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Have you ever had an insane twist happen to you in real life?

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I don't believe you, I've heard this story before so unless you can provide proof I'll carry on not believing you.

Wow, how cool that you've heard this story before! Especially since it actually happened. Here, let me get out my giant box of PROOF I carry around! I don't care if you believe me of not because it actually happened and was just a cool thing. I don't know a lot about their family. I remember that his mom calls him something other than Brad. She's always telling my grandma to pray for him too because she's very conservative Christian and does not approve of a lot of things in Hollywood. When the Angelina thing was going on in the press, she was not ok about it.

If you want to Google me, I still live in the Joplin, MO area as well and it's not exactly a secret where his family lives even though most in the area are still somehow completely unaware. Other than that, believe what you want. It's not like me or my grandmother see or even talk about him on a regular basis, my grandma is just friends with his mom. This was kind of before he got really huge in the mid 2000s as well.

When he's in the area now I hear he has to have a police escort just to take his kids out to eat. That sucks. Not going to add that kind of crap with anything else I know.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
Not exactly an insane twist, more of a crazy coincidence.

I'm from Canada, and did the whole backpacking around Europe thing for a few months when I was 21.

At one point, I was in a random, tiny coffee shop smoking a giant joint to my face, when I hear someone call my name.

In walks a girl from my hometown that I worked with for years as a teenager at our local ski hill. Thought I was just super high at first but ended up spending a couple days hanging out with her.

Small world.


Girl I dated for almost two years at college had a 6 yr fiance back home who knew she was fucking me the whole time. I had no idea.

When I found out (by him coming to campus and getting his ass beat after attacking me) I ended it with her. 6 months later she blew her brains out on my voicemail blaming me for her unhappiness.



Nose how to spell and rede to
I knew a guy who everybody said was "gay" (but in high school terms, when "gay" just meant, you know, whatever) but I was positive that he was just playing it to the ladies, you know, the well-groomed, handsome, dapper young man, non-threatening since he wasn't super macho or anything, perfect play right?

Nope. He's gay lol. Funniest thing is that he stole my girlfriend in middle school :p


When I was a kid I was walking with a friend and we were talking about how we have never seen a shooting star. Well, a few moments later, we both looked up, and there it was a star shooting across the sky. Really eerie.
Got on the train. Fell asleep. Woke up and the train did an entire loop. Back where I started.

Girl I dated for almost two years at college had a 6 yr fiance back home who knew she was fucking me the whole time. I had no idea.

When I found out (by him coming to campus and getting his ass beat after attacking me) I ended it with her. 6 months later she blew her brains out on my voicemail blaming me for her unhappiness.

Jesus Christ.
This happened a few years ago and goes in the coincidences category more than twists.

If I recall correctly, crows are supposed to be some harbinger of death. One day when I walked back to my college apartment after class, I took note of an unusual amount of crows just hanging out in the backyard–like 10 or so, in a pretty small backyard just squawking, no food in sight. Two hours later, I receive a phone call from my brother John telling me that our dad had a heart attack in the morning and just passed away.

Fast forward nearly two months later. I'm just getting back into the swing of things and am studying in my apartment one day. I hear a knock on my door and answer. My heart immediately sinks when I see it is my brother John showing up unannounced (he lives 4 hours away). He tells me that he's here to pick me up. The police had informed our family that morning that our other brother, David, was killed by a drunk driver the night before. I guess here is where the coincidence is: when I get home, that night I was using my David's desktop. I open his itunes and see that the number of songs in his library is 666.

I'm not superstitious or anything and understand that those were just coincidences. Unfortunately, logic doesn't always provide comfort. Every time I see bad omens, I still get those feelings of dread like I had on those days. It's even worse when I get phone calls or texts from people that never text or call me, or at unusual times. I immediately assume the worst :(


My parents got divorced when I was very young, not long after my sister was born. My dad kept renting his nice little house and we lived there until 1991 or so.

