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Did something happen with PAX or Penny Arcade today?

Is it appropriate to post something from Life of Brian? Why yes, I think it is.

Always gets me and kind of sums up the point I guess (sex/gender/etc.).

Transgendered people are all just men who want to have babies and are fighting against reality. Wow. But good job getting your idea of transgendered people from a comedy movie made in the 70's.


Wait wait wait... so saying that women have vaginas is offensive?
Is saying men have dicks also offensive?

Did I log into bizarro GAF or something?

Lol yes you did. Common n00b mistake but it happens. There's a version of this thread with a bunch of same-y replies and gifs waiting if you log back into normal gaf.


If you really think Gabe is at risk of being murdered because of the stupid things he posts on twitter you are as simple as he is.

I have no idea if he is at risk of being murdered or not. What I do know is that taking death threats lightly and downplaying the life of another human being tells me more about you than I ever wanted to know.


I thought he was just kinda vaguely religious? He came across as a deist when he and Jerry discussed religion on Downloadable Content a few years back.
I think he's very religious. Or at least, judgmental. I once wrote a blog on being an atheist and he wrote me to say that he'd be praying for my soul (unironically). Also, I think he believes in angels.

I don't know the context, but this is what's been appearing in my feed.

Opened it expecting a typical overreaction to an innocent piece of tasteless humor...

Yep, that's definitely transphobic. That's a shame. PA is a pretty good strip and the guys do a lot of good work through PAX and Child's Play. You'd think you'd know when to shut your mouth about subjects you know nothing about, but I guess Gabe was never the brains of the duo.
Seems to me this is based on a confusion surrounding semantics more than anything else.

That's how things usually go down these days when it comes to offensive internet outrages. You got one side using a word or phrase completely neutrally which they had no idea could be interpreted as offensive, then you got another side being offended. In the end, both sides end up looking like assholes because neither tries to understand and/or educate the other on their views.


Dude should shut his mouth.
His livelihood depends on the goodwill of the community and the community is largely pro LGBT. What on earth is he hoping to accomplish anyways?


By the same token, I can understand the conceptual resistance to changing language to fit individual desire if that language has a purpose. It's very likely Holkins is thinking of this in terms of "sex." He's saying in effect, "no, just because you want to identity as a woman doesn't make you biologically a woman," when the situation being reacted to is more in terms of gender.

Look at it this way: many labels do exist for a reason. If a person were born with green eyes, but deeply believed that they were "meant" to have brown eyes, I don't think their California license should say "brown eyes." I think this is how Holkins is thinking about it. Not to deliberately dismiss the individual, but to think of it in terms of the words having particular meaning. The way he's looking at it, he's not mistreating or disrespecting any individual, he's insisting that a meaning be applied consistently. I'm inclined to comply with a person's desire to be identified as they wish, but I'd be lying if I said I can't understand why he made the comment he did.

I wouldn't argue that the initial comment could be him speaking about stuff in terms of sex, while Trans people saw it as terms of Gender. That would be an issue of miscommunication. He could've clarified and things would probably still end badly, but less badly. Instead, things just went to hell.


I feel like there's too much "label abuse": people using their orientation or whatnot to get what they what, then crying hate when things don't go their way. As an example, I wanted my boyfriend to stay a few nights in my dorm room, but my roommate preferred that he didn't. I figured he thought it would be uncomfortable with 3 of us cramped in a small dorm and dropped it. Then my mom came along and started sending somewhat angry emails to him, accusing him of being homophobic for "refusing" to let my BF stay in the room. And she talked to some higher-ups at the college and threatened to call an LGBT organization if she had to (no joke). My roommate then stayed at his friend's house for a week.

At no point was anything offensive said by him, but then came a s***storm anyway. My roommate was actually a nice guy too. It was disheartening to see how much one little bit of information about someone (which shouldn't even be a big deal) can be turned into a tool to get what you want.


Trans people are murdered all the time for being trans.

Nobody cares about an childish millionaire getting a couple of meaningless death threats on twitter.

