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Gears of War 2: Real-Emergence Thread of Cubed Meat - HD Gameplay up!

After playing more gears this week I think rooftops dispite being a fun map has to be the worse one out of the lot, fuel deport is 2nd worse but at least it's not hammer spammed in the only area to the other side of the map.


Jeez, the rest of the new screens there kind of look like scans, but why would they post scans? Still, I'm too scared to post them :lol


aka II VerTigo II
Diablohead said:
After playing more gears this week I think rooftops dispite being a fun map has to be the worse one out of the lot, fuel deport is 2nd worse but at least it's not hammer spammed in the only area to the other side of the map.

You have to throw in Escalation to this list because man that map was unbalanced.
II VerTigo II said:
Before the rifle power adjustment it was a sweet weapon, active reload could drop someone in 3-4 good bursts around the head hitbox, but now it's a bit pointless but still a nice weapon for range.

And since you swap ends each round I think it's fine, just remove some nades from the bottom is all I ask.


Kydd BlaZe said:
Exactly. I mean, rushing head on into lancer fire should be instant death, but thats not what i'm complaining about. If this stopping power affects my ability to get away from fire (ie slowing my dodge roll) and makes me a sitting duck out in the open, then this is indeed game breaking.

Exactly. I've had instances where people would run at me with the shotty, and I'd be getting all my Lancer rounds into the guy and he'd come up close enough to kill me with one or two shots from the boomstick. I should have been better at aiming at his head...but this will prevent that sort of play from people, where they know that they can take constant Lancer hits and will survive long enough to get a couple of shots off at you.

To me, it makes a LOT of sense. It's a very reasonable and logical feature too, so I don't think too many will complain.

Full Recovery said:
I've heard Gears 2 will come with roughly a dozen maps, one of which is Gridlock.

My guess is: Gridlock, War Machine, and Fuel Depot

I don't see them remaking more than 3 maps, unless the community has a hard one for a particular map they miss.

Epic seems to have a track record of making tools very similar across their various engines, especially between upgrades to these engines. AFAIR, it wasn't too hard to upgrade your UT2K3 map to work in UT2K4. I'm looking at this situation in a similar light.

So looking at that...I would garner that it may not be as difficult or time consuming to simply port those maps over, than it would be for Bungie to port maps from their previous titles over.

If they sold a Gears 1 map pack as DLC I don't think that would be out of line. If some of the diehards want all of them...give it to them.

I like the idea of these remade maps because there could be some gameplay related tweaks to make them better.


I dont know what to think about those proximity mines. Maybe they will be a cool feature or cheap way to get kills. I cant wait to see the multiplayer videos so we can check how the new stuff works.


DaCocoBrova said:
Did GoW1 have any 'easter eggs'?

If you play rooftops, near one of the spawns there is a window adjacent and if you throw a smoke grendae in that window the shadows light up and you can see the sihlouette of a man sat on a toilet. You can even shoot him for added blood + Win.


Comics, serious business!
-ARNiE- said:
If you play rooftops, near one of the spawns there is a window adjacent and if you throw a smoke grendae in that window the shadows light up and you can see the sihlouette of a man sat on a toilet. You can even shoot him for added blood + Win.

Hehe, the only reason to play rooftops ;)


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
No cheat codes, modifiers or anything fun? They should work on that.


Some new EGM details:

Only returning MP maps are Gridlock and Subway

Locust Y execution will rip a guy's arm off and beat him to death with it...

If you go down with a frag in your hand, you can detonate it while you're downed, and take-out anyone trying to execute you.

You can call for help while downed and your indicator will flash on teammate's screens.

According to this the Gnasher is the one with the golf club finisher, and the Longshot gets slammed straight down on the enemy's skull, butt-first. Looks like the melee executions will still be the quickest way to execute someone up close, taking reportedly, a half-second...

ARing the Scorcher increases its effective range.

All grenades can be stuck to walls, and the smoke's blast will knock shields out of enemy hands.

Random weapon spawns will be sensitive to similar styles of weapons, so, the Longshot would be replaced by the Torque...

There appears to be a black-clad Theron-style locust with eerily familiar eyes and a suspicious, triangular, black marking on his head in one of the shots...

The Y button allows for a variety of executions, including the fist-pummeling for the COGs, the rip-the-arm-off move above for the Locust, and many weapon-specific executions, for instance, you can take the enemy's head, place it on the Torque's blade tip, and rip it off with your foot.

When using a shield, any exposed body parts are still fair game.

Passing mention of a new "Wall hugging" ability. Not sure what that refers to.

taken while dead will be scored based on variables such as how many particle effects are present, or how close to centered the enemies are, is there blood or an execution present... The system was likened to Pokemon Snap or Dead Rising. The images will have their own Leaderboards so players can compete for who has the best screenshots.

