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Georgia and Russia at war

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besada said:
The U.S. and Poland finally pull the trigger on the anti-missile defence deal. Included in the deal is a defensive pact to come to each other's aid "in case of trouble".

Nope, no negative repercussions for Russia at all.


Makes sense. Poland is one of the few countries in that part of the world excluding primary allies in Europe the US would likely go to war to protect very quickly.


The prime minister of Turkey is ethnically Georgian, and i read somewhere they have sent in some commando's.

Here is a clip of them in action. They look pretty good.


Though on a serious note i can see a Turkey, Russia alliance in the future, they seem to have more in common then they ever did in the past.


Junior Member
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has criticised Georgia’s relationship with the U.S. in the aftermath of the trouble in South Ossetia. In a news conference he addressed a wide range of issues surrounding the future of the Caucasus region including Abkhazia, the role of the U.S. and media coverage of the conflict.

“The repercussions of blood spilled in the Caucasus will last for centuries, not decades. We can now start counting centuries from August 8, 2008,” he said.

“It’s an open secret – Western analysts have been writing about it, that the current Georgian leadership is a special project of the United States. And of course it must be hurtful to see a protégé making such a sleazy performance.”

Found that wandering the web.



Look at this, it's how things work in the so-called 'free-west'.


Reuters (or someone associated with them) forge it, western media like Fox, BBC, CNN picks it up and runs with it often none-the-wiser, and a picture is painted of Russia, the evil aggressor in the minds of allegedly free-thinking western people. Usually western propaganda is a lot more subtle (this is embarrassing quite frankly), but it should be a timely reminder that we aren't free, we only think we are. He who controls the information frames the debate. And here the debate is being framed as 'Russia killed these poor civilians' when it's a complete and total fabrication in this case.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
xabre said:
Look at this, it's how things work in the so-called 'free-west'.


Reuters (or someone associated with them) forge it, western media like Fox, BBC, CNN picks it up and runs with it often none-the-wiser, and a picture is painted of Russia, the evil aggressor in the minds of allegedly free-thinking western people. Usually western propaganda is a lot more subtle (this is embarrassing quite frankly), but it should be a timely reminder that we aren't free, we only think we are. He who controls the information frames the debate. And here the debate is being framed as 'Russia killed these poor civilians' when it's a complete and total fabrication in this case.

Dude in the black shirt looks different than the dude in the next 2 pics to me.

qcf x2

Reverse propaganda? Not going to work. Those photos are not even stated to be sequential. The guy crying is pretty obviously NOT the guy in the black shirt. There is nothing even remotely suspicious about the pictures. A guy sees his brother/friend is a victim and he runs outside without having time to throw on a shirt. After the body is removed he puts on a shirt and the reality of the situation hits him again as he cries.

Nice try, at stirring the pot, I guess? I mean, not really. It's a pretty poor effort.


xabre said:
Look at this, it's how things work in the so-called 'free-west'.


Reuters (or someone associated with them) forge it, western media like Fox, BBC, CNN picks it up and runs with it often none-the-wiser, and a picture is painted of Russia, the evil aggressor in the minds of allegedly free-thinking western people. Usually western propaganda is a lot more subtle (this is embarrassing quite frankly), but it should be a timely reminder that we aren't free, we only think we are. He who controls the information frames the debate. And here the debate is being framed as 'Russia killed these poor civilians' when it's a complete and total fabrication in this case.
what the fuck was that

"The other body is carried by medics, carried as if it was a dead body, but you can notice that the hand of a person is holding a woman medic's sleeve."
-- or the person is seriously injured and being carried

"Now on this picture we see a crying man and a body in his hands. But look closely! This is the same checkered shirt, same trousers and shoes, the same person. So does it mean that the crying man took the body brought it some place else?"
-- no, maybe the picture is taken from the opposite angle

"And again if you look close enough you can notice that the guy crying is the person in black from the previous picture."
-- errr, not so sure about that

"Now here he is again, alone still with some clothes on, or may be he got changed."
-- or maybe this picture was taken beforehand

"Generally if you see the pictures you can notice that nothing happens around the scene. No people running, and there are actually not a lot of people for a big residential building area if it was really bombed."
-- abandoned

"except maybe for one guy in black who doesn't look anyhow concerned."
-- gee maybe he stepped out of character for a moment!


qcf x2 said:
Reverse propaganda? Not going to work.

Why? Not necessarily in this case, but why won't reverse (meaning western) propaganda work?

The guy crying is pretty obviously NOT the guy in the black shirt.

I don't think it's so obvious but it doesn't matter either way does it? It illustrates the point of how propaganda happens in the west.


xabre said:
It illustrates the point of how propaganda happens in the west.
no, it doesn't

propaganda does happen in the west. of course it does. who disputes that? but this is a terrible effort at evidence. not one point on that page was at all convincing.


xabre said:
Look at this, it's how things work in the so-called 'free-west'.