Yes. No one cares. Except everyone in this thread or responding to him online.

Come on dude.

Edit: ::Reads the last 3 pages of this thread::

Nope. I'm outta here. You people are overly emotionally and letting your rage about someone's words on twitter cloud your judgment. I suggest you all take a break, come back in an hour, and try again. This thread is Anita Sarkessian thread levels of bad.


So everything i learned in sex ed is wrong... thanks interent.

These are the comments that bug me the worst. If people disagree with things and want to express their disagreement in rational ways, I'm always up for that. Comments like this, however, just instantly dismiss the entire conversation, when it's a conversation that is very, very important to the group of people who are involved.
Look at it this way: many labels do exist for a reason. If a person were born with green eyes, but deeply believed that they were "meant" to have brown eyes, I don't think their California license should say "brown eyes." I think this is how Holkins is thinking about it. Not to deliberately dismiss the individual, but to think of it in terms of the words having particular meaning. The way he's looking at it, he's not mistreating or disrespecting any individual, he's insisting that a meaning be applied consistently. I'm inclined to comply with a person's desire to be identified as they wish, but I'd be lying if I said I can't understand why he made the comment he did.

This sums up my feeling on this as well (thank you for saying it by the way).

That said, the only real problem I have with this whole situation is how it became a forum for argument instead of one for discussion (err not Gaf, but in general).
Opened it expecting a typical overreaction to an innocent piece of tasteless humor...

Yep, that's definitely transphobic. That's a shame. PA is a pretty good strip and the guys do a lot of good work through PAX and Child's Play. You'd think you'd know when to shut your mouth about subjects you know nothing about, but I guess Gabe was never the brains of the duo.

"Girls have vaginas, boys have penises"

By the same token, I can understand the conceptual resistance to changing language to fit individual desire if that language has a purpose. It's very likely Holkins is thinking of this in terms of "sex." He's saying in effect, "no, just because you want to identity as a woman doesn't make you biologically a woman," when the situation being reacted to is more in terms of gender.

Look at it this way: many labels do exist for a reason. If a person were born with green eyes, but deeply believed that they were "meant" to have brown eyes, I don't think their California license should say "brown eyes." I think this is how Holkins is thinking about it. Not to deliberately dismiss the individual, but to think of it in terms of the words having particular meaning. The way he's looking at it, he's not mistreating or disrespecting any individual, he's insisting that a meaning be applied consistently. I'm inclined to comply with a person's desire to be identified as they wish, but I'd be lying if I said I can't understand why he made the comment he did.

Just wanna drop in and say thanks for posting such a level headed response. This thread needs more people like you.


Ok we get it. Personal death threats are not important. Not at all.

At least that's what you personally think. You're entitled to your own opinion.

Hollow death threats are stupid but they are just that, hollow. Meaningless and just you trying to derail this topic.

Trans people are murdered all the time for being trans. That's real and what people should really be outraged about, not some millionaire getting shit on twitter.
People cannot force others to see them clearly when they may be confused about their own natures themselves. Its not "hurtful" to think a guy dressed up as a girl is a guy dressed up as a girl. There's no way to tell at a distance (or even close up) whether one is just being playful or if that's a core part of their identity.

Hurtful is shunning or berating someone for their choices.


If you really think Gabe is at risk of being murdered because of the stupid things he posts on twitter you are as simple as he is.

People have been killed for exercising their free expression before. Quite a bit. It's not trivial. That you tossed in the irrelevant "millionaire" speaks volumes.

Hollow death threats are stupid but they are just that, hollow. Meaningless and just you trying to derail this topic.

Trans people are murdered all the time for being trans. That's real and what people should really be outraged about, not some millionaire getting shit on twitter.

Gabe did not threaten any trans people, but we should be worried about their safety.

Gabe was threatened, but we shouldn't care even a tiny bit. Got it.
Well I don't know what else he's said, but while those statements in isolation are immaturely phrased I don't think they're abhorrent.

