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Colin Was Right: Xbox's E3 Gambit (Feb 23)


It's a matter of context, Scorpio is a necessary reimagining of XBox One whereas the Pro is an unnecessary update to the PS4.

No, Pro and scorpio both wont be able to run Witcher 3 at 60 FPS (insert any difficult to run game like FF XV here). They will both be limited to 4K or 4K checkerboard or close to it but will be held back in AI and FPS by laptop spec CPU IMO.

Only when we get a Ryzen class console will we get 60 FPS gaming for all IMO - Ps5 and XB2.

*** If Scorpio gets Ryzen and Vega it will be a new generation and hats of to MS ** , Witcher could run at 60 FPS !

If Scorpio gets Ryzen, I will Switch to MS, if not, its not much different to the Pro.
No, Pro and scorpio both wont be able to run wither 3 at 60 FPS. They will both be limited to 4K or 4K checkerboard or close to it but will be held back in AI and FPS by laptop spec CPU IMO.

Only when we get a Ryzen class console will we get 60 FPS gaming for all IMO - Ps5 and XB2

One day, people will realize that making a game at 60 fps is at the choice of the developer.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
The pro and alleged spec of the Scorpio would be a high setting PC. The ultra high is really expensive and powerful.

Scorpio will be 6 tflops, a gtx 1080 is 9.

I wasn't really speaking literally -- I just meant that, for all we now, Scorpio games might allow the user more freedom in choosing what to boost so it looks drastically better, or runs better, than Xbox One and gives more freedom than the Pro.

Literally their mantra for Scorpio was "no one left behind" but you think they will leave their 25-30 million userbase behind to push an enthusiast device?

Of course they've done a 180 on their remarks in the past so it's possible but I think it would be a moronic move for a division that's already struggled with poor PR and low consumer confidence for several years now.

When Scorpio releases, I fully expect there to be no Scorpio exclusives. I was merely talking about the future when the Xbox One runs its course and Scorpio will be one the new base model. I doubt Spencer would say to wait to see the games on Scorpio before pre-ordering it if he wasn't confident that the games will look really good (especially compared to a One). The Xbox is becoming a platform, so no one being left behind means the One will have Scorpio's games, but I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft took a PC approach to it.


One day, people will realize that making a game at 60 fps is at the choice of the developer.

Of course if its allowed, but i5 + class PC's can always brute it anyway if on PC given enough GPU and bandwidth.

You know exactly what I mean. Next gen I believe we will get both on console, Graphics and high frame rates no matter what game.


I always thought that Sony releasing the Pro so early was a mistake, so I kind of agree with this.

In no way did Sony release the Pro early. From a business standpoint, it makes no sense to release the Pro this year when both the Switch and Scorpio are being released, and the Pro is just a minor upgrade compared to the other two.


Of course if its allowed, but i5 + class PC's can always brute it anyway if on PC given enough GPU and bandwidth.

You know exactly what I mean. Next gen I believe we will get both on console, Graphics and high frame rates no matter what game.

I bet most games next Gen will be 30FPS, because developers will always push graphics over framerate..


Here's the thing, xbox has to offer me something PS4 doesn't already. Sure, it may play third parties better but at least half the gen is gone already and I'm not going to rebuy third parties games I already played just for better graphics (if graphics was that important to me I'd already have a PC). And there is no xbox games that are that appealing to me other than State of Decay 2 (one reason I lean Playstation is I like single player games, I do not like the direction MS wants to go with games, same reason I don't like EA and Ubisoft).

If that's the case then don't get it. It's fine not to want it if it doesn't offer anything for you.

To say that no one else is going to want it because you don't though is (or in this case, would be) different.

Not really sure why anyone who would upgrade their console for better graphics who doesn't have an xbox (or no device to play current gen games) would go Scorpio over PS4 Pro (and definitely not from PC).

Friends to play with, better multiplats, console exclusives that they are interested in, etc. Pretty much similar reasons as to why some people bought a PS4 over the Xbox One in 2013-2014.

