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Have you ever had an insane twist happen to you in real life?

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It was Christmas when I was pretty young, and I had only one present left to open. I open it up and it was a N64! I was so excited, but then when I opened the box, it was completely empty barring the two controllers it came with. My parents told me that is was too much money for them to get, so I should use my imagination to play video games. Like a young child, I cried my ass off.

Then, my dad moved a plant that was on the entertainment center, and there it was plugged in with a copy of Mario Kart 64! Jesus Christ my emotions that day.

It also blew my mind that you moved Mario using the joystick rather than holding the A button in Mario 64.


Here's another small one:

I met a girl in high school one day, handed her $500 and told her to go buy a keyboard and play in my band. She did and after practice we used to spill our relationship problems to each other. Eventually we both ended up single and swore off dating altogether.

After 6 years of dating each other we got married. :)
Here's another small one:

I met a girl in high school one day, handed her $500 and told her to go buy a keyboard and play in my band. She did and after practice we used to spill our relationship problems to each other. Eventually we both ended up single and swore off dating altogether.

6 years later we married each other. :)

The twist is you paid her 600 and she didnt perform a sexual act?
After first year of college, long term girlfriend dumped me over summer break. I was really down about it. A couple days later I went back to my university over 1,000 miles away from where she lived. Sat down in a random chair in a new class of 100 people. A guy sits next to me and we talk. Turns out he used to go to the same high school as my ex. He visited his HS over the summer break and showed me some pics he took. And there she was in one of the pics.


Went in to give my 2 week notice. Bossman told me we were all getting laid off, keep quiet and take the severance package. Kept quiet and collected 2 salaries for the next few months.
Why I hate Salmon.

Be me.

Be just past 6 year birthday.

Visiting grandparents, very old school, beat me a couple of times (just a mild spanking, nothing serious but enough to make me scared of em).

Have been able to eating everything so far. My taste buds had not kicked in.. until now.

For dinner, we have smoked salmon. Taste buds kick in. Taste like old wet foreskin. cant do it.

Grand mother looks with confusion. "the fuck is wrong with you?"

I stutter as I spill the beans.

She takes offense. fuck. she thinks I be dissing on her cooking.

Grandfather insists I eat.

I try to gurgle in the salmon with the potato and dild dressing.. it cant cover up the cold taste of human chewy tounge that has been floating around in the sea.

I take a big woof. The salmon in my mouth.. Cant get it down. I puke it up in my mouth, but swallow it again.

dat puke effect.

My grandfather cant even eat his food due to being so angry. "look at this little bitch.. he be eating everything. what is wrong with him now?".

I am excused.

Worst experience of my life.

Fast forward 5 years later. Visting grand parents. Cousin has her 14 birthday. big family event out on the country.

Yup you guessed it.. smoked salmon in a spinach sauce.

Forced to eat it. Had not tried since. maybe it be good this time?

NOooopppee. even before swallowing it, the feeling of the cold wet texture of eating a piece of ear cartlidge is too horrific to describe. At this point I would feel less grossed out by eating a actual human.

gag reflexes kick in.

Asks to be excused to go to bathroom.

trauma is so massive I get my first double dragon. puking and shitting in one go. the taste of the sea is in all my orrifices. This is the worst.

Wanna go home. have to stay all night as next day is my birthday.

get home very late, and after much dirraher. nobody noticed. still sick. completely traumatized, exhausted. nobody knows a thing.

sleep with my dad in a camper outside my grandparents house.

I think its over. sleep, then drive hope tomorrow...

Early next morning I wake up. having completely shit my pants and peed myself, the traumatic events of the previous day. it completely fucking devestated me. I couldnt believe it. I had to clean myself by throwing away my underwear, taking all the sheets out into the forrest and buried it before my dad woke up. i couldnt even take a shower without them finding out.

drive home to mom all smeared in shit.

I still cant eat smoke salmon to this day. I have a deep psychological problem with it. So if you have kids and you are trying to teach them to eat specific things - Learn from my story. you can fuck up human beings like this. I was really picky until I was 18, but then learned to eat pretty much anything. Still cant do smoked salmon. It feels like eating skin pieces of a human corpse that has been in the water a few days too long. White fish - no problem. crabs, shirmps no problems. I eat shark, and everything too. But goddamn..

It also makes sushi a problem too. Sushi is great but people take issue when I take up all the certain kind of rolls. my life is hard.


Gold Member
You won't believe me and I don't care.

In the early 2000s (01?02?) I was in my early teens and my grandma and grandpa had just moved back into the Joplin, MO area from Mississippi. They are literally the best people you could imagine so I was more than excited to spend as much time with them as I could. My grandma wanted to take me to Springfield, MO (about an hour away) to freakin Ultimate Pizza or some crap. Pizza place with a giant arcade. Anyway, she says she's also going to visit one of her best friends she always visits when she's in the area. They went to high school together and were on the same cheerleading team or something? Anyway, we go to this lady's house and I'm just sitting there playing my Game Boy while boring old ladies talk about boring old lady things and my grandma's friend mentions something about her son being home yadda yadda and calls him into the room. Grandma says I should say "Hi." to him so I look up and it is BRAD MOTHERFUDGIN PITT. This lady my grandma had been visiting and was friends with for all these years WAS BRAD PITT'S FREAKING MOM.

