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Halo 3 is now FREE for XBOX Live GOLD members. Come JOIN US IN MULTIPLAYER!!!

Naked Lunch

I love Halo 3 to death. Played it for 1000s of hours - made an online comic out of the screenshots. But man it does feel dated these days in terms of movement and immersion. The game moves, feels, aims, and plays so stiff and rigid. FPSs have come a long way in terms of how you character moves around and how it feels like you have momentum and weight. I will still be playing this like crazy though - its just something that is immediately noticeable.

Halo 3 has some of the best maps of all time. High Ground, Avalanche, Standoff, the one with the Fish Factory on the docks too (forget the name) come to mind. CTF is just unamatched on those maps compared to any console FPS. I miss Halo maps having parts that change by hitting switches and stuff. They could have pushed that idea so much further. Maybe for 5.


Downloaded this last night, this is great because I never finished the fight, I beated Halo 2 but didn't liked that you had to switch to the Arbiter, I hope this one is pure MC.


I love Halo 3 to death. Played it for 1000s of hours - made an online comic out of the screenshots. But man it does feel dated these days in terms of movement and immersion. The game moves, feels, aims, and plays so stiff and rigid. FPSs have come a long way in terms of how you character moves around and how it feels like you have momentum and weight. I will still be playing this like crazy though - its just something that is immediately noticeable.

Halo 3 has some of the best maps of all time. High Ground, Avalanche, Standoff, the one with the Fish Factory on the docks too (forget the name) come to mind. CTF is just unamatched on those maps compared to any console FPS. I miss Halo maps having parts that change by hitting switches and stuff. They could have pushed that idea so much further. Maybe for 5.

That feeling disappears after a day or two of playing, love halo 3 - nothing quite like the battlling it out on highground, hogging the rocket launcher and invisibility shield.
I love Halo 3 to death. Played it for 1000s of hours - made an online comic out of the screenshots. But man it does feel dated these days in terms of movement and immersion. The game moves, feels, aims, and plays so stiff and rigid. FPSs have come a long way in terms of how you character moves around and how it feels like you have momentum and weight. I will still be playing this like crazy though - its just something that is immediately noticeable.
Halo 3 has always had some janky aiming and a FOV that really is unacceptably low, so even going from the older games to it is a bit of a rough transition. Probably the best console multiplayer shooter this gen, but man does it have some terrible kinks.
Didn't really play Halo 3, but am highly looking forward to downloading this after work. Halo 2 was the realest deal, and last Halo I played.

IMO Halo 2 multiplayer is better, but Halo 3 is as close as you're going to get these days. Halo 3 also has one of the best (the best IMO) campaigns in the series.

Conor 419

Best FPS ever made, outclasses the entirety of PC gaming, all criticism against it is forced.

Cannot wait to play it again, this game is too good.


Scaley member
Jumped in last night after years, and goddamn I suck
. I was completely lost on the controls (I blame Halo 4 for giving me the fishstick option :/), and I feel completely uncoordinated using the 360 controller to aim (and I've had a 360 since 2009). :/ No matter, it's pretty fun. Just wish I had more money on my account to get the maps (my points translated to $1.74 ._.). Any GAFfers willing to put up with a noob? I'm free kills, guys.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Jumped in last night after years, and goddamn I suck
. I was completely lost on the controls (I blame Halo 4 for giving me the fishstick option :/), and I feel completely uncoordinated using the 360 controller to aim (and I've had a 360 since 2009). :/ No matter, it's pretty fun. Just wish I had more money on my account to get the maps (my points translated to $1.74 ._.). Any GAFfers willing to put up with a noob? I'm free kills, guys.

I'm also a noob so I wouldn't mind partying up sometime and dying together.



Reminder to self: x isn't to reload.

RIP bubble shield

Reminder to self: RB is not melee.

This is especially important as charging people with the AR and hoping to get a quick melee kill is a large part of my non-strategy. By the time I realise I should've hit B it's too late.

