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Do we have to worry about Notch?


I'm not sure if this has been posted yet but:


I can't see this image without associating it with the Tom Hank account.


Man, he sounds extremely depressed . Money can't buy happiness...

I've always told myself that if I ever hit it so big that I didn't HAVE to work, I'd get a 9 - 5...

money can't replace normal human interaction.

E92 M3

this is common sense. since when did you need to be an expert to realize something so obvious.

people in poor countries don't have time to be depressed. they either survive or die. little johnny in india doesn't like having to work 70 hours a week at the factory? tough shit.

You don't know what you're talking about. Do you understand that depression is a neurological problem? Or do you think neuroscience is some madeup fairytale? The brain is one of the least understood organs in our body and here you are saying it's "common sense." What's common sense is that you don't know jack about mental illness.


No one knows what it feels like to be depressed? That money doesn't really buy happiness past a certain level isn't a well studied phenomenon?

Read the comment being replied to. No one can fully empathise with another's suffering. Depression or what ever he is going through is not some universally "same" thing between individuals, with the same "fixes". Also something being well studied doesn't mean it is solved or has meaningful solutions. A lot of the advice given here is ridiculous


move to a small city open up a different checking acct put about 10,000 in it lock his black card up get a simple job and just live for year like that he will make new friends.....and be fine.


depression is a first world problem, maybe that's why.

Yeah no.
Don't be such an ignorant bellend.
Consider yourself so damn lucky you've been sheltered enough from it and never struggled with it personally, or had someone close to you have to.

move to a small city open up a different checking acct put about 10,000 in it lock his black card up get a simple job and just live for year like that he will make new friends.....and be fine.

Doesn't work like that.
It's not "just do this and get happy :D :D easy!"


It's really disheartening to see how many people are jumping in on the schadenfreude train. Notch is an average guy thrown in to extraordinary circumstances. I think he's been a pretty decent human being throughout all of this, he's certainly done better than I would have.

There is no single piece of advice you can give someone who is suffering depression that will help them. Sure he has enough money to afford whatever council or transient pleasure money can buy, but that should tell you that depression isn't something you can make go away with a snap of your fingers.
What was he like before Minecraft took off?

I don't really keep up with his statements, so it seems like he's spent the last 4 years trolling people or moaning about his life


No one forced him to stop working. Just cause you're filthy rich doesn't mean you have to stop. Many people find pleasure in working - there's even seniors who worked their whole life that feel unfulfilled after retiring and find some job to keep busy.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
That sucks, since Notch has generally always seemed to be an all around good guy and the situation hes in now apparently looks like he has no one to really share his thoughts with.
I'll never understand why he got a mansion in a city of famous people. Why is he trying to join that clique instead of hanging out with people like himself?

From what I've heard from people with money, it sometimes becomes hard to associate yourself with middle class people when you have so much money. It's not because they think they're so much better than people, but people start treating and viewing them different because of their wealth. It becomes easier for them to associate with other wealthy people because they treat them as equals.

Not sure why some people are unsympathetic for the guy just because he's made some bank off Minecraft. Seems like a pretty cool guy all around and depression is a bitch, best of luck to him.


What was he like before Minecraft took off?

I don't really keep up with his statements, so it seems like he's spent the last 4 years trolling people or moaning about his life

his father had drug issues and killied himself a few years ago. had a hard time making friends at school, ended up dropping out if I remember correctly. spent all of his twenties programming. has explained the partying as making up for lost time. after the success he quickly got married to his gf but they divorces soon after.


If I have all the money but no idea what to use it on other than keeping me alive, there's basically nothing in life to look forward to anymore.
You need to find something that you can study/improve upon, if not life just gets pointless and depressing. I have quite a lot of hobbies, and I'll probably just splurge them all on it if I were him, and then look for even more outrageous hobbies, like piloting a plane myself. Or starting a new company?

Since Notch likely has no work now, from those tweets it seems like he's basically living day-to-day using the money to survive, albeit in lavish ways. But there's a limit to satisfaction using money, and sooner or later you will need a new challenge.

Also, I can't even imagine how to stop past friends from leaving me if I got his money. You can try to be the best-best-best friend in the world, giving money to satisfy the needs of your every friend, but they will more likely leave you as they feel their circumstances are way too different from you (no common ground to communicate), or feel they are just being a leech to your money. Only people who you share true camaraderie with, which Notch does not seem to have, will actually stay with you and satisfy your social needs.