I just kind of said something awkward and had anxiety/adrenaline shakes while my grandma told him how nice it was to see him again and how nice it is for him to come see his mom even out here in Missouri and blah blah blah. Then she told me stories about Brad Pitt in diapers. He's a nice guy.
You're right...



I asked this neighbor girl to be my girlfriend sometime during the 4th/5th grade. We shared a kiss in secret during recess. Realized I was gay then and there despite not even knowing what 'gay' was yet.
When I was young and dumb there were these ginger twins in the class next to mine. I always thought they looked so weird and ugly. One day I was really vocal about this with a classmate of mine and told her how funny they looked and how uuuuugly they were. I know it´'s really mean, but when you are like 14 you aren't always the nicest. Anyway, she just sat there not saying much about it, giving me a friendly smile and awkward laugh once in a while.

A few moments later another classmate of mine that overheard the monologue I had held about the twins buttfugliness tells me the twins were the other girl's younger brothers... Woopsie!


You won't believe me and I don't care.

In the early 2000s (01?02?) I was in my early teens and my grandma and grandpa had just moved back into the Joplin, MO area from Mississippi. They are literally the best people you could imagine so I was more than excited to spend as much time with them as I could. My grandma wanted to take me to Springfield, MO (about an hour away) to freakin Ultimate Pizza or some crap. Pizza place with a giant arcade. Anyway, she says she's also going to visit one of her best friends she always visits when she's in the area. They went to high school together and were on the same cheerleading team or something? Anyway, we go to this lady's house and I'm just sitting there playing my Game Boy while boring old ladies talk about boring old lady things and my grandma's friend mentions something about her son being home yadda yadda and calls him into the room. Grandma says I should say "Hi." to him so I look up and it is BRAD MOTHERFUDGIN PITT. This lady my grandma had been visiting and was friends with for all these years WAS BRAD PITT'S FREAKING MOM.

I just kind of said something awkward and had anxiety/adrenaline shakes while my grandma told him how nice it was to see him again and how nice it is for him to come see his mom even out here in Missouri and blah blah blah. Then she told me stories about Brad Pitt in diapers. He's a nice guy.
We don't believe you, you need more people

I'm bringing it back
I'm getting married in about forty one and a half hours. The girl who is ordained and performing our ceremony got into a small and ridiculous domestic scuttle with her boyfriend of ten years on Saturday night which culminated in him calling police and paramedics (for a tiny scratch on his forehead caused by an ice pack she was holding on her neck and caused in an instance where she was pushing him away from her) and she ended up in jail. Spent that night learning about bail bonds and spending lots of money. Said boyfriend was also the videographer for our wedding. She stayed on our couch this week for most of the week. Backup videographer fell through. Oh well. Her mother was also supposed to be express mailing us boutonnieres for the three gents in the wedding this week(embroidered mario flowers, classy). Unfortunately, her daughter's jail stay made her completely forget. Bride is losing it slightly. Officiant is possibly fired. Another out of town friend got ordained and began preparing a speech today, just to be safe. To be continued.

we need more. PLEASE RESPOND!

hahah i dont really have any twists..yet! but subbed/ :)


Found out my biological father was a con artist and bank robber who left a trail of destruction and children wherever he went. Found out I had many half brothers and sisters I'd never met. Digging into his past has made me honestly wonder if he possibly could have been DB Cooper, given that he was in the area at the time and wife number (3?) had just kicked him out. (Among other things like inexplicable bank account statements my mother saw)
DB Cooper crash landed on my grandparent's property. My mom has done interviews about it a couple times when a new reporter or armchair detective turns up. Possible there could be some ties you haven't found yet - if you actually wanted to do some digging I could see if we have some good resources.


Had a job lined up in the US, but could not go due to visa restrictions. 5 months later won the green card lottery.
I grew up In Launceston, Tasmania.

When I was a child we went for a day trip to Hobart, the plan being to stop by a friends place on the way out of town before visiting a local historic site. To our (myself and the other 3 kids) great disappointment we had stayed too long at the freinds place and had to miss out on this.

Yeah, chills when we finally get home and see what's happening on the news. One fucking turn and we would have been there.
You won't believe me and I don't care.

In the early 2000s (01?02?) I was in my early teens and my grandma and grandpa had just moved back into the Joplin, MO area from Mississippi. They are literally the best people you could imagine so I was more than excited to spend as much time with them as I could. My grandma wanted to take me to Springfield, MO (about an hour away) to freakin Ultimate Pizza or some crap. Pizza place with a giant arcade. Anyway, she says she's also going to visit one of her best friends she always visits when she's in the area. They went to high school together and were on the same cheerleading team or something? Anyway, we go to this lady's house and I'm just sitting there playing my Game Boy while boring old ladies talk about boring old lady things and my grandma's friend mentions something about her son being home yadda yadda and calls him into the room. Grandma says I should say "Hi." to him so I look up and it is BRAD MOTHERFUDGIN PITT. This lady my grandma had been visiting and was friends with for all these years WAS BRAD PITT'S FREAKING MOM.

I just kind of said something awkward and had anxiety/adrenaline shakes while my grandma told him how nice it was to see him again and how nice it is for him to come see his mom even out here in Missouri and blah blah blah. Then she told me stories about Brad Pitt in diapers. He's a nice guy.

