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FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 |OT| Change the Future


How lazy. The new card tables (one is still closed) have the name of the game on them in that very stylised font used around Serendipity. One says Chronobind and the other says, uh, Xanadu Poker (though is called Serendipity Poker everywhere else).

I suppose the stupid name we got for the casino here wouldn't fit on the graphic, but I found it amusing.

Wait. They were so lazy they didn't even change the graphic for Xanadu Poker? Lol!!!
So, how can i active Lonh Gui mission to get the fragment? Do I just need to go ahead and kill it just like that... Or I have to do something first to make sure that I get the fragment!?


I just played poker for about an hour and busted all of my opponents. Got 21 fortune medals. Anyone know how many medals you need to beat this DLC?

The poker was actually fun, it's just Texas Hold em. The computer seems pretty dumb and easy to beat though. Now I'm chasing chocobo chicks around. This part is hilarious.

I personally think it's worth the $5 just to see more of Sazh cause I think he's awesome. There's quite a few dialogue scenes.


Ok, beat the DLC. It was not too long, one round of poker, one round of Chronobind, and the chocobo hunting event did it. It was maybe about 3 hours total. The games were actually fun though and there were a lot of good story scenes with Sazh. I don't regret the $5 purchase.
Ok, beat the DLC. It was not too long, one round of poker, one round of Chronobind, and the chocobo hunting event did it. It was maybe about 3 hours total. The games were actually fun though and there were a lot of good story scenes with Sazh. I don't regret the $5 purchase.

Yep, just did it myself. Won two rounds of chronobind and the chocobo chick side quest, about 2.5 hrs.

Lost track on the second win, but my guess is 35 or 40 medals to win.
Chronobind may speed things up, you get a medal for every time you win with an ace, which can happen a lot. On the second win (all it takes to win is bust one of the other players) I had 8 medals from winnin with aces alone.


Just got platinum. Yay!

Some notes though: the slot machines are the stupidest thing in the entire final fantasy series. I tried leaving the ps3 on all night, playing only when the machine 'is on fire' but to no avail. I think in more than 10000 (Yes, ten thousand) tries I got the 777 not more than 15 times. These might be good odds for Vegas, but this is a videogame SE.

In the end I went shifted my attention to the Chocobo races and with a lv45 silver chocobo (infused with Pulsework Guardian and something else which I don't remember I made the money I needed in about an hour.

Well, anyway; platinum bitches!


Another thing to point out is that winning poker and chronobind with Sazh is an easy way to get casino coins. They transfer over to Serah when you take her to the Casino (although she can't play the card games).


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Oh man, was playing the slots for 3 hours last nite (a mix of auto and manual play), got a Super Victory Mode jackpot (along with other jackpots and winnings) and wondered why the hell the Lucky Coin fragment wasn't triggering... then right before bedtime I stopped playing and checked my Fragment list, and there it was. It probably popped up whilst I was up taking a leak but I never caught the message :p

So now I have 160 fragments, all that remains is getting the 99999 damage trophy and beating the game a second time. Also I have been neglecting the datalog and fragment text so I will have to do that...

Apart from some poorly thought out sidequests (like the slot machines, and those clock puzzles), and a few items placed in really hard-to-see spots, I overall thought this was a great game. Definitely don't want an XIII-3, I think it's time to move on from this mythos, but I had more fun with this game than any FF-branded title since 9.


Max out noel,start battle with the Long Gui,make him fall,after that stagger him,cast deshell/deprotect and then try with noel.

also in academia 4xx u can get a weapon from Hope,whose powers is much more then any weapon in the game,but only u have 160 fragments.so chk that as well.
Thanks, I got it on accident last night during a Long Gui fight. I had such a good run, I managed to get the last 4-5 trophies and ended up getting the platinum in about 71 hours (actual playtime might've been around 60-65). Faster than XIII but not by a whole lot.


Finished the DLC last night and enjoyed it. Yay to having Sazh as my new SYN and item collector! I liked the little story and the Chocobolina side quests. Did anyone else get an Al Cid vibe from the Owner.

One thing though. I recall seeing video /pics of Sazh standing in
Academia so I wonder why they did not go further with the storyline. I strongly suspect Sazh's adventures there with Hope would explain Alyssa's disappearance and how he fits in at the ending. Maybe Hope will also be getting his own DLC? XD

PK Gaming

Sazh's maxed out stats and abilities for those who care (credit goes to RGPanzner)

Thought I would list his stats and such since I have him maxed out. His Stats are based on using Potent monster materials. Since that is what I usually use. Anyhow hope this helps for those who are curious about him.

Name of Crystal:Sazh
How to Acquire: Collect 30 Fortune Medals in his DLC
Role Class: SYN
Max Level: 45 (Well-Grown)
Starting Monster Rank: Tier 3
Feral Link: Cold Blood (Similar to Light or Serah's Ultimate techinques)

Hitpoints: 9176
Strength: 817
Magic: 662

Passives: (Note: All four Passives are locked also making it so only he can learn 6 other Passive Abilities)

Critical: Haste
Feral Speed II
Augment Maintenace II
Item Collector

SYN Abilites:

Endless Blessings

Some side notes:

All his abilities are transferable except Endless Blessings. Also he can xfer up to 3 of his abilities to another SYN. Tested with my Purple Chocobo that is level 16.

He doesn't get Haste which is damn lame, but he gets just about every single Synergist ability which makes me really giddy. Bravaga, FAITH, veil, The en spells, endless blessings (spell that boosts the length of buffs)

Step aside Noel, you're a joke compared to this man. Damn I hope the other FFXIII DLC characters are this awesome.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
It's up on the EU Store too right now, currently downloading it. File size is pretty small though, just a bit more than 250mb. That price and that size... I'm not expecting much. I want a 2GB, 12 euros experience like for Deus Ex >.<'!
Sorry to disappoint people as I'm not gonna bash the sazh DLC because the DLC is actually really fun.

