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Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Officially Announced (PR)

dammitmattt said:
4 player with FUN note charts >>>>> 2 player with HARD note charts

Most people don't play Guitar Hero/Rock Band for the challenge. They play because it's FUN.
You can't say that all of GH3's note charts aren't fun in such a blanket statement. Besides, GH3, My Name is Jonas is one of my favourite notecharts. Good song, great to play, throwing one hand up to the sky for the great HO/PO sections.
dammitmattt said:
4 player with FUN note charts >>>>> 2 player with HARD note charts

Most people don't play Guitar Hero/Rock Band for the challenge. They play because it's FUN.

Even my girlfriend, who isn't exactly a pro, complains Rock Band is too easy. I'm all for the 4 player stuff, but there's no need for "Expert" charts to not be difficult. So for Aerosmith, I'd pick Guitar Hero. Weezer or anything that's a bit more pop, I'll take Rock Band.

And GH:3 has some of the best charts of all the Guitar Hero's. And most the songs in RB and GH:3 are better in GH:3, so your statement is nowhere near as black and white.


Edag Plata said:
I think they're bitching because a once great franchise is now even more obviously at the milking point.
They'll be milking it when GH will cover britney/madonna/american idol/whatever pop shit is popular songs.
GHIII featured Slash, a true guitar hero and he's not as popular as he was in '92. I don't see how they are milking the franchise.
AFAIK, the franchise still cares about "being a guitar hero" and for me, it's what all matters


DKnight said:
Guitar Hero: Iron Maiden. Make it happen.

As much as I hate the idea of a one-band game, and want all Maiden songs in RB for drums and vocals, there's no way I wouldn't buy that. Sadly, that probably wouldn't sell as well as Aerosmith in the US.
CassSept said:
Ugh, thanks.
Although, i will buy if they do something like GH:Metallica (not gonna happen, Metallica wont let them do it), GH:Blind Guardian (not gonna happen considering they werent included even in GH3) or any of actually GOOD bands (note: metallica pre-load ofc)
Wait I'm confused - you said you want good bands, yet only named shitty metal shit.


It's easy to hate on this, but I think the basic concept is cool. It sounds more like an Aerosmith experience (play through their career, play songs they've been inspired by etc etc) and not just "GH3 with Aerosmith songs". Assuming that holds true, and the game isn't too expensive, I think it's a great way for artists to promote themselves, kind of like car manufacturers showing off their new models in the Gran Turismo games. And with the music industry being desperate for new ways of making money, there's some potential for them in this. Only downside is that the devs could be making GH games with different songs instead of this, but if you're really into Aerosmith it's all good I guess. :p
I had a guitar hero type of game featuring Aerosmith on PC about ten years ago.
Had the same type of graphics with cartoony story sequences.

It came with a plectrum that you used to strum to the beat.
Was was kind of worthless since it was really bad at registering the strums.


Wolves Evolve said:
GOD Aerosmith are disgusting. They didn't even write any of their hits.

That's just plain false.

I'm a big Aerosmith fan and I like this idea. A cheaper price point would be nice but I'll probably still check it out.


The only good thing about this announcement is that the games success could pave the way for Guitar Hero: InsertGoodBandNameHere


I would have just preferred a shitload of DLC, but I realize this ain't Rock Band, so there's no point in caring about the vocals or drums.

Free song ain't bad, though.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
NutJobJim said:
The only good thing about this announcement is that the games success could pave the way for Guitar Hero: InsertGoodBandNameHere
Guitar Hero:... Pavement?


Hail to the KING baby
BobsRevenge said:
Guitar Hero:... Pavement?

YES! Although I would sob if Pavement went up on GH instead of RB; not that it will ever go up on either (well, ok, maybe RB some lucky day).

ps i feel like this thread is thisclose to going back to the awesome debate about which fisher-price-toy-based game is more "realistic." awesome. that never gets old.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Mashing said:
Hey, how many bands have their own (kickass) rollercoaster? Yeah, thought so.

Suck it bitches!

*I'm not a fan or a hater of Aerosmith

People have died on RocknRollercoaster



Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Borys said:
And to think they'll also ruin/ whore-out the Diablo, Starcraft and Warcraft franchises now, sigh.


They cant touch Blizzard's stuff. Vivendi owns Activision, not the other way around. Why doesnt anyone understand that?


I really don't care what Activision does with the GH series now, as long as it doesn't lead to song, or even worse, band exclusivity. Probably the case for Aerosmith and GnR, which sucks because there are songs that would be fun in Rock Band.


I don't know about all of you, but I really don't want a GH to only have music from one band in it, that would get old pretty fast...
I like Aerosmith just fine, but no way am I buying this. Very bad precedent. Give me downloadable Aerosmith songs in Rock Band, though, and I'll probably buy them all.
Dr_Cogent said:
America’s Greatest Rock ‘N Roll Band

Wait, what?


If that's America's greatest rock and roll band - that's pretty fucking sad.

Itagaki loves Aerosmith so they are the greatest just based on that!!
AstroLad said:
YES! Although I would sob if Pavement went up on GH instead of RB; not that it will ever go up on either (well, ok, maybe RB some lucky day).

ps i feel like this thread is thisclose to going back to the awesome debate about which fisher-price-toy-based game is more "realistic." awesome. that never gets old.

Cut Your Hair will be out as RB DLC sometime this year.*

*source: my wishful thinking ass
Jtrizzy said:
Wait that's the 6th free download?
I think he's talking about the boss battles released. They were technically in the game already, the dlc just added it to quick play.

