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Dash Kappei said:
Why, what's the problem? Maybe we can help.

It's because if I go online, the Wii will automatically update and potentially harm Homebrew/Gecko, which would mean I can't play imports anymore, which I do quite a bit on the Wii.
Linkzg said:
It's because if I go online, the Wii will automatically update and potentially harm Homebrew/Gecko, which would mean I can't play imports anymore, which I do quite a bit on the Wii.

I go online with my Wii. As far as I know my homebrew still works fine.


SilverLunar said:
Yeah I saw that, IGN also used a fan art for one of the updates.

But do you blame them? there is no official traditinal art for the game, this type of art that is used to promote the game and the characters.

I swear I saw an update that said they wanted a good artist to draw for the game's promotion, there is really nothing wrong with out-sourcing the artwork, what is the diffrence here and Nintendo asking that porn artist to draw the illustrations for Fire Emblem DS?

Pixile's art work is good, but not THAT good.
Cave Story is a one man project, so that's where the difference lies.

Until now there was only official Cave Story stuff by Pixel, and fan stuff. It's not even as though they're choosing fanart that represents the art style of the game, or of pixel's own work.
Decided to do this, just to show the difference in graphics:


Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Linkzg said:
It's because if I go online, the Wii will automatically update and potentially harm Homebrew/Gecko, which would mean I can't play imports anymore, which I do quite a bit on the Wii.

The Wii will not automatically update.
I play imports too with Gecko and I go online with the console.

I don't know what firmware you are on but there's patched version of the Shop so you can go online and buy VC/Wiiware games.

Hey, I’m Tiffany, the programmer on Cave Story Wii. Things have been pretty busy for us as we get closer to release, but I wanted to say hello.

As you probably know, over the past few months we’ve been cracking away, trying to bring Cave Story over to the Wii platform. Thankfully to Pixel’s clean work, we’ve been able to do it without too many challenges. During the first few days of porting Cave Story I was able to see the hard work and love that went into making this game. Some of Pixel’s techniques, including the old school approach to sound generation, were really helpful in keeping the file sizes down (very helpful for WiiWare) and making this port a pretty straight forward one.

If you’ve read Tyrone’s post, you probably have figured out that the game is almost completely ported and getting close to done. There are still a few things left to do. One of the more obvious bugs from the initial port was a notable sound bug–you know “bleeding ears” and all–which I am currently working on. We promise to get it right! There were also several graphics bugs which have since been fixed. I am also working to get all of the Wii specifications in place, but that’s all secret stuff.

I am really excited to work alongside Pixel and Tyrone and feel very honored to have a hand in this project. Like you, I can’t wait to see the final result on the WiiWare Channel. I plan to make a couple of updates on Cave Story, so until next time thanks for reading!



PataHikari said:
I always thought that you saw Quote from the side and that you saw one eye and his ear. 0_o

Not both eyes.

a lot of people say that but I am the opposite. I thought it was blatantly obvious that it was at an angle. Every character in the game is at an angle.
Two new screens:

From Feb. 7th:

From today (the HUD is fixed, yay!):


Tiffany here again and I come with a little bit of good news, or at least a couple of new things to tell you. Pixel and Ty have put together the weapons and the weapon icons for the HUD, everything dropped in nicely and, I think you’ll agree, it looks fantastic. Pixel never disappoints! The MIDI player is ready to go and the new music is on the way.

I am currently working hard to finish up the ORG player and then I will turn my focus to more DLC stuff. The whole team is hard at work to finish the game up and I think its safe to say that the excitement is really building now as we get closer to release!


Is there any work when this is due out? I figure if they're still working on it AND they need to wait for Nintendo to get around to releasing it the launch date will be some time in the Summer of 2016?

Ranger X

EmCeeGramr said:
Two new screens:

From Feb. 7th:

From today (the HUD is fixed, yay!)

This is amazing (as always) but they have some serious tiling problems there. I hope the final game won't be like that...



Jealous Bastard
grasstown ho, friends! can't wait for this. still baffled when i think that this was the work of a single guy. maybe one man can make a difference.


