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IGN reveals SOME Revolution specs!


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Everything's going to be okay, Nintendo fans. One of my sources here tell me so.


Ark-AMN said:
Ha, Mark Rein FTMFW!!!

The guy is awesome and I had the fortune to meet him at E3. Heh, looking at these specs is great, Nintendo could never do UE3 I doubt even in a reduced fashion.

After all this, Silicon Knights is a big winner too. They left Nintendo probably after seeing some preliminary specs for REV and saddled with MS who has given them tons of funding to complete their dream game Too Human. Since SK is a story-driven epic game maker (like BioWare), they definately wouldn't want a system so underpowered. So I wouldn't expect any big epic games like Oblivion on the system now with these specs.
Do you really have to rub it in like that?

I wonder how the Sony fans would react if the PS3 was confirmed XBox .9
AdmiralViscen said:
Yea, and what good did that do? People all over the country assumed it was weaker than both XBox and Playstation 2. What did all of that R&D and added hardware cost earn them? No mindshare, no market share, no sales. Everyone percieved it as less than it was.

At the very least it got those unfortunate souls who only owned Gamecubes some ports of Xbox/PS2 games to fill in the gaps between Nintendo's releases.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
What about the possibility of using distributed computing??


chespace said:
Everything's going to be okay, Nintendo fans. One of my sources here tell me so.

Why should they believe you, you're now working for the enemy.

dun dun dun dunnnn....


Contrast this Nintendo with the Nintendo of 1996 who ranted and raved about the technical capabilities of the N64 at every given opportunity.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Nintendo's last, yet-to-be revealed, secret is really going to fucking punch you in the gut.


chespace said:
One of my sources here... meaning Redmond. You do realize that Nintendo is also in Redmond?
Are you for real? If you know for a fact that this a 4/1 then could you spill the beans... please.
2 words: cube mapping :lol

Seriously, this isn't a big deal to me. I'm a gamer. I'm still curious and excited about Rev. And I still plan to round out my next-gen gaming with another console. Why is are these posted specs (which, frankly, might as well be written in sanskrit) such a hot-button topic? Isn't the Revolution, after all, still just a video game console?


chespace said:
Everything's going to be okay, Nintendo fans. One of my sources here tell me so.

I like the fact that GAF has "insiders" what I don't like are all these fucking teases. Either say it and put your credibility on the line or don't mention that you even have vital information and continue to post like the rest of us.

Mr Gump

Ark-AMN said:
Ha, Mark Rein FTMFW!!!

The guy is awesome and I had the fortune to meet him at GDC. Heh, looking at these specs is great, Nintendo could never do UE3 I doubt even in a reduced fashion.

After all this, Silicon Knights is a big winner too. They left Nintendo probably after seeing some preliminary specs for REV and saddled with MS who has given them tons of funding to complete their dream game Too Human. Since SK is a story-driven epic game maker (like BioWare), they definately wouldn't want a system so underpowered. So I wouldn't expect any big epic games like Oblivion on the system now with these specs.
From the CEO of Bioware Greg Zeschuck:

"Well, the Revolution is a very different platform, and we've actually just seen some things behind closed doors that are just mind-blowing," he said. "Very, very exciting. They're doing something that's very different and unique."


Confidence Man said:
There go the dreams of Zelda in a world like Oblivion.

I'm sure I have to sleep on this before coming up with a reasonable response.

Seriously. An Xbox with the Revmote? Is this what they mean when they assured everyone that the Rev would be 2-3 times more powerful than Gamecube? Can anyone tell me that these specs represent that?

$149. It has to be. By the time the Rev launches, I'll be able to pick up an Xbox with the same specs for $99.

How can they charge more than $149???

Oh, and you can probably throw true 16:9 support right up the window. The fill rate would tax the hardware to Gamecube levels with only 854 X 480p resolution.

Fuck my dreams are shattered.


chespace said:
One of my sources here... meaning Redmond. You do realize that Nintendo is also in Redmond?

