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Gran Turismo 5 Review Thread


J-Rzez said:
Unfortunately, said reviewers don't attack other games for having glaring issues, and they don't even wince when they're actually FACTUALLY wrong about a game and it's features in their review.

Gaming journalism is dead, it's been dead for years now. There's no real unbiased, agenda wielding, greased-palm review site out there unfortunately, just wish there was at least one that would be factually correct on game features even. But even that's asking too much.

Maybe you should be that one? Could you imagine if you, the one person in the world being factually correct in reviews, was out there saving humanity from the evils of every other publication? You'd be a millionaire!
Mar said:
Maybe you should be that one? Could you imagine if you, the one person in the world being factually correct in reviews, was out there saving humanity from the evils of every other publication? You'd be a millionaire!



Mar said:
Maybe you should be that one? Could you imagine if you, the one person in the world being factually correct in reviews, was out there saving humanity from the evils of every other publication? You'd be a millionaire!

Well, I'd be "factually correct" in features and such elements of the game. Can't say my preferences wouldn't shine through though, like my Sim >>>>> Arcade racer preferences. Nothing wrong with opinions, they just need to be factually sound at least as well.

MMaRsu said:
Uhm what about Edge.

They have their agendas. Not the only, but most notably, just to say shit with $2 words to cause a stir of controversy to generate hits, advertising, hype, whatever.


J-Rzez said:
People shouldn't be surprised here with Edge for multiple reasons of course.

Gaming journalism is dead, it's been dead for years now. There's no real unbiased, agenda wielding, greased-palm review site out there unfortunately, just wish there was at least one that would be factually correct on game features even. But even that's asking too much.

Uhm what about Edge.


Lagspike_exe said:
Proven bias.

:lol You mean those hilarious stats that are somehow meant to prove that Edge are inherently biased against Sony because they marked some PS3 exclusives below the metacritic average? You guys can't have your cake and eat it, you can't claim metacritic and most games journalism is rubbish and then start using it as a metric to judge Edge's scores by. Not that it proves anything anyway. You draw the conclusions you want to see from the data. You could just as easily claim, from the very same stats, that the majority of sites have been guilty of buying into the hype that surrounds many PS3 exclusives.

And as I've said several times before, the idea that Edge is biased against the PS3 could only come from people who have never read the magazine. For a long time around the PS3's launch their general editorial tone was very pro-Sony at a time when the company was being bashed left right and centre.


J-Rzez said:
Because there's a ton of different things to experience in general in the game as well?
Like what?

What have I not yet experienced at level 15 that is going to significantly change my opinion about the game?

The major problems that I had in my first hour with the game are the same major problems I have with it now:

  • The online lobby system is dumb and antiquated. Who thought it was a good idea to let anyone in a game launch it?
  • The AI is pretty substandard, generally unaffected by my presence on the track.
  • The less said about the game's user interface, the better.
  • It doesn't matter if the rain on the windshield reacts to acceleration and breaking when it looks so damn bad to begin with.

Also, if you want reviews to ignore the six year development cycle with all the hoping and anticipation that comes along with it, fine, let's be fair about it.
  • The fact that there are 800 PS2-era standard cars in the game - with no cockpit view - is the absolute worst. I don't care how detailed the 200 premium car models in the game are in photo mode, or how much time it time it took to model them.
  • The up-rezed tracks are lazy. The fact that many of the tracks contain two-dimensional trees in a new game in the Gran Turismo series on the PlayStation 3 platform is baffling.


Other "Reviewers" are here to protect the gamer though of course, standing up against the mighty king of sim games, who has put the genre on the map, for taking their sweet time building the most complete and feature packed game ever for just $60. Not to mention how many times it's obvious they revamped the physics model. Instead, they'd rather applaud developers who pump out sequel after sequel in a years time with updates so small you have to be beaten over the head to even notice them.

GT5 has it's flaws of course, some very glaring considering what we expected out of it, but the goods far and aways outweigh the bads, and the "highs" are on a totally different level than anything we had to date before. But the reviewers will attack the hell out of this game for obvious reason again. Unfortunately, said reviewers don't attack other games for having glaring issues, and they don't even wince when they're actually FACTUALLY wrong about a game and it's features in their review.

Gaming journalism is dead, it's been dead for years now. There's no real unbiased, agenda wielding, greased-palm review site out there unfortunately, just wish there was at least one that would be factually correct on game features even. But even that's asking too much.

:lol some of you are losing your goddamn minds.
sdornan said:
Like what?

What have I not yet experienced at level 15 that is going to significantly change my opinion about the game?