We Three Kings and the Halo theme were the other free ones.


GameGamer said:
America’s Greatest Rock ‘N Roll Band


Really? Someone wrote that down?
Kid Rock called them "America's Greatest Rock and Roll Band" when they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

'Nuff said. Not that I like Kid Rock. I like Aerosmith, though, so the news is pretty good for me. Will purchase.

Though I already purchased every Guitar Hero game for the sake of having more songs to play :(

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Has a game ever sold less than a hundred copies?

there's only two ways this game could have been spawned:

1) Aging executive forgot to read the demographic charts. Again.

2) Steven Tyler wanted to be in a video game so bad he offered an aging exec a night with Liv.

Massive, utter, unbelievable fail.


dammitmattt said:
4 player with FUN note charts >>>>> 2 player with HARD note charts

Most people don't play Guitar Hero/Rock Band for the challenge. They play because it's FUN.

Fix your logic, and make sense please. I think it would be retarded to argue that a game thats fun isn't going to be greater than a game that some other adjective that's not fun, fucking obviously. I own both of these games and I happen to think the note charts on GH3 are A LOT more fun. So yea, FUN > SOMEOTHERBULLSHIT, obviously... and GH3 is more fun.
rumsey said:
Fix your logic, and make sense please. I think it would be retarded to argue that a game thats fun isn't going to be greater than a game that some other adjective that's not fun, fucking obviously. I own both of these games and I happen to think the note charts on GH3 are A LOT more fun. So yea, FUN > SOMEOTHERBULLSHIT, obviously... and GH3 is more fun.
Your opinion applies to everyone. GG dood.
GamerZero said:
Since Activision now has access to Universal Music Group maybe we'll be seeing a Guitar Hero KISS edition.
I hope not.


I AM JOHN! said:
Your opinion applies to everyone. GG dood.

Ah, here you are: _____
And here we have The Point, flying by: ~~~~~~>
Struggle a little more and see if you can identify it.

fistfulofmetal said:
Well, looks like GH is officially dead to me. Good job ruining another franchise Neversoft!

Yes me too! I mean, obviously people shouldn't have the choice to purchase music I don't like! And you're slow to hop on the bandwagon! I mean, I quit as soon as they released the Velvet Revolver DLC because, c'mon, if you release a song I don't like I am SOOOOO FINISHED with their franchise. You hear me Rock Band!?!? God help you if you release some crappy song pack, or you're next!
rumsey said:
Ah, here you are: _____
And here we have The Point, flying by: ~~~~~~>
Struggle a little more and see if you can identify it.
No, I got the point, I just chose to focus on the part where you completely killed your argument.


Gold Member
shagg_187 said:
..... OK?

Just saying that I'd rather pay $60 for Guitar Hero: Aerosmith than fork out $170 for Rock Band with EA's piece of shit guitars and drums that break as soon as you take them out of the box. I want Rock Band, but not until EA improves their build quality to match Rod Octane's. My PS2 Guitar Hero controller STILL works after years of play and my PS3 one is still perfect. I've yet to see a Rock Band guitar that WASN'T broken. It doesn't install much confidence when every store you go to has broken Rock Band controllers but their Guitar Hero ones are still working fine even under abuse they get there.
ManaByte said:
Just saying that I'd rather pay $60 for Guitar Hero: Aerosmith than fork out $170 for Rock Band with EA's piece of shit guitars and drums that break as soon as you take them out of the box. I want Rock Band, but not until EA improves their build quality to match Rod Octane's. My PS2 Guitar Hero controller STILL works after years of play and my PS3 one is still perfect. I've yet to see a Rock Band guitar that WASN'T broken. It doesn't install much confidence when every store you go to has broken Rock Band controllers but their Guitar Hero ones are still working fine even under abuse they get there.
Who gives a flying fuck if the first wave of guitars were shit? They sent you a brand new one a couple days after you signed up for one, and for free to boot. They did the right thing; your argument is dumb.

Oh, and obviously you haven't used the GH3 Les Pauls, which are shit.


Gold Member
I AM JOHN! said:
Who gives a flying fuck if the first wave of guitars were shit? They sent you a brand new one a couple days after you signed up for one, and for free to boot. They did the right thing; your argument is dumb.

Oh, and obviously you haven't used the GH3 Les Pauls, which are shit.

First wave? As far as I've seen, they're still breaking. So much so that stores refuse returns now and send you to EA even if it breaks the day you buy it.
ManaByte said:
Just saying that I'd rather pay $60 for Guitar Hero: Aerosmith than fork out $170 for Rock Band with EA's piece of shit guitars and drums that break as soon as you take them out of the box. I want Rock Band, but not until EA improves their build quality to match Rod Octane's. My PS2 Guitar Hero controller STILL works after years of play and my PS3 one is still perfect. I've yet to see a Rock Band guitar that WASN'T broken. It doesn't install much confidence when every store you go to has broken Rock Band controllers but their Guitar Hero ones are still working fine even under abuse they get there.

Mine? Been playing it ever since it launched and I've been abusing it like hell! My friend who is a proper drummer in our band played the drums and abused it like real drums even though a light touch can also do the trick. Have taken my PS3 to various friends and various friends have come over my place and they have all abused the guitar, mic and drums.

I just played "Blackened" yesterday and it was fun as hell!!!!!! The solo is so satisfying :D
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