Reuters (or someone associated with them) forge it, western media like Fox, BBC, CNN picks it up and runs with it often none-the-wiser, and a picture is painted of Russia, the evil aggressor in the minds of allegedly free-thinking western people. Usually western propaganda is a lot more subtle (this is embarrassing quite frankly), but it should be a timely reminder that we aren't free, we only think we are. He who controls the information frames the debate. And here the debate is being framed as 'Russia killed these poor civilians' when it's a complete and total fabrication in this case.

Your idiocy knows no bounds if you truly believe Reuters fabricate stories.

Jesus fucking christ.


avaya said:
Your idiocy knows no bounds if you truly believe Reuters fabricate stories.

Don't give me that shit.


Beyond photos, I've seen time and time again stories sourced from agencies like Reuters and run without alteration in western media markets that contain a heap of bias and slant. Don't give me this shit that Reuters is this perfectly neutral organization because it isn't.


Socreges said:
first admit that you can't dispute our posts and the link you provided is completely ridiculous.

Why should I say it's ridiculous? I'll say it is probably wrong, but it isn't ridiculous. Questioning sources of information is the right thing to do, right or wrong, that isn't ridiculous at all.

That link is a blog entry, the guy has a theory. That's it.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
There's no truly unbias news agency in the world because the human element is always involved.

But at the same time, you're coming in here giving 100% credence to a Russian guy who posts laughable "evidence" of scene manipulation. That same guy, most likely, has had Russia's talking points pounded into his head by a media that's undeniably controlled by the Kremlin.


Lost Fragment said:
But at the same time, you're coming in here giving 100% credence to a Russian guy who posts laughable "evidence" of scene manipulation.

Because it isn't the first time this has happened.


xabre said:
Don't give me that shit.


Beyond photos, I've seen time and time again stories sourced from agencies like Reuters and run without alteration in western media markets that contain a heap of bias and slant. Don't give me this shit that Reuters is this perfectly neutral organization because it isn't.

You can believe your conspiracy theory bullshit if you want. That's your perogative.


xabre said:
Because it isn't the first time this has happened.

That's a convincing argument. You have thus convinced me. It has happened before, so it must have happened now as well.

Hey how about this: Russia started all of this by staging a false flag attack. It has happened before.
Not defending the conspiracy theories, but if someone DID want to manipulate us through the western media, it would be fucking easy. No one would believe it.


Mango Positive said:
Not defending the conspiracy theories, but if someone DID want to manipulate us through the western media, it would be fucking easy. No one would believe it.

Manipulating people through media is indeed easy (and there is a good example of it in this very conflict). The hard part would be to get all the major media outlets to play along. Or at least so I'd hope.


You know, I'm kinda expecting to find a letter inviting me to some nice refresher training from the army some time in the future.


avaya said:
Your idiocy knows no bounds if you truly believe Reuters fabricate stories.

Jesus fucking christ.

Your ignorance knows no bounds if you think western propaganda doesn't extent to semi-fabricated stories from the press. Look at how Russia Venezuela Iran and Cuba are depicted from the western press. You think that's the reality?


xabre said:
Because it isn't the first time this has happened.
Listen to yourself dude, you're giving a huge amount of credibility to some dude in a blog with a theory that was harshly debunked while at the *same time* criticising people for giving Reuters the benefit of the doubt. Don't you see the problem with that? You're the one blindly accepting laughable sources just because they jibe with your worldview while completely dismissing sources that don't.

How many people do you think read that blog and think his 'evidence' is worth a damn?



Saw it on CNN (not on their site yet).

WASHINGTON - Iraqi Shiite assassination teams are being trained in at least four locations in Iran by Tehran's elite Quds force and Lebanese Hezbollah and are planning to return to Iraq in the next few months to kill specific Iraqi officials as well as U.S. and Iraqi troops, according to intelligence gleaned from captured militia fighters and other sources in Iraq.

Looks like the reasons to invade Iran are mounting?


Er, wrong thread? Also damn it all Iran is on good terms with the Iraqi government without having to do a damn thing so there's no damn motivation.


It could be a preemptive move by the US to pressure Russia not to respond to the US-Poland missile deal by giving weapons to Iran.


Lost Fragment said:
There's no truly unbiased news agency in the world because the human element is always involved.

Seriously, why do so many people fuck up the word "bias"?
"This is an example of bias"
"You are biased"
"My personal bias is evident"
"It's a biased survey; the bias is rife"
Sir Fragula said:

Seriously, why do so many people fuck up the word "bias"?
"This is an example of bias"
"You are biased"
"My personal bias is evident"
"It's a biased survey; the bias is rife"

cry moar lol.

Kidding, I hate that shit too.


Funky Papa said:
Turkish journalists shot in Georgia


It's a damn miracle nobody died. I'm not sure who was firing though, maybe some our resident Turks can translate it for the rest.

Well it happened on Sunday.

