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Have you ever had an insane twist happen to you in real life?

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Ran rp

Yeah I actually kissed a girl

Fucked a friend zoner!

This is going to require some back story… If you don’t want to hear it skip to Part II

Part I
During my second tour in Iraq, about five months in, we all heard a rumor that we were redeploying home early. The leadership came out and confirmed the rumors. We were in fact going home early, but only to return to Iraq in a few months for The Surge.

I told all of my friends that knew my wife to keep a lid on it and don’t say anything to her because I wanted to surprise her. The day that we were getting ready to fly out, I was sitting in a holding area in Kuwait and just couldn’t wait any longer. I had to tell my wife that I was on my way home to her.

After multiple attempts with AT&T prepaid cards, I finally got a hold of her. As soon as she heard my voice she started crying. My first thought was that someone close to me had died. When I asked her what was wrong she said “I don’t want to tell you, you’ll hate me.” In my heart I knew what it was, but I pressed her. She told me that she had gotten drunk the night before and slept with Tom.

Who is Tom? Tom was one of my Soldiers that didn’t deploy with us because he had broken his ankle previously. After getting home and talking things out we decided to keep at it with our marriage. After all, I did marry this woman and intend to spend the rest of my life with her. We attended marriage counseling and I asked her to move back to Illinois to live with my brother while I was deployed. He needed a roommate, I didn’t want her to be anywhere near a military installation and despite how much I loved her, the trust had been broken and I wanted someone to keep an eye on her.

Fast forward. I’m back in Iraq for my third tour and this is the 15 month Surge. Because I’m higher ranking than most in my platoon at the time it was expected of me (and it was the right thing to do) to allow all of my Soldiers to go home first. 11 Months later, it’s finally my turn to take mid-tour leave and come home. All this time I’d been speaking to my wife as often as I could at the phone center or on Skype whenever I was at a location that had internet. I was very excited to finally come home and see her again.
And it was marvelous. We spent 18 days together before I had to return to Iraq. Using the money that we’d saved during the tour we bought a second car so that we would both have one when I got home. Bought a huge California King sized bed, a nice projector, and several other pricey items all so that when I got home we would have all of these nice things together.

One week after returning to Iraq I was speaking to her on Yahoo! Messenger and she told me that she was seeing someone else. I told her that I would call. I logged off and made my way to the call center, waited in line until a phone opened up and called her. She told me that she had been seeing someone for TWO WEEKS. I’d only been back a week so somehow, she met and started seeing someone while I was home on leave. I only had a few more months to go, but I told her that I would just keep everything as it was, her still handling the bills and we’d get divorced when I returned.

True to her word, she didn’t steal my money or ruin me but things like the second car immediately became clear in my mind. Regardless, we divorced and my life changed.

Part II
Several months after my divorce I received a random Facebook friend request. I accepted it but ignored it. Believing that it could have been a bot or could have been one of the women that I’d messed around with in the months after my divorce. I was only in my mid 20’s at the time, so I decided to really experience life.

One day, out of sheer boredom, I decided to trim down my Facebook Friends List and came across that friend request I’d accepted a few weeks prior. So I decided to look through the woman’s photos to try and see if there was somewhere I knew her from. Her hometown was somewhere in Tennessee, a state that I’d never been in so I hadn’t met her there. After going through dozens of photos –BAM! – it happened. The photo that tied it all together.

After that I immediately started talking to her. Sending messages back and forth and eventually giving her my phone number so that we could text each other and occasionally spoke on the phone. This went on for several weeks before she told me that she ‘had to meet me’. I was game, but I told her that there was no way that I could take leave to do so, because I was in the Army. Not true, but she didn’t know that.
So it was planned out. She would show up on a Saturday after I got done with work, we’d spend the evening together, she’d recover Sunday and then head home. I had bought a house so I had plenty of empty rooms for her to sleep in but I was still cautious about everything (probably not enough) and I wasn’t going to spend a dime going to see her so she was going to come and see me. So she drove 500 miles, one way, to spend an evening talking to me.

After I got off of work I went home showered and changed, she was a little late because of traffic and construction but she came in around dinner time so I asked her if she’d like to meet me at a local restaurant. We had a nice dinner, mostly just chit-chatting but nothing really serious so I excused myself to the restroom but actually went to pay for our meals before I decided to drop the bomb on her, in case I felt that I needed to ditch the situation.

