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E3: Kojima Announcing 2 Games, MGS5?

Yoboman said:
MGS4 Director's Cut for NGP/PS3 and new IP you heard here first

I would buy an MGS4 with one of Kojima's original ideas for the ending where Snake and Otacon gets put on trial and found guilty for terrorism (or something like that). If the current ending 'twist' stays then I'm not sure if I'll get it.

Oh, who am I kidding? I'd get it anyway for trophy support because I'm a trophy whore.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
duckroll said:
My point is that it doesn't really matter. Right now, there is no MGS5. They have not announced any MGS5. There is no indication that they will announce a game called "MGS5". Peace Walker is the 5th Kojima MGS game. If people want to call it MGS5, what difference does it make from people calling it PW? Shrug.
Nothing. I agree. I think Rahxephon91's comparison to Code Veronica was spot on. I do see PW as a mainline game regardless of the name...

Ellis Kim

See that? Those are your feces on the wall. What would compell you to do such a thing?

No one has ever said why they dropped the 5. No-fucking-one, and ESPECIALLY not from "pressure from suits." Stop pulling nonsense out of your ass. If you're gonna speculate, go ahead, but don't pretend like you're actually presenting a valuable discussion point.

Also, please READ what I said in an above post regarding why people like to call it "MGS5." If you've never played Peacewalker, you cannot offer a valid opinion on the game, or its value as what could have been as a numbered entry.

EDIT: Grah! So annoyed. Who started this stupid discussion anyways.
I think Dragon is just making light of the MGS5 is PW thing. I mean the PR could be fishy and I'm sure most of the reason a lot of fans call it MGS5 is because of that pre-release interview. I doubt it it would be such a common idea if not for that, regardless of the quality or content of PW.

Regardless, as someone who was played PW, I do hope the actual 5 is a big steep up from PW, which was.....


Ellis Kim said:
EDIT: Grah! So annoyed. Who started this stupid discussion anyways.

What else is there to discuss? This is a thread about a dodgy magazine rumor about possible games that Kojima might or might not announce at E3. It's Carnival of Stupid MCXVII.

Ellis Kim

Well, the rumor quote taken from the magazine. People tend to hide gems of truth in these things, and teasing that apart could be an equally pointless, but relevant, activity.



or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Ellis Kim said:
See that? Those are your feces on the wall. What would compell you to do such a thing?

No one has ever said why they dropped the 5. No-fucking-one, and ESPECIALLY not from "pressure from suits." Stop pulling nonsense out of your ass. If you're gonna speculate, go ahead, but pretend like you're actually presenting a valuable discussion point.

Also, please READ what I said in an above post regarding why people like to call it "MGS5." If you've never played Peacewalker, you cannot offer a valid opinion on the game, or its value as what could have been as a numbered entry.
u mad? :D

The only reason why people called it MGS5 was because of a PR item issued by KojiPro that stated that it had begun as development as MGS5, before being forced to drop the moniker...

Because it was on a handheld, Konami (ie suits) or the KojiPro team themselves, decided to drop the "5" from the title. So the story goes.

You can take their PR story at face value... however, it's my fine theory that this was a clever way to shore up fan support for a game that was concieved, designed, and released as a handheld spinoff.... to stress that it ended up being the full enchilada as far as MGS gameplay was concerned. To differentiate it from the lesser Ac!d's and Portable Ops of the world.

I'm a little surprised that they would long announce that MGS4 was the last in the series, and immediately turn around and develop MGS5 on handhelds in a quick 2 yr dev cycle, only to drop the name in the end...

I think it's more likely they developed a top-shelf spinoff... and wanted to portray it as more than the second-tier spinoff you'd expect... Make it sound like a "real" mainline game to those hardcore fans on the fence... and this tiny piece of easy PR did that nicely.

I could be wrong. I have no proof and no one ever will. But the "PW = MGS5" was entirely the manufacture of KojiPro PR, true or false... and it did raise the game's image amongst the picky hardcore like ourselves. You decide.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Ellis Kim said:
And you still haven't answered my question.

Have you played and finished Peacewalker.
No and... what would that have to do with what I've said in the slightest?

I already assume it to be a top-shelf MGS game.... so....


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.

Ellis Kim

BocoDragon said:
No and... what would that have to do with what I've said in the slightest?

I already assume it to be a top-shelf MGS game.... so....
And that's where you lose credit. Assuming a game is top shelf, versus knowing a game is top shelf, makes all the difference in coloring your argument and yourself. Every little skewed crack in your stance and its foundation gets magnified.

If you played the game, you'd actually understand why fans call it MGS5, instead of naval gazing like a twat.
BocoDragon said:
I wouldn't at all be surprised if the "MGS5" story was whipped up to generate sales for what really was designed as a PSP spinoff game.......

But it's not a spinoff like Acid games. It is a continuation of MGS3 with a lot of characters like Master Miller.