Once the video cuts to the vehicle you can hear one of the guys saying that what they see must be Georgian forces, when the shooting starts. One of the guys is immediately hit, I don't know where though. They actually try to back up, which leads to more shooting. Then they start praying for a moment before yelling "Press". After the shooting stops they check up on each other while trying to keep their heads low. One of them has a head wound while another was hit in the arm. They get out and take off their shirts to wrap it around the head of the injured guy. After that they don't really say anything in Turkish anymore and start walking towards the Russian/Ossetian forces.


xabre said:
I don't think it's so obvious but it doesn't matter either way does it? It illustrates the point of how propaganda happens in the west.

Seems to me you just proved there's propaganda coming from Russia and you bought it hook, line, and sinker without a shred of evidence. Congratulations.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Poland's acceptance of the US/NATO missile shield should vastly complicate matters and relations between the US and Russia. a more cynical scorcho (where Cheney is an evil robot) wonders whether US relations towards Georgia and the Ukraine was partly an attempt to provoke a disproportionate Russian response that melted away Polish resistance.

conspiracy theory aside, that the US will now 'temporarily' augment Poland's eastern border with troops and arms makes naked the Cold War-era thinking for the missile shield in the first place.


scorcho said:
wonders whether US relations towards Georgia and the Ukraine was partly an attempt to provoke a disproportionate Russian response that melted away Polish resistance.

Except Poland's resistance has largely been over the fact they wanted more weapons than the U.S. was willing to give (specifically batteries of Patriot Missiles that aren't part of a missile shield).

Until this week, we'd refused to give them the Patriots. Now they get the Missile Shield, the Patriots, American forces to train and work the Patriots, and a defensive pact with the U.S.

And a threat of getting nuked by Russia.


besada said:
Except Poland's resistance has largely been over the fact they wanted more weapons than the U.S. was willing to give (specifically batteries of Patriot Missiles that aren't part of a missile shield).

Until this week, we'd refused to give them the Patriots. Now they get the Missile Shield, the Patriots, American forces to train and work the Patriots, and a defensive pact with the U.S.

And a threat of getting nuked by Russia.

Just saw an article talking about that. Russia is good at its rhetoric but Poland isnt Georgia and they know they dont have a foot to stand on Militarily this time to push Poland around. The US is actually playing the cards Russia did now. We are placing US Military Personnel in the front lines of Poland so if Russia does attack it will be a direct attack on American Forces.


The Missle Defence shield is a crock of shit, it doesn't work and is decades away from working and by that time they will probably have ICBM's that can defeat it. At the moment any multiple warhead missle will penetrate the shield very easily. The whole thing is a waste of time.

The Russian's won't attack Poland.

Xenu said:
Your ignorance knows no bounds if you think western propaganda doesn't extent to semi-fabricated stories from the press. Look at how Russia Venezuela Iran and Cuba are depicted from the western press. You think that's the reality?

You are banned, I don't know for what.

FWIW I have gone to uni with Russian's, I have close friends who are Russian's, throughout my working life I have worked with Russian's, and I have been to Russia many times. The City of London is jam packed full of CIS new money.


They may think the story has been fabricated by Western powers and certainly many of them thought the poisoning of Litvinienko at Itsu London was a load of shit. They think the sources of the stories are FULL OF SHIT. Not the news organisations who report based on these sources.

Reuters is an independent news organisation. The BBC is the most neutral state owned news organisation in the world and will poke shit at anyone who isn't the Royal Family. This includes the very government who fund it and they regularly shit on the government, no holds barred. Every politician interviewed or given airtime is immediately treated as though they are a total cunt, even before they start speaking.

Some of the comments in this thread about the BBC are fucking comical. You watch 1years of domestic BBC News and you will be blown away by just how much a state owned organisation goes out of it's way to trash the very body that funds it. This is because the BBC is truly INDEPENDENT. For some of the conspiracy theorists in this thread that is hard to grasp.

The commercial networks of whom Reuters belongs to but doesn't play into (if you work in Finance you will know why), will make fabrications - NOT because of propaganda but because crazy shit sells. This is Murdoch's number one rule in business. All News Corp outlets like to spread shit. This isn't an organised propaganda machine it is business decision.

One of the facts of the matter is that Putin is a crazy motherfucker. Cuba has got some real issues and the portrayal of Venezuela is damn right wrong because all they did was take back control of what was theirs in the first place and this happened to hurt big oil and subsequently hit a note with Murdoch the shit spreader cunt.


The missile shields a joke in the sense that against Russia it is totally useless. If Nuclear War were to break out between the United States and Russia the sheer number of ICBMs launching from both sides would overwhelm the system instantly.

The System is totally ineffective against Russia and could never pose a threat to the Balance of Power as Russia calls it. Against Iran and countries like that sure it likely would get the job done cause Iran is not sitting on 8,000 Nukes.

Russia only gives a shit because we are giving weapons to countries near them
So what exactly is the full story here? Anyone want to attempt to give an impartial assessment of what's going on?

I don't trust the US media for an accurate account. During the Israel-Lebanon conflict two years ago, the coverage was completely one-sided. I don't buy into conspiracy theories, I just think we tend to give favorable/sympathetic coverage to the party we're backing so we don't get the full story.
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