When I returned to my seat I asked her one questions that I knew was going to change the entire tone of the evening. “So, how do you know *TJ” (*name changed) Immediately, her demeanor changed. Remember the photo that I was talking about earlier? The photo in question was of the two of them. It turns out that she was married to the guy that my wife left me for. I had thought that they had been a couple at one time but I had no idea she was married to him.

After that we started really talking. TJ left her unexpectedly and she didn’t really understand why. So out of desperation or insanity or whatever she started Facebook stalking my wife through TJ. While doing all of that she found out about me and decided to contact me to ‘better understand the woman that took her husband away’. That set off a klaxon alarm, but I was young and stupid, I let her keep going. She also explained that she went to a psychic and that someone with the name of ‘S’ was going to help her and all of that “confirmed” it was me.

She asked if we could go to a bar and I was down for it. This was entertaining and I wanted to see where this was going to end so we went to a bar which turned into a second bar which eventually led back to my place where we had a few more drinks before we ended up in my bedroom.
There’s a lot more to that story but that’s where that part ends. This thread was about twists and even though I had a good idea of what was going on it blew my mind even then.

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet, I want Part III.


Dude, Thailand seems to want to kill you!

If Cylcops' story had ended with his dad mowing that guy down, I would have empathised and understood... damn!

A few years back my grandma had a bad fall, she bust up her face and her legs were quite badly bruised. She takes warfarin, so she bruises and bleeds quite easily. She was in a bad way - so she was kept in hospital for a couple of days, and on the first day, given quite a lot of pain killers. I visited her with one of my female cousins in hospital, and she was kind of out of it. She sounded normal when she spoke, but she was saying things she wouldn't normally say; it was strange and kind of worrying.

Anyway, I'd recently been in trouble at home, so to make me feel better she starts telling me this story, an amusing anecdote about when my mother was younger. Part way through the story she says something about my sister's dad. At this point my cousin pipes up and says "Uncle <xxx> did that?". My nan then responds, "no, <yyy>'s dad". At this point, she casually reveals something that has never been revealed to me in all of 30 years: My sister is only my half sister.

My mother fell pregnant at 19 to someone she scarcely knew. She was doing some further education at the time, and although the school was catholic, the teachers there actually encouraged her to consider an abortion. My mother was kind of radical feminist at the time, so she would have considered the option if she felt she needed to, but she has always also been staunchly pro-life and has this kind of self-determining responsibility view on everything. This was the late 70s. In any case, she decided to keep the baby... Before my sister had even turned one year old, her father was struck down in a car accident. They were in touch with the father's family but for whatever reason, none among them showed an interest in maintaining contact with my mother. I've had it put to me that the area and the country were suffering massively (financially) at the time, they'd lost a son - so it probably terrified them.

My dad came along a few years later and started dating my mother, and he raised my sister as his own. I was born six years after my sister. Apparently when she was in her early teens, they told her the truth and gave her the opportunity to meet her 'other' family. But she didn't want to know. She said my dad was "her dad". And that was that. I confirmed this story with my uncle. There were more details. It sounded like a really hard and emotionally difficult period in my mother's life that I had no idea about. He was kind of pissed off that my grandmother had told me TBH. My sister doesn't know I know, my mother doesn't know I know, my brothers don't know.

It's a twist, but it doesn't change anything really. She's still my sister. I guess what it did change is that it made me have even more appreciation for what my mother has done for us while bringing us up, and it made me love and respect my dad even more for being able to raise another man's child like that, and show her no less love than he showed three of his own children.

I think it softened my views on single mothers too. It just so happens my sister is divorced now, and she has a son. No fault of her own, her husband was a cheating dickhead. I found myself romantically involved with a single mother after this too. It sounds bad, but I would have steered away before, purely for that reason alone - but now I think, well, two of the best women in my life were single mothers at one point.
good story :)


I knew a guy who everybody said was "gay" (but in high school terms, when "gay" just meant, you know, whatever) but I was positive that he was just playing it to the ladies, you know, the well-groomed, handsome, dapper young man, non-threatening since he wasn't super macho or anything, perfect play right?

Nope. He's gay lol. Funniest thing is that he stole my girlfriend in middle school :p

Hahaha, same thing happened to me in Uni. There was this one guy in our group of Friends that all the guys thought was gay but the girls thought he was very feminine.

Anyways, I was fooling around with one of the girls but just every now and then. All of a sudden her and him are dating. Okay, kinda weird, but I guess he made a move when I went home one weekend.

Then I started dating a girl from the group for about 10 months or so. We brake up and all of a sudden he is now dating her!

I was a bit creeped out that he was dating the same girls I was. He would even express interest if I did in others.

