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Colony |OT| Resist or Collaborate in Alien Occupied Los Angeles – Thursdays 10/9c

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Good episode indeed. Too bad Snyder didn't get to saying what's outside the colony or why that would be awful. Guess that what the kids are going to discover.

Helena being in another block with a bit of ocean walled in though. Did they just launch that wall from space or something? Speaking of which, that teacher guy with the telescope played "Warren" on Buffy, for anyone who was also really trying to remember where you saw him before.

I recently finished Buffy S6, so I was like wait a minute...

I didn't notice it in his first scene, but even under those glasses and beard, I recognized his voice/mannerisms. Hope to see a little more from his character.
I have to think that Broussard isn't long for this world. Since next week's episode is named 'Broussard', presumably we'll get some back story for him.
Good episode indeed. Too bad Snyder didn't get to saying what's outside the colony or why that would be awful. Guess that what the kids are going to discover.

Helena being in another block with a bit of ocean walled in though. Did they just launch that wall from space or something?
Yeah, some good teases from them about the occupiers.
Speaking of which, that teacher guy with the telescope played "Warren" on Buffy, for anyone who was also really trying to remember where you saw him before.
Good find. I knew I recognized him from somewhere.
Another good episode. Really doing a great job of ratcheting up the tension. Pretty telling that Will didn't let her know he had Snyder stashed under the bar.
- TV Fanatic: Tory Kittles Previews "Broussard" and Character Motivations (mild spoilers)
Kittles has not gotten any information on the hosts. At least no more than we have. "You know, I got about as much information about the hosts as Proxy Snyder revealed last week in episode 6 [laughs]. That's about as much information as I have on the hosts!"

Broussard most likely tabled his moral conflict when taking a life, but Kittles himself had something completely different to say. "Well let me say this. Tory Kittles had a problem taking the life of the amazing Kathy Baker because not only was she a sweetheart, but she baked for everybody. She actually baked cookies for everybody. And the only scene I had with her was, you know, when I had to shoot her. So there was a definite conflict there and Tory felt awful."

"Broussard, on the other hand, felt that it was a necessary tactical decision and he stripped his emotion away from it because she was somebody higher up in the Occupation and his objective is to ruin and destroy the Occupation. So she's a casualty because of that."

- Tech Times: Kathleen Rose Perkins Discusses The Mysteries Of 'Colony'


Kinda glad they made the Joseph Konrad connection that was teased after they raided the dead kid's home and Will saw the book in Katie's hidey-hole.

Still kinda disappointed that for an episode titled Broussard there wasn't much about him or he was barely there. I feel like he's gotten even less screentime than Carl Weathers.

I'm kinda digging the actress who plays Jennifer. The trio that are working the in Homeland offices have an interesting dynamic at least.


This show is so underrated. This is the kind of deep, speculative science fiction that needs to be way more common in television. It's so damn good.

Anyone else thinking that ultimately this has something to do with saving the Earth from man-made climate change by future humans? Keep everyone locked up in colonies so they don't keep polluting, kill everyone else outside of the walls so that nature can reclaim most of the Earth, when Earth is fixed, 'transition' to a futuristic utopia?


Tagged as I see fit
This show is so underrated. This is the kind of deep, speculative science fiction that needs to be way more common in television. It's so damn good.

Anyone else thinking that ultimately this has something to do with saving the Earth from man-made climate change by future humans? Keep everyone locked up in colonies so they don't keep polluting, kill everyone else outside of the walls so that nature can reclaim most of the Earth, when Earth is fixed, 'transition' to a futuristic utopia?

Haha - that would be interesting for sure. Would explain some of the references to time being perceived differently.

Another excellent episode - this show is great.
It's not appointment television for me (weekend triage) but it has grown on me to the point where I'm glad I didn't drop it after the weak opening episodes.
I really do not find that reddit idea / theory appealing at all, because it's a trope and extremely tired idea. It's been done and wouldn't actually explain anything
A = A isn't good story, since it adds no new information. Kind of like "we're not so different, you and I" at which point everybody shuts whatever used that line right the fuck off. Any five year-old could write that... so if it's future humans, the show is done. It would also not have gotten a second season so early if that were the case, I think
. They did however, show the data processing in this episode (again), so I remain hopeful for visitors being
machines / drones themselves, possibly prepping the Earth for colonization by other species (hello titledrop), if they were the play the reverse angle on one of the stories in Asimov's I, Robot where the robots start converting other, habitated worlds because they are only bound by the three laws to not hurt humans. Aliens are therefore fair game to expunge, while still obeying the three laws. I know this is more a Stinkles thing to bring up, but running into space exploration drones (Von Neumann drones, for instance) is basically nightmare fuel.

They wouldn't be playing the technology angle (drones just show up, data processing) if it wasn't important (and NOT mentioning the factory in the last few episodes as well, since that's likely the finale in some way. See Half-Life 2 for reference). This episode did insert a rather sudden cult angle though, which frankly never bodes well in sci-fi. Religion, I mean. Hopefully it's really just a cult, and not some attempt at setting up a different plot ( example: "oh no, they want the children, we've never heard that plotline before" ). Though I suppose it goes to the perverted pretending-to-be-pious subplot for now.