I don't believe in gender, that's a social construct and it's completely subjective. I do believe in biological sex, which is objective and a better identifier for people in my opinion.

I agree with this post,
I got a ban for voicing my thoughts on the matter, I know better now, and will bow out and just watch the discussion.
Look at it this way: many labels do exist for a reason. If a person were born with green eyes, but deeply believed that they were "meant" to have brown eyes, I don't think their California license should say "brown eyes." I think this is how Holkins is thinking about it. Not to deliberately dismiss the individual, but to think of it in terms of the words having particular meaning. The way he's looking at it, he's not mistreating or disrespecting any individual, he's insisting that a meaning be applied consistently. I'm inclined to comply with a person's desire to be identified as they wish, but I'd be lying if I said I can't understand why he made the comment he did.

This is very true.

I think many people are unwilling to give up the ability to assume something about someone based on some typically very clear signs. Imagining a future where it's considered impolite and improper to ever say "excuse me, sir?" or "she's good looking," because your assumptions have a 10% chance of being wrong and using the wrong pronoun might offend.
Hollow death threats are stupid but they are just that, hollow. Meaningless and just you trying to derail this topic.

Trans people are murdered all the time for being trans. That's real and what people should really be outraged about, not some millionaire getting shit on twitter.

People who receive death threats are also murdered all the time.

You're downplaying one issue to make another issue look worse.

That's what's disgusting here. You're pretending that death threats are unimportant, when they are, no matter who's receiving them. I'm not derailing a topic, simply reminding you that death threats are serious, doesn't matter who receives them.
People have been killed for exercising their free expression before. Quite a bit. It's not trivial. That you tossed in the irrelevant "millionaire" speaks volumes.

Really, when you think about it, Gabe is exactly the same as the dude in the famous Tiananmen Square photograph.
I missed all that fuss when it occurred, but my understanding is that they made overtures of apology/understanding, then proceeded to snarkily make fun of those who felt offended over the course of the next months/years. There's a whole tumblr devoted to timelining it, somewhere.

No. They defended it for quite a while, but backed down from the t-shirts after one of the panellists stated she'd boycott if they appeared. So they asked people not to come in the t-shirts.

And I believe Gabe called out that tumblr for idiotic shit like "innocently" reporting that he had a singer who happened to be a rape survivor in his iPod playlist, implying he was taunting rape victims by playing that song.


I have no idea if he is at risk of being murdered or not. What I do know is that taking death threats lightly and downplaying the life of another human being tells me more about you than I ever wanted to know.
Death threats are rarely anything to concern yourself with. It's mostly people trying to get a rise out of you. Remember, if they are threatening, they aren't doing. It's the stalkers you have to watch out for, and there's usually a long history of contact before they become violent.
"Girls have vaginas, boys have penises"


That's...not really the point. Gender identity is more than your genitalia. Some former males identify as women and prefer to keep their old equipment, and vice versa. I think it's only respectful to call them by their preferred pronoun. It doesn't take any mental gymnastics or extra effort on my part to do so. That's why it sort of comes off as nasty when people stubbornly refuse to call a "her" a "her" regardless of her genitals. They're actively going out of their way to be frustrating.
This is very true.

I think many people are unwilling to give up the ability to assume something about someone based on some typically very clear signs. Imagining a future where it's considered impolite and improper to ever say "excuse me, sir?" or "she's good looking," because your assumptions have a 10% chance of being wrong and using the wrong pronoun might offend.


Literally no one is worried about that except for idiots who think having a sliver of respect for people different than you is an infringement on their own personal rights and freedoms.
This man is bigoted and a moron. It's not up to him to decide who is or isn't part of a gender, and holding the opinion he expressed is only marginally less disgusting than expressing it in public.
Hollow death threats are stupid but they are just that, hollow. Meaningless and just you trying to derail this topic.

Trans people are murdered all the time for being trans. That's real and what people should really be outraged about, not some millionaire getting shit on twitter.