I don't believe you, I've heard this story before so unless you can provide proof I'll carry on not believing you.

Only twist I've encountered is my aunt committing suicide very suddenly with no prior concerns over her mental health, apparantly she left a note but my uncle refuses to disclose its contents.


My great grandfather was injured in both the first and second world war, he fought on the German side. Found this out when I was 25. And no, I'm not German.


Leaving work to come home on a normal day when I get a call on my cell from my wife in hysterics. Her work ride gets on the phone and tells me my house is in flames.

It was a long commute that afternoon to my soon-to-be non-home.


the piano man
half the stories here are awesome but off topic.

"insane twist" is not only a particular event but something that changed you for the rest of your life.

does seeing brad pitt for a minute changes a person's life?
I was 13, doing so much sports. Doctor came in : you got genetical heart disease. Stop it all. But don't worry, you'll leave an happy steady life for 70 or 80 more years. that was the first twist

Then, be me, 20, heart hurting more and more, see the doctor, tons of exams : your heart getting shit. Need to open you and do stuff with your heart. Don't worry, you're young, you'll be fine. Twist ? Got complication right a minute out of the surgery room. Died for 4 minutes in recovery. 17 shocks to bring me back.

Life's a bitch.


Maybe around 5 years ago at this point, I was out drinking, going to bars and clubs with some friends. It was an all-nighter and at some point I realized I had crossed the "drank WAYYYYYYY too much" line. I decided I needed to leave the club and just take it easy and get some fresh air for a while. I went to leave, and a club employee by the door asked for 500 yen (about 5 bucks) to go through. I reached for my wallet and realized I had absolutely zero money. I panicked and kind of tried to loop around and sneak around him somehow, but he wasn't having it (I guess he was plenty used to dealing with drunk people, so since I wasn't causing any real trouble, he didn't get angry or anything). The worst part was I had no idea where my friends were, so I couldn't borrow the money to escape either. I was running out of options, but then suddenly I realized what was going on- I had never even gone inside the club and the guy was charging me because he thought I wanted to go inside. FML.


How you got drunk and lost your friends if you never went inside the club? How you forgot you never went it?


Finding out my dad's sisters and a couple of his brothers were actually his cousins because he and his brothers and sister were adopted. There was no indication because they were adopted within the family, so everyone had the same last name already.

His bio parents died in a fire, and not from being burned, but the smoke inhalation from getting their kids out.

If it counts, I swerved my mom. I was living in Canada, told my mom I'd "see her" next week via Skype for mother's day for the first time in 7 months... I did skype her on mother's day.. and then walked through her back door while skyping with her, because I secretly flew back to Nebraska. It was the hardest thing to not tell anyone I was arriving. I came in the night before and stayed in a hotel, I had to sit there quite some time before going to sleep trying to not just get up, walk out and go see her right then.


I was 13, doing so much sports. Doctor came in : you got genetical heart disease. Stop it all. But don't worry, you'll leave an happy steady life for 70 or 80 more years. that was the first twist

Then, be me, 20, heart hurting more and more, see the doctor, tons of exams : your heart getting shit. Need to open you and do stuff with your heart. Don't worry, you're young, you'll be fine. Twist ? Got complication right a minute out of the surgery room. Died for 4 minutes in recovery. 17 shocks to bring me back.

Life's a bitch.


My great grandfather was injured in both the first and second world war, he fought on the German side. Found this out when I was 25. And no, I'm not German.

Quite a few people in my grandfather's immediate family died in Russia fighting for Germany. My grandfather got lucky because he was just a bit too young. They weren't even German either but people from the French region of Alsace got enlisted anyway...


When I was young and dumb there were these ginger twins in the class next to mine. I always thought they looked so weird and ugly. One day I was really vocal about this with a classmate of mine and told her how funny they looked and how uuuuugly they were. I know it´'s really mean, but when you are like 14 you aren't always the nicest. Anyway, she just sat there not saying much about it, giving me a friendly smile and awkward laugh once in a while.

A few moments later another classmate of mine that overheard the monologue I had held about the twins buttfugliness tells me the twins were the other girl's younger brothers... Woopsie!


Up until that point I would have sworn you were no older than 8 years old to be acting like that. What a twist.
I have a bit of a story. I'll try and keep it short but it's relatively long, really. This all occurred between a few years before I was born up to around the time I was born.

My parents used to run an "ironing service" - my dad would go out in his van, collect people's (clean) clothes and take them back to our house. My mum would then iron them, and my dad would take them back to people on hangers on the rails in the back of the van! (This sounds like it's really enforcing typical gender roles, but my mum actually couldn't drive at the time so it's the only way it could work!) Anyway, as time went on, their business got more and more popular. My dad ended up going on "the rounds" three or four times a day to collect and drop off clothing, and my mum was soon joined by other people ironing - it was a decent operation because the costs were so low, just labour really; The women - and it was always women - who did the ironing could do so in their own home (so ideal if they had young kids) and all they needed was an iron. The only other cost was the van - a battered old Ford Transit van. I spent yeaaaaars in that van.