Keep playing and do some professional events when you are able to. You'll see.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
iam220 said:

Another review by a sim racer. It's pretty harsh ... but for the most part, fair.
review said:
With wheel in hand, GT5's handling stands head and shoulders above every other console sim, including Turn 10's fine effort. You can really feel the traction limit during a turn, and it's possible to nurse a car back from the brink of oversteer with some fine throttle feathering.
This. This is why I like this game so much.


marc^o^ said:
This. This is why I like this game so much.

Yes exactly. bunch of cars + bunch of tracks + great physics is all I really wanted from a console sim. This game delivered just that.

ssolitare said:
But they still didn't see how good the AI can be. They don't ram you from the back forever.

I haven't gotten to that point myself, and in any case it's a very poor design choice to dumb down the ai until you reach level X.


iam220 said:
Yes exactly. bunch of cars + bunch of tracks + great physics is all I really wanted from a console sim. This game delivered just that.

Agreed. And if PD follows through with what looks like solid post launch patching and support to smooth out the interface and a few graphical issues here and there, it's all gravy on top.


iam220 said:
Yes exactly. bunch of cars + bunch of tracks + great physics is all I really wanted from a console sim. This game delivered just that.

Pretty much. And if you're using a wheel, weather + Nascar + Go-karting + Rally = all kinds of diverse fun. If it didn't have the variety of racing it'd be that touch more monotonous.


nib95 said:
Pretty much. And if you're using a wheel, weather + Nascar + Go-karting + Rally = all kinds of diverse fun. If it didn't have the variety of racing it'd be that touch more monotonous.
I agree. I have not had this much fun with any racing game since GT1.

90% of racing games bore me to death after a few hours of play. Forza 3? Check. NFS Shift? Check. GT4? Check. GT5 Prologue? Check. GT5? Not at all. I'm craving to play it even as I type this post! D:

The driving model of GT5 feels unmatched compared to any other racer on the market. I think PD have built a decent base for the game. The engine and driving model is all there. Now they simply need to make sure the graphics are more consistent, better framerate, better loading times, improved A.I. behaviour, better sounds, more upgrade options, and more events.


-viper- said:
I agree. I have not had this much fun with any racing game since GT1.

90% of racing games bore me to death after a few hours of play. Forza 3? Check. NFS Shift? Check. GT4? Check. GT5 Prologue? Check. GT5? Not at all. I'm craving to play it even as I type this post! D:

The driving model feels unmatched on consoles.

Same sort of thing here. GT3 wow'd, GT4 bored. F2 added a new dimension mainly for the livery editor but even that got old after a while, and F3 was more of the same perhaps worse (I still personally prefer F2's driving physics) and GT5 does just enough to keep things constantly new and appealing.

If it's not A-Spec it's Special Events, Licenses, B-Spec or a constant barrage of gifted cars. It's glorious. As long as you mix it up, there's never really any moment where there isn't something to do, even if you fancy something completely different each time.


nib95 said:
If it's not A-Spec it's Special Events, Licenses, B-Spec or a constant barrage of gifted cars. It's glorious. As long as you mix it up, there's never really any moment where there isn't something to do, even if you fancy something completely different each time.

Or if you're like me, you'll have a blast just by running time trials ... over and over and over again. :)


J-Rzez said:
Gaming journalism is dead, it's been dead for years now. There's no real unbiased, agenda wielding, greased-palm review site out there unfortunately, just wish there was at least one that would be factually correct on game features even. But even that's asking too much.

My day to day life would be so much more interesting if a single letter of that paragraph was even remotely true. :lol
sdornan said:
Like what?

What have I not yet experienced at level 15 that is going to significantly change my opinion about the game?

The major problems that I had in my first hour with the game are the same major problems I have with it now:

  • The online lobby system is dumb and antiquated. Who thought it was a good idea to let anyone in a game launch it?
  • The AI is pretty substandard, generally unaffected by my presence on the track.
  • The less said about the game's user interface, the better.
  • It doesn't matter if the rain on the windshield reacts to acceleration and breaking when it looks so damn bad to begin with.

Also, if you want reviews to ignore the six year development cycle with all the hoping and anticipation that comes along with it, fine, let's be fair about it.
  • The fact that there are 800 PS2-era standard cars in the game - with no cockpit view - is the absolute worst. I don't care how detailed the 200 premium car models in the game are in photo mode, or how much time it time it took to model them.
  • The up-rezed tracks are lazy. The fact that many of the tracks contain two-dimensional trees in a new game in the Gran Turismo series on the PlayStation 3 platform is baffling.