In the 5 or so years we lived there, most of my free time was spent with the kids next door. When I'd get home from school they'd already be in our living room playing my atari (and later NES), it seemed like they were ALWAYS over at our place. In retrospect it might be because their home situation was kind of shitty, living in their grandparents' basement with their mom and scumbag dad (who left them shortly after the youngest was born).

Anyways, at some point we moved to a much cheaper place in a nearby town. We still visited them occasionally but I didn't think much of it until a few years later when they all suddenly moved in with us, and I found out my dad was marrying their mom. We went from a a small family of 3 to a giant brady bunch of 7. Our place was so packed that I didn't get to keep my own room anymore, but I didn't mind since it was fun and I didn't need a babysitter anymore. And we eventually built a big addition to the house so we all got our own rooms. Which was nice because around that time my cousin moved in with us too, for a variety of reasons.

Kind of mundane compared to the stories here, but needless to say my life took a huge change from that point on. It certainly wasn't boring anymore. But suddenly I had to take a much less selfish outlook on life. I'd get up an hour early to avoid the bathroom clog, sometimes I had to help with dinner, etc. It went both ways of course - when the neighbourhood assholes thought they'd start shit, suddenly I had an older brother to help. The best part was I got to change schools from the fuck-awful separate school I went to, to a really great public school in my old town. It was a bit of a drive but worth it.

Sometimes I wonder how things would have ended up if my parents hadn't married, maybe we would've been better off financially. But I was a super depressed kid around that time. I hardly had any free time since our babysitter was extremely strict and lived very far away, I hated every minute I spent over there but never said anything because I didn't want to cause trouble for my dad (dumb kid logic). When they moved in with us it was like life suddenly became vibrant again, even if it was a bit more crowded.

My dad came along a few years later and started dating my mother, and he raised my sister as his own. I was born six years after my sister. Apparently when she was in her early teens, they told her the truth and gave her the opportunity to meet her 'other' family. But she didn't want to know. She said my dad was "her dad". And that was that. I confirmed this story with my uncle. There were more details. It sounded like a really hard and emotionally difficult period in my mother's life that I had no idea about. He was kind of pissed off that my grandmother had told me TBH. My sister doesn't know I know, my mother doesn't know I know, my brothers don't know.

It's a twist, but it doesn't change anything really. She's still my sister. I guess what it did change is that it made me have even more appreciation for what my mother has done for us while bringing us up, and it made me love and respect my dad even more for being able to raise another man's child like that, and show her no less love than he showed three of his own children.

At this point I don't think of family as a blood-related thing anymore. My stepsisters and brother all think of my dad as their dad. He's the one who raised them and he did a damn good job of it. My biological mother did fuck all for me when I grew up, so my stepmom is the real one as far as I'm concerned. I don't get hung up on these things at all.
When I was 4 I became a BIG fan of the Herbie (The Love Bug) films. Loved them to death, even though some nightmare scene in one of the films scared me to death.
I always told my parents back then that I want a Herbie for my birthday (every VW Beetle was a "Herbie" for me back then).
I knew I would never ever get one, probably not even a remote controlled one.

Then came my 5th birthday. My mom woke me up and told me to look out of the kitchen window. And what did I see? I fully working life sized totally real VW Beetle with a HERBIE license plate. It was painted red (because it was my favorite color then), but it still had the striped (although blue and white instead of blue end red) and the circled 53 on the hood and doors.

I went totally berserk, jumped down the stairs still in my pjs, hugged my dad and cried tears of joy.
We even drove around with it that day. I will never forget that day. It was totally awesome.

Thing is, that particular Beetle was basically a wreck, but it was still able to drive around. My parents bought it from our neighbour, who was a friend of ours and a used car salesman, for maybe 100 DM, painted over the rust with some paint and the drive around town this day was actually authorized by our city mayor (my dad was a town official until a few years ago and knew the mayor pretty closely).

No one ever believes me this story but you can ask anyone in my family and they will prove you otherwise.


My ex-wife found out she had cervical cancer. She traveled to pittsburgh to get treatments. Radiation mostly. She also had a surgery to remove a cluster of cysts. Her mom texted me during the surgery to say she had passed out during and wanted my prayers.

All of this was a lie.

