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How did you come up with YOUR profile name / gamer tag?

For a while my username everywhere was "evilmonkeyman" I got tired of it so I stole my friend's username "spyderbat," tweaked it a bit and called myself "Spyder_Monkey"
My old Gamertag was just some random weeaboo name I came up with when I was like 16. For my username I wanted to break away and make it more normal, my middle name is Charles but I wanted to make it sound stronger so I just added Great along with it, this was back in 2010, didn't know Charleston was a dance at the time, just thought it sounded a bit less plain than Charles. lol. My PSN is Charlestouchdown, middle name + Travis Touchdown. My steam name (not id) is Running in the 90s which is the most iconic Initial D song and people started to recognize me on a TF2 server I played on regularly so I just kept it.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Kamineko just cracks me up

I have a love for dinosaurs, my ex and I used to "rawr" at each other, and I used to watch a twitcher. The twitch streamer was good and had an "i" in his name. Somehow I manage to match against him and beat his team.
My name is an oxymoron, despite it being true to who I am.

Otaku, stereotypically, are potentially lazy people obsessed with anime or technology.

Overdrive is how I describe my play style, especially in shooters and fighting games. I tend to go on a frantic-offensive, it's anything but lazy. I'm not tournament grade or anything, but my friends don't really like to play fighters with me, sadly ;_;

And here I am, a highly-motivated over-procrastinator.


TheGrue is just an homage to one of my favorite games of all time (being young and playing text adventures was basically how I got into computer gaming)...Zork.


My profile name came about due to a joke among my group of friends in which I suggested some rather out dated means of making people talk.

Steam/XBL is just my full name, in hindsight it was a bad idea but I can't be bothered changing it after a decade.

Well about that . . .

Have you gotten used to being a hard to see horse yet? That was a great thread.


I like Brave New World and I find the definition(s) behind the word itself pretty cool (the drug associations and all)

it's also my favorite Smashing Pumpkins song.

I thought it made for a short but interesting/memorable username back on another forum in '06 and it stuck with me since.


I smashed my hand on the keyboard, deleted a few letters, added a few more until I had something pronounceable.

My name means absolutely nothing.
kyan red-axe was a dwarf border scout that appeared in barely two-three sentences in an old Dragonlance AD&D novel from... the late 1980s

mehwulfe was... just sort of created from the snowy forested Wulfeholdes mountain range in the even older Pendragon just-D&D novel... actually it's shown in the cover of the old SSI gold box game Secret of the Silver Shards (this is the original artwork by Larry Elmore -- interesting tidbit, I actually bought a very large version of it and had it nicely framed in my den)

so, I guess around 1999 in Diablo as a PK, I created a few characters and clans, and ended up with a few different names and clan names, and ended up with Kyan Mehwulfe, the Red-axe Grim, of the Zwolfekuten Cadre. That sort of transitioned into Kyan Mehwulfe, the Red-axe Grim, Snowtracker (or title, e.g. Border Patrol in DOAC, High Warlord in WoW) of the Nes'gwenth Mountains.... but, yeah, Kyan Mehwulfe is just basically a sort of mish-mash of unimportant names from old Dungeons & Dragons novels that I created about 16 years ago

used it on basically every online game or forum since


I like Mega Man and friendship is really important to me.

Also my last name starts with an H, so the emblem works out for me.


Came from how many misheard the SRK in SF2, "All You Can."

EDIT: In reference to my gamertag, not my GAF name.


Gamertag I wanted was taken so i added two x's just to work. made PSN the same so easier to remember across platforms.
I tried to use my last name for my first wow character back in vanilla. It was taken...so I tacked a "y" to the end of it. One day I tracked down the guy who took my last name and we had a laugh about it in Ironforge.

That has become my gaming handle ever since.


It's from Sakuya Orihara, a name that I typically use in Gaming accounts.
Sometimes it's sakuori, sometimes I use skyrhr as well.


Old name, split into two, tossed them both into translators to see alternate language versions of the fragments. I wanted a name I liked, that was easy to pronounce, and would not be taken anywhere. Combined a variety of the translations until I landed on this.

I made my nickname without knowing what "downgrade" in gaming industry means. "Downgraders" are how retrocomputing enthusiasts call themselves in Russian-speaking countries, and at the time I was an active member of local retrocomputing community.

The nickname got hilarious in hindsight, although I'd like to change it.


GAF name is because I graduated from the University of Toledo.

gamertag now is just my name. I changed it a while back.
Uncle who got me into online gaming went by Big Worm so in my 11 year old mind littleworm seem like a good name. Have had the name for 12 years now.


Used 'Galerian' because that PSX game with the same name left an impression on me.
Then switched to 'Xion' because I played Bloody Roar and a white haired guy transforming into bug alien is the coolest thing ever I'm 15

Didn't want to use one of my past nicknames for whatever game, randomly entered what came into my head at the time.
More or less still use woopwoop with whatever now.
Caviar and Meths is an old Judas Priest song that was supposed to be around 14 minutes long and tell the story of a beggar who dreamed of living in high society.

"Meths" is short for methylated spirits, or denatured alcohol. It's regular alcohol that has had stuff added to it to make it poisonous and taste terrible. Back before hand sanitizer was a thing, it's what desperate, destitute alcoholics would sometimes drink for a quick buzz, even though it had a good chance of doing permanent damage or even killing them.

So Meths is supposed to elude to the beggar and Caviar obviously eludes to that high life.

But the song was cut way down to 2 minutes long and it's just a instrumental outro for the album. There's no lyrics and no story. Kind of a dumb thing to base an internet/gamer name on, but it's just an odd curiosity of mine.

Edit: the song

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
Sadly, I didn't. Everything I wanted was already taken, so I settled for some generic suggestion as I just wanted to bypass everything and buy some games as I had taken my system to a friend's house to use his wifi. Had no idea I'd get stuck with it.

f1fan1. Generic as hell, but at least it's no faintcolt.


My name is Latin for "in the shadows".

Reason being that I love stealth games and, when given the choice in other genres, often play as rogues, sharpshooters and other characters that strike from out of sight.
My PSN tag, Chaosthorn, came from a long number of name changes. Back in the early 2000s i signed up on gamefaqs to post on the forums for tips on the optional boss in the first .hack game. My name was redthorn because i was trying to spoof the character blackrose. I used redthorn for a while and then got banned, my cat is named Chaos, so my new name on a new gamefaqs account just became Chaosthorn and its been my PSN ever since.

AttleboroTaco just comes from my AIM name back in highschool, my town + my favorite food.


My username is TotteryManx on everything, but my buds would shorten it to tots. My username is actually spelled incorrectly, but you can buy a bag of tots here that is spelled the same.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.

Teenage self thought it was the shit back when I signed up for PSN.

Rapier, nice and simple. Plus WipEout fucking rules.
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