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Cheating-GAF: Share your stories

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One of my exes was in the process of moving in with me, and one day she left open an IM window on my computer with the other guy she was seeing. She was promptly kicked out.
ScOULaris said:
Edited the OP.
It's a little late, besides, you didn't take out the worst paragraph.

Given my stance on cheating, all of my friends know that if they cheat and I find out, they have one week to confess before I rat them out. My loyalties lie to whomever is in the right in most situations, and I will always side with the victim of cheating rather than the perpetrator, even if my friend is the guilty party. This even applies when I barely know the person who's being cheated on. I feel that everyone deserves to know, and I don't care if someone gets mad at me for breaking the news. If my friend cheats on his or her significant other, they know that I simply won't let it slide. Period. And yes, I have put this policy into practice with my best friend before.


joeblackisback said:
No one is going to put their stories in your thread with you out Narc-ing on everyone.

Haha. Yeah, the thread is pretty much "so, I hate drugs. What drugs do you do?" - why should they tell?


ScOULaris said:
What if you know and hang out with your friend and his/her partner all the time? If your friend was cheating on someone you see all the time, you would be totally fine just letting them live on oblivious of that betrayal?

When I first read your post I thought it meant you go out and snoop. But if someone, knowing your rules in life comes to you and tells you ANYWAY. Then that's on them. I don't tolerate drugs of any kind near me, I of course wouldn't get someone in legal trouble but I would kick their ass out of my home instantly if they were doing anything, that's just my rule.

If you have this issue and your friends know, that is on them and an accepted part of your life and their friendship with you. If you find out randomly and talk to the friend and find out they are cheating, there isn't anything wrong at all with warning them about what you heard and seeing the sides of the situation (the relationship status during the supposed cheating). You may have the wrong data.

However, if after discussing it and find out that it was just plain up cheating I don't see anything wrong with that. I would most certainly inform someone if I found out their girlfriend/boyfriend was cheating. At the bare minimum for health reasons. I have had 2 close people die of Aids and another who has herp due to cheating so I may have a jaded view as all of them involved cheating on someone and coming back into the relationship and cheating.

Again if you make it clear and have friends who know. That's just another part of your relationship as long as you discuss it and see what "truly" happened. It doesn't seem like your doing anything even that out of the ordinary as you are NOW in the situation. They brought you into it by telling you. Stupid on their part.
Articate said:
Haha. Yeah, the thread is pretty much "so, I hate drugs. What drugs do you do?" - why should they tell?
OP just wanted the opportunity to look down on more people. His best friend wasn't enough.
Let's say a guy gets drunk and cheats on his wife. He realizes that he has a problem, stops drinking, and they live happily ever after. Telling the spouse about something that happened after a crazy night is going to help nothing.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Lard said:
Quote somebody.
rainking187 said:
When the guy isn't man enough to tell her himself.
Incorrect. The person who you've invested time, money, love, and all that other shit is the one who's obligation it is to be honest with you.


joeblackisback said:
No one is going to put their stories in your thread with you out Narc-ing on everyone.
You can't be serious. Is there really that big of a population here on GAF of paranoid cheaters who somehow leave behind enough evidence ON THE INTERNET for me to find out?

I wanted stories that maybe served as evidence as to maybe why I shouldn't be so black-and-white. At the very least, I just wanted something interesting to read. Cheating is interesting, much like other unspeakable acts people commit unto one another.
samus i am said:
Let's say a guy gets drunk and cheats on his wife. He realizes that he has a problem, stops drinking, and they live happily ever after. Telling the spouse about something that happened after a crazy night is going to help nothing.
You've got one week.


My current girlfriend cheated on me over a year ago. Without a 1000 word post it's impossible to deduce if I'm a whipped dunce or someone that didn't care. Or someone that, after months apart from the girl after the event, spent months discussing the situation, contemplating it all while trying to figure out his feelings and then deciding to give it a chance and has not looked back since.

I'm totally whipped.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
ScOULaris said:
I wanted stories that maybe served as evidence as to maybe why I shouldn't be so black-and-white.

you can't understand or appreciate the concepts of privacy and shame, I can't imagine any story would sway your stance. Just please consider what I said earlier before ever jumping into a situation like that.
captive said:
eh, for all you people saying the OP is a douche etc, nothing good ever comes to the person that *knew* someone was being cheated on and didnt tell. So if his friends are stupid enough to let him find out they are cheating thats their problem.

Never cheated, never plan to, but that kind of attitude is indicative of the type of person I wouldn't want to be friends with. I would hope the people who I am friends with would respect privacy, I don't consider myself a person carrying around a lot of secrets, but assuming a friend found out something about me that I didn't want to be public knowledge I wouldn't want them to be of the attitude that "I am automatically going to expose it to try and fix your life for you." At least respect me enough to let me sort my own life out and deal with my own problems.

So... yeah, it's douchey.


Articate said:
My current girlfriend cheated on me over a year ago. Without a 1000 word post it's impossible to deduce if I'm a whipped dunce or someone that didn't care or someone that spent months discussing the devistating things that happened and contempation of if it was worth continuing or not.