Anyway, the business kept expanding and they were doing well, so they ended up buying a laundrette. They ran this as a typical laundrette but it also allowed them to offer a more fancy service to the ironing customers, because now they could clean and iron the clothes. Over time they ended up buying another laundrette, and then a third. Things were going well! They employed people in the laundrette to clean up and make sure everyone was doing all OK, and one of those women ended up living in the flat above the Laundrette (which was part of the business - so effectively my parents were their landlords).

Everything was going well until, a few years after working there, the aforementioned cleaner decided that it was time to move on and so she moved out of the flat and left the job, on entirely amicable terms with my parents. However, the guy who had been her boyfriend, living there with her, stayed. As in, he refused to leave. Obviously my parents tried to get him evicted as he was taking up the space and refusing to pay the rent - but they struggled, because there are (were? I'm not sure what the situation is now) laws that protect squatting rights under certain circumstances (if it's not the owners primary home, if they've lived there without being kicked out for a certain period of time etc - all these criteria that were met for this situation).

Needless to say, my parents lawyered up to get him evicted and he was taken to court. This guy didn't have a job so he had hardly any money, so his legal representation was provided by - or, rather, paid for - by the government. His legal team's tactics were effectively to drag the case out for long enough in the hopes that the mounting legal fees and loss of revenue from the lack of rental income (whilst they still had to pay the mortgage, obviously) would cause my parents to just pay him off to leave. They were slightly more principled than this, and combined with their legal team telling them to keep it up with the case, they stuck to their guns.

I guess this is the twistish bit. In the end, they had to actually sell a laundrette in order to keep paying the legal fees and the mortgage on this other property with no income. Then they had to sell another. They couldn't sell the laundrette in question because of the case. In the end my parents basically lost the entire business, all because of this parasitical court case just bled them dry. In the end they simply couldn't pay the legal fees anymore and they had to throw in the towel on the case - which then meant they actually had to pay the squatter's legal fees because technically he'd won the case, adding insult in injury. Because it wasn't a limited liability company, my parents basically defaulted on their mortgage on our actual house so we ended up briefly homeless (around the time I was born). As a final added insult, they had to get rid of all the staff doing the ironing as they were an unaffordable expense but because they didn't do it in the proper manner, they got collared with unfair dismissal and had to pay one of the previous staff members a bunch of money (I don't know how much).

They continued to run the ironing service as it started - just them two - from our now rented house, for a while. One night my dad actually saw this guy - the squatter - walking across the road whilst he was filling in his little ledger book having just made a pickup or whatever. He said that he genuinely sat there, staring, thinking about whether he should just run the guy over - I mean, he'd basically ruined his life's work at that point. The only reason he didn't was because my brother was about 2.5 and I was about to be born. My parents split up some 12 years later and my dad never owned a house again for about 18 years after these events.


I have a bit of a story. I'll try and keep it short but it's relatively long, really. This all occurred between a few years before I was born up to around the time I was born.

My parents used to run an "ironing service" - my dad would go out in his van, collect people's (clean) clothes and take them back to our house. My mum would then iron them, and my dad would take them back to people on hangers on the rails in the back of the van! (This sounds like it's really enforcing typical gender roles, but my mum actually couldn't drive at the time so it's the only way it could work!) Anyway, as time went on, their business got more and more popular. My dad ended up going on "the rounds" three or four times a day to collect and drop off clothing, and my mum was soon joined by other people ironing - it was a decent operation because the costs were so low, just labour really; The women - and it was always women - who did the ironing could do so in their own home (so ideal if they had young kids) and all they needed was an iron. The only other cost was the van - a battered old Ford Transit van. I spent yeaaaaars in that van.

Anyway, the business kept expanding and they were doing well, so they ended up buying a laundrette. They ran this as a typical laundrette but it also allowed them to offer a more fancy service to the ironing customers, because now they could clean and iron the clothes. Over time they ended up buying another laundrette, and then a third. Things were going well! They employed people in the laundrette to clean up and make sure everyone was doing all OK, and one of those women ended up living in the flat above the Laundrette (which was part of the business - so effectively my parents were their landlords).

Everything was going well until, a few years after working there, the aforementioned cleaner decided that it was time to move on and so she moved out of the flat and left the job, on entirely amicable terms with my parents. However, the guy who had been her boyfriend, living there with her, stayed. As in, he refused to leave. Obviously my parents tried to get him evicted as he was taking up the space and refusing to pay the rent - but they struggled, because there are (were? I'm not sure what the situation is now) laws that protect squatting rights under certain circumstances (if it's not the owners primary home, if they've lived there without being kicked out for a certain period of time etc - all these criteria that were met for this situation).

Needless to say, my parents lawyered up to get him evicted and he was taken to court. This guy didn't have a job so he had hardly any money, so his legal representation was provided by - or, rather, paid for - by the government. His legal team's tactics were effectively to drag the case out for long enough in the hopes that the mounting legal fees and loss of revenue from the lack of rental income (whilst they still had to pay the mortgage, obviously) would cause my parents to just pay him off to leave. They were slightly more principled than this, and combined with their legal team telling them to keep it up with the case, they stuck to their guns.

