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Donald Trump to declare January 20th as National Day of Patriotic Devotion

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Am I the only that thinks these nazi images are an overreaction to a meaningless holiday declaration? You know how many these things we already have that nobody cares about?

The current patriotic stuff is all about "Freedom". This is about "Devotion". It really is quite concerning.


Am I the only that thinks these nazi images are an overreaction to a meaningless holiday declaration? You know how many these things we already have that nobody cares about?

The man has been acting like a fascist since the primaries started and now since he has power he's been declaring war on the media, giving alternative fact to match his agenda, and now has declared a holiday solely to celebrate himself. No more of this "overreaction" talk, the president is a fascist and needs to be called out for it.
Am I the only that thinks these nazi images are an overreaction to a meaningless holiday declaration? You know how many these things we already have that nobody cares about?
How many were declared by the President in their own honor? It's embarrassing as fuck for a civilized nation to do this.


Thread title and implications are wrong, this is a retroactive ordinance declaring the inauguration day in 2017 as National Day of Patriotic Devotion.


Am I the only that thinks these nazi images are an overreaction to a meaningless holiday declaration? You know how many these things we already have that nobody cares about?

They're inflammatory and inaccurate, because any homegrown fascist is going to appropriate and use the symbols of their homeland... as well as their own flavor of authoritarianism and xenophobia. Neither Hitler nor Mussolini wrapped themselves in the stars and stripes and pushed a giant border wall to keep out nefarious Mexicans. Their boogiemen were different.


How do you retroactively declare it a National Day of Whatever, and then only for that day. What is the use of this?

And if they are going to repeat this in the next years, I welcome the National Day of Anti-Trump Protest.

It immortalizes him in history. He has his own Devotion day. This is insane.

The next president better sign an executive order to get rid of it.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
It's going to be amazing watching this slowly come into focus for his base - that his presidency is solely built around monuments to his own ego, whether policy or actions. He doesn't give a fuck about those people he promised to help. I can't wait for them to realise.

Mr. X

From a few minutes ago in case you need to see it again:

It's the *taps loudspeaker* INAUGURAL ADDRESS:


This is the closest I could find to the tweet pic.


I don't believe in the whole dictator/Hitler comparisons, however I do think they're interesting.

Hitler made January 30 a National Holiday in 1933 as it was the day he was made Chancellor. It's completely egomaniacal.
Am I the only that thinks these nazi images are an overreaction to a meaningless holiday declaration? You know how many these things we already have that nobody cares about?

This isn't like Talk Like a Pirate Day or Unlimited Pancakes day.

This is a day where you show him your devotion, for freeing you from the corrupt establishment. That makes those images pretty fair I think.


Am I the only that thinks these nazi images are an overreaction to a meaningless holiday declaration? You know how many these things we already have that nobody cares about?

Context fucking matters! Yes, other presidents have declared things like Patriots day and such, and the US already has boatloads of national holidays. But this is a narcissist making the anniversary of his being elevated to the highest position of power in the world a day of public celebration.

Is there not something even slightly concerning about that!?


Am I the only that thinks these nazi images are an overreaction to a meaningless holiday declaration? You know how many these things we already have that nobody cares about?

Regardless of how meaningless it ultimately will be, it's seen by people as Trump trying to turn his inauguration into an annual celebration - which is a borderline dictator-like move.


The whole thing's creepy, but this gets me the most:

Our Constitution is written on parchment, but it lives in
the hearts of the American people. There is no freedom where the
people do not believe in it; no law where the people do not
follow it; and no peace where the people do not pray for it.
There are no greater people than the American citizenry,
and as long as we believe in ourselves, and our country, there
is nothing we cannot accomplish.

Like, American Exceptionalism is one thing. But... there are a lot of countries that don't believe in, follow or pray for the American Constitution. I guess they're not free or peaceful, and lawless?

"We're the best!" is already bad. "Everyone else sucks!" is way worse.
January 19 - Confederate General Robert E. Lee's birthday

January 20 - Trump Day

January 21 - Confederate General Stonewall Jackson's birthday

I'm just saying... It's a Trump sandwich.


The whole thing's creepy, but this gets me the most:

Like, American Exceptionalism is one thing. But... there are a lot of countries that don't believe in, follow or pray for the American Constitution. I guess they're not free or peaceful, and lawless?

"We're the best!" is already bad. "Everyone else sucks!" is way worse.

"Remember separation of church and state?
Oh well fuck that part of the constitution then apparently" - Trump


I reckon the idea was co-authored by certain members of his cabinet.

In time, inevitably, request for some form of Christian devotion day will follow.


I don't believe in the whole dictator/Hitler comparisons, however I do think they're interesting.

Hitler made January 30 a National Holiday in 1933 as it was the day he was made Chancellor. It's completely egomaniacal.

Ivana said he had copies of Hitler's books. it wouldnt surprise me if he saw that as a positive move on Hitler's part that he wanted to emulate
Well, 1/20 has been inauguration day for almost every president since Eisenhower, so at least it's not totally Trump-centric? Then again, don't we already have Presidents' Day?
It says January 20th of This Year is the holiday. Only the day where Trump became president.


Am I the only that thinks these nazi images are an overreaction to a meaningless holiday declaration? You know how many these things we already have that nobody cares about?

It's very possible that this will be a holiday known only by liberals on the internet looking to feed a narrative that Trump is a fascist. There's plenty of holidays that go completely unobserved and this may well be one of them.

However, Trump kind of seems like a fascist, and one of his first actions in office is to name the day of his ascension as a holiday of devotion. I'd love to look back on this thread in a few years and laugh about how everyone overreacted, but for now I'm going to be vigilant.


Is this going to be an annual thing or did he, like the statement says, declare just last Friday Trump Day? Still, even that sounds batshit crazy.
I hope the next president (if there is one...) declares the 21st Trump Resistance Day. ;)
Am I the only that thinks these nazi images are an overreaction to a meaningless holiday declaration? You know how many these things we already have that nobody cares about?
I get that the messenger here is ultimately tied up in the message. If used as a weapon I think Trump will find that his lightsaber is shorter than he thinks it is.

Patriotism isn't a bad thing - people can be jazzed about their country and its ideals and work to make it better. The woman's march was patriotic, as are get-out-the-vote efforts, as are movements to promote change through the system. Its our system, not Trump's. January 20th is the day we inaugurate all presidents, not just Trump.

Of course Trump will wrap himself in the flag and consider patriotism and support for him to be one and the same, but the day will live beyond him, and doesn't need to rely upon his personal framing.

So yeah, I guess I don't see the big deal either. And no doubt it'll make a great day for marches next year that loudly proclaim the difference between love of country and love of Trump.

I say bring it on.


I LITERALLY thought it was a joke thread.
Its not.
Joke is on all of us I guess.

But really, this guy is like a living breathing parody.
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