She didn't have cancer. She faked all of it.


Earlier this year I went on a first date with a chick I had met online. We went to a bar nearby had a few drinks and laughs while learning about each other. The date ends and we walk to my place afterwards. My roommate is gone so we start making out on the bed and things get to heating up. She then tells me that she has to be somewhere for the night and that we can watch a movie or something later.

After she leaves, I notice the night is still young so I hit up a different woman I was talking to on the same dating site. I offer to finally hang out with her for the night if she's available. She agrees and tell me to meet her downtown to dance with her friends. I get there an hour later and go through the club looking for her. I see her dancing with a few people and surely enough the group includes my previous date that night...which ended up being her younger sister.

My previous date was so pissed at me she literally never spoke to me again. I tried explaining that I had no idea they were related, but she wasn't having it. Her older sister on the other hand thought it was pretty funny and we became great FBs a date later.

I felt like I was in a cartoon or traditional sitcom in that moment. I was so embarrassed. But it was pretty ballin' in retrospect. It was an insane twist, but I came out on top in the end (or should I say "on bottom"~).
Youth today...

Old man yells at cloud, etc.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
My ex-wife found out she had cervical cancer. She traveled to pittsburgh to get treatments. Radiation mostly. She also had a surgery to remove a cluster of cysts. Her mom texted me during the surgery to say she had passed out during and wanted my prayers.

All of this was a lie.

She didn't have cancer. She faked all of it.

Holy crap that's brutal.
The mom bit especially, jesus christ.
My ex-wife found out she had cervical cancer. She traveled to pittsburgh to get treatments. Radiation mostly. She also had a surgery to remove a cluster of cysts. Her mom texted me during the surgery to say she had passed out during and wanted my prayers.

All of this was a lie.

She didn't have cancer. She faked all of it.
What the fuck.


Went on a date with a girl, made out in theatre. A month or two later on new years eve was with same group of friends but trying to link another girl. Girl I'm trying to link and I get separated from group and end up making out in front of the house we were supposed to meet back at.

After about 5 mins of intense kissing all the lights turn on at the house, turns out they were all watching us. Including girl from theatre.

It was at that moment I learned what it was like to really feel like a mean person. :*(
What does "link" mean in this context?
My twist was having what doctors in my home country thought was cancer. Since they couldn't do anything (this was Russia, specifically Siberia, in the mid 80's), I had to get an operation in Moldova then move to England to live with my great aunt while I got annual checkups to make sure it didn't return. It was later determined I never had cancer and it was just a cyst.

If that hadn't happened, I'd probably still be in Siberia, smoking and drinking myself to death, working in a mine shaft or some shit, likely on my way to croaking by 50-something.

Instead, I live in a DC suburb with a six-figure income and a 5'10, Auburn-haired, German-born fiancee who looks like a model.

Every time I think where I'd be were it not for that fortunate fuck-up by Siberian doctors, it scares me. Whenever I watch a video from Russia of some drunk guy doing something stupid, it makes me realize that could be me. *Shudders*
My ex-wife found out she had cervical cancer. She traveled to pittsburgh to get treatments. Radiation mostly. She also had a surgery to remove a cluster of cysts. Her mom texted me during the surgery to say she had passed out during and wanted my prayers.

All of this was a lie.

She didn't have cancer. She faked all of it.

What the fuck.

Mine are pretty tame. Found out that my Dad has a half-sister who was born while my grandfather was with my grandmother. Also in high school I tried to date this girl who I found out later was my cousin. Small town life is weird


My ex-wife found out she had cervical cancer. She traveled to pittsburgh to get treatments. Radiation mostly. She also had a surgery to remove a cluster of cysts. Her mom texted me during the surgery to say she had passed out during and wanted my prayers.

All of this was a lie.

She didn't have cancer. She faked all of it.


you can't put a price on sparks
My ex-wife found out she had cervical cancer. She traveled to pittsburgh to get treatments. Radiation mostly. She also had a surgery to remove a cluster of cysts. Her mom texted me during the surgery to say she had passed out during and wanted my prayers.