Sure the pro is weaker but they don't have to rebuy their whole library to take advantage of that (that can get expensive... might be cheaper to just get a PC honestly. Probably can find their old games cheap on steam then). And how much of this generation is left to make it worth it for what games come out now?

I don't understand the whole rebuy stuff -- they can still play their games on their old console while playing the newer titles on their more powerful console.

In terms of the second question, I think it's pretty clear that traditional generations are ending. Developers will support multiple consoles and scale/tune their games based on what those respective consoles do. Not very different from what we are seeing now -- it's just that games will be pushed via brand instead of each and every console model. PlayStation version -and- Xbox version; Not PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 (four models) like we saw back in 2013-2014.


Gold Member
Speaking only for myself, I don't give a shit how much more powerful Scorpio is if it doesn't have any games on it that make me want to buy one. Even if they've shifted Crackdown from "power of the cloud" to "power of the Scorpio", I wouldn't really be interested in dropping hundreds just to play Crackdown.

As I mentioned in a different thread about Microsoft and software, I personally feel like Halo and Gears are near their natural end. I played Halo 5 and some of Gears 4 and they just feel old, dated, tired. A relic of a prior generation with no aspirations to be anything better than staple cash cows. The only thing that's made me interested in anything Microsoft related this generation was Sunset Overdrive and Forza Horizon 3. I played and beat the crap out of the former when I had an Xbox One on loan and have the latter on PC.

Then there's the PC conundrum. If Microsoft is intent on pushing their Play Anywhere initiative to all their games, then why should I bother buying an expensive Scorpio when I can upgrade my PC, play the same games, and and get better performance?

I just don't see Scorpio and it's inevitably high price tag doing anything significant for Microsoft unless they have a shitload of software bombs to drop at E3. But that's probably a stretch. I'm expecting heavy Scorpio coverage but the usual Forza, Halo, Gears trifecta.


I know it's unpopular on GAF to a) agree with Colin and b) throw MS some praise, but I'm going to do both. Agreed with most of what Colin said and his reasoning. Another great video.


Scorpio is powerful but is it powerful enough. It'll be bad if games on the Scorpio doesn't look better than PS4 Pro games. I don't know what people are excepting, but I expect at least some high profile games on Scorpio to look better than Horizon. If they don't then it's going to be hard to sell this thing.

Next thing is cost. Is Scorpio going to have new controllers? New OS? New Branding? New features? What makes this a new generation besides just power? Every time you launch a new console it takes a lot of money. Sony was cost conscious when designing and launching the Pro. The form factor is basically just a regular PS4 with one more layer. The branding and marketing is also basically the same format as before. In other words, they didn't spend like it's a new generation console launch.

This is what I think how Phil Spencer got the Scorpio approved by whoever he's reporting to. He's going to make money on every unit sold. Which means he is not going to spend a lot of money on all the new things associated with a new console generation launch, and this thing is not going to be cheap. If you want to get more users to your ecosystem, then you use Xbox S which is cheaper.

The best case for Scorpio is that they can claim you can play the best version of third party games on it. Publishers that are already close to MS like EA and Bethesda are guaranteed to make their games perform the best on Scorpio. I hope MS can get marketing deals on key games like Star Wars Battlefront which they didn't get before, and keep the ones they had like Elder Scroll. If they can somehow get marketing deals on big games that seem to be associated with Sony this generation like Destiny and Red Dead or whatever Take 2's next big is, then it'll be their best bet to have this thing sell well.
Some pretty reasonable opinions. I think dismissing Sea of Thieves the way he did was a bit unfair and I strongly disagree with the idea that MS had a better (2015) E3 than Sony, but otherwise I think he made some good points. He hasn't changed his mind about the Pro but at least now he's acknowledging that he's in the minority on that one.

I can't see why anyone would be too angry about this video.
Scorpio is fine but the pro was a mistake.. Colin please.

First post nails it.