Chrono Bind is pretty fun and Poker is fun too. The sidequest was hilarious.

Anyway not finished it yet...already play it for an hour. The card games are addictive!


You also get far more of a bang for your buck when you consider a game of Uno would run you 7 bucks at least. And that doesn't even have an afro OR chocobos!
You also get far more of a bang for your buck when you consider a game of Uno would run you 7 bucks at least. And that doesn't even have an afro OR chocobos!


And these minigames finally justify serendipity for me since IMO Chocobo races & slots both sucked.

This is so much more worth it than the coliseum DLC

Edit: MUWAHAHAAH just got a full house..went all In, so did the other two people...their both OUT!!

Edit2: Damn the only guy left at the table now keeps folding...kinda hard to get him to lose all his money if he's gonna keep on doing that!


Subete no aware
Sazh's maxed out stats and abilities for those who care (credit goes to RGPanzner)
He doesn't get Haste which is damn lame, but he gets just about every single Synergist ability which makes me really giddy. Bravaga, FAITH, veil, The en spells, endless blessings (spell that boosts the length of buffs)

Step aside Noel, you're a joke compared to this man. Damn I hope the other FFXIII DLC characters are this awesome.

Do you only get one Sazh in the game? Can you get another one if you fuse him away?


Sazh DLC... kinda meh.

I hate card games. The quest for finding choco chicks seems to be okay.

Chocobind is fun, though.

edit: So I need 30 fortune metals, eh? And if I can't do that, just close the gate and try again? Also, just finished the choco chick sidequest and it is pretty bad. Serendipity isn't even big enough to really have a proper quest like that. LOL.

Sazh is a cool character; he deserves better DLC! Oh well, it was only $5.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Just finished the new DLC story, but it wasn't worth. Luckily the price is very low compared to similar DLC like this, so the content itself is enough to justify it. But I'm not into card games and the story content is so little that I walked away unsatisfied. Sazh deserves MORE!
Oh that's easy. Go to POKER, ALL IN at start, everyone retires. You win, leave the table: 2 X medals. Repeat all this 'till you have 30.

No they don't, in fact doing that is what made me lose as people said they did, but they didn't and our hands tied but someone else won!

It's perfectly possible to win normally, it's much more fun too.


Unconfirmed Member
OK so when you have 37000 coins and you are playing against a super timid CPU with 3000 coins, why the hell does "all in" make you risk all 37000 coins? Thats not how poker works, and for good reason, it should only risk 3000.

I like video game poker, sazh, and final fantasy xiii-2 all a whole lot, so this dlc should be perfect for me, but god damn this is really irking me. Its like the game of texas hold'em is good enough already, if you are going to change it, then it better damn well be for the better.

I'm sure the changes they made is so you can't abuse the AI or the rules of 1 metal for every all in won, but I don't want to play for metals, I want to win at the game of poker. Throwing your weight around when you have the advantage is fun a part of poker, and playing defensively when you are behind is fun as well, it really sucks they took that element out.


OK so when you have 37000 coins and you are playing against a super timid CPU with 3000 coins, why the hell does "all in" make you risk all 37000 coins? Thats not how poker works, and for good reason, it should only risk 3000.

Probably just shitty programming. I suspect shitty programming is the same reason why skipping certain scenes in the game will also skip the Live Trigger in the cutscene, instead of simply skipping to the Trigger event.


Unconfirmed Member
Probably just shitty programming. I suspect shitty programming is the same reason why skipping certain scenes in the game will also skip the Live Trigger in the cutscene, instead of simply skipping to the Trigger event.

Funnily enough, if you all in with say 500 when they have 1000, they only risk 500, or if they all in when they only have 500 and you have 1000 you only risk 500, but if you all in with 1000 and they have 500 you risk all 1000. Even stranger still, if you all in with 1000 while they have 500, if the hand is a draw 750 is given to each player. Really stupid.

And that wouldn't be such a big deal if they didn't make the bet maximum so damned low. You could have the perfect hand, but unless you all in, its possible to only get 100 out of each person per draw.

Anyhow I just finished most of the content of it, so might as well post my impressions while I'm at it:

All-in shenanigans or not the ai is incredibly easy thanks to their extreme biases either to aggressiveness or passivity. The ai folds when they are able to take a free check, again showing the programers rush for getting this thing out. So thanks to that you can turn that 10,000 they hand you to start into 500,000 coins in like 3 or 4 hours, enough to purchase the 4 fragments like they are nothing and 15-20 unicorn horns, pheonix bloods, and elixirs each. You just need to leave the table and start a fresh when the other's money is getting low since the risk reward of all-ins diminishes so drastically.

The new card game was actually pretty fun, but also incredibly easy. There is actually a lot of stratagy to employ if you want to, by looking a few moves ahead to determine the perfect time to get aggressive. The problem is the ace card kindof seems overpowered. I think the reason it was so easy was that if you got the ace card it was an instant win, while the ai often squanders it. It keeps you thinking, but doesn't really put you in much danger of actually losing coins.

I guess in the end even with its flaws I'm ok with this dlc. The poker might not be that great, but its always nice to see a new well done presentation for it that flash games don't bring, and I like that my winnings actually get me elixirs and junk to make getting those fragments I missed easier while flash games get me nothing.

Cut scenes had the usual high production values and the script and characters are very charismatic in it, but the plot was about as non existent as you can get. I still don't know why anyone would buy this if they were going to cheat the system by doing that enter poker table, all-in, leave, repeat exploit to get those metals. You might as well just youtube the 8 minutes of cutscenes. Unless allying with Sazh is really worth 6 bucks to you.
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