Wound up breaking out of that group after that. My roommate joked that maybe it was me he was trying to get close too.

Just checked, looks like he has been dating a guy for quite some time now.
I once travelled to a town about 100km away. Went into a random pub that i've never been to for lunch and a couple beers and chatted with the barkeeper. After a while she started talking about a group of people who had been there a while ago and behaved like complete animals, dancing on the tables etc. Then she showed me some pictures, pointed at a guy and said "this one was the worst". Turned out it was one of my closest friends at the time lmao.


Had a half brother show up. On my doorstep that was hidden from me for 20 years. Oh yeah he was 1 month my elder as well.

Had an uncle statutory rape his 13 year old daughter. Girl was really fucked in the head and tried to get with all the men in her life due to her mothers promiscuous actions while raising her. He abused his authority and committed incest instead of getting her help.
Had a crush on a girl all through middle school and some of high school... at which point I find out that we're distant relatives. I dropped it at that point. Super awkward and very disappointing though.


Learning my older brother had a different birth father was weird.

I briefly dated the younger sister of the guy who my first girlfriend cheated on me with without knowing it.

There was also finding out that my grandparents on my mother's side had a whole Romeo and Juliet thing going on where their familys hated eachother and have had a fued since back in the old country (Russia) so they moved across the country and eloped. Turns out the families they ran from are both rich as fuck. Unfortunately they will hardly acknowledge my existence.

Big Dog

Found out my biological father was a con artist and bank robber who left a trail of destruction and children wherever he went. Found out I had many half brothers and sisters I'd never met. Digging into his past has made me honestly wonder if he possibly could have been DB Cooper, given that he was in the area at the time and wife number (3?) had just kicked him out. (Among other things like inexplicable bank account statements my mother saw)

Also, randomly moved to the PNW because my husband got a job. In doing research on my father, found out my oldest (maybe) half brother lived 30 minutes from where we'd moved. Met and he's awesome, and now I have family in the area, and neices my own age lol.

Have you ever talked to the police or even the FBI to give them some sorts of leads into this information? Could honestly bring a new lead for them or give you closure that he was NOT DB Cooper. That is absolutely crazy.

But for me, the biggest twist would have happened when I was around 7 maybe 8 years old. From the time that I was a baby until around the age of 7 or 8, one side of my family took all of our summer and spring vacations on our own private jet. I spent my first few years of life going on probably two or three trips each year and we would show up at a private terminal, check in, and personally walk our luggage the 100 feet out the door to get on the plane. It was around this age that I either talked to some friends or maybe my parents told me, but I seemed to think that everyone flew on their own planes and it was a normal thing.

Now I use this story to kind of show off because it shows how well off my grandparents were around the year 2000 including the 10 or so years before (they are still incredibly wealthy now but just don't spend it on private flights). In 2007 we stopped taking those trips on the private plane but I will never forget what it was like on the inside. The inside was asymmetrical with a couch on each side and some large sofa chairs that faced each other but could be unlocked to rotate around. And between the sofa chairs there was a fold-out table that could come from the wall so that you could eat you in flight meal with fine china on the table. Those were the days.
I'm only 19 rofl


Nose how to spell and rede to
This is going to require some back story… If you don’t want to hear it skip to Part II

Part I
During my second tour in Iraq, about five months in, we all heard a rumor that we were redeploying home early. The leadership came out and confirmed the rumors. We were in fact going home early, but only to return to Iraq in a few months for The Surge.

I told all of my friends that knew my wife to keep a lid on it and don’t say anything to her because I wanted to surprise her. The day that we were getting ready to fly out, I was sitting in a holding area in Kuwait and just couldn’t wait any longer. I had to tell my wife that I was on my way home to her.

After multiple attempts with AT&T prepaid cards, I finally got a hold of her. As soon as she heard my voice she started crying. My first thought was that someone close to me had died. When I asked her what was wrong she said “I don’t want to tell you, you’ll hate me.” In my heart I knew what it was, but I pressed her. She told me that she had gotten drunk the night before and slept with Tom.

Who is Tom? Tom was one of my Soldiers that didn’t deploy with us because he had broken his ankle previously. After getting home and talking things out we decided to keep at it with our marriage. After all, I did marry this woman and intend to spend the rest of my life with her. We attended marriage counseling and I asked her to move back to Illinois to live with my brother while I was deployed. He needed a roommate, I didn’t want her to be anywhere near a military installation and despite how much I loved her, the trust had been broken and I wanted someone to keep an eye on her.

