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Giant Bombcast - 02/10/15

Also it's 4.5 thousand dollars for Train Simulator 2015 DLC now.


With all those savings that's almost a bargin!

In regards to the Majora's Mask discussion, I don't think the emotional responses should come as a surprise to anyone. This is the third week in a row that Brad and Jeff shit on a well-loved game, implied that it was objectively bad and litterally made poop noizes when the game was brought up. Of course some people are going to respond in kind. Writting that off as nostaligia or fanboyism seems pretty elitist.


Neo Member
Seeing someone type out "The Mid-90s n64 Nostalgia Effect" might be the most dismissive thing I've seen in a long time.

And I don't even like majora.
Seeing someone type out "The Mid-90s n64 Nostalgia Effect" might be the most dismissive thing I've seen in a long time.

And I don't even like majora.

Why? I see the same thing in pro wrestling fandom, where people think the current day product sucks, but they love the product when they first started watching, even if the product then had some of the same issues.

Or in comics, where you have comic writers coming in and trying to change the status quo to how it was when they started reading (hello Geoff Johns bringing Hal back to life.)

Nostalgia googles are a thing.


At the very least more of the crew would be willing to play the next game at least.

It's still a JRPG, though, so we'll see.

Got to the P5 mention; would have been neat if they had mentioned/noticed it was about pulling off heists. Jeff's mention that this could be Persona's breakthrough is what I think.
Wind waker is a bad game.

-Distance between islands (it was originally there for a reason but I don't think that stops it from being bad)
-aesthetically and mechanically simple dungeons.
-Tedium of wind waking to change wind direction and between characters.
-Having to talk to a fish and hear the same dialogue over and over and over and over.
-Mistakes or wanting to access certain areas means a lot of repetition. (The tree: which I accidentally jumped off without changing the wind, and then another time missed the isle I was aiming for (even then you still have to climb up there multiple times to get everything); and the fortress: the worst Zelda dungeon I've played.
-And the bad final dungeon where the game fades to things I've already done.


Why? I see the same thing in pro wrestling fandom, where people think the current day product sucks, but they love the product when they first started watching, even if the product then had some of the same issues.

Or in comics, where you have comic writers coming in and trying to change the status quo to how it was when they started reading (hello Geoff Johns bringing Hal back to life.)

Nostalgia googles are a thing.

Maybe you're just a little too young. You'll understand why it's a bullshit argument when you're older.
Boy, you'd think Jeff scored Majora's Mask an 8.8 going by this thread.

Well he didn't...he gave it an an 8.3. But! he said this, which is just a nicer way of what he said now

Majora's Mask is a great game, but it isn't for everybody. Even though it uses the same engine that drove Ocarina of Time, and the gameplay is the same on the surface, the adventure is extremely different. Some will appreciate the game's differences, while others will find the game's focus on minigames and side quests tedious and slightly out of place. While the game definitely has a lot going for it, and in the end comes together in a pretty tight package, skeptics should definitely rent this one first


I love that Jeff did his Modern Warfare rank-up noise again. One of my favourite Bombcast moments:


Oh god, I thought I was the only one. <3 Only thing funnier this week was Brad's impassioned defense of Big the Cat.

Re: Majora's Mask, I am so sorely tempted to give this game a whirl. I get the impression that I would find it interesting because I really loved Link to the Past but, for one reason or another, I've found every 3-D Zelda I've tried somewhat monotonous and same-y. I did get about two-thirds of the way through Wind Waker, but even then I just kind of put it down due to lack of interest. Something about the tired old feeling of "Zelda logic" just makes me feel like I've already played every single game, even though I haven't finished a single one.

So on the one hand, Majora ostensibly twists these kinds of well-worn Zelda puzzle solutions on their sides ... but on the other hand, I don't know if I know enough about Ocarina to really appreciate Majora as a B-side version of it. Any suggestions?


Neo Member
Also, didn't jeff give majoras mask an 8.5 or something? So I mean theoretically there's some people out there who bought a game he thought was crap because of his review?

I don't really care, I think jeff is at his best when he's shit talking other games anyway.

