in a Derringer(if you live in a country that gives you the right to defend yourself.)

That's a shitty situation all around... Stay Strong.

Also DON'T do any of this, it only escalates the situation further and does nothing to resolve the actual issues at play here.


big question ... who's paying for everything? if big daddy perv is bankrolling all of you living there, you'll have to decide whether getting away from him is worth giving up the free ride.

No no no no no! If the father is bankrolling this situation that puts him in a position of power.

The man is obviously a sexual predator in a position of power if the OP does not speak up. We know he also drinks and honestly has no compassion. Think of the thought process an individual would go through to assume its ok to sexually assault your sons girlfriend?

A free place to stay is not worth your mental or physical health. Events such as this can cause longterm mental issues you will have to deal with your entire life. A free place to stay is not worth it in any situation.


I was going to say how surprised I was but the dad sounds like scum in general.

I admire you for not wanting to tell the wife but I really believe you should tell your bf, otherwise it's going to eat you up inside. Hopefully he understands that you don't want to hurt his mom.

And don't ever feel like something like this is your fault, that's just a tactic he's using to make you feel guilty.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
You should also tell the mum. She deserves to know what kind of scum bag she's married to.



You need to get out of the house OP. When he begged you to stay for the benefit of your boyfriend's mom, he may have seemed contrite, but consider that maybe he was attempting to shift the guilty feelings from himself to you. That way, instead of HIM seeing some consequences for his actions (if you leave the house and tell the truth about why, everyone knows he's a piece of shit), he could try and make it seem that YOU are the one causing trouble by leaving poor sick mom with no caretaker. It sucks, but do not let him do this. Leave the house, it's not healthy for you to be there. Tell your boyfriend.

This whole situation is not your fault.

I'm really worried about OP. I know the situation is complex in that she loves her BF and his mom. And what some posters said is true, these situations can lead to the family saying she's a liar. This could lead to relationships being damaged. But what is key here is that OP is not to blame. She is a victim, and needs to consider her own safety above all this.

I really fear that people in these situations keep things like this hidden, because they don't want to ruin their relationships. But what the father said sent chills down my spine: "you want this". I'm not a psychological expert and would not claim to be. But the guy is a drunk, misogynistic, and has signs of physical aggression. Assuming this is a one time thing is very dangerous. This is a very tough situation, because OP has been victimized and now her victimization puts a possible threat on her relationships. It's really messed up.

But again, it's NOT OPs fault, and she should think about her safety first. I really really hope she at least tells the bf, and considers leaving the house.


Ugh, what a jerk. I know you don't want to hurt his mother, but it's better if you tell your BF about the whole incident. Discuss with him what best to do to help and protect his mother from the whole situation.


Like most have said. Let your BF know. You don't want to go through life hiding something like that from him.

I hope he's calm when you tell him though. Completely normal people can easily shift gears hearing something like that and the outcome isn't usually pretty for all involved. Just make sure he promises you he won't do anything crazy like using violence


I'm not trying to play devil's advocate or anything, but I think the BF's dad needs psychological help ASAP more than a lynching for what he did.

What he did wasn't right, but it's quite possible it's his coping mechanism. As OP said, BF's dad is often out drinking and partying --- he's trying to avoid the reality of the situation at home as much as possible. This latest action may have also been part of it.

Take what I say with a grain of salt though, I am not a professional, but if I were in your shoes, I'd tell the boyfriend -- but make it clear that his dad needs help. Don't keep quiet about this though, someone definitely needs to be told of this.
I'm really worried about OP. I know the situation is complex in that she loves her BF and his mom. And what some posters said is true, these situations can lead to the family saying she's a liar. This could lead to relationships being damaged. But what is key here is that OP is not to blame. She is a victim, and needs to consider her own safety above all this.

This is why it's extremely important to confide in the boyfriend first and have someone at her side when the father and/or mother are confronted. It's a toxic environment, and something needs to be done immediately before the situation gets worse. Value your own safety first and foremost, OP.

These threads usually have a twist.
What's the odds the op gives into his advances?
Or he's a furry?

You're gonna go far, kid. Yes indeed. :/


This is why it's extremely important to confide in the boyfriend first and have someone at her side when the father and/or mother are confronted. It's a toxic environment, and something needs to be done immediately before the situation gets worse. Value your own safety first and foremost, OP.

Yeah, agreed. But if the BF doesn't react the way she wants, or for whatever reason she can't tell the BF, I still think she needs to consider leaving the house.