Fast forward. I’m back in Iraq for my third tour and this is the 15 month Surge. Because I’m higher ranking than most in my platoon at the time it was expected of me (and it was the right thing to do) to allow all of my Soldiers to go home first. 11 Months later, it’s finally my turn to take mid-tour leave and come home. All this time I’d been speaking to my wife as often as I could at the phone center or on Skype whenever I was at a location that had internet. I was very excited to finally come home and see her again.
And it was marvelous. We spent 18 days together before I had to return to Iraq. Using the money that we’d saved during the tour we bought a second car so that we would both have one when I got home. Bought a huge California King sized bed, a nice projector, and several other pricey items all so that when I got home we would have all of these nice things together.

One week after returning to Iraq I was speaking to her on Yahoo! Messenger and she told me that she was seeing someone else. I told her that I would call. I logged off and made my way to the call center, waited in line until a phone opened up and called her. She told me that she had been seeing someone for TWO WEEKS. I’d only been back a week so somehow, she met and started seeing someone while I was home on leave. I only had a few more months to go, but I told her that I would just keep everything as it was, her still handling the bills and we’d get divorced when I returned.

True to her word, she didn’t steal my money or ruin me but things like the second car immediately became clear in my mind. Regardless, we divorced and my life changed.

Part II
Several months after my divorce I received a random Facebook friend request. I accepted it but ignored it. Believing that it could have been a bot or could have been one of the women that I’d messed around with in the months after my divorce. I was only in my mid 20’s at the time, so I decided to really experience life.

One day, out of sheer boredom, I decided to trim down my Facebook Friends List and came across that friend request I’d accepted a few weeks prior. So I decided to look through the woman’s photos to try and see if there was somewhere I knew her from. Her hometown was somewhere in Tennessee, a state that I’d never been in so I hadn’t met her there. After going through dozens of photos –BAM! – it happened. The photo that tied it all together.

After that I immediately started talking to her. Sending messages back and forth and eventually giving her my phone number so that we could text each other and occasionally spoke on the phone. This went on for several weeks before she told me that she ‘had to meet me’. I was game, but I told her that there was no way that I could take leave to do so, because I was in the Army. Not true, but she didn’t know that.
So it was planned out. She would show up on a Saturday after I got done with work, we’d spend the evening together, she’d recover Sunday and then head home. I had bought a house so I had plenty of empty rooms for her to sleep in but I was still cautious about everything (probably not enough) and I wasn’t going to spend a dime going to see her so she was going to come and see me. So she drove 500 miles, one way, to spend an evening talking to me.

After I got off of work I went home showered and changed, she was a little late because of traffic and construction but she came in around dinner time so I asked her if she’d like to meet me at a local restaurant. We had a nice dinner, mostly just chit-chatting but nothing really serious so I excused myself to the restroom but actually went to pay for our meals before I decided to drop the bomb on her, in case I felt that I needed to ditch the situation.

When I returned to my seat I asked her one questions that I knew was going to change the entire tone of the evening. “So, how do you know *TJ” (*name changed) Immediately, her demeanor changed. Remember the photo that I was talking about earlier? The photo in question was of the two of them. It turns out that she was married to the guy that my wife left me for. I had thought that they had been a couple at one time but I had no idea she was married to him.

After that we started really talking. TJ left her unexpectedly and she didn’t really understand why. So out of desperation or insanity or whatever she started Facebook stalking my wife through TJ. While doing all of that she found out about me and decided to contact me to ‘better understand the woman that took her husband away’. That set off a klaxon alarm, but I was young and stupid, I let her keep going. She also explained that she went to a psychic and that someone with the name of ‘S’ was going to help her and all of that “confirmed” it was me.

She asked if we could go to a bar and I was down for it. This was entertaining and I wanted to see where this was going to end so we went to a bar which turned into a second bar which eventually led back to my place where we had a few more drinks before we ended up in my bedroom.
There’s a lot more to that story but that’s where that part ends. This thread was about twists and even though I had a good idea of what was going on it blew my mind even then.


Part III has nothing to do with this thread though.

Doesn't matter. I need it. Now.

Of course, I'm very sorry, that must have been a very painful experience, I hope you're doing okay. But I can't handle that cliffhanger.
Here is the closest thing I have.

I got kicked out of the house after a 2 year relationship, and one of the things that boosted my confidence was being chosen for a highly selective business seminar at my company. Big whoop, but this company is bigger than Microsoft and I'm working the equivalent of their customer service.

