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Donald J. Trump elected 45th President of the United States

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Saying Mexicans are criminals and rapist is pretty much in line with it.

Not to defend Trump or make an excuse for the other things he said. But the media was dishonest about what Trump said about illegal Mexican immigrants. The videos and transcripts are out there, you can watch and read for yourself what Trump actually said.

And to be clear, I always thought Clinton would win, especially after the Khan controversy and the leaked tape.


America Fuck Yeah!
Democracy ladies and gentlemen!
Everything is going to be all right.
Or maybe another fine american tradition will save us all...killing presidents.

Do you want the FBI and Secret Service to monitor GAF or something?

Fox Mulder

I guess I should start going to church n shit and believing in Christian values if I want to fit in for these four years


What Christian values? Fuck conservatives who cling to a Bible and still voted for Trump.

I really hope they meet their god someday for a chat.


Hillary didn't do a speech for all the fans who were at Hillary HQ? Damn, that's rough. I mean she was up against the most egotistical maniac ever and she still managed a campaign slogan of "I'm with her" and has acted very poorly in defeat.

Overall such a poor candidate. Okay GAF had a bit of a bullish attitude to anyone who had 1 thing negative to say about Hillary, but even in the shellshock we wake up in people are going to have to start being honest that she wasn't some magical candidate.

Heck for anyone wanting to prioritise firsts, such as first woman president, Michelle Obama should have ran over Hillary.

I think the majority of people were aware Hilary wasn't the messiah.

The lesser of two evils by a large, large margin was simply the sensible choice for many.


How did it fail? Because your candidate wasn't picked?

Either way, half of the country was going to feel scared and disappointed this morning.

I think it was an election of two evils but Trump genuinely terrifies me. I think it's s reflection of the way the Democratic process is setup that these were our only options


Just a reminder for you Americans who say Trump is a racist piece of shit: Trump never came even close to saying what some extreme right wing politicians here in Europe have said about other ethnic groups.
Who gives a shit? Europe's right wing being even bigger assholes doesn't make Trump any less of one.


Gay marriage better fucking stay... I would like to get married in the next 4 years...
Who knows what happens there.

With Mike Pence in Trumps ear expect gay discrimantion bills to be passed and by a congress with no dissenting voice.

The first 2 years are gonna be rough.

Angry Fork

Aye. The shit a part of PoliGAF pulled to promote Hillary Clinton by belittling Bernie Sanders supporters, shutting down discussions and generally telling people to fall in line instead of working for the hearts and genuine support was a mistake that I've seen in some other places as well.

I mean look at this: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=208215234&postcount=38

Poligaf was always like this during the clinton/bernie times, funny/sad in retrospect. I don't know what possessed them to be so cultish about clinton.


I've been telling as much here and I've been told time and time again that minorities would save the day, that America wasn't a craddle of pasty racists like the UK and YASS QUEEN.

This is the angry scream of a silent yet large number of people who feel left out by traditional politics and who voted to a candidate who promised actual change (no matter how vacuous those promises may be) over other promising mere improvements.

It's what people has replied to "the 1%" that told everyone that everything's going ok. It's clearly not going ok when so much people voted for a billionaire "outsider" instead of a career politician.

It's easy for the rich people like singers, actors and even other politicians to talk about the economic crysis, but it's hard for them to understand what's actually happening to the lower classes.

His motto was simple, he always talks about american, that's what people want to listen. Was he lying? Is he going to be the worst president ever? We don't know right now, we'll know in a few months/years. But stop acting like only those that voted for Clinton are smart and those who voted for Trump are the ignorants, bigots, homophobes, anti-LGBT and so on, because that's exactly what won Trump the presidency.
Always thought most people were overreacting with some of Trump's policies. Can't speak for every family, but it sure affected some of my relatives since the introduction of Obamacare. And they ain't white mind you.


I think the majority of people were aware Hilary wasn't the messiah.

The lesser of two evils by a large, large margin was simply the sensible choice for many.

I don't even think it needs to be worded like that, not to mention saying it that way caused many people to go into uproar.

We wake up with a Trump presidency and as much as most just want to take the easy way out and say "fuck you/fuck x voter/fuck x demographic", political engagement starts NOW to seriously look at the democratic party and why Hillary tanked.
Man waking up this morning I somehow actually feel worse. Like the full weight of the result just slamming me in the face. The result here will negatively impact the Supreme Court for most of the rest of my life most likely. It's devastating


Unconfirmed Member
But tim kaine speaks spanish and beyonce was looking fierce with hilldawg the other day. slaaaay queen yaaaass.