Just wanted to add: I haven't played the original in a couple years, and I've been meaning to go back and beat it again. But now I'll hold off for this version. I can't wait to give this guy my moneys.

I'll probably gift it to some friends too.




Hello! I hope you missed us. Sorry for the break. There’s a reason we’ve been MIA for the last couple of weeks. No, we’re still not dead–we’re officially in crunch mode and trying our best to wrap up Cave Story! If all goes well, you’ll be playing Cave Story by the beginning of May or even end of April. Instead of a simple one-liner, we wanted to update everyone with a relatively complete item list of what we’ve been working on.

You haven’t seen updates free me because I’ve been busy typing away at code. On the programming front since the last update, I have fixed up the .org player and made some additional fixes to the graphics.

Also, I’ve spent some time working on the DLC support which Ty just mentioned, making sure that the game will be able to support all the new content that we have planned over the months following the initial release.

Oh by the way, we’re also building the speech synthesizer that will sing lyrics over each song while the playing the game!

^^ That sounds very cool!!


I was gonna blow my points on some stuff I'm not crazy about, but now I think I'll be holding on to them to pick this up day one.
Kulock said:
Yeah, clever filename aside, it doesn't work that way. Especially when we're talking about a port by another team to a non-PC platform with additional content.
The "additional content" amounts to new spritework/tilesets and midi sound files. It would take the team a lot of talent if they could figure out a way to bloat that an additional 36 MBs. Porting it to a non-PC platform is irrelevent, the PSP Cave Story port is even smaller (2298 KBs)

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER

This might make an interesting novelty, but I can't see myself playing the whole game with it on.


What happened to this game coming out in Jan-Feb?? As late as may WTF! I need something to play on my Wii! :(


neoism said:
What happened to this game coming out in Jan-Feb?? As late as may WTF! I need something to play on my Wii! :(
MadWorld just came out today.

I don't really understand what the blog is saying about singing lyrics? Will they be understandable or just random harmonizing? What is happening?!?!?!


Jammy said:
House of the Dead: Overkill?
I'm not interested in those games! I may buy HOTD when its 15 or 20! I've been wanting Boom Blox, but it's still 40. If it wasn't for the Vanillaware game coming this summer, I would have sold it a long time ago!


birdchili said:
the more i play it, the more i think you might be waiting a while...

cave story song lyrics is worrisome...

Worrisome why? You can play with original GRAPHICS if you prefer. I suspect it will be optional, though perhaps my lack of my normal cynicism is INAPPROPRIATE in this INSTANCE.


i'm easily annoyed by bad lyrics? it just seems ill-conceived in general i suppose. you'll *surely* be able to turn them off. i'd be *shocked* if there wasn't a more-or-less pure "original" mode available.


Jealous Bastard
pretty sure all the new aesthetic changes will be optional.

CAVE STORY. cannot wait. been waiting to play this on my big tv for years.


i think i've changed my mind on this and will be getting it the moment it comes out just so i can finally make my girlfriend play it.


and finish all the necessary work that is involved with finalization the North American version. (yes, after that we quickly move onto the European release)

Good. I want to play this game, but watch NOA release it AFTER europe.


EmCeeGramr said:
Also, Pixel himself will be appearing on the Nintendo Channel for a video interview sometime in the next four weeks!
those developer's voice bits are by far the best thing on that channel. such a good idea for small games like this where the game represents the vision of only a few people.
beelzebozo said:
even the title screen is gorgeous now.
the title/press any button "resolution" difference is strangely awesome.


Jealous Bastard
birdchili said:
those developer's voice bits are by far the best thing on that channel. such a good idea for small games like this where the game represents the vision of only a few people.

the title/press any button "resolution" difference is strangely awesome.

agreed on both points.

to the latter, it's a nice bit of synergy with what i think has always been part of the charm of CAVE STORY: that which is new playing footsy with that which is old.


Anyone know of a good place to get CHEAP component cables($10-) for the Wii! Sooo, excited for this game!
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