What was he like before Minecraft took off?

I don't really keep up with his statements, so it seems like he's spent the last 4 years trolling people or moaning about his life

His upbringing was fairly turbulent but in terms of personality, Notch has always been fairly grounded and somewhat humble during Minecraft's early days. No different now.

It's just insanely ironic to see people take his Ibiza tweet and construct this mental picture of him as a selfish party-hard when he's donated thousands of dollars to charities through things like Humble Bundle and AGDQ. People demand him to do "something good" with his money for a change when he's been doing it for longer and in larger quantities than people in this thread would most likely like to think, or have even done themselves, just because he wanted to make a point about personal gain that flew over everyone's heads.
Nothing is stopping him from getting a normal job.
I've read about that with lottery winners who tried to keep working normal jobs, most can't handle it. When everyone else knows you are rich, you will be constantly bugged about loaning money, some people will resent you / be jealous, the employer sometimes doesn't trust you because the normal methods of incentive to do good work (potential paycheck size / having a job) don't apply to you.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Should I ever get filthy rich, I hope that nobody will know about it.
Lots of misinformed, spiteful posts in this thread regarding depression, and mostly because he's rich. I wonder if those same people lambasted Robin Williams any time he spoke of mental issues.

Dude is clearly suffering and going through some tough shit. Money doesn't mean you're guaranteed a healthy mind.

Honestly, the stigma of depression needs to fucking go.
His Ibiza example was to accentuate his situation and how he's tried to deal with it and the absence of any solution evident to him. As is the more humble (and important) examples of being left by someone he loved and the boredoms he faces waiting for his regular joe friends to get off from work while he sits staring at a computer screen. The wealth he's accumulated has hit a singularity of usefulness in his own mind yet he still faces difficulties he possible feels ill-equipped, in experience and knowledge, to deal with. This is possibly (dangerous armchair hypothesis here) an adverse consequence of his rapid influx of wealth and over reliance on it as a solution to life issues, which for most people include bills, housing, food, and novelty entertainment goods/adventures.

Maybe he is an asshole. I don't fucking know, because I don't follow his twitter, I don't follow his business and economic adventures, and haven't expressed much interest in the lifestyle of Notch beyond various bullshit posted here and elsewhere about Minecraft's fortune, selling to Microsoft, and some house party pictures I saw a little back. That's a lie; I did see him in an interview once, and he seemed pretty quiet and grounded, but TV is TV so who knows what he's really like.

Many people suffer personal issues in life and don't know how to seek a solution. Having wealth is extremely useful in these situations, but not a solution in itself nor does it immediately reward you with answers and direction if you don't already know them.

You've presented a version of him that is, to be perfectly honest and from my perspective (and hey, feel free to disagree), hugely judgemental and laden in a bias of your own perspective on his wealth and what that means. He's just fucking sad dude. Sad that someone he loved left him because of his wealth and lifestyle when he probably thought he was living well. On a holiday in a notorious party destination and bored shitless and feeling like he cannot connect with anybody. He can absolutely take steps to fix it and being wealthy as fuck gives him a huge advantage in doing so. But does he know how to fix it? Does he know the steps he should take? Does he know how to satiate those internalised feelings of loneliness and isolation?

Have you offered him advice? Or are you too busy accusing him of not wanting to do anything about it?

It's difficult to respond to this point by point because I'm on a phone so I'll answer what I can.

In regards to the "does he know how to?" questions, the fact that he's already realizing that how he's coping isn't helping him is evidence enough that he knows there's a problem. It's up to him to find a solution because he obviously knows there's a problem. His answer isn't going to come over night and it isn't going to come via twitter. I get that sometimes you need to vent. I posted on here about having to put my dog down. It was awful and I needed to say something to someone as I was alone. My wife and kid were out of town and I needed an outlet. I can assume and sympathize with him for putting his feelings out there if he was alone it feeling alone.