While I don't necessarily disagree with all of Colin's points, him completely shitting all over PS4 Pro while embracing the promise of what Scorpio could be (and mean) to the industry doesn't sit well with me. As of now, it is essentially what the PS4 Pro would have been had it been released a year later. Can things change? yes. Can MS announce that Scorpio will have exclusives and that it is in fact a new gen? of course. But until that happens it is essentially a more powerful PS4 Pro and should be treated as such. I love the Pro and I am looking forward to the Scorpio but Colin doesn't have that luxury based on what we currently know and his reaction to the Pro.


Such a big mistake to sell hundreds of thousands of Pros every month at a $400 price point.
Sure, they are selling, but in about a year of it being released, it will be underpowered. They should have waited. I fully believe they made a mistake in putting it out so soon because for the rest of the gen, their premiere console will be pretty underpowered.
The real Microsoft problem is exclusives, nothing hardware related will save it.

I agree with this completely. When the XBOX 360 was coming out, Halo was at the peak of its popularity and the release of Gears of War was imminent. Everyone wanted an Xbox 360 because their was nowhere else you could play those games. Now the popularity of both those franchises has waned and nothing on Xbox these days seems to set the world on fire and most of their games are coming to PC as well.

On the other hand Sony is just killing it with their slate of games like Colin mentions in the video. So far this year we've had Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, Resident Evil 7 (VR), Tales of Berseria, Nioh and Horizon next week. Before the year is over we'll have Days Gone (hopefully), Persona 5, Nier: Automata, Danganronpa V3, Ni No Kuni 2 and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy not to mention Crash Remake and Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. If they can also get one of Detroit, God of War or Spider Man out this year as well that lineup of game is simply amazing. All these games are either PlayStation exclusive, PlayStation 4 exclusive or platform exclusive.
While I never agreed with Colin on the Pro, it's a solid upgrade, I think he has warmed to it a tiny bit, now that people are buying it and really enjoying it (not enough to praise it though)

I think his reason for being up on Scorpio is that he believes it will be a next gen system but if it turns out to be an upgrade like the Pro he might not be so positive on it then.

He was right about Microsoft's 1st party devs though, they really are last, behind Sony and Nintendo. I really hope they step up with Scorpio and future Xbox exclusives.
Some pretty reasonable opinions. I think dismissing Sea of Thieves the way he did was a bit unfair and I strongly disagree with the idea that MS had a better (2015) E3 than Sony, but otherwise I think he made some good points. He hasn't changed his mind about the Pro but at least now he's acknowledging that he's in the minority on that one.

I can't see why anyone would be too angry about this video.

Colin could say the sky is blue and there would be people angry about it.

On topic, I don't think the scorpio or the pro are necessary but they add something extra to the console space, which can't be a bad thing. Whether it will help MS or not, remains to be seen.
Sure, they are selling, but in about a year of it being released, it will be underpowered. They should have waited. I fully believe they made a mistake in putting it out so soon because for the rest of the gen, their premiere console will be pretty underpowered.

If Sony keep dropping awesome exclusives like Horizon then power really won't matter, unless MS really release some mind blowing games but it's not like PS4 Pro games will suddenly look bad, I dare say Uncharted 4, Horizon, God of War and The Last of Us 2 will hold up very well against anything Scorpio has to offer.

Not to say Scorpio won't have better graphics in some games but Sony's exclusives already look stunning and that won't change just because of Scorpio.

Plus we will likely be getting PS5 in 2019/2020, so Sony won't be worried as they have the games and likely a price advantage to keep them going until they decided to announce PS5.
Sure, they are selling, but in about a year of it being released, it will be underpowered. They should have waited. I fully believe they made a mistake in putting it out so soon because for the rest of the gen, their premiere console will be pretty underpowered.

Being the underpowered console didn't hurt the Xbox 360, did it?

I think this is where most people lose me. It won't be like it was in 2013. It just won't. The PS4 and Xbone came out 2 weeks apart so the comparisons were more important. Not to mention PS4 was the more powerful system and was $100 less. That is a perfect storm that will likely never happen again. Scorpio vs Pro does not equal PS4 vs Xbone, it's apples to oranges. There will likely be more similarities to PS3 vs X360 (with PS4 Pro being the X360 in that case).