Confidence Man said:
At the very least it got those unfortunate souls who only owned Gamecubes some ports of Xbox/PS2 games to fill in the gaps between Nintendo's releases.

Yea, we all know how well those sold.

Nintendo's said from the start that this is all a gamble. Why is anyone surprised? They are taking the risk, here. If it pays off, Revolution will give third parties a reason to put unique games on Revolution (there sure as fuck wasn't a reason to do it on third-wheel-GameCube). If they are not enticed by the controller's uniqueness or to the low dev costs, then Nintendo hits a problem. Nothing has changed, here.

Better to be a unicycle than a third wheel.
All this boo-hooing is silly. You all realize E3 will be nothing compared to playing the platformer of the decade- New Super Mario Bros.


Ninja Scooter said:
its PR dude, stop gettign so emotional over it. Nintendo's just trying to keep their name and the revolution out there and in gamers minds. Guess what, the PS3 isn't gonna come with 4D goggles and the Xbox won't make you have lucid wet dreams.
Name one person who actually believes the 4D goggles or lucid dreams? You can't, because everyone knows that's PR hyperbole. But there are NUMEROUS gamers on this board who've been buying into everything Nintendo's been saying about the REV.

Ninja Scooter said:
i think thats kinda the point. Nintendo isn't going for the "gamers that spend all day on a message board and know how many polygons per frame their favorite games are pushing". They are basically going for a much more casual market. Its a risk, but a smart one to take imo.
If Nintendo thinks they have even a remote chance of capturing a casual market of business men and housewives with the Revmote, it's over for them. This isn't Japan. Shit doesn't catch on here the same way it does there. Brain Training won't still be in the NPD Top 10 past even the summer, if at all.

And you can best believe the 100+ million actual casual gamers that Sony and MS have do give a damn about visuals.
This is a good strategy from Nintendo I believe. They can't compete against PS3 and Xbox 360 because first off, these machines are sold at heavy losses (well, Xbox 360 for sure, PS3 probably). Nintendo I think took a little hit from the Game Cube but if they wanted to launch at break even, the machine would have to be $350+. That would defeat one of their strategies of easy accessibility. This takes away sales from families.

Secondly, they have to go a different route. Resident Evil didn't work. Neither did Final Fantasy. So trying to steal away the Sony and Microsoft's trump cards blew up in their faces with the Game Cube. I doubt Nintendo would like to replicate this scenario again. Not saying they shouldn't pursue games like Resident Evil, I'm just saying having it as an exclusive didn't work, no matter how good RE4 was. Nintendo's new strategy has to be new franchises and making their old IPs up to snuff, past the dregs of their Game Cube predecessors.

Thirdly, they need it cheap. If this system is aimed at families like Nintendo is trying to do, then they can't do it with a Premium price machine like PS3 or Xbox 360. Nintendo needs the cheap factor. A $150 system and $50 games would work better than a $400 system and $60 games. Richer families might spend the extra cash on the other systems but the middle class might opt for the Revolution. Day care centers might have the Revolution as their TV toy of choice. Keeps the little bastards in check.


So Nintendo really is forsaking its userbase to go after "nongamers."

Good luck with that.

Man, I'm glad I turned in my Nintendo jacket in 1995. Two or three N64 delays was enough for me to see that this company just wasn't going where I'd hoped it would.

Next gen battle:

Nintendo vs. Tiger Electronics



Doesn't sound like this is really much news tonight. It was said some time ago that the Revo would be like a suped up Xbox, and thats pretty much what it sounds like now.

It will perform like an Xbox but probably be a texture monster and be capable of producing some pretty fantastic looking games. Just not in High Def.
chespace said:
Nintendo's last, yet-to-be revealed, secret is really going to fucking punch you in the gut.