All of this was a lie.

She didn't have cancer. She faked all of it.

Uhhh wtf. How did you find out though?

What was the end game? To make you worried or scam you out of money?


A friend of mine in law school was kicked out after the first year cause her grades were too bad. That happened to a lot of people so it was no big deal. We were all still friends with her and she still lived with a couple of girls who were still in the school. Her boy friend was also our friend and he was in the law school. the girl was doing cocaine. Not a huge amount (not that I knew) but she would do it on the weekends etc.

Then she told some people she was diagnosed with stage 3? non hodgkins lymphoma. Everyone was devastated and was really supporting her. Her boyfriend would take her to the hospital and drop her off for her treatments, she never allowed him inside. We all would take care of her and bring her food and just try to be nice to her. She would still do some cocaine but not a lot.

Eventually one by one her friends stopped talking to her. I was still friends with her so she was really upset that they didn't talk to her any more and I was upset as well that they would abandon her in her time of need. Later I found out that her friends stopped believing that she actually had cancer. That she would always borrow money from them and not pay it back, claiming it was for medicine or whatever and she would pay them back as soon as her parents gave her some money etc.

Her boyfriend was still with her and she was really sick when he was studying for finals. He basically had to take care of her instead of studying. He got really stressed and eventually talked to her parents to tell them that he didn't know what to do but he needed more help with her condition. Her parents just looked at him blankly and asked "what condition"? They didn't know that she had cancer.

Then he dumped her and stopped talking to her but I never knew why at the time (I found out later). During this whole time I was always really nice to her and stuff cause guess what, my mom was dying of cancer! My mom eventually passed away and one time this girl came to visit me as I had moved out of town and she was just acting really weird and was just super annoying and I decided cancer or not I would never talk to her again.

After that I started talking to her previous friends and I pieced together the fact that she was just lying the whole time. This had gone on for about 18 months at least.

I guess she is married with a kid now. I hope mentally she is better but I will never forgive her for what she did. There is waaay more to this story but that is just the surface.
Back when I was 20 I was dating a girl and on our 3 year anniversary I was at her apt. We got in a fight and I started walking home. I decided I shouldn't be doing this, just go back and apologize and try to have a decent rest of the day. I go back, and make it there after about 30 minutes. She doesn't want me there so I proceed to walk down the stairs. I get to the bottom of the stairs and a guy stops me.

He asks "Hey, do you know if that is where *my girl friend's name* lives?" I said yup, she lives right there. He knocked on the door and she told him to wait a second. I ran up, looked her in the face and just said "Really? Really? You called up another guy on our 3 yr anniversary?" Then I walked out and haven't seen her since.

Crazy that I just happened to get there right when he did and he just happened to ask me where she lived. I felt like I was in a movie. Sucked at the time but it's a cool memory. Glad it happened.


I know and hate someone on the internet.

This person lives half a world away, in a country I've never been to. He/she has gotten in several tussles online with me about the slimey shit he/she does.

Then, holy shit, I find myself at the same social event...seated by hosts at the same dinner table. Only 4 people, and we were two of them. I used an nickname, so I don't think he/she realized who I was, but I knew who I was there with. It was super fricking weird.

Never ever thought our paths would cross -- why would they? But the universe made it happen. The 6,000 miles between us were gone, and my greatest enemy was right there, laughing and eating dinner at a party while I laughed and joked right back.
It's not that interesting but here I go.

I was dumped by the girl of my dreams after we dated for seven years, it destroyed me, I pretty much stopped going to College and stayed home and cried for around a year, I blamed myself for everything and had suicidal thoughts all the time.

I hated my life and didn't do anything for several more months, but one day I met the guy that she left me for, he dated her for around a year and a half and then broke up, he told me why they broke up and it was exactly the same situation I was in, it was almost creepy, to the point that if I had told him my story it would have been the same.

The dude basically saved my life because I was soooo going to kill myself, I didn't blame myself anymore, it was clearly her fault and now I'm best friend's with this guy.