PS4 Pro will be at least $100 less, because of that people will be more accepting of the power difference (Checkerboard 4k v native 4k) since Scorpio is the more expensive of the two. Also there will still be the issue of 4K TV adoption which the Scorpio isn't magically immune to. And we could possibly have a flourishing Nintendo Switch Console which adds a variable not present in 2013 (effecting both consoles). Not to mention, Xbox Exclusives being on PC (when they weren't in 2013) and Sony's exclusives catching MAJOR steam this year. (With a darkhorse Pro/RDR2 bundle likely to come later this year BEFORE Scorpio launch.)

Like Colin, I am rooting for Scorpio to be great and to get MS back in the game (The industry is better with them relevant). I think Scorpio is going to be a great console and I look forward to playing most games at native 4k on it, but let's keep our expectations in check. For those in the Xbox community that are assuming the Scorpio releases and everyone just magically jumps ship and moves over (or back) to Xbox because it's the "most powerful" console and likely a Digital Foundry darling. I think they're setting themselves up for disappointment. I just don't think having prettier multiplatform games is enough to sway gamers mid-gen. From the current info we know, Scorpio will cause a splash but not a tsunami when it's released. Being the the most powerful next-gen upgrade is WAY more important than being the most powerful mid-gen upgrade. As of now the PS5 is lining up to be just that, unless Scorpio beats them to the punch (Which is what I am hoping for). If that happens, then all bets are off.

It will be VERY interesting E3 this year.


The graphical impact of things like horizon on pro and even regular ps4 is going to pose a problem when trying to bill Scorpio as the definitively more powerful system. If god of war, GT sport, detroit and spiderman look nearly as good as horizon then it will be hard to demonstrate a clear superiority. It could be blast processing all over again.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Sure, they are selling, but in about a year of it being released, it will be underpowered. They should have waited. I fully believe they made a mistake in putting it out so soon because for the rest of the gen, their premiere console will be pretty underpowered.

That's every console ever. A year out they are going to be underpowered. The Scorpio will suffer this same fate


It's a matter of context, Scorpio is a necessary reimagining of XBox One whereas the Pro is an unnecessary update to the PS4.

I don't agree with you that the Pro is unnecessary but I do agree with you that context matters

They'll be marketed in VERY different ways, PS4 Pro is a better PS4. Scorpio will be pushed as Scorpio (not marketed as an upgraded xb1, even though that's all it technically is)


I think Colin and greg were wrong about the pro since it seems to have been a success and is objectively a good product. I Dont think it's hypocritical of Colin to be positive about the Scorpio since it seems like it will have exclusive games a new operating system and hardware wise is more of a quantum leap rather than the quantum step of the pro.


The graphical impact of things like horizon on pro and even regular ps4 is going to pose a problem when trying to bill Scorpio as the definitively more powerful system. If god of war, GT sport, detroit and spiderman look nearly as good as horizon then it will be hard to demonstrate a clear superiority. It could be blast processing all over again.

I'm sure there'll be exclusives from MS that will take care of showing graphical supereity. Ryse is still some of the best stuff seen. That's what 4 years old. Imagine Ryse 2 lol. Gears 5, Forza Motorsport 7, Forza Horizon 4, and any unannounced stuff. Can't wait to see Crazkdowm 3 that destruction is untouchable


To the idea that this isnt a new generation machine, i disagree. It will be a new generation but like havnt seen before. The last generation step we saw more cross over games than ever before, and add all the remasters to that mix.

I could be completely wrong, but I believe Scorpio will be what new generations are from now on. It makes no sense for MS to attatch Scorpio to the xbox one branding, and make an upgraded Xbox One. They have lost that battle hard. There is no market for it. The best thing for MS to do is to start fresh, In their product and nessage. There will be carry over from Xbox One for sure, but this is how it will be from now on. I fully expect games to cross over from PS4-PS5 also. The idea that you leave behind that many users is just asinine in this market.

If Scorpio is simply an upgraded Xbox One, I think it will be HUGE mistake.