Still, it's nice to be getting a game easily, even if I suck more than I used to.
Reminder to self: RB is not melee.

This is especially important as charging people with the AR and hoping to get a quick melee kill is a large part of my non-strategy. By the time I realise I should've hit B it's too late.

Still, it's nice to be getting a game easily, even if I suck more than I used to.
It's RB on the only controller layout worth using: Bumper Jumper
Or buy ODST for much cheapness and get all thr maps with it.

I do have it. Not only the ODST but also most of the DLC stand alone.

You know what I would like to do with it? Play it. And you know how the chances of me playing it increases? If there are other people with it. Seriously, its been 6 years. Is any person in their right mind gonna cough up for DLC when the population with that DLC is most likely in double digits at best?

Whats even the point of holding it back? How many sales are they losing? 10? 15?

If you are gonna give away 6 year old games that most people already own then at least you could throw out the DLC there. SMH.


As someone who's only had a 360/Wii this gen, I honestly never ever had any interest in checking out the Halo series. Shocking I know but in all honesty, Halo 3 never sold me on the 360; Dead Rising did.

I do remember playing about 30 minutes of Halo 3 at the now defunct Virgin Megastore before letting someone else play. It was all right but nothing mind blowing that other FPS'es haven't done. So for free, I can't complain. Who knows? Maybe it might get me to check out the rest of the series.


Dwnloaded this last night.. and got a chance to play a game of MP and it was alot of fun, brought back alot of memories. (Despite me not being that good att he game)

Now should I bite on the Mythic 2 maps... (We already have 2 copys of ODST with multiplayer disc), but having them all digital on 1 system frees up 1 ODST disc to use for LAN if some one doesn't have the game or all the maps...(Yes i'm already pondering a Halo 3 LAN party..... its been way way to long!!)

The Maps in this game were just so good, decent variety, layout etc.
Hey, this is probably a very basic question which may already have been answered but are there any DLC requirements to play stuff like Capture the Flag etc. I haven't played for ages and I remember the last time I did it was like you had to have some of the DLC in order to play certain game types. Is this still the case? cheers
Hey, this is probably a very basic question which may already have been answered but are there any DLC requirements to play stuff like Capture the Flag etc. I haven't played for ages and I remember the last time I did it was like you had to have some of the DLC in order to play certain game types. Is this still the case? cheers

Yeah like half of the playlists require dlc. Its all dirt cheap now though.
Downloading now, Everyone please get on and play so 343i sees the error of their ways and we dont have to deal with another Halo 4...


Unconfirmed Member
Nah, it moves too many other buttons around. I should have switched back when the game first came out, but now I have 11 years of jumping with the A button and that just wont change.
I made the switch after playing Halo for nine years. You can do it! It's really so much better once you get used to it.


Prepare to get your ass kicked if you haven't played this game in a while and going in alone. So much harder than Halo 4 and the bad netcode can make it frustrating.

add my gamertag - zoolader
Never played a Halo, nor do I own a 360, but if I ever get one (hoping they drop the price when the Xbox One comes out), I will try a Halo game out. : ) I just wanted to pop in saying that this is pretty awesome, and if I get a Xbox 360/One, I will definitely try out Halo with you guys!


Never played a Halo, nor do I own a 360, but if I ever get one (hoping they drop the price when the Xbox One comes out), I will try a Halo game out. : ) I just wanted to pop in saying that this is pretty awesome, and if I get a Xbox 360/One, I will definitely try out Halo with you guys!
If you ever start, play the trilogy first.


Never played a Halo, nor do I own a 360, but if I ever get one (hoping they drop the price when the Xbox One comes out), I will try a Halo game out. : ) I just wanted to pop in saying that this is pretty awesome, and if I get a Xbox 360/One, I will definitely try out Halo with you guys!

you do that man

its the best franchise around. slacking lately but im sure they learned from their mistakes.
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