As a little side story, she faked her own death at some point and told everyone we knew to tell me she had died if I asked, I'll never forget how much I suffered that day.


you can't put a price on sparks
It's not that interesting but here I go.

I was dumped by the girl of my dreams after we dated for seven years, it destroyed me, I pretty much stopped going to College and stayed home and cried for around a year, I blamed myself for everything and had suicidal thoughts all the time.

I hated my life and didn't do anything for several more months, but one day I met the guy that she left me for, he dated her for around a year and a half and then broke up, he told me why they broke up and it was exactly the same situation I was in, it was almost creepy, to the point that if I had told him my story it would have been the same.

The dude basically saved my life because I was soooo going to kill myself, I didn't blame myself anymore, it was clearly her fault and now I'm best friend's with this guy.

As a little side story, she faked her own death at some point and told everyone we knew to tell me she had died if I asked, I'll never forget how much I suffered that day.

What in the hell did she do to convince other people to vouch that for her? Insane.


This is going to require some back story… If you don’t want to hear it skip to Part II

Part I
During my second tour in Iraq, about five months in, we all heard a rumor that we were redeploying home early. The leadership came out and confirmed the rumors. We were in fact going home early, but only to return to Iraq in a few months for The Surge.

I told all of my friends that knew my wife to keep a lid on it and don’t say anything to her because I wanted to surprise her. The day that we were getting ready to fly out, I was sitting in a holding area in Kuwait and just couldn’t wait any longer. I had to tell my wife that I was on my way home to her.

After multiple attempts with AT&T prepaid cards, I finally got a hold of her. As soon as she heard my voice she started crying. My first thought was that someone close to me had died. When I asked her what was wrong she said “I don’t want to tell you, you’ll hate me.” In my heart I knew what it was, but I pressed her. She told me that she had gotten drunk the night before and slept with Tom.

Who is Tom? Tom was one of my Soldiers that didn’t deploy with us because he had broken his ankle previously. After getting home and talking things out we decided to keep at it with our marriage. After all, I did marry this woman and intend to spend the rest of my life with her. We attended marriage counseling and I asked her to move back to Illinois to live with my brother while I was deployed. He needed a roommate, I didn’t want her to be anywhere near a military installation and despite how much I loved her, the trust had been broken and I wanted someone to keep an eye on her.

Fast forward. I’m back in Iraq for my third tour and this is the 15 month Surge. Because I’m higher ranking than most in my platoon at the time it was expected of me (and it was the right thing to do) to allow all of my Soldiers to go home first. 11 Months later, it’s finally my turn to take mid-tour leave and come home. All this time I’d been speaking to my wife as often as I could at the phone center or on Skype whenever I was at a location that had internet. I was very excited to finally come home and see her again.
And it was marvelous. We spent 18 days together before I had to return to Iraq. Using the money that we’d saved during the tour we bought a second car so that we would both have one when I got home. Bought a huge California King sized bed, a nice projector, and several other pricey items all so that when I got home we would have all of these nice things together.

One week after returning to Iraq I was speaking to her on Yahoo! Messenger and she told me that she was seeing someone else. I told her that I would call. I logged off and made my way to the call center, waited in line until a phone opened up and called her. She told me that she had been seeing someone for TWO WEEKS. I’d only been back a week so somehow, she met and started seeing someone while I was home on leave. I only had a few more months to go, but I told her that I would just keep everything as it was, her still handling the bills and we’d get divorced when I returned.

True to her word, she didn’t steal my money or ruin me but things like the second car immediately became clear in my mind. Regardless, we divorced and my life changed.

Part II
Several months after my divorce I received a random Facebook friend request. I accepted it but ignored it. Believing that it could have been a bot or could have been one of the women that I’d messed around with in the months after my divorce. I was only in my mid 20’s at the time, so I decided to really experience life.

One day, out of sheer boredom, I decided to trim down my Facebook Friends List and came across that friend request I’d accepted a few weeks prior. So I decided to look through the woman’s photos to try and see if there was somewhere I knew her from. Her hometown was somewhere in Tennessee, a state that I’d never been in so I hadn’t met her there. After going through dozens of photos –BAM! – it happened. The photo that tied it all together.