I guess this is the twistish bit. In the end, they had to actually sell a laundrette in order to keep paying the legal fees and the mortgage on this other property with no income. Then they had to sell another. They couldn't sell the laundrette in question because of the case. In the end my parents basically lost the entire business, all because of this parasitical court case just bled them dry. In the end they simply couldn't pay the legal fees anymore and they had to throw in the towel on the case - which then meant they actually had to pay the squatter's legal fees because technically he'd won the case, adding insult in injury. Because it wasn't a limited liability company, my parents basically defaulted on their mortgage on our actual house so we ended up briefly homeless (around the time I was born). As a final added insult, they had to get rid of all the staff doing the ironing as they were an unaffordable expense but because they didn't do it in the proper manner, they got collared with unfair dismissal and had to pay one of the previous staff members a bunch of money (I don't know how much).

They continued to run the ironing service as it started - just them two - from our now rented house, for a while. One night my dad actually saw this guy - the squatter - walking across the road whilst he was filling in his little ledger book having just made a pickup or whatever. He said that he genuinely sat there, staring, thinking about whether he should just run the guy over - I mean, he'd basically ruined his life's work at that point. The only reason he didn't was because my brother was about 2.5 and I was about to be born. My parents split up some 12 years later and my dad never owned a house again for about 18 years after these events.

That's fucking brutal.

That squatter dude is a cunt. What a fucking prick.


During a BBQ my parents mentioned they adopted a Russian girl before they had me and my 3 other siblings. The kid was separated from her brother and they couldn't get used to it, so eventually the girl moved to live with the other adoptive parents. That was a WTF-moment for me since I was well in my twenties by the time they told that story.


I have a bit of a story. I'll try and keep it short but it's relatively long, really. This all occurred between a few years before I was born up to around the time I was born.

My parents used to run an "ironing service" - my dad would go out in his van, collect people's (clean) clothes and take them back to our house. My mum would then iron them, and my dad would take them back to people on hangers on the rails in the back of the van! (This sounds like it's really enforcing typical gender roles, but my mum actually couldn't drive at the time so it's the only way it could work!) Anyway, as time went on, their business got more and more popular. My dad ended up going on "the rounds" three or four times a day to collect and drop off clothing, and my mum was soon joined by other people ironing - it was a decent operation because the costs were so low, just labour really; The women - and it was always women - who did the ironing could do so in their own home (so ideal if they had young kids) and all they needed was an iron. The only other cost was the van - a battered old Ford Transit van. I spent yeaaaaars in that van.

Anyway, the business kept expanding and they were doing well, so they ended up buying a laundrette. They ran this as a typical laundrette but it also allowed them to offer a more fancy service to the ironing customers, because now they could clean and iron the clothes. Over time they ended up buying another laundrette, and then a third. Things were going well! They employed people in the laundrette to clean up and make sure everyone was doing all OK, and one of those women ended up living in the flat above the Laundrette (which was part of the business - so effectively my parents were their landlords).

Everything was going well until, a few years after working there, the aforementioned cleaner decided that it was time to move on and so she moved out of the flat and left the job, on entirely amicable terms with my parents. However, the guy who had been her boyfriend, living there with her, stayed. As in, he refused to leave. Obviously my parents tried to get him evicted as he was taking up the space and refusing to pay the rent - but they struggled, because there are (were? I'm not sure what the situation is now) laws that protect squatting rights under certain circumstances (if it's not the owners primary home, if they've lived there without being kicked out for a certain period of time etc - all these criteria that were met for this situation).

Needless to say, my parents lawyered up to get him evicted and he was taken to court. This guy didn't have a job so he had hardly any money, so his legal representation was provided by - or, rather, paid for - by the government. His legal team's tactics were effectively to drag the case out for long enough in the hopes that the mounting legal fees and loss of revenue from the lack of rental income (whilst they still had to pay the mortgage, obviously) would cause my parents to just pay him off to leave. They were slightly more principled than this, and combined with their legal team telling them to keep it up with the case, they stuck to their guns.

I guess this is the twistish bit. In the end, they had to actually sell a laundrette in order to keep paying the legal fees and the mortgage on this other property with no income. Then they had to sell another. They couldn't sell the laundrette in question because of the case. In the end my parents basically lost the entire business, all because of this parasitical court case just bled them dry. In the end they simply couldn't pay the legal fees anymore and they had to throw in the towel on the case - which then meant they actually had to pay the squatter's legal fees because technically he'd won the case, adding insult in injury. Because it wasn't a limited liability company, my parents basically defaulted on their mortgage on our actual house so we ended up briefly homeless (around the time I was born). As a final added insult, they had to get rid of all the staff doing the ironing as they were an unaffordable expense but because they didn't do it in the proper manner, they got collared with unfair dismissal and had to pay one of the previous staff members a bunch of money (I don't know how much).

They continued to run the ironing service as it started - just them two - from our now rented house, for a while. One night my dad actually saw this guy - the squatter - walking across the road whilst he was filling in his little ledger book having just made a pickup or whatever. He said that he genuinely sat there, staring, thinking about whether he should just run the guy over - I mean, he'd basically ruined his life's work at that point. The only reason he didn't was because my brother was about 2.5 and I was about to be born. My parents split up some 12 years later and my dad never owned a house again for about 18 years after these events.

That is awful, damn.