Also, I feel that Amanda Righetti's character can currently be described as "will fuck people for diabetes". Hopefully that won't stay that way the entire time.


I really do not find that reddit idea / theory appealing at all, because it's a trope and extremely tired idea. It's been done and wouldn't actually explain anything
A = A isn't good story, since it adds no new information. Kind of like "we're not so different, you and I" at which point everybody shuts whatever used that line right the fuck off. Any five year-old could write that... so if it's future humans, the show is done. It would also not have gotten a second season so early if that were the case, I think

It doesn't matter if it's been done before, it depends on how it's done. If it's done well, no one gives a shit how old and tired the trope is, that's why we can still have crime dramas and people still watch them.

This episode did insert a rather sudden cult angle though, which frankly never bodes well in sci-fi. Religion, I mean. Hopefully it's really just a cult, and not some attempt at setting up a different plot ( example: "oh no, they want the children, we've never heard that plotline before" ). Though I suppose it goes to the perverted pretending-to-be-pious subplot for now.
It could be some kind of cult thing eg Rick and Morty where they start sacrificing people regardless of the invader's true intentions, but I think it's entirely possible it might just be the show's idea of what the natural evolution of Abrahamic religions are in the face of 'alien' occupation.
So I watched the first episode, which aside from some cringey dialogue and stiff acting, was pretty decent. I mean, I'm jonesing for some good sci-fi. But the last reveal that
the wife is secretly part of the resistance and now plotting against her husband
didn't leave me with a good feeling. Is that basically the main theme of the series, leaving the sci-fi as more a background setpiece?


So I watched the first episode, which aside from some cringey dialogue and stiff acting, was pretty decent. I mean, I'm jonesing for some good sci-fi. But the last reveal that
the wife is secretly part of the resistance and now plotting against her husband
didn't leave me with a good feeling. Is that basically the main theme of the series, leaving the sci-fi as more a background setpiece?

Yeah, that's the main focus.
Yo this thread is barren. Do we really live in a world where there's 100,000 cop shows that get like 4-14 seasons but this show is really in danger of being offed? Not even popular on GAF?

American Television really sucks sometimes.
You should post more! :p

The show has been renewed for S2.

Haha half the time we'd be the only ones in here. But I'm buying the blu Ray and buying the season on Amazon just to do what I can. It seems to me USA has a real opportunity here. Mr. Robot was fantastic and I really like this show too. But I feel like this show isn't taking off so the "new USA" initiative is going to fail. I guess we'll see.

I feel like if this were on NBC it'd be popular. Does it just need more eyeballs? I mean The 100 is on the CW and that's pretty popular on GAF (it's also really good).
Any thoughts on the factory moonbase reveal? What's that all about?

Also interesting that Snyder is trying to keep things as 'normal' for his district as possible while the other ones sound a wee bit more heavy handed. Oh, there was also the tidbit about people outside the wall supposedly being left alone for the most part.

Haha half the time we'd be the only ones in here.
The more we post, the more other people will post.


Damn. Hard to root for anyone in this show now.

Still not sure where the storyline regarding the sister will go, but I'm loving the son side plot.
Factory on the moon??? Yup...they're fucked.


I've been slacking on my posting in TV threads honestly, but I'm loving this show.

I honestly have no idea where this is heading in the long run, but USA has really stepped it up for me regarding TV shows with this and Mr Robot.

Can't wait to see how Queen of the South, Shooter and Falling Water turn out.


Damn. Hard to root for anyone in this show now.

Still not sure where the storyline regarding the sister will go, but I'm loving the son side plot.
Factory on the moon??? Yup...they're fucked.
I'm rooting for Will even harder now. Quayle had it coming.
- USA: Carlton Cuse on This Week's Reveal and What Colony Is Really About
USA Network: Should we have felt that this week’s big twist was telegraphed? Were there things that were leading up to it that were clues that the Factory was on the moon?

Carlton Cuse: I don't know if there were very overt clues. There was obviously the rocket launch in the pilot, indicating that stuff was being shuttled back and forth between Earth and some place in space… The telescope story, I think, is also kind of a clue -- the idea that something is going on up there in space. The thing is that, while not all of these questions are answered in the first season of the show, a lot of questions will be substantially answered in season two.

It's more about the audience learning about the world at the same pace that the characters are learning about the world, and so once the characters find themselves in a situation where they can get more information and they can learn more, then we'll know more about what's going on... We obviously are setting the table for a playing field that is broader than just what is happening here on Earth.
USA: It seems like what happens in this week's episode, with Katie seeing Rachel executed, is a turning point with her commitment to the cause.

CC: Yes, absolutely. We're also becoming aware that Will, her husband, is closing in on her. That's the fulcrum that this character is caught in. She is torn between her cause and her marriage, and the ability to keep the two of them separate. She's quickly running out of road. That's where the series is pointing. There is an inevitable collision between her and Will over the choices that they've made, and I think that's a really great place to get to for the end of our season.