After that I immediately started talking to her. Sending messages back and forth and eventually giving her my phone number so that we could text each other and occasionally spoke on the phone. This went on for several weeks before she told me that she ‘had to meet me’. I was game, but I told her that there was no way that I could take leave to do so, because I was in the Army. Not true, but she didn’t know that.
So it was planned out. She would show up on a Saturday after I got done with work, we’d spend the evening together, she’d recover Sunday and then head home. I had bought a house so I had plenty of empty rooms for her to sleep in but I was still cautious about everything (probably not enough) and I wasn’t going to spend a dime going to see her so she was going to come and see me. So she drove 500 miles, one way, to spend an evening talking to me.

After I got off of work I went home showered and changed, she was a little late because of traffic and construction but she came in around dinner time so I asked her if she’d like to meet me at a local restaurant. We had a nice dinner, mostly just chit-chatting but nothing really serious so I excused myself to the restroom but actually went to pay for our meals before I decided to drop the bomb on her, in case I felt that I needed to ditch the situation.

When I returned to my seat I asked her one questions that I knew was going to change the entire tone of the evening. “So, how do you know *TJ” (*name changed) Immediately, her demeanor changed. Remember the photo that I was talking about earlier? The photo in question was of the two of them. It turns out that she was married to the guy that my wife left me for. I had thought that they had been a couple at one time but I had no idea she was married to him.

After that we started really talking. TJ left her unexpectedly and she didn’t really understand why. So out of desperation or insanity or whatever she started Facebook stalking my wife through TJ. While doing all of that she found out about me and decided to contact me to ‘better understand the woman that took her husband away’. That set off a klaxon alarm, but I was young and stupid, I let her keep going. She also explained that she went to a psychic and that someone with the name of ‘S’ was going to help her and all of that “confirmed” it was me.

She asked if we could go to a bar and I was down for it. This was entertaining and I wanted to see where this was going to end so we went to a bar which turned into a second bar which eventually led back to my place where we had a few more drinks before we ended up in my bedroom.
There’s a lot more to that story but that’s where that part ends. This thread was about twists and even though I had a good idea of what was going on it blew my mind even then.
It was at that moment I learned what it was like to really feel like a mean person. :*(

Damn, I feel ya.

Years ago I was hanging out at the mall with my best friend. We were in EB Games or something checking out games. I don't think they're around anymore, but to set the scene, this store had these HUGE glass walls/windows, and the games were on shelves on said glass wall. The store was basically half of a glass box. So it was easy to pick up a game, be reading the box and look up at the wall/see people through the glass walking through the mall.

Well, me and my buddy are checking out games when a girl from my school sees us through the glass, and promptly comes over to the glass and waves enthusiastically to me. This girl had always had a thing for me, but we ended up getting different classes, or maybe it was over the summer or something, but I hadn't seen her for quite some time. Another point of importance, is that she had put on an unusual amount of weight since I saw her last. Anyway, she runs up to the glass overjoyed to see me, waving at me through the glass and I swear she's moving her mouth saying something that I can't make out. Without even thinking about it, I look over at my friend, who's thinking the exact same thing I am, turn my head (so she couldn't read my lips) and say "Dooooood, she got FAT!".

The twist? Somehow, she heard every word. I look back up to wave back or smile or something to her, and all I see is the saddest, most heartbroken face I've ever seen staring back at me through the glass. There were tears in her eyes, and I've never felt more like sh*t than right then.
Not as good as some of the other stories in this thread, but I do have a minor twist in my life.

My parents had me late in life and I'm their only child. I knew they met while working together when they were in their thirties. They'd also told me stories about when they were kids and what-not, and my dad always talked about his experiences in the navy and college and what-not. I'd never realized there was a huge gap in time of my mom's life though until one day (I'm in my early 20s at this point) she sits me down and says "I have something I need to tell you."