You know what's funny, is I agree with every point you made. But here I am, craving to play the game and about to dump 100's in accessories to play it.
nib95 said:
Pretty much. And if you're using a wheel, weather + Nascar + Go-karting + Rally = all kinds of diverse fun. If it didn't have the variety of racing it'd be that touch more monotonous.

The racing is poor, racing only works when the AI is strong enough to make it interesting. GT 5's AI doesn't really make races memorable, the biggest problem is that the AI cars don't seem to be aware of you most of the time. The AI cars don't really take defensive lines when you are trying to overtake or even react to your presence in any way even on the AMG special events the slower cars would not move into the correct track position on a number of occasions. Sometimes the AI does behave brilliantly, I've seen cars try to overtake AI cars and get it completely outbreak themselves but those moments are too few and far between.

GT 5 is the a great driving experience, the best sim on consoles but the racing leaves a lot to be desired


ashbash159 said:
I read it and I have to agree with Dave's review. The summary at the bottom sums up my feelings perfectly.

The driving is so good I could drive for years but everything that isn't driving is shit.

As a 10 year GT5 fan..I expect the following from GT5:

1. Visuals - Delivered w/minor glitches. Like Kz2/Uc2 there will always be glitches. But these games including GT5 set the bar for console visuals, which can only be nitpicked, but not refuted.2. Physics - Delivered 100% Every reviewer admits this. 3. Racing friends online. Delivered.4. Tuning. Delivered.5. Better A.I - Delivered. A complaint of A.I following a race path is nonsense. most that are knee deep into GT are noticing problematic A.I drivers, especially when it comes to ramming back & messing up. If you judge it by you driving an overpowered car past A.I -- well Ok? 6. A sim to enjoy until the next one - Delivered.
7. Damage as good as the Definitive title of this gen. -Delivered.

What I didn't expect?
1. Photorealistic humans & Lipsync like Uncharted 2. ( driving sim? Toca is the bar as far as this goes.. and It does a decent job with characters. ) 2. 800 Standard cars in varying scale from PS2 to Hardly noticeable.. but not premium. 3. An easy arcade racer where everything is laid out for you.

My hype has been paid in full for $60.00. Too bad GT5's getting slaughtered by reviewers who clearly have a bone to pick with the length of time it took(Too Human/Alan Wake/Splinter Cell).. but to claim its in actuality a product to be scored 80/100 when a 90+ goes to something like F3 with a boatload of problems just not nitpicked over, is just absurd. I'm just glad this is a case of reviewers preaching to folks who aren't really GT customers to begin with. GT being a sim & selling as well as it has is phenomenal for a car sim. Sim's aren't exactly as in demand as FPS games, but its managed to do well. Race Pro, Enthusia, Toca, SegaGT, etc. All have done bubkis for the audience of simulation. PD's done some amazing work with the game. Has its flaws, but they are no bigger than any of our super-selling blockbuster titles out today.

GT has been hyped to be an amazing driving sim packed with features, and it has shipped a amazing driving sim packed with features. But since the building in the background of MSFlight is low polygon, that means its a bad game now? Is that the rule? Because Blackshark's trains are low res.. 4/10? The MENU is hard? Its just shocking to see so many say its an amazing sim, but a bad game... but ah well. All in all, I know GT5's sales will commend PD on their work, but its sad to see the measuring stick for this title being raised beyond godlike. It meets its hype, but so what, zoom in here... Is the attitude..
nib95 said:
Pretty much. And if you're using a wheel, weather + Nascar + Go-karting + Rally = all kinds of diverse fun. If it didn't have the variety of racing it'd be that touch more monotonous.

My thoughts exactly. Everytime I play GT5 it feels really fun and now I'm thinking of seriously getting a wheel. I didn't really enjoyed any racing game like this since NFS 2.
sdornan said:
Like what?

What have I not yet experienced at level 15 that is going to significantly change my opinion about the game?

The major problems that I had in my first hour with the game are the same major problems I have with it now:

  • The online lobby system is dumb and antiquated. Who thought it was a good idea to let anyone in a game launch it?
  • The AI is pretty substandard, generally unaffected by my presence on the track.
  • The less said about the game's user interface, the better.
  • It doesn't matter if the rain on the windshield reacts to acceleration and breaking when it looks so damn bad to begin with.

Also, if you want reviews to ignore the six year development cycle with all the hoping and anticipation that comes along with it, fine, let's be fair about it.
  • The fact that there are 800 PS2-era standard cars in the game - with no cockpit view - is the absolute worst. I don't care how detailed the 200 premium car models in the game are in photo mode, or how much time it time it took to model them.
  • The up-rezed tracks are lazy. The fact that many of the tracks contain two-dimensional trees in a new game in the Gran Turismo series on the PlayStation 3 platform is baffling.