Edit: maybe read the posts above me first
I like to think that having played hundreds if not thousands of games over the course of 30+ years, I'm pretty good at knowing what I do and don't like. But what do I know.
I was actually being tongue in cheek, though I would say you've gone a bit beyond just stating your preferences in these arguments.

Okay, informal poll for Majora fans: how old were you when the game came out? I need to know how much the Mid-'90s Nostalgia Effect is a factor in this discussion. I bet it's more than a lot of people would willingly admit. Only way I can explain the batshit vehement defenses of the game every time we talk about it.

I played it about 5 years ago and ended up thinking it was one of the better 3D Zeldas. But I don't have a particularly high opinion of 3D Zelda games outside of Ocarina of Time. Majora at least isn't a filler laden and dreadfully paced experience like the rest of the post OOT games. Even the original release of Wind Waker wasn't that great beyond the art style. It had poor dungeons, the sailing was a chore, and it was padded out with nonsense to hide the fact that the game was rushed.


I loved the Majora's Mask discussion :lol obviously Jeff and Brad were playing around a bit, like saying it wasn't a "real" Zelda game. Just bustin' Dan's balls.


Why? I see the same thing in pro wrestling fandom, where people think the current day product sucks, but they love the product when they first started watching, even if the product then had some of the same issues.

Or in comics, where you have comic writers coming in and trying to change the status quo to how it was when they started reading (hello Geoff Johns bringing Hal back to life.)

Nostalgia googles are a thing.

Get this: If you like something, and then twenty years pass, that doesn't automatically make the thing you like garbage. If it did, there would be no goddamn point in reading books or watching tv shows or movies or listening to music or playing video games that were made before the nineties. Nostalgia is indeed a thing that exists, but it doesn't matter that it exists. Critique of any given work is an analysis of the work itself, not an analysis of the imaginary mental illness of its fans that you can't accurately diagnose. "You just like it because of nostalgia" isn't an argument, it's white noise from dullards who have nothing to say about a subject but still insist that their negative subjective opinion of something old is objectively correct and superior to positive subjective opinions of the thing because it is old.


the holder of the trombone
Love Brad but dismissing someone's opinion as mid 90s n64 nostalgia effect is pretty shitty.

Like I honestly don't like quake at all but I'm not going to dismiss his love of it as mid 90s PC nostalgia effect.

Not even taking a side in this Zelda discussion because I've never played the series.
Love Brad but dismissing someone's opinion as mid 90s n64 nostalgia effect is pretty shitty.

30+ years experience trumps 25+ years experience - it's just math.

My frustration came from that he is so strongly against a game where he admitted to just passing the initial clock town section the week prior. It'd be fine if he was able to back up his opinion like Dan does.

Don't know why WW is on a pedestal when it has the most boring dungeons of all the 3D games I've played (haven't tried SS).


Okay, informal poll for Majora fans: how old were you when the game came out? I need to know how much the Mid-'90s Nostalgia Effect is a factor in this discussion. I bet it's more than a lot of people would willingly admit. Only way I can explain the batshit vehement defenses of the game every time we talk about it.

10 years old. Never owned an N64 or a PS1. Been playing the original version (on Wii Virtual Console) for the first time; almost done with it. It's a damn fine game with some glaring flaws. Easily one of the most interesting games I've played, and surprisingly heartwarming too.

Roll your eyes if you want, but people who are in their 20s now were little kids when the N64 and PSX were big, and those happen to be the platforms and games people get weirdly defensive about on the regular.

Edit: For example, the people in this thread acting like I'm not allowed to dislike a game I bought at release and didn't care for after playing it a few hours. Are you surprised I'm trying to psychoanalyze that kind of nonsense?

Didn't you say that upon release you didn't even get the ocarina back? That's the opening hour of the game, not a few hours. And last podcast it seemed like you just got past the opening hour in the 3DS version.

People are getting weirdly defensive because Jeff goes weirdly offensive when it comes to Majora's Mask. I don't mind if Jeff says that MM is a steaming bag of shit, since that's his usual "hater" schtick, but to repeat it over and over again to Dan is overkill. Honestly it makes Jeff seem like a teenage geek who can't tolerate any opinions that deviate from his.