Turns out my dad is my mom's second husband. She met another guy and married him sorta young, but he turned out to be an asshole and cheated on her with a girl who worked at Pizza Hut (really weird detail she shared with me, but I guess you remember thy kind of stuff). She divorced him, met my dad, and lived happily ever after. But it was a complete shock to me because I'd had no idea about that entire phase of her life until that moment.
I guess it's okay to tell this one since everyone around here already knows about it.

This happened during the last Summer Olympics. I happened to run into one of my old friends that I hadn't really seen or talked to since we all graduated HS and went off to college. She and I used to hook up in middle and high school so her asking me to come over for the night wasn't that unusual. When I got there the first night she told me her parents were in Europe for the summer seeing their family and she stayed behind because she had a really important internship. The whole summer I was going over there every single night.

Ze Twist

The last night I walk in the front door and yell "alright, let's do this babe!". I walk into the family room and there are her parents + some guy I've never seen or heard of before holding her. Turns out he was her fiance and was in Europe with her parents the entire time. I've never faked a phone call emergency so fast lol.


I guess it's okay to tell this one since everyone around here already knows about it.

This happened during the last Summer Olympics. I happened to run into one of my old friends that I hadn't really seen or talked to since we all graduated HS and went off to college. She and I used to hook up in middle and high school so her asking me to come over for the night wasn't that unusual. When I got there the first night she told me her parents were in Europe for the summer seeing their family and she stayed behind because she had a really important internship. The whole summer I was going over there every single night.

Ze Twist

The last night I walk in the front door and yell "alright, let's do this babe!". I walk into the family room and there are her parents + some guy I've never seen or heard of before holding her. Turns out he was her fiance and was in Europe with her parents the entire time. I've never faked a phone call emergency so fast lol.

I thought this was actual going to have something to do with the summer games..


My grandmother on my mom's side has held onto a small-ish ranch (patch of dirt full of brush) that she and my grandfather bought when they moved to Texas years and years ago. She's always kept a small herd of cattle on it and made just enough from their sales to scrape by.

A few years ago it was discovered that there is apparently a shit-ton of oil underneath the ranch, located along the eagle-ford shale formation. Now she's apparently a millionaire, and has started to give her children a monthly allowance of around 10k that has allowed them to pay of debts, and blow the rest in amazingly childish fashion.

She did help me out when I graduated, and cut me a check that allowed me to pay off all but about 15k of my student debt. I put a little to the side and bought a modest used car as well for my fiance.

The whole thing has been pretty life-changing in the way that I hate associating with that side of the family anymore. They are all prime examples of how money can change people. It's all they ever really talk about, and I just can't relate to them anymore.The shitty thing is that the rest of my family have conditioned my grandmother to expect everyone to ask for money when they visit. I'm still thankful for getting help with my student loans, but I kinda liked it better when everyone was poor.
I have a bit of a story. I'll try and keep it short but it's relatively long, really. This all occurred between a few years before I was born up to around the time I was born.

My parents used to run an "ironing service" - my dad would go out in his van, collect people's (clean) clothes and take them back to our house. My mum would then iron them, and my dad would take them back to people on hangers on the rails in the back of the van! (This sounds like it's really enforcing typical gender roles, but my mum actually couldn't drive at the time so it's the only way it could work!) Anyway, as time went on, their business got more and more popular. My dad ended up going on "the rounds" three or four times a day to collect and drop off clothing, and my mum was soon joined by other people ironing - it was a decent operation because the costs were so low, just labour really; The women - and it was always women - who did the ironing could do so in their own home (so ideal if they had young kids) and all they needed was an iron. The only other cost was the van - a battered old Ford Transit van. I spent yeaaaaars in that van.

Anyway, the business kept expanding and they were doing well, so they ended up buying a laundrette. They ran this as a typical laundrette but it also allowed them to offer a more fancy service to the ironing customers, because now they could clean and iron the clothes. Over time they ended up buying another laundrette, and then a third. Things were going well! They employed people in the laundrette to clean up and make sure everyone was doing all OK, and one of those women ended up living in the flat above the Laundrette (which was part of the business - so effectively my parents were their landlords).