So I'm at the business seminar in Charlotte, NC for all of 2 days. On the flight back to Pittsburgh I'm asleep until the landing. I'm sitting next to a girl who is reading a book with Greek gods on the cover from some old ass renaissance painting and when the plane lands I mutter something about her obvious "light reading". Even doing this is like pulling teeth for a shy guy like me who just puts on a front when it's required. But the leader of the conference said this is what it takes to make it and challenges us to do it on the flight back. What the hell, I'll drink the cool aid.

She is in college down south, reading for a course, and on her way to scope out the nearby law school. Great! I let her know that I got this city on lockdown, and tell her to call me if she needs anything. We Facebook. Maybe if she ends up here half a year later, I can chat her up.

I proceed to Facebook stalk her photos in the interim. I'm a runner, so an album from a 5k is of note and there might be tight clothes. She's aight. However, I see my elementary school in the background. No it's not that twist, but it's still a good one.

The ex who I dated for those 2 years was a crazy good runner. She kicked my ass and got me to start running. She would drag me around 5ks, one of which was in BFE Pennsylvania minutes away from the New York border. That particular race was notable for the number of cows I ran by in 3.2 miles, and because it started and finished at a carbon copy of my elementary school. It turns out it was a prefab design in the 50s or 60s, so I got to nostalgia as I peed in the urinals that stretched to the floor. The unique perception of my childhood was ruined, but it was a good aha moment.

And now this same elementary school is behind a random chick from the south. Fuck, someone must have ran game on school boards across the country with this architectural marvel. Not really, because my ex (who is dressed like a lunatic for this 5k) is in the background of plane girl's photo. Plane girl and I were at the same 5k less than a year before! I message PG, and she happens to have family in Nowheresville, PA. I didn't even care that it revealed that I was digging through her albums. I also have to tell my ex, because this is half the reason she dresses like nut when running races. The ex and I get on good terms after the breakup soured things.

Fast forward 6 months later, and the ex invites me to her bday party because now we are talking from time to time and had a few steamy moments in the interim. I go there for the hot friends, a chance to get back with the ex, Mexican food, drinks and a big football game. It's pretty much a night of endless possibility that one only gets so often. We finish at the Mexican place, the game ends in a loss, and we all go to the nearby gay bar.

...And who do we cross paths with on the side streets? It's PLANE GIRL who has elected to study the legal arts in our fair city. Truly this was the night of all things. Then I randomly meet my girlfriend of the last year at the gay bar. PG wanted it, btw.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
My ex-wife found out she had cervical cancer. She traveled to pittsburgh to get treatments. Radiation mostly. She also had a surgery to remove a cluster of cysts. Her mom texted me during the surgery to say she had passed out during and wanted my prayers.

All of this was a lie.

She didn't have cancer. She faked all of it.



Why I hate Salmon.

Be me.

Be just past 6 year birthday.

Visiting grandparents, very old school, beat me a couple of times (just a mild spanking, nothing serious but enough to make me scared of em).

Have been able to eating everything so far. My taste buds had not kicked in.. until now.

For dinner, we have smoked salmon. Taste buds kick in. Taste like old wet foreskin. cant do it.

Grand mother looks with confusion. "the fuck is wrong with you?"

I stutter as I spill the beans.

She takes offense. fuck. she thinks I be dissing on her cooking.

Grandfather insists I eat.

I try to gurgle in the salmon with the potato and dild dressing.. it cant cover up the cold taste of human chewy tounge that has been floating around in the sea.

I take a big woof. The salmon in my mouth.. Cant get it down. I puke it up in my mouth, but swallow it again.

dat puke effect.

My grandfather cant even eat his food due to being so angry. "look at this little bitch.. he be eating everything. what is wrong with him now?".

I am excused.

Worst experience of my life.

Fast forward 5 years later. Visting grand parents. Cousin has her 14 birthday. big family event out on the country.

Yup you guessed it.. smoked salmon in a spinach sauce.

Forced to eat it. Had not tried since. maybe it be good this time?

NOooopppee. even before swallowing it, the feeling of the cold wet texture of eating a piece of ear cartlidge is too horrific to describe. At this point I would feel less grossed out by eating a actual human.

gag reflexes kick in.

Asks to be excused to go to bathroom.

trauma is so massive I get my first double dragon. puking and shitting in one go. the taste of the sea is in all my orrifices. This is the worst.

Wanna go home. have to stay all night as next day is my birthday.

get home very late, and after much dirraher. nobody noticed. still sick. completely traumatized, exhausted. nobody knows a thing.

sleep with my dad in a camper outside my grandparents house.