So it is considered canon.

I bet Kojima wanted it to be called MGS5 but Konami wanted to use that number for a game that sells a lot more on a big console.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Ellis Kim said:
And that's where you lose credit. Assuming a game is top shelf, versus knowing a game is top shelf, makes all the difference in coloring your argument and yourself. Every little skewed crack in your stance and its foundation gets magnified.

If you played the game, you'd actually understand why fans call it MGS5, instead of naval gazing like a twat.
Only you have made this about Peace Walker's quality.

I already assume PW has the potential to be a game worthy of the MGS5 name.

I have only said that I think it may not have been in development as MGS5, despite the tiny PR story and easily mocked-up logo that asserts it was.

In fact, the idea that the game was good enough to be called MGS5 only strengthens my theory that it was something that KojiPro needed to stress to fans some way or another. Decarling that it's "secretly" MGS5 in development would be just the thing to deliver that message.

I'm not even dedicated to this theory. It could have been developed as MGS5, as they say! I just happen to think it's just as likely, they developed a game that grew to have the potential of an MGS5, and they produced a slightly exaggerated news item to deliver this message to the fans. Done. That's all I've said... we should probably move on, don't you think?

Ellis Kim

Is he crediting him for the Kanji logo that Otacon uses (on Snake's vest), or the title and namecards?

I assume the former. Makes sense, what with KP's recent inclination to make up words.


I'm just sitting back comfortably in the room here on my chair, with a gun raised. I'll shoot the first person who tugs at someone's hair or punches below the waist! :D

Ellis Kim

I made it about Peacewalker's quality because the progenitor of this entire discussion was "Peacewalker fans are so WEIRD! A game I'm still butt hurt about coming out on a platform I don't own, AND NEVER WILL, don't deserve no number. Herp derp."

Yeah, a PR guy posted that nugget to generate hype, but you imply fabrication. That point alone made you pretty transparant.

I'd give someone who played the game and hated it more credit than someone who's making something more than it is and has no hands-on experience. I understand your point, but its not enough.

Bocodragon- you have to realize that you've been perpetuating a primary point of other, less reasonable people, by having continued this. You're not just representing yourself and your thoughts, but every poster from previous pages who shared a similar sentiment. Boats are shared, and you just happen to be in the one where no one played PW.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Ellis Kim said:
I made it about Peacewalker's quality because the progenitor of this entire discussion was "Peacewalker fans are so WEIRD! A game I'm still butt hurt about coming out on a platform I don't own, AND NEVER WILL, don't deserve no number. Herp derp."

Wasn't here for that stuff.. Don't personally care about those viewpoints.... I'm pro-PW. No problem with PSP platform.

Ellis Kim said:
Yeah, a PR guy posted that nugget to generate hype, but you imply fabrication. That point alone made you pretty transparant.

You're probably entangled in some previous discussion, which I don't care about....

I think it makes perfect sense to question the certainty of wisdom that was originally disseminated by a PR machine. "Peace Walker was developed as MGS5... and then all the fans know PW is "really" MGS5, right?" That's maybe true.. but it's also maybe a selling point to the hardcore. It's not like this was revealed through investigation, or lengthy dialogue with the dev staff. It was released as an intentional nugget of PR in the run-up to the game's release.

This is a team who fabricated screens, trailers, etc of MGS2 to mislead the public intentionally as to the nature of the game. You needn't make a grand leap to see how they could release a bit of information that says "this might look like a spinoff... but all true fans must buy it because it's secretly core, mainline content!"

As I said.. I'm not dedicated to my view. Just floating the viewpoint. But I think you should be open to the idea that it was an aspect of PR.

Ellis Kim said:
something more than it is and has no hands-on experience.

Bocodragon: you have to realize that you're perpetuating a primary point of other, less reasonable people, by continuing this. You're not just representing yourself and your thoughts, but every poster from previous pages who shared a similar sentiment. Boats are shared, and you just happen to be in the one where no one played PW.

I think that has nothing to do with my position. I am not talking about the quality of Peace Walker in the slightest!

This only has to do with this: PW might not have been in development as MGS5 just because they said so in a press item that cost them nothing, and happened to generate fan goodwill.

If we're talking "boats"... don't be in the "defend PW against any critical discussion" boat.. it ain't cool either!

EDIT: also... I'm tired. Probably the end of any discussion we can have today, to be honest. We can do battle in valhalla at the end of time, ok??!!
I have finished and enjoyed PW and subscribe to BocoDragon's theory.

People can be all too easily taken in by PR when it suits them.

BocoDragon also didn't mention something from an MGS2 design document, where they considered calling that game MGS3 (I'm not making this up!)

Perhaps we should think of MGS2 as the real MGS3, huh?


Leshita said:
I would buy an MGS4 with one of Kojima's original ideas for the ending where Snake and Otacon gets put on trial and found guilty for terrorism (or something like that). If the current ending 'twist' stays then I'm not sure if I'll get it.