I'm so incredibly angry and saddened by the results but if anything made me laugh it was this post. I needed the laughter.

It's going to take a lot of effort to maintain sanity.


If gay marriage got to the supreme court again and was overturned what would happen to existing same sex marriages?


Trump in his victory speech complimented her and said "we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country" and he seemed legitimately sincere about it.
It was all just posturing.

All those other statements he made (Nasty Woman?) seemed really sincere too, so I wouldn't count on it. That's not counting the pressure from the Houses and voters.


Growing up in a post 9/11 world, it has always given me some peace of mind that at least at the very top we are still led by just and sane individuals who won't blame the entire Muslim population for the crimes of a few fanatics. I've never feared that my own government would join in with the hate speech and thinking of the mobs outside the mosques. I've never feared having my bank account shut down or travel rights restricted or practicing my religion with a peace of mind. Not in this country, not in America.

For the first time in my life, I am genuinely afraid of my own government. I fear for my wife, my parents, my siblings and their families. I fear now more than ever for every woman who chooses to wear a hijab and for all the Sikhs who are constantly mistaken for being Muslims. I feel like a sitting duck in pre-war Germany. Like the Japanese in a pre-war America. I never imagined having these thoughts cross my mind, of having my entire way of life be threatened. Not here, not in 2016 America. I am reminded of Eli Wiesel's Night when he walks into a concentration camp and says to his dad, "this can't happen, it's 1942. The world won't let it happen."

I do ardently hope that my fears are misplaced and that this right wing government won't be as threatening to religious and civil liberties as their rhetoric makes them to appear. However, the reality is that Trump has surrounded himself with outspoken Islamaphobes, bigots, and racists. He has been endorsed and has emboldened the kkk and every hate group in this country. More than anything, he has normalized this speech within mainstream American dialogue.

This will be a rough time to be a minority in America. Certainly a very scary time to be a Muslim in America.


Woah am I reading it right that Clinton has more votes than Trump overall, yet loses due to the states-value thing?

As an european I find this system quite... wrong. But I don't know enough behind how it works or why it was made this way


Gold Member
The silver lining, imo, is that the election has exposed some troubling, divisive, cultural issues that have been looming beneath the surface of the US society which need to be fixed in the longterm.

I've been spectating the US election somewhat passively in hope of the American population collectively opting a rational choice.

Beyond this point, anything can happen and its worrying.


Hillary didn't do a speech for all the fans who were at Hillary HQ? Damn, that's rough. I mean she was up against the most egotistical maniac ever and she still managed a campaign slogan of "I'm with her" and has acted very poorly in defeat.

Overall such a poor candidate. Okay GAF had a bit of a bullish attitude to anyone who had 1 thing negative to say about Hillary, but even in the shellshock we wake up in people are going to have to start being honest that she wasn't some magical candidate.

Heck for anyone wanting to prioritise firsts, such as first woman president, Michelle Obama should have ran over Hillary. Hopefully she considers for the next election.
I'm inclined to be sympathetic since she was just publicly mule kicked in the uterus in the most humiliating way imaginable. Think of how she must feel. Complete and utter devastation would be my guess. I think it's fine if she needs a night to collect herself before making the hardest speech of her life.


Woke up this morning to this... wow. Not sure what to say. This quote came to my mind:

"with destruction comes renovation"

I just hope it's for the best. Time will tell.


Serious question: What happened to r/hillaryclinton? There's no new posts at all, nothing along the lines of "we did what we could" or something just nothing...
Just a reminder for you Americans who say Trump is a racist piece of shit: Trump never came even close to saying what some extreme right wing politicians here in Europe have said about other ethnic groups.
So because a few Euro politicians publicly said more racists things than Trump I should just forget all the offensive comments? I don't understand the point of your "one up" post.
Woah am I reading it right that Clinton has more votes than Trump overall, yet loses due to the states-value thing?

As an european I find this system quite... wrong. But I don't know enough behind how it works or why it was made this way

Here in Spain we're used to a system like that, it isn't fair, but the main parties who benefit from that system don't want to change it, ever..


Woah am I reading it right that Clinton has more votes than Trump overall, yet loses due to the states-value thing?

As an european I find this system quite... wrong. But I don't know enough behind how it works or why it was made this way

It happens in the UK all the time, Scotland votes for the SNP, rUK votes Conservative and we get a Conservative government because of the size of England. Hence why me and many others want Scottish independence. England votes Brexit, Scotland votes remain, Scotland has to Brexit.

America is kind of like the UK in that more weight is given to some states due to their size.
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