I know that this is true... but do you have any facts beyond simply "it happens every day"? Surely we have some statistics from western countries. I'm truly curious if anyone has any hard numbers on this.
People who receive death threats are also murdered all the time.

You're downplaying one issue to make another issue look worse.

That's what's disgusting here. You're pretending that death threats are unimportant, when they are, no matter who's receiving them. I'm not derailing a topic, simply reminding you that death threats are serious, doesn't matter who receives them.

Now that EmiPrime has elaborated on his statement, I wish to publicly apologize and state that I was wrong and you were right. But only on EmiPrime's post, not on your extrapolations.

Velcro Fly

I think it's a little bit of ignorance coupled with substituting biological stuff with how you actually identify. For a majority of people, biological gender and how you identify in every day life is the same so you just sort of gloss over it when it isn't. You just have to be careful how you phrase things, especially on the internet where things like tone and body language aren't there as clues to what you really mean.


Hollow death threats are stupid but they are just that, hollow. Meaningless and just you trying to derail this topic.

Trans people are murdered all the time for being trans. That's real and what people should really be outraged about, not some millionaire getting shit on twitter.

What's the distinction between hollow death threats and the other kind? What did Penny Arcade say to the effect of death threats to trans people?


This is very true.

I think many people are unwilling to give up the ability to assume something about someone based on some typically very clear signs. Imagining a future where it's considered impolite and improper to ever say "excuse me, sir?" or "she's good looking," because your assumptions have a 10% chance of being wrong and using the wrong pronoun might offend.

True true.
People who receive death threats are also murdered all the time.

You're downplaying one issue to make another issue look worse.

That's what's disgusting here. You're pretending that death threats are unimportant, when they are, no matter who's receiving them. I'm not derailing a topic, simply reminding you that death threats are serious, doesn't matter who receives them.

but thats exactly what youre doing but in reverse
There are transgendered people on GAF who would find what he's saying pretty fucking offensive.

I'm not trans, but I found it offensive as well. Looks like he back peddled and apologized a bit, shame the ignorance is as thick as it is when it comes out though.


Junior Member
When we pair up a comment saying "I don't respect you as a person" and another one saying "I believe you deserve to die" I don't think it's hard to identify the more serious offense. Doesn't mean either of them is OK to say, obviously.

"Girls have vaginas, boys have penises"


I was with you on the death threats being a pretty serious thing, but are you honestly incapable of arguing your point without being offensive yourself?
This is very true.

I think many people are unwilling to give up the ability to assume something about someone based on some typically very clear signs. Imagining a future where it's considered impolite and improper to ever say "excuse me, sir?" or "she's good looking," because your assumptions have a 10% chance of being wrong and using the wrong pronoun might offend.

Oh, wouldn't that be horrendous if I got corrected every once in a while? Woe is me. We must make sure that transgendered people can never change language because if they could, oh, I shudder to think of the possibilities!


This is like a white person objecting to be called white.

"I'm not white, I am normal!"

Except for your analogy to make sense, 99% of people would have to be white. In which case most people probably would consider their race "just normal".


That's...not really the point. Gender identity is more than your genitalia. Some former males identify as women and prefer to keep their old equipment, and vice versa. I think it's only respectful to call them by their preferred pronoun. It doesn't take any mental gymnastics or extra effort on my part to do so. That's why it sort of comes off as nasty when people stubbornly refuse to call a "her" a "her" regardless of her genitals. They're actively going out of their way to be frustrating.

Hey, we are friends on 3ds!
Just wanted to lighten the mood.


I'm not trans, but I found it offensive as well. Looks like he back peddled and apologized a bit, shame the ignorance is as thick as it is when it comes out though.

I do too, believe me. I was just pointing out that this wasn't all about "others" who have no representation on GAF.
Wait, really? Was that when they first met, or something and he's since eased up on other people's beliefs?

Yeah. It was early on when they moved in together. And for all the people saying that Mike is just a deist, that may be true now, but that's only because he has become more open minded (though not completely so as these tweets show).
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