I guess the only thing I could really call a twist is one Christmas my Dad came back from working in Israel and when I went to my Nan's there was a 1 year old baby girl there. I hadn't heard about any births within our family (although we've got quite a big family) and just recently I'd heard after being really angry at my Dad that he'd been seeing someone else (I had no idea for how long or who she was, but apparently he'd started seeing her a few years ago and never told my mum about it.

It turned out that llittle girl was my Sister who I had no idea existed. That made me so angry that my Dad didn't tell me. Out of spite and anger a few years ago I said to my Dad when he asked what I thought if he had another kid that I wanted nothing to do with any of them due to how much he hurt my Mum, but I was still sort of upset with him.

This is where it gets weird as I was watching Clannad After Story at the time and there's a bit at the very end where Tomoya mends his relationship with his father and although my Dad wasn't an alcoholic he still spent a lot of time when I was younger always working and never spending time with us. Watching that though, it kicked my brain into gear into realising why he always worked so hard, to keep me and my disabled mum in our house and to take us on a family holiday every year.

That night I rang up my Dad as he was still in the country and I asked him if I could meet his new girlfriend, her son and my Sister before he went back. Well fast forward three years and my Dad's living back in the country again, he's married to my step mum and I love my Sister and Step Brother so much. My Step Brother is 9 years younger than me, but he's into all the same things I am mostly and my Sister who's 5 this year is hilarious. Me and my Mum are having to move out of this house so she can go in somewhere sheltered so I can go to work and stop being her carer and I'm probably going to be moving in with the other half of my family.

I never thought for one second about 4 years ago that this would ever happen and I'm so glad I wasn't an idiot and cut contact with my Dad like I almost did. I was such a massive idiot for being annoyed and I'm just glad it all worked out.


Went to Japan on a school exchange trip back in the middle of high school(2002). About 10-12 kids were on the trip with me. One weekend during the trip our host families got to do whatever they wanted with us(so we were away from all the other students, doing individual activities with our families). My host family took me hiking up Mt. Fuji. We started in the morning, climbed all day, then rested on the mountain at night(in a little shack). At dawn we started climbing again, saw the sunrise, and then made it up to the top of the mountain around 10 AM. Out of no where I run into one of the other students at the top of the mountain. In a twist of fate her host family had also taken her climbing Mt. Fuji that weekend(keep in mind her family could have taken her anywhere in Japan) and made perfect timing reaching the top. Both of us were only at the top for a brief hour or two so it's not like we had all day to meet each other. Random location, random timing, random meeting. It was freaky!


Huge Nickleback Fan
Here's a story of mine

I was walking to my home in the middle of the night. I think it was around 10 to 11 pm, i don't remember. The lightpost around the area is broken at the time, so the area is dark. Halfway through, i meet an old woman. She wear a formal wear, i think it got flower pattern.

"Young lad, where do you headed?"

"Oh, i'm just going to my home in 'a' street'

"do you mind if i come with you? I have a business in a street as well," said the old woman.

"sure," i said lightly. I'm kinda worried at the time, but heck, i'm sure i can handle an old woman. Beside, it near residential area, so i can always scream to attract attention.

So we just start walking, side by side. The night is quite only a sound of cricket chirping around and our step as we walk toward our destination. i though t'd start a conversation or something.
SO i look at the old woman direction.

She's gone.

I look around in panic and i can't find her.

I'd start getting the creep, and i feel my chest tightened. I'm about to run when i suddenly heard a voice beside me.

"So i just got home from my night class."

It was the old woman.

Apparently, she smove to my right side when we were walking without me realizing she switch side.

well, that was embarassing.


I have a bit of a story. I'll try and keep it short but it's relatively long, really. This all occurred between a few years before I was born up to around the time I was born.

My parents used to run an "ironing service" - my dad would go out in his van, collect people's (clean) clothes and take them back to our house. My mum would then iron them, and my dad would take them back to people on hangers on the rails in the back of the van! (This sounds like it's really enforcing typical gender roles, but my mum actually couldn't drive at the time so it's the only way it could work!) Anyway, as time went on, their business got more and more popular. My dad ended up going on "the rounds" three or four times a day to collect and drop off clothing, and my mum was soon joined by other people ironing - it was a decent operation because the costs were so low, just labour really; The women - and it was always women - who did the ironing could do so in their own home (so ideal if they had young kids) and all they needed was an iron. The only other cost was the van - a battered old Ford Transit van. I spent yeaaaaars in that van.

Anyway, the business kept expanding and they were doing well, so they ended up buying a laundrette. They ran this as a typical laundrette but it also allowed them to offer a more fancy service to the ironing customers, because now they could clean and iron the clothes. Over time they ended up buying another laundrette, and then a third. Things were going well! They employed people in the laundrette to clean up and make sure everyone was doing all OK, and one of those women ended up living in the flat above the Laundrette (which was part of the business - so effectively my parents were their landlords).

Everything was going well until, a few years after working there, the aforementioned cleaner decided that it was time to move on and so she moved out of the flat and left the job, on entirely amicable terms with my parents. However, the guy who had been her boyfriend, living there with her, stayed. As in, he refused to leave. Obviously my parents tried to get him evicted as he was taking up the space and refusing to pay the rent - but they struggled, because there are (were? I'm not sure what the situation is now) laws that protect squatting rights under certain circumstances (if it's not the owners primary home, if they've lived there without being kicked out for a certain period of time etc - all these criteria that were met for this situation).