I think its over. sleep, then drive hope tomorrow...

Early next morning I wake up. having completely shit my pants and peed myself, the traumatic events of the previous day. it completely fucking devestated me. I couldnt believe it. I had to clean myself by throwing away my underwear, taking all the sheets out into the forrest and buried it before my dad woke up. i couldnt even take a shower without them finding out.

drive home to mom all smeared in shit.

I still cant eat smoke salmon to this day. I have a deep psychological problem with it. So if you have kids and you are trying to teach them to eat specific things - Learn from my story. you can fuck up human beings like this. I was really picky until I was 18, but then learned to eat pretty much anything. Still cant do smoked salmon. It feels like eating skin pieces of a human corpse that has been in the water a few days too long. White fish - no problem. crabs, shirmps no problems. I eat shark, and everything too. But goddamn..

It also makes sushi a problem too. Sushi is great but people take issue when I take up all the certain kind of rolls. my life is hard.

Sputtering sentence fragments is a great way to tell a story.
Girl I dated for almost two years at college had a 6 yr fiance back home who knew she was fucking me the whole time. I had no idea.

When I found out (by him coming to campus and getting his ass beat after attacking me) I ended it with her. 6 months later she blew her brains out on my voicemail blaming me for her unhappiness.


Like, with a gun? That shit must have been depressing as fuck.
I had a friend in high school who dated a girl a grade lower than us. A few years later, I was on a random road trip to Ocean City and ran into that girl at a bar. I got her number, but never called. Back in college, I ran into her again and we started dating. We've now been married for 20 years. That doesn't seem that twisty. Her former boyfriend/my friend and I share the same birthday; I guess that's shamalayanish.

I found out my grandmother had been briefly married right out of high school to not-my-grandfather. Dementia reveals all!
One day I woke up with an unnatural desire to play King of Fighters 98. I saw myself at work thinking about the combos I was going to do and the special moves I was going to do on Practice Mode, My entire work day I was distracted. Finally I was out and drove home, when to my house, I was so pumped, I quickly opened the door and then slammed right in my thumb. I was unable to play the game.

One time, when I was 10, I was playing basketball with my tall cousin and he literally body slammed me when I had the ball and I twisted my ankle.


I think I've told this story before, but I was pushed out of an job by a middle manager who was just the worst kind of human being. I fretted over it a lot and lucked out finding a much better job days before it was scheduled to happen (I found this out later). Flash forward several months and I'm in a position to approve new hires for IT. Look who walks in for an interview - had gotten laid off due to downsizing. I could tell by the look on his face he knew he had no chance when he saw me. I tried to be the bigger man and not smile or act facetious, but shit, it was payback time. I heard through the grapevine it took him three months to find steady work, and it was a shitty job.

Hell yeah!


Gold Member
I remember back in Missouri I was friends with twins. We all played baseball, video games, road our bikes together, and the lot. When we were around 12 years old I moved. During that time they met a kid named Brandon. He was very poor and lived with his mom in a small house. After I moved I would come back every year to visit. During that time the guys and Brandon got to be good friends. They'd hang out, throw the ball around, everything we use to do. Brandon had a friend, "Ray", who lived in St. Louis. We'd chat with Ray on the phone. He'd talk about the gangs and how hard life was up there. Interesting guy. I had the chance to talk to him once while I was down there visiting. One day I get a call from the twins. They tell me that Ray had died by getting into a fight. I start crying, they start crying, my mom gets involved, everyone is basically broken by the news. It got so bad that the mother of the twins went to Brandon's house to see how was he was doing. It turns out that Ray was indeed Brandon. Brandon had been making up his voice, placing fans near the phone to sound like a projects air conditioner, and everything else. That was one of the times I felt like I had been seriously hurt by a lie. We all thought it was true and even though we all went our separate ways, it still bugs me. It went on for far too long.


Not a huge twist but it was cool at the time.
In a class a while back there was this really pretty girl that sat all the way in the other side of class.
We always caught each other staring but never spoke.
Teacher announces that were going to have to partner up for a project and that he's picking the duos himself.

Broseffor places me with girl, we go out, we make out, we do our project and then nothing.

She had suuuchhhh a nice ass.
One night my father never came home after work and worried us all. Me and my brother went out all night looking for him with no luck.

24 hours later we file a missing persons report and freak out because he worked in a really dangerous neighborhood. Few hours later he comes back and we find out he was on one of those gambling ships. Prior to this we never knew he gambled.

Everything kinda clicked afterwards on why financially the family struggled. For the longest time I was angry and lost all respect for him. Weird times.

