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IGN reveals SOME Revolution specs!


I guess this is ok with the ideology of Nintendo, but it sucks very bad for us, hardcore gamers, who want to play Metroid and Zelda with immersive and beatful worlds. Well, I guess there's always room for a cellshaded Zelda... :D


beermonkey@tehbias said:
If this means $149, I'm all for it.
Indeed. A bit surprising that they are that low (XBox 1.01, heh), but since they're not supporting HD, not surprising. This generation was artificially stunted anyway; the XBox and GameCube should have lived another year at least (and the PS2 will live another year -- if not five -- past the PS3's introduction). There was still room for graphical improvements on current-generation hardware.

Will Nintendo regret having such a low-powered system in five years' time? I have no idea.


Some things to note:
-Mark Rein said no UE3, this is no joke, this is real
-Miyamoto wanted the GCN to last 7 to 8 years, looks like he got his wish
-to those saying: "why not release wand for GCN" shut up, GCN is dead and it would've been suicide for it, the idea & Nintendo as a whole to make this an add-on for an already poorly received console
-Nintendo is aiming for non-gamers, this should mean a cheap system
-Iwata once mentioned different packages, I can totally imagine a bare bones $99 deal with a $199 pack with Mario, classic shell, DVD/SD playback & some free classic VC downloads
-WHERE IN THE HELL DID NINTENDO STATE FINAL DEVKITS WOULD BE OUT IN JUNE? This is something I question *greatly* 'cos if these are the specs, what's taking so long??? Is it just a bait'n'switch game? Is there some amazing magical feature beyond the new interface?
-bait'n'switch theory in effect: Revolution would LAUNCH in June soon after E3 blowout
-Nintendo must be going "low-end" somewhat delibratly to: 1) put the focus on the new interface, 2) differentiate themselves further from competing dirrectly with X360 & PS3 ("new" generation as oppossed to "next" generation) & 3) prevent piss-poor shody ports from those systems
-as I've theorized before, the Revolution should be veiwed as a PS2 "without limits" meaning that thanks to PS2 (and PSP's) continued support, developers can cheaply "port up" from those systems...I know that contradicts my last point, but I'm just suggesting this for the "cheap way out" developers and/or for the N-haters who'll say that it makes no sense to make games for Revolution since they'd have to work from the ground up
-ultimatly, Nintendo wants games to be FOR Revolution, meaning less support probably, but more unique exclussives MADE FOR Revolution
-COD2 is coming, this should mean that the system isn't as bad as some of you are crying it will be, mere clockspeeds don't mean everything and the lack of HiDef probably lowers the bar of power needed for Revolution
-this ultimatly should be the cheapest/easiest system to develope for
-I believe these specs, and I wouldn't doubt Revolution is being manufactured as we speak, afterall, it isn't THAT much beyond GCN and they're using the same fabrications plants & partners as last time too
-IGN made a mistake, it wasn't 14MB of "A Memory" it was the GCN's 16MB
-the memory structure is set-up much like the GCN's plus 64MB more...they call this extra memory "external" but it's just as fast as the 24MB of "main" memory, this is probably 'cos the 64MB is of MoSys' 1T-SRAM "Quad" which is probably faster than the already super-fast GCN memory set-up
-the chipset should be super cheap, cool, small & low power consuming...I totally believe in making the Revolution a mobile system


typo said:
If those specs are correct, then we should be expecting a low launch MSRP. I know Ninty is not playing the same game as the others, but man...
Well, tbh, the spec difference between this and what is normally rumoured isn't that much, so I don't know about expecting a cheaper system. And its Nintendo, who have shown with the DS they're happy to overprice. Its just shocking it could go lower than the already piss-poor specifications IGN said last time.
Either way its being plainly obvious for the longest time that the revolution won't be capable of much more than the Xbox. Even before IGN posted their first specifications.
Nintendo could double what IGN is now reporting and I still don't know how it'd output that much more than the Xbox. Exponential increases and all that...
TheTrin said:
They would've? You're talking to someone who thinks Mother 3 is beautiful. :p

So you would've liked marginally better PSX/N64 graphics on PS2/GC/Xbox? I'm talking 3D here, not sprites, which haven't seen marked improvement since the 32-bit days because so few people work on them.

I enjoy games from all generations still, but I'm glad to see improvement in visuals, glad to see new technologies incorporated. And yes, the Revmote is a new tech, but putting it together with 2002 hardware is cheap and shortsighted IMO.