Needless to say, my parents lawyered up to get him evicted and he was taken to court. This guy didn't have a job so he had hardly any money, so his legal representation was provided by - or, rather, paid for - by the government. His legal team's tactics were effectively to drag the case out for long enough in the hopes that the mounting legal fees and loss of revenue from the lack of rental income (whilst they still had to pay the mortgage, obviously) would cause my parents to just pay him off to leave. They were slightly more principled than this, and combined with their legal team telling them to keep it up with the case, they stuck to their guns.

I guess this is the twistish bit. In the end, they had to actually sell a laundrette in order to keep paying the legal fees and the mortgage on this other property with no income. Then they had to sell another. They couldn't sell the laundrette in question because of the case. In the end my parents basically lost the entire business, all because of this parasitical court case just bled them dry. In the end they simply couldn't pay the legal fees anymore and they had to throw in the towel on the case - which then meant they actually had to pay the squatter's legal fees because technically he'd won the case, adding insult in injury. Because it wasn't a limited liability company, my parents basically defaulted on their mortgage on our actual house so we ended up briefly homeless (around the time I was born). As a final added insult, they had to get rid of all the staff doing the ironing as they were an unaffordable expense but because they didn't do it in the proper manner, they got collared with unfair dismissal and had to pay one of the previous staff members a bunch of money (I don't know how much).

They continued to run the ironing service as it started - just them two - from our now rented house, for a while. One night my dad actually saw this guy - the squatter - walking across the road whilst he was filling in his little ledger book having just made a pickup or whatever. He said that he genuinely sat there, staring, thinking about whether he should just run the guy over - I mean, he'd basically ruined his life's work at that point. The only reason he didn't was because my brother was about 2.5 and I was about to be born. My parents split up some 12 years later and my dad never owned a house again for about 18 years after these events.

This is just horrible. Shows the difference between the law and justice. Your parents should have hired a thug to beat the shit out of that guy, would have been cheaper and more effective. If they have his name I would say it is up to you to destroy his life with some crazy vendetta.


Back in 2003 or so I traded in my copy of Wind Waker for the Gamecube to a local Gamestation store.

In 2010 I was running a retail games store and one day I decided to look for a copy of Wind Waker to play. Got one transferred over from a store in the next town

Got it the next week or so, opened the case and noticed my name written on the back of the manual. It was the game I originally traded in almost a decade ago. My mind was full of fuck.


Couple of life changing twists that happened in a month.

Went to Thailand for Christmas with four mates, we were having a great time, I was a bit of a mare at the time and liked to party as much as possible. Christmas Day was spent on Koh Lanta, me and my mate stayed up into the very early hours (around 6 am) drinking and generally getting involved. As a group the next day we were supposed to get an 8/8.30 am ferry to another Island to do some christmas shopping, we decided we tell the girls that we'd been on sauce too long and we'd all get a later ferry over and grab food onced we'd sobered up abit, I met an Irish girl and sloped off to her room.

The Tsunami hit at around 10.30 while we were all in bed, our hotel was on the beach but had the swimming pools built in concrete so there was like a 10ft wall just off the beach and apart from some damage we were all ok, was very scary looking back but at the time you don't realise what your involved in, you just help people out, try and stay calm, we were with good people, we evacuated up a big hill and spent the following night there as we waited for news to spill through.

The island we were going christmas shopping on was Koh Phi Phi http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phi_Phi_Islands and our ferry would have arrived at 10.30 am, no doubt in my mind that we would of all died if we had not bailed out because we were too wankered. That was a lucky escape.

Lucky escape 2

Fast forward a month

I've been home and then gone back Thailand to meet up with the afore mentioned Irish girl, we are on Koh Samaui and decide to pop over to Koh Phangan for a full moon party.
Yet again I'm on fine form getting hammered and get split up. I carry on indulging, we eventually meet up and head back to the docks at 6am for the boat ride across to Samaui, we were booked onto the 5am boat but are hopeful that they'll let us on the next one.

Little did we know till later, this happened to the boat we were booked on


Thats two of my nine used up that I know about.


Dude, Thailand seems to want to kill you!

If Cylcops' story had ended with his dad mowing that guy down, I would have empathised and understood... damn!

A few years back my grandma had a bad fall, she bust up her face and her legs were quite badly bruised. She takes warfarin, so she bruises and bleeds quite easily. She was in a bad way - so she was kept in hospital for a couple of days, and on the first day, given quite a lot of pain killers. I visited her with one of my female cousins in hospital, and she was kind of out of it. She sounded normal when she spoke, but she was saying things she wouldn't normally say; it was strange and kind of worrying.

Anyway, I'd recently been in trouble at home, so to make me feel better she starts telling me this story, an amusing anecdote about when my mother was younger. Part way through the story she says something about my sister's dad. At this point my cousin pipes up and says "Uncle <xxx> did that?". My nan then responds, "no, <yyy>'s dad". At this point, she casually reveals something that has never been revealed to me in all of 30 years: My sister is only my half sister.