Please see my other post about depression. I can sympathize if he's feeling isolated and feeling like he has nothing to fill that void he's found internally. It was probably always there and his wealth made it, in his mind, worse, because the normal shit he used to do he can't do anymore. What I can't sympathize with is the fact that he's acting like he has no options to deal with the current problems he's having. That's comical in a way because it's the furthest thing from the truth. He made a comment that he would do something g like Elon musk but he doesn't want to deal with corporate people. HE DOESNT HAVE TO because of his money. His money gives his the means to deal with these things in a way that the average joe could only dream of. Want to do something creative? Go do it. Want to sit on your ass all day? Do it. Hence why you have so many people in here like "fuck this guy!". It's a shame he doesn't realize it.

I saw Kevin Smith recently and he said that the best thing about having money (and he doesn't have a fraction of what notch does) is that he could wake up and go "I want to work on a script today" or "I want to smoke weed and make a podcast about batman" and his financial situation allows him to do things that he finds fulfilling. Notch is in an even better position to do this kind of thing and instead he's partying from Ibiza.

I hope he gets this figured out. Life sucks when you don't find fulfillment in things but unlike the average person he has the means to try whatever he wants until he finds it. That and a good therapist would do wonders for him.
his father had drug issues and killied himself a few years ago. had a hard time making friends at school, ended up dropping out if I remember correctly. spent all his twenties programming. has explained the partying as making up for lost time.


Must be fucking weird when success and pressure doesn't really make you happy, but money doesn't either.

Like, where are you supposed to go in life when that is the situation? Give it all away and start from scratch, but you're still the guy who created Minecraft so that's not really an option. Carry on trying to buy happiness, but that doesn't seem to work.
It sounds like he's been doing nothing but enjoying the high life since he sold minecraft, and the effects of partying hard and abrupt change of lifestyle is starting to affect him, I dunno how he didn't see this coming.

Why doesn't he invest and revive some old franchises as a passion project. Still do something for the greater good, make gaming great again. So many of us are saying "oh my god if I had that money I would bring this and that back, give Shenmue 3 the missing 5 million $ etc", well too bad Notch didn't turn out to be like that.

GTFO with that bullshit. I suffer from depression and my job isn't going to give me a day off if I don't feel like getting out of bed. The problem with his tweets is that he has the means to do something about his problems and it's sounds like he's not doing shit. Most people do not have the money to take care of what they need to and take care of their own mental well being. Hence the lack of empathy for Notch.

What he's complaining about is the freedom wealth has given him. He can do whatever he wants and his friends can't. Well, he can fix that. He could start something else and hire his friends. He could help pay off friends debt and throw them some cash if he wants to change what they're going through. If he wants to be a regular joe he can give the money away but he isn't going to do that. So fuck him. I can't feel bad about a person who has options bitching like he has none. He didn't have to buy that house. He didn't have to move. He doesn't have to party in Ibiza. He doesn't have to do a lot of the things that make him miserable.

Or Maybe he's just a fucking asshole feeling sorry for himself? He's certainly lost perspective. Even in his one tweet he talks about pulling an Elon Musk but he doesn't want to deal with the people that apparently made him sell mine craft. So at that point my question to him would be "so what the fuck are you going to do?" He has the means to do whatever he wants. Get some help and do something to put meaning back in your life. Telling former coworkers "fuck you all" after he was bitching that they hate him doesn't really take into account why they might hate him. And making excuses for why you don't want to do anything with yourself on twitter is a bad look.

This. It's not like he had to buy the most expensive house and do the things that make him depressed. Maybe he should take some notes from the other Swedish billionaire



It's as if buying a $70,000,000 mansion in Beverly Hills to throw parties with famous DJs was not a great way to live a normal life. Weird!

Hard for me to be sympathetic for Notch with how he started out of the gate once he got his money.

EDIT: I do really hope he finds the direction and meaning he's looking for. I definitely don't wish any kind of depression upon anyone.


No, that's not what I'm saying at all. He had the means to seek help without ANY of the outside influences that would stop him from doing so. I suffer from depression. I had a gun in my mouth last year. That's his bad it was. I made a decision to try and get help because I didn't want my son to grow up without a father because I couldn't find a way to control my depression. I didn't seek out help originally because I was afraid of what skeletons I might find when I went digging in my closet. I went digging anyway. I made a choice. The same one he can make. It's not easy and walking the road is hard. And it's a lot fucking harder when you're dealing with the day to day responsibilities of life actively stopping you from getting better. HE HAS NONE OF THOSE OBSTACLES. He's not worried about being fired from his job. He's not worried about his health insurance lapsing. No, he's upset because parting in Ibiza isn't fulfilling. Sorry, I have trouble sympathizing with someone who has no obstacles in his way preventing him from trying to get better if he's REALLY suffering from depression. For all we know he could just be bitching because he sold out and people are calling him a sell out.