Everything was going well until, a few years after working there, the aforementioned cleaner decided that it was time to move on and so she moved out of the flat and left the job, on entirely amicable terms with my parents. However, the guy who had been her boyfriend, living there with her, stayed. As in, he refused to leave. Obviously my parents tried to get him evicted as he was taking up the space and refusing to pay the rent - but they struggled, because there are (were? I'm not sure what the situation is now) laws that protect squatting rights under certain circumstances (if it's not the owners primary home, if they've lived there without being kicked out for a certain period of time etc - all these criteria that were met for this situation).

Needless to say, my parents lawyered up to get him evicted and he was taken to court. This guy didn't have a job so he had hardly any money, so his legal representation was provided by - or, rather, paid for - by the government. His legal team's tactics were effectively to drag the case out for long enough in the hopes that the mounting legal fees and loss of revenue from the lack of rental income (whilst they still had to pay the mortgage, obviously) would cause my parents to just pay him off to leave. They were slightly more principled than this, and combined with their legal team telling them to keep it up with the case, they stuck to their guns.

I guess this is the twistish bit. In the end, they had to actually sell a laundrette in order to keep paying the legal fees and the mortgage on this other property with no income. Then they had to sell another. They couldn't sell the laundrette in question because of the case. In the end my parents basically lost the entire business, all because of this parasitical court case just bled them dry. In the end they simply couldn't pay the legal fees anymore and they had to throw in the towel on the case - which then meant they actually had to pay the squatter's legal fees because technically he'd won the case, adding insult in injury. Because it wasn't a limited liability company, my parents basically defaulted on their mortgage on our actual house so we ended up briefly homeless (around the time I was born). As a final added insult, they had to get rid of all the staff doing the ironing as they were an unaffordable expense but because they didn't do it in the proper manner, they got collared with unfair dismissal and had to pay one of the previous staff members a bunch of money (I don't know how much).

They continued to run the ironing service as it started - just them two - from our now rented house, for a while. One night my dad actually saw this guy - the squatter - walking across the road whilst he was filling in his little ledger book having just made a pickup or whatever. He said that he genuinely sat there, staring, thinking about whether he should just run the guy over - I mean, he'd basically ruined his life's work at that point. The only reason he didn't was because my brother was about 2.5 and I was about to be born. My parents split up some 12 years later and my dad never owned a house again for about 18 years after these events.

That fucking sucks. I would have killed that guy.


My grandmother on my mom's side has held onto a small-ish ranch (patch of dirt full of brush) that she and my grandfather bought when they moved to Texas years and years ago. She's always kept a small herd of cattle on it and made just enough from their sales to scrape by.

A few years ago it was discovered that there is apparently a shit-ton of oil underneath the ranch, located along the eagle-ford shale formation. Now she's apparently a millionaire, and has started to give her children a monthly allowance of around 10k that has allowed them to pay of debts, and blow the rest in amazingly childish fashion.

She did help me out when I graduated, and cut me a check that allowed me to pay off all but about 15k of my student debt. I put a little to the side and bought a modest used car as well for my fiance.

The whole thing has been pretty life-changing in the way that I hate associating with that side of the family anymore. They are all prime examples of how money can change people. It's all they ever really talk about, and I just can't relate to them anymore.The shitty thing is that the rest of my family have conditioned my grandmother to expect everyone to ask for money when they visit. I'm still thankful for getting help with my student loans, but I kinda liked it better when everyone was poor.

wanna know, who the oil belongs under your house in germany?

right, germany. :lol
Tiny one. I was staying in Spain for a month and I rented a room from this dude. It was in a suburb just outside of downtown Madrid.

One day I decided to take the bus to downtown. I got on the subway, changed trains a few times, and as I'm walking through a tunnel on my way to the train I run into the dude I'm staying with.

Really strange.

Oh another one. I recently stopped working at Domino's Pizza in Charlotte, NC. A week after that, I went on vacation to Seattle.

I landed in Seattle and went to the baggage claim, and I ran into the owner of the Domino's franchise from Charlotte. Turns out we were on the exact same flight. We chatted for a while and I was able to tie up some loose ends regarding my time at Domino's. Was pretty cool.
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