My mother fell pregnant at 19 to someone she scarcely knew. She was doing some further education at the time, and although the school was catholic, the teachers there actually encouraged her to consider an abortion. My mother was kind of radical feminist at the time, so she would have considered the option if she felt she needed to, but she has always also been staunchly pro-life and has this kind of self-determining responsibility view on everything. This was the late 70s. In any case, she decided to keep the baby... Before my sister had even turned one year old, her father was struck down in a car accident. They were in touch with the father's family but for whatever reason, none among them showed an interest in maintaining contact with my mother. I've had it put to me that the area and the country were suffering massively (financially) at the time, they'd lost a son - so it probably terrified them.

My dad came along a few years later and started dating my mother, and he raised my sister as his own. I was born six years after my sister. Apparently when she was in her early teens, they told her the truth and gave her the opportunity to meet her 'other' family. But she didn't want to know. She said my dad was "her dad". And that was that. I confirmed this story with my uncle. There were more details. It sounded like a really hard and emotionally difficult period in my mother's life that I had no idea about. He was kind of pissed off that my grandmother had told me TBH. My sister doesn't know I know, my mother doesn't know I know, my brothers don't know.

It's a twist, but it doesn't change anything really. She's still my sister. I guess what it did change is that it made me have even more appreciation for what my mother has done for us while bringing us up, and it made me love and respect my dad even more for being able to raise another man's child like that, and show her no less love than he showed three of his own children.

I think it softened my views on single mothers too. It just so happens my sister is divorced now, and she has a son. No fault of her own, her husband was a cheating dickhead. I found myself romantically involved with a single mother after this too. It sounds bad, but I would have steered away before, purely for that reason alone - but now I think, well, two of the best women in my life were single mothers at one point.


Junior Member
Ok, my two best friends; brother and sister; whom I have spent a great deal of time with playing games and stuff suddenly became sexually interested in each other. Now im not sure how it started but the sister became extremely paranoid about people finding out about their flings and just kind of lost it. When their parents found out (how I have no idea, I was the only one that knew about it) she started blaming her brother and became very psychotic, saying extremely hurtful things. Her brother couldn't take it and became paranoid/lost it in the exact same way. Except he just committed suicide in an extremely over the top public way.
Its been two years and I cant count how many failed suicide attempts she's had, even changing her name for some reason. She's a broken person with nothing to live for and no future aspirations, refusing to even talk to me because I remind her of her brother.

I have never recovered from this experience, every time I play guilty gear (our little groups favourite game) I usually cry at least once, lightly but still crying.
Im not sure if this is a plot twist but im sure as Christ not the same person anymore. I was happy before. These were my only friends and they were the most interesting people on the world. Id known them since junior high.

Please speak with someone about this. Please.


I have a bit of a story. I'll try and keep it short but it's relatively long, really. This all occurred between a few years before I was born up to around the time I was born.

Seems so weird that a case like this could be pushed back so long that it would cost your parent's their business. How did they get the case pushed back so much and how do squatter's rights apply to people who are paying rent? Just seems like a simple eviction should have sufficed.


I think I've told this story before, but I was pushed out of an job by a middle manager who was just the worst kind of human being. I fretted over it a lot and lucked out finding a much better job days before it was scheduled to happen (I found this out later). Flash forward several months and I'm in a position to approve new hires for IT. Look who walks in for an interview - had gotten laid off due to downsizing. I could tell by the look on his face he knew he had no chance when he saw me. I tried to be the bigger man and not smile or act facetious, but shit, it was payback time. I heard through the grapevine it took him three months to find steady work, and it was a shitty job.


I think I've told this story before, but I was pushed out of an job by a middle manager who was just the worst kind of human being. I fretted over it a lot and lucked out finding a much better job days before it was scheduled to happen (I found this out later). Flash forward several months and I'm in a position to approve new hires for IT. Look who walks in for an interview - had gotten laid off due to downsizing. I could tell by the look on his face he knew he had no chance when he saw me. I tried to be the bigger man and not smile or act facetious, but shit, it was payback time. I heard through the grapevine it took him three months to find steady work, and it was a shitty job.

"Didn't you get the memo"

Ugh, so good.
Seems so weird that a case like this could be pushed back so long that it would cost your parent's their business. How did they get the case pushed back so much and how do squatter's rights apply to people who are paying rent? Just seems like a simple eviction should have sufficed.

I'm not entirely sure on the details - as I say, I wasn't born until the end of that story - but my understanding is that the whole thing took place over the course of years. Obviously they weren't in court the whole time - the actual appearances would have been pretty rare I suspect - but there were various delaying tactics, the squatters health being used routinely to delay things etc. As for rent - well, he never paid any rent. He was never on the tenancy agreement, his girlfriend was. As such, he ended up living there for quite some time without being evicted (I'm not sure if my parents knew he was there, but eitherway the rent was being paid on time and in full). It only became a problem when she moved out and he did not.

It does seem like a simple eviction should have sufficed, and I imagine that's what my parents thought (and I suspect that's also what their lawyers kept telling them). They always thought, so obvious was the right and wrong of the situation, that the inevitable eviction of him was just around the corner - just another week, or another few weeks away.


Dude, Thailand seems to want to kill you!

It would appear that way, after these incidents I told my mum I was going to Kanchanaburi near the River Kwai

and she was like


Luckily I resorted to my tried and trusted routine of getting hammered and I survived all water related deaths again.
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