First of all, good on you that you overcame your challenges.Respect for that.

But really, you can never say someone else has it easier. You are a different person and there is no means to know how someone else's state of mind actually feels, regardless of having similar problems in the past. There are succesfull people out there who seemed to "have it all" yet they comitted suicide. But they had money and no mandatory tasks to prevent them from getting well. Sooo, they had it easy? And even if he does have it easier, why say "fuck him" because he has problems and words them? I heavily disagree with that line of thinking.

On a sidenote, I am not saying Notch has a depression, but I think people are quite easy to judge "successfull" people.


Naw I'm good. I'll continue worrying about the poor and mentally ill, you know the people that actually have it the hardest in life and don't get 10 pages for a tweet.


"This human is worth less because other people tweet about him more"

I think he is saying that he cares more about the poor and mentally ill than the rich and mentally ill because at least the rich and famous have the money and attention to seek help more easily than the poor guy no one cares about.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I obviously don't know Notch but I hope he can find something new, fresh and positive to do for himself. I'm not saying give your money away or anything like that but find a new passion, hobby or something that comes from his heart that he can find happiness in. Find a new job for yourself. Consolting maybe? Motivate young developers in speaking events? Write a book? Not sure. But money can't buy you happiness, so I hope he finds his new happiness that is in his heart.


If you have depression you should know better than reducing depression down to a quantification of fame and money.

Of you course you know better what should I do and how should I feel.

Don't get me wrong. Depression is toxic, harmful and simply dangerous condition (considering he really has it, and is not just casually whining on social media) for anyone involved.
But one thing is having it when you can afford the best psychiatrists and medication, travel all around the world, help ones in need, make the world a better place, easily start new studio, get the best education and start entirely new career etc etc etc. Being rich closes some doors, indeed, but also opens many new ones.
And another thing is being severely depressed stuck in a North Korea-wannabe shithole of country with no future. With no money, no prospects. No medication, no therapists.

Maybe I've just been too salty and angry in this thread. And I'm sorry for that, I understand that Marcus is just another human being, and can be hurt just like me and you. But I'm sorry, I really can't symphatize with that. Maybe there's something wrong with me.
It sounds like he's been doing nothing but enjoying the high life since he sold minecraft, and the effects of partying hard and abrupt change of lifestyle is starting to affect him, I dunno how he didn't see this coming.

Why doesn't he invest and revive some old franchises as a passion project. Still do something for the greater good, make gaming great again. So many of us are saying "oh my god if I had that money I would bring this and that back, give Shenmue 3 the missing 5 million $ etc", well too bad Notch didn't turn out to be like that.

This. It's not like he had to buy the most expensive house and do the things that make him depressed. Maybe he should take some notes from the other Swedish billionaire


Here's the thing, he seems like a good dude. I know he's donated money to charity and things like that. But if he was worried about losing friends or not being normal the his first step shouldn't have been to buy a 70 million dollar house. If I got stupid rich that would be the first thing I would avoid. No one is going to want to fuck with you if they're in a two bedroom apartment and you live in a house with 25 bathrooms.
Here's the thing, he seems like a good dude. I know he's donated money to charity and things like that. But if he was worried about losing friends or not being normal the his first step shouldn't have been to buy a 70 million dollar house. If I got stupid rich that would be the first thing I would avoid. No one is going to want to fuck with you if they're in a two bedroom apartment and you live in a house with 25 bathrooms.

Can't this just be a symptom of his depression? Some people self medicate with drugs, he's attempted to do it with extravagant purchases.
If I ever had that much money (or even a fraction of it) I would start a foundation and begin making grants for causes I care about. You hire a small staff to work with applicants and process the requests. You then have a reason to go the office and feel like you're doing something with your life. And no, it's not the same as just giving away money to friends. It's structured and actually helps people in need.

Partying in Ibiza isn't the answer. Christ.
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