I generally don't like Colin's views, but he has some good points here. E3 is about the Scoprio and will make or break MS, in the gaming space.
Trying to one up the competition in specs will only take you so far without a solid software lineup to go with it. Scorpio ends up being more powerful for a few years and then you have PS5, so you're only going to resonate with people who want the most powerful console, and those same people will switch sides as soon as a more powerful one comes along.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Sometimes I wonder if Microsoft has 2 different Scorpio configurations ready to go and they're kind of waiting to see how the Pro does before deciding on which model they go with.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I wasn't really speaking literally -- I just meant that, for all we now, Scorpio games might allow the user more freedom in choosing what to boost so it looks drastically better, or runs better, than Xbox One and gives more freedom than the Pro.

I can well imagine Scorpio being a great box, and top of the heap technologically in the console space for a couple of years.

But here's the thing: It is assuredly also going to be the most expensive box in the console space, a situation that, as Sony discovered to its cost with PS3, is deeply problematic no matter how large and dedicated an audience you have.

Consoles are an extremely price-sensitive product; its just how it is.

Now consider how that cost impedes uptake over the finite time-span before their competitor (who lets not forget is sourcing their tech from the same partner) launches a successor device with even more bang for the buck.

Its a technological arms race where the first mover always should have the advantage, so I cannot see how having the most powerful box is going to impact market-share substantially by itself.


Sure, they are selling, but in about a year of it being released, it will be underpowered. They should have waited. I fully believe they made a mistake in putting it out so soon because for the rest of the gen, their premiere console will be pretty underpowered.

That won't matter with their global market dominance and ability to reduce the Pro's price.
Lots of harsh criticism for what I think is a pretty harmless video.

Regardless of Colin's opinion about the PS4 Pro, I do agree that this E3 is crucial for Xbox.

In order to even begin to turn things around, first the Scorpio needs to be something really special in terms of hardware/price, and most importantly, it needs massive exclusives. And I do mean exclusives that only run on Scorpio. And at launch too, not months or years later, as Sony is killing it this year with software.
Also, while the One is doing "fine" in US/UK, Colin fails to mentions its near irrelevancy in other markets such as mainland Europe. If the Scorpio is nothing more than an upgraded One with the same library, no matter how powerful it is, these markets will keep on not giving a rat's ass about Xbox.

Basically yeah, they need a new generation, and fast. And I don't think that's what the Scorpio is. We'll see about that in June.
Lots of harsh criticism for what I think is a pretty harmless video.

Regardless of Colin's opinion about the PS4 Pro, I do agree that this E3 is crucial for Xbox.

In order to even begin to turn things around, first the Scorpio needs to be something really special in terms of hardware/price, and most importantly, it needs massive exclusives. And I do mean exclusives that only run on Scorpio. And at launch too, not months or years later, as Sony is killing it this year with software.
Also, while the One is doing "fine" in US/UK, Colin fails to mentions its near irrelevancy in other markets such as mainland Europe. If the Scorpio is nothing more than an upgraded One with the same library, no matter how powerful it is, these markets will keep on not giving a rat's ass about Xbox.

Basically yeah, they need a new generation, and fast. And I don't think that's what the Scorpio is. We'll see about that in June.
But see, I don't think a much more powerful Xbox is going to change how the market takes the Xbox as a brand. I think it goes much deeper than that and it would require a complete 180 from MS.

More studios, more game diversity, better third party relations, more inclusion of other countries (no tier 1, 2, etc...), etc... This is stuff that would take years to properly implement and see the benefit from.


Lots of harsh criticism for what I think is a pretty harmless video.

Regardless of Colin's opinion about the PS4 Pro, I do agree that this E3 is crucial for Xbox.

In order to even begin to turn things around, first the Scorpio needs to be something really special in terms of hardware/price, and most importantly, it needs massive exclusives. And I do mean exclusives that only run on Scorpio. And at launch too, not months or years later, as Sony is killing it this year with software.
Also, while the One is doing "fine" in US/UK, Colin fails to mentions its near irrelevancy in other markets such as mainland Europe. If the Scorpio is nothing more than an upgraded One with the same library, no matter how powerful it is, these markets will keep on not giving a rat's ass about Xbox.