I'm totally whipped.

Why'd you stay with her? Just curious.


I am Korean.
RotBot said:
I'm glad you've moved to a new stage in your life, where you tell your girlfriends you'll murder them and hide their bodies if they cheat on you. Unless in your country, they put cheaters instead of missing persons on milk cartons. If that's the case, then that's kind of a weird thing to do.
Worse yet, they put missing children on milk cartons.
lethial said:
While I don't like cheaters, that is fucked.

I was cheated on way back in highschool. I dated this girl who had feelings for her ex. They hooked up, I found out and re-arranged his nose for good. He had tubes stuffed up his nose and had to sleep with a bib because of all the fluids expelling from his nostrils for almost a month. No regret, no remorse. I tell my gfs that if you cheat on me, you'll be on a milk carton. I've never cheated on any gfs.

EDIT: To clarify for the neck beards that aren't reading the thread, the milk carton thing is a joke.
You know you're mad at the wwrong person right?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
wayward archer said:
Never cheated, never plan to, but that kind of attitude is indicative of the type of person I wouldn't want to be friends with. I would hope the people who I am friends with would respect privacy, I don't consider myself a person carrying around a lot of secrets, but assuming a friend found out something about me that I didn't want to be public knowledge I wouldn't want them to be of the attitude that "I am automatically going to expose it to try and fix your life for you." At least respect me enough to let me sort my own life out and deal with my own problems.

So... yeah, it's douchey.
Fuck that. One week.
DY_nasty said:
Incorrect. The person who you've invested time, money, love, and all that other shit is the one who's obligation it is to be honest with you.

I agree it's the guy's obligation, but if someone cheats and doesn't tell their girlfriend, I sure as fuck don't want them to tell me. I don't want to feel like an asshole everytime I see them together and know he's stepping out on her and she doesn't know anything about it.


rainking187 said:
I agree it's the guy's obligation, but if someone cheats and doesn't tell their girlfriend, I sure as fuck don't want them to tell me. I don't want to feel like an asshole everytime I see them together and know he's stepping out on her and she doesn't know anything about it.

Ya man. I would not even be able to do that. I have no ability to lie at all and my friends know it. Even the look of disgust on my face would instantly betray my desire to knock the cheater the fuck out:)

I would have to wear a William Shatner Halloween mask everytime we went out:) Or just go out with them on Halloween.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
rainking187 said:
I agree it's the guy's obligation, but if someone cheats and doesn't tell their girlfriend, I sure as fuck don't want them to tell me. I don't want to feel like an asshole everytime I see them together and know he's stepping out on her and she doesn't know anything about it.
You're assuming that all cheating is the same. In this case, you're presuming that its a guy cheating on his girl repeatedly and just not giving a fuck about your opinion regarding that matter.

Not every case is the same and definitely shouldn't be handled the same if you're unlucky to be caught up in it.


lethial said:
Why'd you stay with her? Just curious.

I was gone from her for months and months. I put myself back together and rebuilt the broken image of myself. I was out, meeting girls and my life started to feel good again. I thought I was past it, to some extent. Then one night I just broke down crying. Then she called. She had given up trying to call me for months (she was trying to get me back for months). I realised I had to meet her, and we spent days just talking about everything. Then I went to Tokyo for two weeks, leaving her completely behind, having a fantastic time. Then I came back and knew my feelings. So we got back together some time after that, while discussing how to get past the entire issue.

It's 10 months since we got back together. Last semester I got my best grades ever and my life has never been more stable and I've never felt more content. We're crazy about each other and I've never felt the way I do for her about anyone.

Live and let live - I would never be around if anything like this happened again, but I'd never say anyone is beyond "redemption". We talk about the tiny kinks we have in our relationship and everytime we do, we become a bit more happy. The kind of relationship I want. I made the right choice.


CrankyJay said:
You can't reply to all in a shit storm. LOL.

Right, but he seems to only want to respond to people who are saying that cheating is less than 100% evil and ignore anyone who's saying "you have no right to be the moral police."


Articate said:
I was gone from her for months and months. I put myself back together and rebuilt the broken image of myself. I was out, meeting girls and my life started to feel good again. I thought I was past it, to some extent. Then one night I just broke down crying. Then she called. She had given up trying to call me for months (she was trying to get me back for months). I realised I had to meet her, and we spent days just talking about everything. Then I went to Tokyo for two weeks, leaving her completely behind, having a fantastic time. Then I came back and knew my feelings. So we got back together some time after that, while discussing how to get past the entire issue.

It's 10 months since we got back together. Last semester I got my best grades ever and my life has never been more stable and I've never felt more content. We're crazy about each other and I've never felt the way I do for her about anyone.

Live and let live - I would never be around if anything like this happened again, but I'd never say anyone is beyond "redemption". We talk about the tiny kinks we have in our relationship and everytime we do, we become a bit more happy. The kind of relationship I want. I made the right choice.

Props to you man. I'm going through some things with my gf right now (not cheating) and I hope I can man up like you did, that's for sure.