I was 13, doing so much sports. Doctor came in : you got genetical heart disease. Stop it all. But don't worry, you'll leave an happy steady life for 70 or 80 more years. that was the first twist

Then, be me, 20, heart hurting more and more, see the doctor, tons of exams : your heart getting shit. Need to open you and do stuff with your heart. Don't worry, you're young, you'll be fine. Twist ? Got complication right a minute out of the surgery room. Died for 4 minutes in recovery. 17 shocks to bring me back.

Life's a bitch.

That sounds horrifying. I found out when I was 15 that my heart leaks blood. Doctors say it shouldn't be a problem until around 50. We'll find out in 22 years.


Nothing special but my last 3 long term girlfriends became best friends after we've separared. They didn't know each other beforehand.
Ah, I have one. hadn't thought about it in a while.

Was downtown at a club opening, visiting a friend. place was ok, but nothing to write home about. Having a good time, but something was nagging at me.

"dude, this is fun, but I kinda need to play some tekken right now. you down?" he was, and we leave for his place a few blocks away, start getting into it.

half hour, maybe an hour goes by and a pack of people bust through the door, talking a mile a minute and asking where we were, if we were ok, the whole nine.

We had no idea what was going on- turns out some asshole had a beef with someone in the club right after we left, ended up shooting up the bar. people injured, no one could find us.

Tekken...may have saved my life.


Ah, I have one. hadn't thought about it in a while.

Was downtown at a club opening, visiting a friend. place was ok, but nothing to write home about. Having a good time, but something was nagging at me.

"dude, this is fun, but I kinda need to play some tekken right now. you down?" he was, and we leave for his place a few blocks away, start getting into it.

half hour, maybe an hour goes by and a pack of people bust through the door, talking a mile a minute and asking where we were, if we were ok, the whole nine.

We had no idea what was going on- turns out some asshole had a beef with someone in the club right after we left, ended up shooting up the bar. people injured, no one could find us.

Tekken...may have saved my life.

thank goodness it wasn't mvc3
A car going 70mph IN A NEIGHBORHOOD STREET almost hit me while I was ripsticking. I turned, not seeing the car and I felt the wind pass by and I was like damn I could have died.

My mom was freaked out.

Big Dog

I wouldn't know where to even begin with contacting someone about it :/

Look it up online. Just go to somewhere like the FBI website and go to their contact and report page. Honestly, this could be something big, or just nothing at all that may be coincidental. But the fact that it crossed your mind is GIGANTICALLY important. A regular person does not just think to themselves that maybe their father was freakin' DB Cooper. That really raises some eyebrows to read that and either way you should be able to find some information out. I'm sure if you read up about the case (if you haven't before) you may find some more things that connect or not. Could help you figure something out for better or worse. And there is probably a large reward for it too. Decades have been spent now looking for this person. It's important.


This is the link to the FBI's tips and leads page. I believe that writing down your information and giving a beginning summary will allow you to talk with someone extensively and help bring up a new lead in the case. Hope this helps and I don't seem too into this. I just find this extremely interesting and out of the ordinary that you even considered your father to be DB Cooper. That raises some flags in and of itself.
went to go see The Zero Theorem today (heckava show BTW), and as I'm ambling out the theater I see a crowd in the lobby. Standing dead center amongst the rabble is noted sex columnist/all around good dude Dan Savage.
There, warmly welcoming people for his show he was about to put on. I wish that I had time for it, had to go though. Quite the surprise I had.

Big Dog

He's been dead a couple of years now, but I suppose my DNA could be checked right? Or if he's dead would it even matter? No fucking clue wat he would have done with the money if it was him. I know that the wife he left did have a visit from the FBI shortly after he split, but she's very old and getting to that point in her life where I would hate to cause her problems. Ugh. I'll talk to the family and make a decision :/

Thanks for the link, I'll bookmark it.

I really am not sure about the questions you have asked. But there doesn't seem to be any real harm that can come to you specifically out of it. I just think that it would be great for you to receive some answers for better or worse. And this could help solve one of the most well known American criminal mysteries. I urge you to do something with this sooner than later as it could yield some results and help solve a case. I wish you the best of luck with how this could potentially turn out for you.


I was at a good friend's house when I was about 15 and he just flipped out and started punching me in my dick repeatedly after wrestling me down, while I tried to fend him off and get out of the house.