Basically yeah, they need a new generation, and fast. And I don't think that's what the Scorpio is. We'll see about that in June.

This is the least harsh Colin was Right thread by far. So there is progress.
I have never seen anyone get so mad about shit you don't have to buy in my life. Colin was so lame in his rants a real lame. You would have thought Sony was selling the Pro for $900.00 dollars the way he was going off the deep end. The shit was cheap at least for me, and they said the PS4 version will still get love, so why all the complaining. Shit made no sense to me that a grown ass man acted like that, he will forever be a...
The graphical impact of things like horizon on pro and even regular ps4 is going to pose a problem when trying to bill Scorpio as the definitively more powerful system. If god of war, GT sport, detroit and spiderman look nearly as good as horizon then it will be hard to demonstrate a clear superiority. It could be blast processing all over again.

It's going to be difficult anyway. The higher the resolution you go, the more difficult it becomes to tell a difference. I always felt 900p vs 1080p was completely overblown, but I'm telling you right now, CB 4K vs Native 4K is going to be even more difficult to discern.
But see, I don't think a much more powerful Xbox is going to change how the market takes the Xbox as a brand. I think it goes much deeper than that and it would require a complete 180 from MS.

More studios, more game diversity, better third party relations, more inclusion of other countries (no tier 1, 2, etc...), etc... This is stuff that would take years to properly implement and see the benefit from.

That's pretty much what I'm saying. All those things can be accomplished with a new generation. You're right that this requires years of planning, that's why I'm saying that with Scorpio coming so soon, it's just not looking like this is what it's going to be.

A "new" and powerful console by itself will achieve nothing for Xbox. A new and powerful console with tons of great new software and and worldwide vision can. But there's no way that thing is coming in late 2017.
That's pretty much what I'm saying. All those things can be accomplished with a new generation. You're right that this requires years of planning, that's why I'm saying that with Scorpio coming so soon, it's just not looking like this is what it's going to be.

A "new" and powerful console by itself will achieve nothing for Xbox. A new and powerful console with tons of great new software and and worldwide vision can. But there's no way that thing is coming in late 2017.
Ah, I gotcha.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I can well imagine Scorpio being a great box, and top of the heap technologically in the console space for a couple of years.

But here's the thing: It is assuredly also going to be the most expensive box in the console space, a situation that, as Sony discovered to its cost with PS3, is deeply problematic no matter how large and dedicated an audience you have.

Consoles are an extremely price-sensitive product; its just how it is.

Now consider how that cost impedes uptake over the finite time-span before their competitor (who lets not forget is sourcing their tech from the same partner) launches a successor device with even more bang for the buck.

Its a technological arms race where the first mover always should have the advantage, so I cannot see how having the most powerful box is going to impact market-share substantially by itself.

I don't think the Scorpio will be $599, I'm personally expecting $499, but I think they can pull off $599 only because another exists -- the Xbox One. At first they are meant to coexist and that'll take any sting that the price could cause and minimize it.


Friends to play with, better multiplats, console exclusives that they are interested in, etc. Pretty much similar reasons as to why some people bought a PS4 over the Xbox One in 2013-2014.

I don't understand the whole rebuy stuff -- they can still play their games on their old console while playing the newer titles on their more powerful console.

In terms of the second question, I think it's pretty clear that traditional generations are ending. Developers will support multiple consoles and scale/tune their games based on what those respective consoles do. Not very different from what we are seeing now -- it's just that games will be pushed via brand instead of each and every console model. PlayStation version -and- Xbox version; Not PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 (four models) like we saw back in 2013-2014.

You miss my point. Half the gen is gone so you are asking people to buy a new console for what's left of third party games. And now either rebuy the games they already have or split up their games (and friend list of who they play these games with if they prefer mp games, an even stronger reason not to change Eco systems). And if they already have a ps4 chances are they already built a friend list who is on that. So why would they go to Scorpio for friends to play with. If that was so important wouldn't they have already bought Xbox one?