Articate said:
Live and let live - I would never be around if anything like this happened again, but I'd never say anyone is beyond "redemption". We talk about the tiny kinks we have in our relationship and everytime we do, we become a bit more happy. The kind of relationship I want. I made the right choice.
I agree that it's possible to maintain a worthwhile relationship after cheating rears its ugly head, but the victim needs to know before deciding whether to move forward or walk away. If they stay with it, they can be sure that trust issues will linger for a long time.

Glad to hear it worked out for you though.


This thread is fucked up. If you let cheating go on while you know about it, you're implicitly approving of it. Let me ask you guys this: If you were friends with 2 people who were in a relationship, and you knew one was cheating on the other, would you tell the person being cheated on?

You should treat all people with respect, not only your friends. There is no reason to help a friend shit all over a third party unless you're also an asshole. Would you shelter your friend if he was hiding from the police after raping some old lady? Where's the line where it ceases to become friends vs the world? That's a really shitty outlook on life.
DY_nasty said:
You're assuming that all cheating is the same. In this case, you're presuming that its a guy cheating on his girl repeatedly and just not giving a fuck about your opinion regarding that matter.

Not every case is the same and definitely shouldn't be handled the same if you're unlucky to be caught up in it.

I know not every case is the same, but I disagree that they shouldn't be handled the same. My advice in any of those situations would be to tell her.


lethial said:
Props to you man. I'm going through some things with my gf right now (not cheating) and I hope I can man up like you did, that's for sure.

Thanks. Don't let anyone tell you what to do. You'll always know with yourself what's right to do. Also, sometimes you just have to tell them bitches to stop wilin'.


Articate said:
I was gone from her for months and months. I put myself back together and rebuilt the broken image of myself. I was out, meeting girls and my life started to feel good again. I thought I was past it, to some extent. Then one night I just broke down crying. Then she called. She had given up trying to call me for months (she was trying to get me back for months). I realised I had to meet her, and we spent days just talking about everything. Then I went to Tokyo for two weeks, leaving her completely behind, having a fantastic time. Then I came back and knew my feelings. So we got back together some time after that, while discussing how to get past the entire issue.

It's 10 months since we got back together. Last semester I got my best grades ever and my life has never been more stable and I've never felt more content. We're crazy about each other and I've never felt the way I do for her about anyone.

Live and let live - I would never be around if anything like this happened again, but I'd never say anyone is beyond "redemption". We talk about the tiny kinks we have in our relationship and everytime we do, we become a bit more happy. The kind of relationship I want. I made the right choice.
Really glad for you it's working out. I insta-dump with no care for explanations and no need for contact ever again.
I was in an 8 year relationship. Never cheated on her once.

The relationship is over now. Am I glad I never cheated on her? Fuck no. Wish I'd fucked around with every girl that I had the chance with. At this point, what's the difference?

Shit isn't black and white. And to me, most of the things I regret doing are sexual opportunities I passed up, not the ones I took.

I have been 'the other man' in the past too. You can get all high and mighty about your morals, but that shit feels good, man. Fobidden sex is the best sex. It's like a trade-off: you endure the pain of being cheated on in exchange for the chance to be the other guy once in a while.

We're not on this planet for very long. Enjoy yourself. You don't win a special prize for being 'virtuous', so have some fun.

I'm sure some men here can agree with me on this: You can have one night of (safe) sex with a random stranger and it doesn't mean you love your woman any less. Sex is sex, and if a shot of fresh pussy keeps your head on straight, go for it. Straight up, monogamy is HARD.

I really wonder about all you 'White Knights' that are so hypersensitive about this issue. Tell us about the woman who fucked you over so hard in the past to make you so insecure and hypersensitive about this issue that you feel the need to condemn anyone who cheats, even to the point of ratting them out? Do you really think you can fix human nature with your moral policing? That if you quest against infidelity long enough you'll make all people see the light, and then you'll never have your insecure heart cheated on again?

I'm gonna quote Chris Rock here: "A man is only as faithful as his options." Really, how long would you noble crusaders be able to say 'no' for? I remember the Tiger Woods thread people were coming out of the woodwork criticising him, claiming they'd never cheat in his situation.

Bull-fucking-shit. I'll bet my life on it.


Karak said:
Really glad for you it's working out. I insta-dump with no care for explanations and no need for contact ever again.

Same, I cut all ties with ex's no matter the reason for breakup.

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usea said:
This thread is fucked up. If you let cheating go on while you know about it, you're implicitly approving of it. Let me ask you guys this: If you were friends with 2 people who were in a relationship, and you knew one was cheating on the other, would you tell the person being cheated on?

You should treat all people with respect, not only your friends. There is no reason to help a friend shit all over a third party unless you're also an asshole. Would you shelter your friend if he was hiding from the police after raping some old lady? Where's the line where it ceases to become friends vs the world? That's a really shitty outlook on life.
Giving people the respect and privacy they deserve is tantamount to hiding a friend who has just commit elderly rape now? You're right that is a shitty outlook on life.
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