I still have no idea what was going through his mind or what prompted it. Like the only lead up to that was I was he borrowed a SNES controller, and he never returned it and I was pressing him on the issue (mostly because I wanted for to admit he broke or lost it, I didn't really give a crap about the controller). At some point I said I was leaving (it was close to dinner time), and he went crazy.


In high school I had my frist girlfriend my junior year. She was a freshman at another school I met because of a friend going to his youth group. About a month of dating this girl, her own supposed friends would message me online telling me she was making out with guys in the hallway and there were tons of other guys. I blew it off like there was no way, she was somewhat dorky with glasses and braces.

2 months later she wanted a break and a month later she was dating a guy who I thought was a friend of mine.

Flash forward to my senior year of college. She wound up marrying my friend's brother who was miliary and had a kid with him. He and I used to be bros back in the day too, so when he went off to Afghanistan in the war- I thought it would be a nice gesture to message her for a quick chat. She wanted way more than that though- more or less telling me to come have sex with her multiple times without outright saying it.

Getting tired of her talking like this as a married woman- especially to an old friend- I get her to agree to hang out in person so I can tell her straight that it needs to stop. I didn't want to just message her, but she goes and blows me off the day of. Not wanting to deal with her anymore, I write her a message on Facebook about how she's been acting and how it's inappropriate. Twist: My good friend had her password and read the message...

Shit storm comes down on me. He deletes me as a friend and blames me for it. His mom messages me and bitches me out for it saying I'm trying to ruin their marriage. Then she tells me we shouldn't talk anymore because her mom thinks its best...eventually it all sort of worked out. The guy somewhat forgave me, they lasted a few more months before divorcing and now they're both happy.

Bigger twist is I'm not really friends with him anymore, but she just added me back on FB a few months ago. We have yet to really talk though.


Neo Member
Nothing life-changing, but one thing that popped in my head was more of a funny 'it's a small world" moment:

I go to a swap meet that deals with comics, collectibles, etc. and run into a co-worker. We chat, and he mentions he has a couple of friends who run a booth at a corner of place. I mention I also know someone who works at that corner. As we're about to part ways, I thought about what we just said, and it occurs to me that we could be talking about the same people. It turns out, we were. He had known them through several years, and I met one of them through a high school friend via Twitter, of all things.


I ate some california reaper chili yesterday, and as I am writing this message on my Nexus pad I get to experience the chili once more.


I remember back in Missouri I was friends with twins. We all played baseball, video games, road our bikes together, and the lot. When we were around 12 years old I moved. During that time they met a kid named Brandon. He was very poor and lived with his mom in a small house. After I moved I would come back every year to visit. During that time the guys and Brandon got to be good friends. They'd hang out, throw the ball around, everything we use to do. Brandon had a friend, "Ray", who lived in St. Louis. We'd chat with Ray on the phone. He'd talk about the gangs and how hard life was up there. Interesting guy. I had the chance to talk to him once while I was down there visiting. One day I get a call from the twins. They tell me that Ray had died by getting into a fight. I start crying, they start crying, my mom gets involved, everyone is basically broken by the news. It got so bad that the mother of the twins went to Brandon's house to see how was he was doing. It turns out that Ray was indeed Brandon. Brandon had been making up his voice, placing fans near the phone to sound like a projects air conditioner, and everything else. That was one of the times I felt like I had been seriously hurt by a lie. We all thought it was true and even though we all went our separate ways, it still bugs me. It went on for far too long.

Wow, that's a plot twist if I've ever heard one. That really is a prank gone too far. Not cool at all.
I remember back in Missouri I was friends with twins. We all played baseball, video games, road our bikes together, and the lot. When we were around 12 years old I moved. During that time they met a kid named Brandon. He was very poor and lived with his mom in a small house. After I moved I would come back every year to visit. During that time the guys and Brandon got to be good friends. They'd hang out, throw the ball around, everything we use to do. Brandon had a friend, "Ray", who lived in St. Louis. We'd chat with Ray on the phone. He'd talk about the gangs and how hard life was up there. Interesting guy. I had the chance to talk to him once while I was down there visiting. One day I get a call from the twins. They tell me that Ray had died by getting into a fight. I start crying, they start crying, my mom gets involved, everyone is basically broken by the news. It got so bad that the mother of the twins went to Brandon's house to see how was he was doing. It turns out that Ray was indeed Brandon. Brandon had been making up his voice, placing fans near the phone to sound like a projects air conditioner, and everything else. That was one of the times I felt like I had been seriously hurt by a lie. We all thought it was true and even though we all went our separate ways, it still bugs me. It went on for far too long.

Yikes, that's an S-rank troll right there.
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