The meatflag in Meatflag is a loudmouth Stranded. The scoring area in MF will move around to various locations after a while.

The new Locust pistol is once again called the Gorgon. I suspect Medusa was a mistake.

Solid cover will not be completely destructible (at least in MP) but you will be able to chip away a couple inches to get a slight angle on someone.


I was reading the captions on the EGM article, one says that Epic hinted at AI bots available in Multiplayer.

Also, players can vote for which map they want next in the lobby.


Only returning MP maps are Gridlock and Subway

Very awesome, I kinda expected Subway to return since it was kinda the Gridlock of the DLC. Great map.

Locust Y execution will rip a guy's arm off and beat him to death with it...

So fucking badass!

If you go down with a frag in your hand, you can detonate it while you're downed, and take-out anyone trying to execute you.

I actually like this... very cool idea.


Subway? Huh?

Uh, maybe the gameplay has changed in a way that would make Subway more compelling, but it really was a pretty "who cares?" map.


EGM weapon details:

Scorcher Flamethrower: Short range power weapon, active reload delivers a more effective range.

HammerBurst Assault Rifle: Tweaked for the more advanced players; semi auto, more accurate and does more damage per bullet than the lancer at long range, you can also fire more quickly by rapidly pulling the trigger.

Boltok pistol: now fires more quickly after an active reload.

Gorgon Burst Pistol:
Has two clips, allows for a fast rate of fire. Works well with shield.

Smoke grenades:
initial blast now temporarily disables players and causes them to drop sheilds

Poison grenades: can be tagged on enemies causing slow death, linger too long and you die.

More to come: Epic told us that they have plenty of other new weapons to reveal at a later date, including some in the superweapons class (alongside the hammer of dawn).
We got some hint of a mortar-type weapon along those lines.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Just read the details myself and I love that if you get downed with a grenade in your hand, you can pull off a Martydom move when they attempt to execute you by pressing the R-trigger, and then you'll both die - nice!

Calling for help while downed is also nice too...

Crawling away while downed (mentioned in an interview already, but still) is pretty huge, and I love it - the EGM also stated that the A-button tapping that helps you to crawl doesn't extend your bleed-out time anymore either...

I'm surprised by the choice of Subway returning, but it really is top 3 in popularity when searching for maps...

Oh, and the curbstomp animation has been changed as well - now you flip them over before you stomp their heads...

Man, the EGM really has quite a bit more info than the other mags, and reading it all got me even more pumped for the game than before!

The new MP map River looks beautiful BTW...


Skilotonn said:
Man, the EGM really has quite a bit more info than the other mags, and reading it all got me even more pumped for the game than before!
You know, people can say what they want about EGM, but they have some really informative and interesting cover/previews. I read the original Halo 3 cover story from them regularly until the game came out, because it was just so packed with info.

I can't wait for EGM to come for me. :D


_dementia said:
Mine has an alternate cover with Baird being used as one of those new Priest-looking locusts' human shield. Pretty crazy.

:lol Baird is ALWAYS the one being killed whenever there is an image from Gears... like the one image from Gears 1 when he's about to be curbstomped, and then the one from the scans of the UK OXM where he's about to get beat to death by a Locust and now this! Epic has it out for ol' Baird.
Wow, great new info. Subways probably one of the last maps I'd want to be brought back. Its interesting, but I can't say I'd ever want it back in Gears 2.


Aww, according to the magazine the video footage is coming late June, not on the 3rd as suspected :(

EGM Extras: Make sure to check EGM.1UP.com for even more on Gears of War 2's multiplayer, including additional hands-on impressions and video footage in late June.
I can't believe we're going to see a game outsell Halo 3 so soon.

I absolutely cannot wait for this one, every new detail is better than the last.

An official four player co-op announcement would make this pretty much game of this gen for me.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
the disgruntled gamer said:
You know, people can say what they want about EGM, but they have some really informative and interesting cover/previews. I read the original Halo 3 cover story from them regularly until the game came out, because it was just so packed with info.

I can't wait for EGM to come for me. :D

Yup, read that issue quite a few times when I flew back home for vacation, as well as on the flight back too...

And this one is getting bought too, unfortunately I have to wait for it to get imported here - I had my sis buy me the Halo 3 EGM in advance till I flew home...

Not to mention the guy that wrote the X360 Gears 2 preview tried a little too hard to be "funny" while the EGM is just chock-full of useful info - props to whoever wrote that Gears 2 flowchart for the options when downed/downing someone - nicely done!


2 Minutes Turkish said:
I can't believe we're going to see a game outsell Halo 3 so soon.

I absolutely cannot wait for this one, every new detail is better than the last.

An official four player co-op announcement would make this pretty much game of this gen for me.

So true. Every time new details are released I wonder how it can get any better than that... and then the next time something is released it completely blows the last details out of the water. This game won't stop giving :D
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