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GAF Votes FOTY 2015 Thread: Fail Of The Year


1. #FucKonami


Using punitive measures to police tiny normal off-the-clock infractions.

Using the shitty Japanese economy as cover for this sociopathic wankery.

Using the exiting from dedicated games business as cover for this sociopathic wankery.

Going all-in financing expensive projects, balking, then laying blame at the feet of the director they cut the check to.

Active hatred for talent to the point that "anyone can do that job".

Inept shitshow training and management.

Seemingly intentional PR disaster-fest.

2. Gamergate continuing to waste perfectly good food and air.

3. Key reselling becoming a dirty gray market.


Nothing can ever make up for the loss of Silent Hills. It feels like a classic was stolen from the gaming industry this year. For shame, Konami.


Konamii was the biggest fail of the year. I mean...it was almost surreal.

edit: damn, has GAF ever been this united on something?

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
  1. Konami: As if MGSV unfinished state wasn't enough, Konami decided that they wanted to throw salt to the ground and fired Kojima and disbanding Kojima Productions, ensuring that MGSV was the disappointing conclusion of the saga. As if that weren't enough, as a side effect, Silent Hills was cancelled, which prompted co-director Guillermo Del Toro to say that he doesn't want to work on videogames anymore because of his luck (a previous project of his, inSane, was being made at THQ shortly before it's bankruptcy, you can imagine what happened), luckily he's recently said that he'll go anywhere for Kojima and that they're working together on something. Here's hoping it's a game. Also, since PT was a way to market Silent Hills, they took it from the store, even forbidding people to re-download it if they erased it from HDD, spawning videogame conservation issues. And as if that weren't enough for them, they are essentially stopping the development of major games. Let me remind you that they own MGS, Silent Hill, Castlevania, Contra, and many other IP's that people love. Son of a bitch.
  2. Payday 2 microtransactions: I don't play the game, but it was clear to me they fucked up big time when a producer who is no longer with the company said they would never do microtransactions, and then they did. Adding salt to the injury, they apologized, without even offering solutions to the problems, which actually makes it sound like a "sorry you were offended" apology.
  3. Batman Arkham Knight PC version: Jesus Christ, Rocksteady/WB/whatever studio did the port, get your shit together, how bad do you port this thing that it takes you 5 months to fix said port and it still doesn't work as intended?
  4. Gamer Gate: Why do I still have to talk about this? *sigh* Bomb threats, still harassing women and whoever defends them, people can really be shit.


[*]Gamer Gate: Why do I still have to talk about this? *sigh* Bomb threats, still harassing women and whoever defends them, people can really be shit.
Just a correction: If I recall, the bomb threats weren't from Gamergate but rather were made against a Gamergate panel. The bomb threats were from some unknown outside party.


Junior Member
Can't get enough of this thread. I voted already for Gamergate in hopes it can get the second place since #1 is all but decided at this point, I still want to hear more opinions here before voting closes.


Gotta be Konami. Never seen a more thorough burning of bridges.

Gamergate is still festering, somewhere. Probably too close for comfort.


My top votes are Konami and GamerGate. The former needs no explanation while the latter is sadly still a issue.


Yeah another vote for Konami here. They handled this all way wrong and have damaged the entire brand as a result. Now his is assuming Kojima didn't cause this. If he did that's a bit different but then Konami still handled this terribly. The story on workie conditions was particularly worrying.

Suffice to say it will take a lot for me to buy the new Metal Gear. I actually fear what they may do to it's legacy...


I want to say Arkham Knight pc so much but man... The whole Konami thing has been such a clusterfuck that it has to take this.

Konami wins with arkham knight right on it's heels

Edit: add this post to the list as well I guess :p didnt see that votings closed already
I think going after GG any further is pointless. It's clear they failed to accomplish their goal of eliminating their "Literally Who" targets and stopping developers from listening to them. They really are the tangible incarnate of "First World Problems".

Giving them attention will just give them more power over us, like Trump. If anything, they deserve to be seen as the butt of jokes. Prison School's dub was a good example.

But I digress:
  1. Konami. First they killed Hudson, now this. I'm boycotting their games now.
  2. Activision's attempt to revive THPS' corpse ended up as necrophilia.
  3. Nintendo's E3 Press Conference

Endo Punk

Konami being dicks didn't really have much of an effect on me. I mean Koj becomes independent, leaves the awful MGS franchise behind and get into an exclusive partnership with Sony which meant full freedom to make any game he likes. We should all be thankful of Konami for driving Koj away, lol. And he seems much happier now which is fantastic, I can only imagine how soul crushing it must have been for a creative mind to be continuously working on MGS. Ive always disliked Konami for what they did to SH, now with Koj gone they are nothing to me.

My fail of the year is 1886 and RAD. Fron it's awful PR which felt very anti games industry to the behaviour of the devs calling gamers bullies for criticising a bad game, tweeting terribly bias videos justifying the game and making bad analogies like the game being a quality stake dinner or some shit. Everything about The Order stunk to high heaven.
I vote for Konami.

Gamergate is awful but I don't think they deserve the attention and it's a movement of people who hate women inside games and out.


Konami's treatment of Hideo Kojima and its fans has to be the absolute biggest groin kick this year in all of gaming. They are the biggest fail.
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