As said, online lobby has already been updated with the option to allow only the owner to start the race. Personally, I think it's great there is an option to allow anyone to start a race as well. There are plenty of situations where this is a good idea, like when I'm hosting a lobby for my friends or others (good connection, only want to occasionally watch, or record the replays), or we're just with trusted friends in the first place. And the fact that you can be in a lobby with plenty of people, everyone can watch, you can free run then move on to race, you can set voice chat quality, you have modes which adapt to the skills of the players, etc do not make it antiquated.

For the AI, I'm finding the AI is actually excellent. If I'm much, much faster than them, they actually move out of the way. They generally brake in time, and know where I am in a corner. They attack, outbreak me, and they keep getting better and better as I level up. I haven't seen much better AI, and it's a huge improvement over GT4 (and some other titles I won't mention in this thread).

The user interface a mess? The way they made checking for online updates non-threaded was clumsy as well as underestimating first week demand. I say stuff it and spend a tonne that first week to make sure everyone gets a great impression by greatly exaggerating the available bandwidth, and then scale down as soon as you have reliable figures. But the game interface itself is actually fine. I do agree that it could have been better, like all previous GTs, and personally I would have given more prominence to the Special Events though, as they are awesome.

I think the rain effects are pretty good. The only time they're not awesome is when there's a lot of spray and you have that aliasing effect. But that's not nearly all the time. And at least it has rain. I liked the Special Event with the 300SL on the Ring a lot.

As for the 800 cars? I'd rather have them than not. Sure, they're not as nice as the 200 Premiums, but it still means that my car is in the game, and otherwise wouldn't have been. And it still means that racing categories are filled with more than a handful of different car models. I have a bigger problem with the lack of new models in the game - it is clear that the game was delayed from an earlier launch window, because there are more cars from 2008 than 2010 in the game. I hope they can find a way to make the modelling of the cars a little more efficient and do it in less than 6 months per car, so they can ramp up the DLC post-haste and release plenty of 2011 cars as they come from the tradeshows and dealers next year. And the old cars still drive great too.

As for the tracks? Again, they could have stuck more time in making the older tracks look nicer. But to say that they've been lazy? I doubt that. These guys have been working non-stop. At best you can claim they have been dividing their time unevenly. Stunning as they look, I think I could have lived with fewer Photo Travel locations (some of which are amazingly detailed and animated) and have them put that energy into the tracks instead. Sure, research into Photo-Mode is also preparation work for the next generation, there's no question about that, but they could have done a little better I think.

All in all though, they've given us a tonne of game, and I've already played it more in its first week than I've played <unnamed game> in total, a game which I loved but couldn't hold my attention because its career and half its tracks were just too boring. This game I have just started, and I can see it be my go-to racing game for the next few years, especially considering how aggressive they appear to be in supporting it.


anonnumber6 said:
GT 5 is the a great driving experience, the best sim on consoles but the racing leaves a lot to be desired
On the other hand, GT has never had racing this good, and i'm satisfied with the upgrade in AI

I wonder how much effort Yamauchi will put into the DLCs
MDJCM said:
I wonder how much effort Yamauchi will put into the DLCs

If what he's been saying on his Twitter is anything to go by then there will be a lot of DLC. Everything from cars to additional GT Mode content (like more Special Events).
jakonovski said:

well...I'm sure 5 or 6 months from now, GAF will probably more universally agree that GT5 is not the polished product it should have been.

Metalmurphy said:
Since everyone seems to be posting reviews from the darkest corners of the internet, here's one from a local website I usually visit

Mygames.pt (Google Translate)

GiantBomb represents "the darkest corners of the internet"?

Dreams-Visions said:

well...I'm sure 5 or 6 months from now, GAF will probably more universally agree that GT5 is not the polished product it should have been.

I think most people agree with that already, so you don't need to wait 5-6 months. But it's not like it's some Bethesda game in terms of its lack of polish.


Dreams-Visions said:
GiantBomb represents "the darkest corners of the internet"?


amirox incoming

I'll watch the GT review just to see how accurate I was with my gametrailers style opening line. :lol


LiK said:

Nice reviews, sums up nearly every feature and shortcoming of the game. In the end the driving model surpasses all negatives.

I have to say I'm surprised that visuals turned out to be the most disappointing thing about GT5, or at least the thing reviewers seem to harp the most on. Who would have thought that half a year ago? :p
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