OP, you did nothing wrong, as dozens of others have said already. And no one's blowing smoke up your ass about it either -- you are honestly completely blameless in this situation.

But you should absolutely tell your boyfriend. It will undoubtedly create a weird, tense, and potentially volatile situation in his family. But sexual assault is not a one-off occurrence and it's more likely than not your boyfriend's dad will try something like this again in the near future -- and if not with you, then someone else. The sooner you make it known, the sooner something positive can be done about it.
Yeah, agreed. But if the BF doesn't react the way she wants, or for whatever reason she can't tell the BF, I still think she needs to consider leaving the house.

She needs to leave the house immediately regardless. Very little to keep the offending father at bay once the first act has been broached, especially when alcohol is a factor. That house is dangerous as long as he is still in it in his present state.
I know it almost seems hard to believe, but you did absolutely nothing wrong. You handled the situation wonderfully.

Tell your boyfriend. He loves you. And more than anything, that love means he wants to help you when you're hurting. Even though itll probably make him hate his dad, i think he'd agree that you need to talk with him about it.

Dr D Wayne Love;103601054]These threads usually have a twist.
What's the odds the op gives into his advances?
Or he's a furry?

This is totally not the thread to even jokingly imply that, man.


She needs to leave the house immediately regardless. Very little to keep the offending father at bay once the first act has been broached, especially when alcohol is a factor. That house is dangerous as long as he is still in it in his present state.

Yeah, we are on the same page. The father's behavior is really disturbing.
He may have stopped this time, but if you stay in the house he might very well try again, especially if he drinks all the time.

Caring for other people is great, it is an admirable trait, but it should never be at the expense of your own well-being, and you're clearly afraid of returning to that house in fear of him showing up. As such, you have to tell your boyfriend, so he can resolve the matter (whether that be by kicking the father out, beating him, turning him to the police, or ensuring you are protected), or leave the place.

Stay strong, know that you did nothing wrong.


Don't keep it to yourself, this is the kind of thing you must tell others, especially your boyfriend.
He may have stopped this time, but if you stay in the house he might very well try again, especially if he drinks all the time.

Caring for other people is great, it is an admirable trait, but it should never be at the expense of your own well-being, and you're clearly afraid of returning to that house in fear of him showing up. As such, you have to tell your boyfriend, so he can resolve the matter (whether that be by kicking the father out, beating him, turning him to the police, or ensuring you are protected), or leave the place.

Stay strong, know that you did nothing wrong.

Pretty much this. Everybody else's feelings isn't on you. It's your job to make yourself feel comfortable. Tell the BF and let the score be settled with this dad fellow. He crossed a line that should never fucking be crossed and, even if he decides to change on a dime by the time you get back, the rest of his family should know. Despite his begging after he was seemingly pumped to take advantage of you, you owe him nothing, especially not silence on this matter.
Also hate to bring this up, in this manner, but chances are you aren't his first victim. He's what past middle aged at this point? No one just wakes up one day and decides to coerce their boyfriends girl into having sex with them. What a piece of shit human being.
Considering the fact that he's barely home at all during the week I'm given the impression he's getting his own while he's not home. And who knows how's he getting it, either by raping some random girl or simply picking someone up from a bar. Combined with the fact that the wife is I'll, I definitely agree with you that she's not his first victim.

OP, what happened to you is absolutely, without a doubt, not your fault. You did nothing wrong to bring this upon yourself. I really hope you understand that because its true, nothing was your fault.

You definitely need to tell the boyfriend. I would suggest not at home so he doesn't rage out, if you're somewhere else you can talk and discuss what happened. The important thing is you tell him. He is your boyfriend. He needs to know. I don't know if you have any place to go but its unsafe at his house in this situation.

As other people have suggested, I also believe you should definitely talk to someone. There are people who help out victims for a living. They are there to help you. What you experienced isn't uncommon and its a very traumatizing situation. I don't mean to sound rude but you most likely can't handle this on your own. That's why you need to talk to someone who specializes in these type of situations. You're not alone. You may feel alone and a mix of other messed up feelings and the worst thing you can do is keep them bottle inside without talking to someone about it.

I know you have a very strong relationship with the mom. By the sound of it I'm sure she considers you family, if not her daughter. I know you're her main support with everything she's going through. But do not, I repeat do not, let his get in the way of you telling your boyfriend. If you truly have a great relationship with the mom I would maybe try confiding in her. In the worst case scenario she would get mad and turn on you. That would make it easier for you to not feel guilty about "abandoning" her.

And for others who don't understand, this is clearly attempted rape. There's no way around it, it is simply that.
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