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EDGE: The next Xbox: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new kinect


Please consumers. Please be smart enough to realise when you're being lead up the garden path to be shot in the back of the head. Do not support this console if this all turns out to be true.

Saying that, we're fucking doomed if both PS4 and 720 do this. Gaddamit.

There's always the Wii U.


There is no Way they will require a Internet connection just to make the console work, including kinect is something many are expecting but being online at all times?!


We still have the Wii U... right?



They're not going to do this. It's commercial suicide, especially when their competitors aren't going to do it.

Edge's sources are trolling them, surely, very hard to believe.


Hopefully this will mean games will be £10 cheaper next-gen then. But it won't.

Regardless, if Microsoft does it, Sony will too. Or the other way around.


I'm one of the few core gamers who probably does not, and never has, owned an xbox of any kind. I was strongly considering the third gen xbox so I can go back and play some of the games i missed along with new stuff. But I guess I'll just stick with Sony instead if this happens. If sony makes the same choice then I have a dilemma on my hands.


No second hand games, new Kinect and allways online, I don't see any negative stuff here.

Well done Microsoft
A shame if true but I know I'll get one eventually when the good games start coming out. It'll just mean more waiting on UK bomba prices.
I'm okay with this if it means they'll:

A) Encourage third parties to release non-blockbuster games (i.e. games that aren't Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed or Madden) at less than $60.

B) Have Steam like sales on legacy content.


Good Art™
That would be a pretty crazy example of auto destruction if the next xbox ends to be everything that is feared right now. A weakest media oriented machine with kinect, more complicated to devs for and with hated restrictions for gamers lol.... How to destroy every points difficulty gathered in 10 years..


Knows the Score
More concerned about Kinect to be honest. "This game cannot be played by one player with two spectators, please purchase an additional seat license to continue."
Yeah, this would be the last straw. PS4 and PC gaming here I come.

What if PS4 ends up going the same route?

Then you're going to be just PC and the no second hand rule already applies to that.

It's a shitty situation and while my initial reaction is the exact same as yours I realize that I'm already doing this on the PC without issue. I'm not sure what I will do if consoles start doing the same thing. I may just pick up one as second hand is a big deal for me. I love trading my stuff in or reselling it for some good credit and that allows me to afford the amount of games I pick up. Without that ability I simply can't afford to pick up games for two systems and a PC.
Uh, I used to buy second-hand games once but now it has been like 3-4 times since my last purchase, so that wouldn't really have a great impact on my next-gen decision, if I'll have to choose which one to buy. Still, it's not a great decision, at all.

The always online thing, though, it's a letdown. I do have an internet connection at home, but a lot of times there's a random problem with it, slow downs and so on. I hope that it's just something that's going to be debunked after the reveal, but if things remains the same, then I'll be all over Orbis.


I have yet to buy a single used game in this gen. Hm. That does not worry me.
Always online, however, kinda does.

I like online-only gaming, do not get me wrong (Path of Exile, Diablo III, WoW, etc), but I like my options for an offline, single-player only experience every now and then. If I cant even train offline in the next Marvel/SF game because of this bullshit, then Microsoft just lost a potential customer. (Not like they care :D)
Guys, seriously. The first sentence mentions it being always online, none of you guys believe this right? Isn't the number something like half of all 360's have never been online?
Hmm if only one of them blocks the second-hand market, they're doomed, they will lose customers left and right. If MS does it, it's because Sony will do it too!? I'll just buy less games if they're serious about it, but it could also mean even more and faster bombas...

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
And if the PS4 is the same?

I edited and said were all fucking screwed then. I mean if they both do this, you'd think that would come hand in hand with game prices as standard being lowered to like £20 at launch since theyre actually worth far less as a product. Plus they'd have to engage in Steam-like giant firesales to make up for the shortfall of no secondhand game market and bargain hunters abandoning those 2 platforms entirely.

God its all such a bad shortsighted idea I can already feel deep down in my plums at least one of these idiot companies is going dive dick-first into it.
Retailers certainly won't be happy about that, and they will need them to sell their hardware. I would be very surprised if 'no second hand games' is true - If you borrow a game from your friend, would that be classified as a second-hand game? Also, permanently online isn't for everybody, and not all homes have internet access. 50GB Blu-Ray is interesting for a number of reasons. I do hope for those who buy second hand games and borrow from friends that 'no second games' isn't true. For me, I won't be affected as 8th Gen will be Wii U, Tablet or Phone, PC and 3DS.


They will do it and their bottom line won't take a hit. For all the uproar, people will soon forget and capitulate. Wait & see.

Pretty much

Let's face it: gamers are fucking addicted; and yes, this will happen; next-gen will cost a bunch of money and they'll try everything to kill the second hand game market


Hmm if only one of them blocks the second-hand market, they're doomed, they will lose customers left and right. If MS does it, it's because Sony will do it too!? I'll just buy less games if they're serious about it, but it could also mean even more and faster bombas...
Yeah I'm pretty close to 100% sure that MS wouldnt do it unless Song is. Collusion, etc.


Upon reading it again, this sounds like they are taking various things they have read(that nVidia guy's blog) and making an article out of it:

Though the architectures of the next-gen Xbox and PlayStation both resemble that of PCs, several development sources have told us that Sony’s solution is preferable when it comes to leveraging power. Studios working with the next-gen Xbox are currently being forced to work with only approved development libraries, while Sony is encouraging coders to get closer to the metal of its box. Furthermore, the operating system overhead of Microsoft’s next console is more oppressive than Sony’s equivalent, giving the PlayStation-badged unit another advantage.


Guys, seriously. The first sentence mentions it being always online, none of you guys believe this right? Isn't the number something like half of all 360's have never been online?

Why bother selling an Xbox to somebody who isn't going to pay for Live, view ads, purchase DLC etc.
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