Well, most of us are already on the ground from this kick to the nuts. So add insult to injury Nintendo. :)


Losers! My wife has me on lock!
Perhaps the price will be something like 89-99 bucks though. Plus games that looks twice as good as Twighlight princess and the virtual console. Ok now that I think about it if its only 99 bucks I definately in for that! Actually that would be awsome.


chespace said:
One of my sources here... meaning Redmond. You do realize that Nintendo is also in Redmond?
Yes, I know that. But you just said "here" which I took to mean your work. Thanks for the clarification. Oh, and you comment on the other "secret" just easily doubled the size of this thread. :lol


snatches said:
I'm sure I have to sleep on this before coming up with a reasonable response.

Seriously. An Xbox with the Revmote? Is this what they mean when they assured everyone that the Rev would be 2-3 times more powerful than Gamecube? Can anyone tell me that these specs represent that?

$149. It has to be. By the time the Rev launches, I'll be able to pick up an Xbox with the same specs for $99.

How can they charge more than $149???

Oh, and you can probably throw true 16:9 support right up the window. The fill rate would tax the hardware to Gamecube levels with only 854 X 480p resolution.

Fuck my dreams are shattered.

Your dreams are shattered by incomplete basic specs? We still don't know nothing about the GPU.
Heian-kyo said:
Name one person who actually believes the 4D goggles or lucid dreams? You can't, because everyone knows that's PR hyperbole. But there are NUMEROUS gamers on this board who've been buying into everything Nintendo's been saying about the REV.
Wow there are idiots on the internet? Wow what a revelation.

If Nintendo thinks they have even a remote chance of capturing a casual market of business men and housewives with the Revmote, it's over for them. This isn't Japan. Shit doesn't catch on here the same way it does there. Brain Training won't still be in the NPD Top 10 past even the summer, if at all.

Thats what people said about the DS/Nintendogs.

And you can best believe the 100+ million actual casual gamers that Sony and MS have do give a damn about visuals.

There's plenty of market to go around, hell there is plenty of room to create NEW markets. You can't use the opinion of friggin gamers on an internet videogaming messageboard. With most people here there is a love/hate it thing for ninteondo. People that hate Nintendo wouldn't have bought a Rev no matter how great the graphics were, and people that love Nintendo will get one no matter what.

Some of you are thinking too much in the box of what gaming has been for the last 5 years. If you are one of those people (hell I am one of those people) that just wants an extension of the Playstation/Xbox, then get a PS3 or 360. Rev is not for you.


AdmiralViscen said:
Yea, and what good did that do? People all over the country assumed it was weaker than both XBox and Playstation 2. What did all of that R&D and added hardware cost earn them? No mindshare, no market share, no sales. Everyone percieved it as less than it was.

AND that was because they cut corners by not including a dvd drive or an online service(big mistake). They lost marketshare when they started getting shafted with their 3rd party support. I'm still in the dark with Rev now. The developers seem to be excited, right?
Strike said:
AND that was because they cut corners by not including a dvd drive or an online service(big mistake). They lost marketshare when they started getting shafted with their 3rd party support. I'm still in the dark with Rev now. The developers seem to be excited, right?

Online was not a huge deal this gen. DVD inclusion would not be enough reason for someone to go Cube rather than PS2. Nintendo's brand name is pretty much dead in the West. They need to make themselves stand out. More me-too machines won't do it. No one wants 3 of the same damn thing.


Has problems recognising girls
chespace said:
Nintendo's last, yet-to-be revealed, secret is really going to fucking punch you in the gut.
Che, you're a mountain among small mounds, I trust you in this!

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
What's incomplete, what other hardware pieces are we missing thats performance important?

i.e. - what can push GC 1.5 into the initial GC 2-3X Turbo, haha


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
chespace said:
Nintendo's last, yet-to-be revealed, secret is really going to fucking punch you in the gut.
Early luanch??


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
chespace said:
Nintendo's last, yet-to-be revealed, secret is really going to fucking punch you in the gut.

You just added 10 more pages to this thread. :lol
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