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Gametrailers Lair **New** "HD" clips


I'm impressed now by the seamlessness of the aerial combat in the new dev interview (part two on gametrailers).

It actually makes sense compared to the other vids. Looks great.


I still think the ground combat looks pretty stale but the vibe I get so far from the videos is that landing on the ground is optional. As long as you don't have to do it, I am fine with ground combat. The sky is where this game is really going to shine. I can just imagine myself playing this game for the first time and completely ignoring my level objectives just to fly around.


nelsonroyale said:
AN rpg with this engine would be crazy

In its actual form, I think this engine would be pretty useless for a game that has no relation so the sky. It is awesome because you fly dozens of feets abouve the ground and have a crazy draw distance with amazing details. I'm not sure this engine would bring anything to a ground based game.

Now, just imagine a warhawk like game with Lair's engine... 100+ players would be crazy :lol
Raist said:
In its actual form, I think this engine would be pretty useless for a game that has no relation so the sky. It is awesome because you fly dozens of feets abouve the ground and have a crazy draw distance with amazing details. I'm not sure this engine would bring anything to a ground based game.

Now, just imagine a warhawk like game with Lair's engine... 100+ players would be crazy :lol

????? Why not, A city on that scale, where they could include even more detail because of lack of air action, would be insane for an rpg....as in never been anything like it



ok the gif just killed my comp :/

9.3MB is WAYYY too much (below 5MB is the sweet spot right ?)

@nelson> yeah of course, but I mean, being on the ground, i'm not sure this engine would bring anything more than other engines. Now since in Lair you see the world from above, you have a way wider point of view, so it makes sense.


Dude, as much as I love that gif, please change that to a link, thank god I have broadband.
Raist said:
ok the gif just killed my comp :/

9.3MB is WAYYY too much (below 5MB is the sweet spot right ?)

@nelson> yeah of course, but I mean, being on the ground, i'm not sure this engine would bring anything more than other engines. Now since in Lair you see the world from above, you have a way wider point of view, so it makes sense.

Its just the size of the city....I would love a seamless city of that size in an rpg....it would just be so epic, and then you could also fly above it I suppose....rpgs elements like drakken...but more so
I like the look of the ground battles. Its starting to remind me of Dynasty Warriors it looks like if the troops are trying to put up an air defense you can swoop down and create havoc.


game looks crazy insane one minute, but then some of the ground sections look a bit ropey.

The one weird thing is the bad frame rate that i mentioned at TGS (and got fire spunked by a load of sony fans over) seems to have gotten worse at some points in the game - although it still looks like it's got that weird randomness about it : in certain flying sections with tons going on - it's smooth, then later with seemingly not as much going on it's bad. Crazy.

Anyways, definitely be giving it a shot (but then i always was, so nothing new there)
DCharlie said:
game looks crazy insane one minute, but then some of the ground sections look a bit ropey.

The one weird thing is the bad frame rate that i mentioned at TGS (and got fire spunked by a load of sony fans over) seems to have gotten worse at some points in the game - although it still looks like it's got that weird randomness about it : in certain flying sections with tons going on - it's smooth, then later with seemingly not as much going on it's bad. Crazy.

Anyways, definitely be giving it a shot (but then i always was, so nothing new there)

In the interview they say the framerate is solid 30fps. I'm thinking the weirdness is from the video encoding.
The engine looks pretty solid but it requires way too much optimization and enhanced effects. The fire and the explosions look very weak! I dunno, seems too much work for a game shipping in July but I think the next game running on this engine is going to look really great.
uuuhh hhhuuhhhhh, nice! :D

I like the part where the dragon rider knocks off the soldier in mid air and beat the living crap out of him while free falling and then returns to his dragon.
Doom_Bringer said:
The engine looks pretty solid but it requires way too much optimization and enhanced effects. The fire and the explosions look very weak! I dunno, seems too much work for a game shipping in July but I think the next game running on this engine is going to look really great.

I thought we couldn't judge alpha build graphics 'psyche' ?


Doom_Bringer said:
Is there a possibility they will improve the fire effects??? They look very PS2'ish
Not this again.

From needs more sparks to PS2ish fire effects. OMG, are we going to get another 10 pages added on this thread over you bitching.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
60_gig_PS3 said:
In the interview they say the framerate is solid 30fps. I'm thinking the weirdness is from the video encoding.
They didn't say that's the framerate now, they said that's what they're targeting for release.
JoJo13 said:
Not this again.

From needs more sparks to PS2ish fire effects. OMG, are we going to get another 10 pages added on this thread over you bitching.
The fire effects are pretty underwhelming. It's a procedural effect but it's just not achieving anything that interesting.


I have a feeling the sacrifice in quality of certain effects is just due to balancing resources. I doubt that when the final game ships the fire and explosion effects are going to look any better.

I'm not complaining; there is so much other stuff in the game that SURPASSED my expectations that it sorts of compensates.
nelsonroyale said:
I thought we couldn't judge alpha build graphics 'psyche' ?