Every single Zelda game that's old enough for people who were kids when it came out to now be older than 20 has a nostalgia defense force, but I'd say that's because they were all pretty good games instead of it being because they were all secretly bad games.


Every single Zelda game that's old enough for people who were kids when it came out to now be older than 20 has a nostalgia defense force, but I'd say that's because they were all pretty good games instead of it being because they were all secretly bad games.

While there's definitely a nostalgia glasses factor around Nintendo in particular, honestly it never makes for a good argument in a discussion because it always just comes off looking like an ad hominem attack. You're much better off just describing actual specific things you think are wrong with a game.


That free to play story reminded me of a chat i had with a Brewers club house attendant. During the 2013 season like 20 of the players got super into whatever the FTP hotness was at the time and he tallied up the total spent at the end of the year and it was over a half million.

Every now and then you'll see stories about athletes getting super into these games. Based on the frequency of these stories, I'm pretty convinced that just the pro athlete crowd could sustain the business model without much trouble.
I'm disappointed they didn't read my Phish email, nor anyone else's, after last week's surprise mini-discussion about the band.

I was gonna write in too, but I really didn't think they actually wanted to go there. It's hard to want to see Phish get shit on by these guys and that's really probably all that would end up happening. Drew seems like he could be dragged out to a Phish show though.


Roll your eyes if you want, but people who are in their 20s now were little kids when the N64 and PSX were big, and those happen to be the platforms and games people get weirdly defensive about on the regular.

Edit: For example, the people in this thread acting like I'm not allowed to dislike a game I bought at release and didn't care for after playing it a few hours. Are you surprised I'm trying to psychoanalyze that kind of nonsense?

just curious, will you give the remake a chance?


I was gonna write in too, but I really didn't think they actually wanted to go there. It's hard to want to see Phish get shit on by these guys and that's really probably all that would end up happening. Drew seems like he could be dragged out to a Phish show though.

Yeah I'm sure they got flooded with emails, probably some from the more annoying fans, and they brushed them aside. I think they mostly have their minds set on the band, and I'd just like to hear them go in on them because I think it'd be funny. I could see Drew going, and possibly Dan actually since he has given things he used to shit on a fair shake (D&D, Anime), so we'll see.

As for Brad and Majora's Mask, I think the issue is that a few weeks ago you said you made it out of the first cycle and put it down. I think maybe you even sounded interested in returning to it with the new version but never did. Then this week you come out swinging, agreeing with what Jeff says, without seeming to play any more of the game. I think if you had played more of the new version, got a decent way in, and had your opinion, then people wouldn't be as upset (except the crazy fans, but you were never going to appease them anyway). It's just the sudden shift from "I played it once for an hour and put it down" to "that game is not a real Zelda, it wasn't good", etc. It's fine to have that opinion, some people do. MM is by far the most different Zelda, so it turned some people off. But that weird about face was confusing to see.


Super Sleuth
Lol, calling Majoras Mask a pile of dogshit and then calling people who hated Windwaker assholes.

It was a hilarious rant that nobody should put any stock into. They were not presenting valid arguments against the game. They were just presenting their opinion on the quality in a way to create a laugh.


I think its totally fine that Jeff and i guess Brad dont like Majoras mask but i feel like for the past 4 weeks its been brought up just to be shat on and like 5 minutes of unsubstantial ranting about the game got old on the second week. I dont care if they hate the game forever just.....dont bring it up guys


I was listening to it again tday, I kept laughing quite hard at Jeffs rant about Majora Mask being a Gaiden game.

Dan: Huh? Majora's Mask isn'ta side-story
Brad: Majora Mask is the definition of a side story
Jeff: Gaiden means side Story and Majora Mask is one.
Dan: What about Ninja Gaiden?
Jeff: Yep, Ninja Side Story
Brad: Where is Ninja then?
Jeff: They fucked it up


I know I'm super late (I listen to these like 40 minutes at a time between commutes) but that "Zelda Gaiden" rant was incredible. And like Dan, I am genuinely surprised Jeff likes Wind Waker that much.
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