Oh, who am I kidding? I'd get it anyway for trophy support because I'm a trophy whore.
The story must have been something totally different when that was the ending

Ellis Kim

No... your argument is "there's a good chance that the 'PW is secretly MGS5' story is a fabrication."

I'm pretty sure I'm not entangled in something else.

Points have been made, and while I do understand your reason to speculate, the fact remains: you're inadvertantly contributing ammunition to those who would see PW placed in a ghetto without ever giving it a fair shake.


Ellis Kim said:
Nice call! ...but I'm not sure where "reconstruction" fits in to the message...


Raiden's body reconstruction? I can see that kanji being used in the E3 trailer, kind of like MGS4's first real trailer (not the one that more of a tech demo).


〔再興〕(a) revival,〔再建〕reconstruction ((of))◇復興する|〔再興する〕revive ((the economy)); 〔再建する〕reconstruct.
No I guess this is about Raiden! Its not like he's been tweeting nonstop about the earthquake. nope.

Ellis Kim

Ratrat said:
Rereading tne tweet, "Reconstruction character" most likely means kanji+katakana fusions like those shown on the facebook page, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a trailer at e3 riddled with them for Rising.


Ellis Kim said:
Rereading tne tweet, "Reconstruction character" most likely means kanji+katakana fusions like those shown on the facebook page, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a trailer at e3 riddled with them for Rising.
Well, it definitely is what was later posted on facebook. And I doubt they would use the reconstruction character when the last trailer showed how you could wreck the environment.

Those kanji's are sick btw.

Ellis Kim

Adam Prime said:
Heh they should just make Peace Walker 2... and have it be a remake of Metal Gear 1.
Reminds me of how I hoped MPO would be an MGS-esque overhead game. Or how I wish Konami would make a PSN/XBL remake of the MSX games like how BCR is...
If we ever get a MGO2 - possibly with Rising - I hope Konami works harder on the netcode and goes even further with the CQC gameplay which is already really amazing - the best part of mgo imo.

Ellis Kim

Solid_Rain said:
If we ever get a MGO2 - possibly with Rising - I hope Konami works harder on the netcode and goes even further with the CQC gameplay which is already really amazing - the best part of mgo imo.
...but MGO is MGO2. MGO1 came out with MGS3:S. I'm not sure where to place MPO's online multiplayer...

Angry Fork

Solid_Rain said:
If we ever get a MGO2 - possibly with Rising - I hope Konami works harder on the netcode and goes even further with the CQC gameplay which is already really amazing - the best part of mgo imo.
They're going to dumb down MGO so hard its not even funny. The funnest thing about MGO to me was the niche japanese-like characteristics and overall complexity and cool stuff in the game. I really loved MGO even though the head shot fests and box shit made it suck the atmosphere maps characters etc. were so awesome. They're going to rip it apart for the next one so that more people will be able to enjoy it, at the expense of people who enjoyed the first of course.

I have no high hopes for the next MGO even though i'll buy Rising day one just because it'll likely be canon storyline. I'm already bracing myself for disappointment though, Rising seems like some kind of huge inside joke or something. I can't believe it's a real game. "Lightning Bolt Action". So bad.

Ellis Kim said:
...but MGO is MGO2. MGO1 came out with MGS3:S. I'm not sure where to place MPO's online multiplayer...

MGO (2) was kind of a reboot though so the next one will probably be called MGO2 and the real first MGO is basically now just a test thing for them to see how multiplayer would work and so on.


im thinking peace walker will be updated graphically very slightly and the controls will be optimized for an NGP launch psn title. the other one might be an announcement of an mgs5 for ps3/ngp?
I still laugh about the whole carnival of stupid. What a fucked up time that was.



Gold. Always believe in your soul.


KingDizzi said:
Oh do shut the fuck up boy.


Kojima Productions decided not to call the game MGS 5. You can call it what ever you want, but you're wrong, and there's no merit to being rude to someone who is confused that you're calling the sky pink.


Neo Member
Xun said:
Metal Gear Liquid would be an insanely cool game.

Too bad it's a figment of my imagination.

I also wish that Metal Gear Liquid existed. Maybe have the game be pre-MGS, tell the story of some mission Liquid was on in his earlier days with FOXHOUND. Could be awesome.
duckroll said:
I'm just sitting back comfortably in the room here on my chair, with a gun raised. I'll shoot the first person who tugs at someone's hair or punches below the waist! :D

I see your gun and raise you a knife.

Prothero said:
I also wish that Metal Gear Liquid existed. Maybe have the game be pre-MGS, tell the story of some mission Liquid was on in his earlier days with FOXHOUND. Could be awesome.
No way! Liquid was too weak. Gotta be Gray Fox with him teaching a young Snake - perhaps with optional co-op elements - and how he earned the 'Fox' in his code name.
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