And your last arguement is even more reason why people would not change (I'm not sure I agree with you but we'll see). The whole reason to start doing backwards compatibility and go with a more PC/mobile way of doing hardware (where the new ones will play old games and old ones will play new games they are capable of) is that you get people in your ecosystem which means they have more to lose if they change ecosystems. Want to change to Xbox? Gotta rebuy old games and lose a big advantage of the "new way of doing " things or you can just stay with ps. And people who really are wanting to put in the effort like that to have the best graphics probably already bought PCs which are the best for that in the first place.

Unless Scorpio gives them something different they can't get on ps4 other than upgraded graphics, for most people it is not going to be worth it. And they can at least get a ps4 pro and not have as much baggage and at least get better than ps4 graphics.

MS is better off on focusing on getting good exclusives to make people want an Xbox or make Scorpio next gen and not hamper it by making it play only current gen games (but with better graphics). They need something other than cool graphics if they want to place their hopes of catching up on it.

Personally I think ms would have liked to be market leader but I'm not sure they are unhappy with what Xbox is doing (as in it's still making money for them). I don't think it is a failure anyways though it's obviously not the dominant console (which is obviously the ideal position to be in).


You miss my point. Half the gen is gone so you are asking people to buy a new console for what's left of third party games.

Again, traditional generations are ending. "Generations" will now more than likely simply be based on system name/branding. The 'new model every 3-4 years'-pattern seems like it will be the norm from here on out with full game and acessory compatibility until an older model gets completely phased out (a la phones or tablets).

So yeah, I don't see your point (I could be misunderstanding though). There are a TON of games coming to the current consoles and these consoles will be supported for a long time from third party support alone.

And now either rebuy the games they already have or split up their games (and friend list of who they play these games with if they prefer mp games, an even stronger reason not to change Eco systems).

I really can't see anyone rebuying games unless they are REALLY big fans of that said game. Again, there's nothing stopping people from having a older console alongside a newer one with both consoles being of different brands.

And if they already have a ps4 chances are they already built a friend list who is on that. So why would they go to Scorpio for friends to play with. If that was so important wouldn't they have already bought Xbox one?

You say this as if everyone's situation is the same. There are people that care about playing the best console version of games to the point in which they will switch over. We saw this just four years ago. I agree that it won't happen as much now since Scorpio isn't a completely "new gen" but there are definitely console gamers that care about power enough to switch back and forth.

And your last arguement is even more reason why people would not change (I'm not sure I agree with you but we'll see). The whole reason to start doing backwards compatibility and go with a more PC/mobile way of doing hardware (where the new ones will play old games and old ones will play new games they are capable of) is that you get people in your ecosystem which means they have more to lose if they change ecosystems. Want to change to Xbox? Gotta rebuy old games and lose a big advantage of the "new way of doing " things or you can just stay with ps. And people who really are wanting to put in the effort like that to have the best graphics probably already bought PCs which are the best for that in the first place.

Again, you do not have to rebuy old games. I don't understand why you keep on saying that. You are right in saying that companies want people to be stuck within their ecosystem but there's nothing stopping gamers from being within multiple ecosystems. I mean, we are on GAF -- I'm sure that most gamers here are part of at least two gaming ecosystems.

On top of this, I'm sure Microsoft would rather get some people to be part of their ecosystem as well as Sony's -vs.- only being within Sony's and never buying anything Xbox.

Unless Scorpio gives them something different they can't get on ps4 other than upgraded graphics, for most people it is not going to be worth it. And they can at least get a ps4 pro and not have as much baggage and at least get better than ps4 graphics.

Well thank goodness there are games and features that the Scorpio will have that will not be on PlayStation. Specs won't be the only difference.

MS is better off on focusing on getting good exclusives to make people want an Xbox or make Scorpio next gen and not hamper it by making it play only current gen games (but with better graphics). They need something other than cool graphics if they want to place their hopes of catching up on it.

Exclusives aren't going to greatly help their position. I agree that they should get more exclusives but you haven't been following this current generation closely if you think the majority of people are buying consoles to play true exclusive titles.
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