I know this is the alpha version but how much can they improve in 2 - 3 months? Locking the frame rate down at 30 FPS is require a lot of time and work, some pop ups need to be taken care of, that's going and my biggest problem is the fire effects.
in the movie with the ships exploding the fire looks pretty fake.

it looked good in the boss battle. Shooting fireballs looked pretty satisfying too.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Doom_Bringer said:
I know this is the alpha version but how much can they improve in 2 - 3 months?
It could have gone alpha weeks ago. Just because what they showed is the alpha doesn't mean it just went alpha hours before the event.
Doom_Bringer said:
I know this is the alpha version but how much can they improve in 2 - 3 months? Locking the frame rate down at 30 FPS is require a lot of time and work, some pop ups need to be taken care of, that's going and my biggest problem is the fire effects.

hmmm, I think they have to...I mean they are quite out of wack really. Noticibly inferior from the get-go. They seem to be proud of them so I doubt they will be changed. Everything else is looking great though
nelsonroyale said:
hmmm, I think they have to...I mean they are quite out of wack really. Noticibly inferior from the get-go. They seem to be proud of them so I doubt they will be changed. Everything else is looking great though

damn it!!! Anyway this game is next gen! Bloody fantastic engine, and they are locking the frame rate down at 30 FPS

That ****ing rocks!! Can't wait to play this! BTW can you use the sticks to control the dragon is waggle mandatory?
I find myself more blown away by the technical achivments in this game more than the gameplay. The ocean and the waves are just incredible. The scope of the battlefield is one I dont think I've ever seen done on such a grand scale. Its jaw dropping. This is first time I actually belive this is something the PS3 Cell truly surpasses any other gaming platform. Im impressed.

As for the game play......I'm not really sure how to describe Lair.....see, I've never flown a dragon.:lol But somehow I dont think thats how the dragon should move. It just seems the dragon is so weighteless. The fire it shoots almost like an F-22 with a flame thrower attached to the front. It looks tacky as hell. And being a huge fan of these amazing mythical creatures(I've got 5 dragon posters up in my room:p) I guess I'm a bit more critical about the detail put into the dragons. Right now it just feels like an X-Wing with scales.

That sounds kinda harsh, but at the same time I cant wait to play it. With hopes that all my complaints will vanish once get my hand on the controls.
flying the dragon is waggle only. ground controls are sticks.

What makes this different from like planes and stuff though is that you can get upclose and fight head to head with dragons claw them up stuff like that.


Holy crap . . . *dev video 2* . . . OMG HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!

Looks freaking amazing. The only thing that gives me pause is that "second hand videos" ie. filmed off of a screen rather than direct capture, always makes stuff look cleaner and more "real" than it actually is since it tends to obscure rendering artifacts that give away the fact that it's a videogame.


Aleman said:
DemonSwordsman said:
flying the dragon is waggle only.
Ouch, I hope they change that before release. Maybe that explains the high amount of auto-aim on the fireballs.

Nothings going to be changed. The game was designed around the whole control and all of its features. Sixaxis is used for flying and to perform certain attacks with controller movements.

I know you'll be able to charge at enemies my jerking the controller forward.

Game looks awesome. Really need to play a demo and experience the actual flight though.


Courtesy of one of the worst forums on the internet, teamxbox.com, some hilarious posts in the thread for these videos...including this one:

Do not fooled by the videos, they are likely CGI. Get ready for a big downgrade once the game ships. I hate the way Sony lies and misleads people just like they did back in May 2005.


PS360 said:
Courtesy of one of the worst forums on the internet, teamxbox.com, some hilarious posts in the thread for these videos...including this one:

They are going to see a lot of CG in the future from PS3 games it seems :lol :lol :lol
Is this not the most unbelievabely technologically advanced game ever? Or have I forgotten some game?

When they are moving the camera around in the second video above the waterfalls and you can see allthe buildings, mountins, water, dragons flying around, I'm like WTF!! and people here are going some of the textures are off.


travisbickle said:
Is this not the most unbelievabely technologically advanced game ever? Or have I forgotten some game?

It's the most technically advanced and complete engine for real time graphics seen so far without any doubt.
And the only serious competitor I see in the future is from Naughty Dog (but I wouldn't rule out surprises with Cell usage from Master Kojima).


PS360 said:
Courtesy of one of the worst forums on the internet, teamxbox.com, some hilarious posts in the thread for these videos...including this one:


It's a well known fact that you can pause a CGI and move the camera around :lol
DemonSwordsman said:
i think sixaxis is perfect for flying games. Actually adds to the gameplay.
Yeah it looks pretty cool. I just hope it's small subtle movements.. So your not waggling all over the place.

Mau ®

Do not fooled by the videos, they are likely CGI. Get ready for a big downgrade once the game ships. I hate the way Sony lies and misleads people just like they did back in May 2005.

Classic. :lol :lol :lol :lol

I cant believe how my anticipation for this game has changed. It went from "indifferent" to "day one purchase". WOW

i think sixaxis is perfect for flying games. Actually adds to the gameplay

Hopefully. My inital impressions of the SixAxis waggle have been mostly negative. I do not like the way it controls on Motorstorm AT ALL!!! And I never actually know if it actually works in Resistence.

I have hopes for Fl0w though, I cant wait to get it once I go online.
My Arms Your Hearse said:
Huh? It's offline only. What "playing field" are you referencing?

And just say NO to waggle, of any variety.

It still gives everyone the same limitations and advantages plus the gameplay can be tuned better if there's one control method.
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