USA: Is it challenging to always have these two circling each other? It must be difficult from a plotting perspective.

CC: The show's very hard to write, and Ryan Condal and I, along with our writing staff, put lots and lots of time into each of these scripts and worked hard to try to make that journey compelling, but also believable and surprising. It was hard to do, but I'm super-satisfied with how it came out for the first season, and it feels like we have just the right amount of moves between Will and Katie. It's a pretty satisfying arc for those characters across the first ten episodes.
More via the link.


Has anything happened that couldn't have happened in a WW2 France show yet?

I saw the pilot, and was mostly annoyed that they were wasting a good SF premise on what looked like a fairly identikit La Resistance show.
Any thoughts on the factory moonbase reveal? What's that all about?

Also interesting that Snyder is trying to keep things as 'normal' for his district as possible while the other ones sound a wee bit more heavy handed. Oh, there was also the tidbit about people outside the wall supposedly being left alone for the most part.

Well, clearly whatever they're mining or processing is toxic to humans. Nobody looked surprised at the sick person, nor him being dragged off, so that is a known thing.

What is far more unfortunate, as a little science bitching intermission, is the explicit "gravity normalized" message. Once you control gravity in any way or form (though they may cheat and use 'increased atmospheric pressure' as a cop-out), it's game over for any kind of limitation that you would have being locked to planet. Literally anything goes at that point in terms of real-world science. To be fair, every show using 'space' makes that mistake, with the exception of The Expanse at this time.

But Snyder's relieved smile at hearing that the guy wanted to go beyond the wall says a lot as to what he believes is going there, and why others would keep a tighter grip on things.
I was a little annoyed by the fact that Will knows she with the resistance but didn't just tell her that, preferably risking her life, apparently. I realize this goes to the 'everybody lies now' point made earlier, but it kind of bugged me regardless.


Neo Member
I'm enjoying this show so far. I'm glad the telescope plot had a little bit of payoff finally. I think the sister-in-law plot seems so disconnected from everything. If nothing comes from that this season then it'd be really weird having it at all.

I thought it was kind of weird that Snyder (episode ending spoilers)
didn't have any investigation done on the crime scene at the end of the episode and just took Will at his word. A study on the ballistics would've easily pointed to Will being the shooter.

I think this show could definitely go a lot of ways in the future. I could see a whole season being dedicated to
going to the Santa Monica colony to recover Charlie.
Great episode and this show just keeps getting better. I also like that despite amazing performances they're not shying away from killing off major characters.


I'm enjoying this show so far. I'm glad the telescope plot had a little bit of payoff finally. I think the sister-in-law plot seems so disconnected from everything. If nothing comes from that this season then it'd be really weird having it at all.

I thought it was kind of weird that Snyder (episode ending spoilers)
didn't have any investigation done on the crime scene at the end of the episode and just took Will at his word. A study on the ballistics would've easily pointed to Will being the shooter.

I think this show could definitely go a lot of ways in the future. I could see a whole season being dedicated to
going to the Santa Monica colony to recover Charlie.
I'm OK with Snyder taking it at face value. He's not really trained for the situation and it is a rare outlier case in its time compared to our familiarity with crime.

The second thing is one of the many elements I've been enjoying. I honestly thought there was a chance the whole collaboration was actually part of a final test for Katie. Happy to be thrown off what I had anticipated compared to some other shows. Still think of this as a far better version of Falling Skies, but like you said there's a lot of room for them to go in any direction.

Enjoying the show. 5/7
Very pleased to hear season 2 is coming.


I'm on episode 6 and this show is really starting to get good. Loved the ending of this episode.

Very surprised not a whole lot of talk about it, it's great.


Like it! But! This family must be one of the most distrusting families ever, geez. The only one who knows what they're doing is Will. But the son stupidly despises him now and Katie... I mean wtf, communicate with your husband. Most all these deaths are on your hands. If she had only communicated with Will they could have actually achieved something... The distrust towards Will is just a bit silly, he's never shown to be agreeing or even inclining to agree with Schnyder and the occupation, so why pretend like he's part of the 'establishment'? Might as well distrust Brussard then because he's working as a red hat.

Oh and the son hiding a way out of the colony from his family!! I mean what. Katie and the son seem almost intent on having shit go sideways.

Despite that I still really like it. Gonna keep following this season at the very least.
Does this lean heavily on family drama? I'd like something leaning more to the sci-fi/extraterrestrial side to the story, like V did.

It's mostly human drama with the family and resistance as the focus of the drama. The aliens are a presence but the most we see of them are drones, which don't really seem that advanced.

There's very little in the way of meaty alien/extraterrestrial stuff, at least so far.
New episode tonight:
Zero Day

Will wants to remove the family from the occupation; Katie and Broussard prepare for an operation; Snyder tries to protect his office; Maddie makes a bold move.
Two more episodes left including tonight's installment.
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