Seth C said:
What are the rumored prices of those emulated games for those of us who missed it?

Couldn't find the tread doing a quick search. I'm too lazy to search more just because of my bad joke :lol
beermonkey@tehbias said:
So many people, for months, have likened Rev to the 'DS' of console gaming.

DS = "underpowered", cheap, and has unique control.

Now we have confirmation that the "underpowered" part is right. We already know that the unique control part is right. So why the doom and gloom?
it better be cheaper than the DS....
Probationsmack said:
I honestly think ps2 was a marginal improvement over dreamcast, and xbox and gamecube were marginal improvements over ps2

Those are the same gen. PS2 is a major improvement over PS1, GC is a major improvement over N64. I don't know what your point is. In addition, those systems used relatively current tech, not years old tech.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
So many people, for months, have likened Rev to the 'DS' of console gaming.

DS = "underpowered", cheap, and has unique control.

Now we have confirmation that the "underpowered" part is right. We already know that the unique control part is right. So why the doom and gloom?

Because all home console owners are graphics whores. When Microsoft first set up Xbox 360 demo stations, people couldn't tell the difference between that and the original Xbox. (the average consumer, not GAFers or anyone similar)

Sure, these specs are low.. but I'm still laughing at the people who thought that Revolution would be even remotely close to the ps3 or xbox 360 in terms of visuals. Nintendo has always been going for efficient and affordable for this console, they stated that intention from the very beginning, they want Revolution to be the second or third console of choice for core gamers, and the only console non-gamers will be willing to buy because of its lower price tag.

:lol at the "this has to be an April Fool's joke" idiots :lol :lol :lol


Well I have taken time to collect my thought's and I've come to accept this news as fact. However! I have a solution...

I'm not really all that upset by this, it's just fun being a drama queen.


DrGAKMAN said:
-Nintendo is aiming for non-gamers, this should mean a cheap system

Surely you mean they are aiming to get more non-gamers interested. Only aiming for non-gamers would be stupid.

-the memory structure is set-up much like the GCN's plus 64MB more...they call this extra memory "external" but it's just as fast as the 24MB of "main" memory, this is probably 'cos the 64MB is of MoSys' 1T-SRAM "Quad" which is probably faster than the already super-fast GCN memory set-up

If this is true and it's not the same type of slow ass ram the GCN used outside of it's 24MB of fast ram, then that will help lots.

Edit: You are right, it is fast ram.
Trurl said:
Well I have taken time to collect my thought's and I've come to accept this news as fact. However! I have a solution...

I'm not really all that upset by this, it's just fun being a drama queen.

Awesome pic man :lol


GSG Flash said:
Yep, but MS's main goal was horsepower while Nintendo's main goal was efficiency. So they had comparable budgets, but different visions for their GPU's.

Me said:
I know Nintendo's going for low power consumption and cool running, but this thing would have to run at sub-zero temperatures and on a picovolt of electricity to make any sort of investment in this technology worthwhile.

Seriously, I can't imagine that Nintendo would have settled for a mere 50% clockspeed increase on both chips (apparently with no other notable improvements) after an entire 5 years, when Moore's law would have given them a ten-times increase in the same timeframe. Yes, they want to cut back on energy consumption and heat output (as well as price, I'm sure), which would make perfect sense if the console was at or just under three times as powerful as it's predecessor, but these sort of numbers only make sense if you're to look at it from the point of view of a souped-up GC dev-kit with a Revmote slapped on:

Exactly 1.5x clock speeds for CPU and GPU with no architectural additions or changes
Exactly the same memory structure with 64MB "external memory" tacked on
No other interesting hardware info

If you were Nintendo looking to build a quick'n'easy devkit for your unfinished hardware, how would you go about it? Would you ask hardware manufacturers for some past-gen chipsets with slightly higher-clocked processors soldered on? Would you throw in 64MB of off-the-shelf (well, as off-the-shelf as 1T-SRAM goes) memory as "external", because you're using past-gen chipsets which are only capable of registering 24MB of main RAM? If you've answered yes to these questions, then you're thinking like Nintendo. Nintendo (and the majority of develoeprs impressions circling the net) have been quite clear that it's sending out "Gamecube Turbo + Revmote" dev-kits first, so that developers start to design interfaces for their games before they get too weighed down in technical details, and it seems to me that these reports are coming from developers which only have such dev kits. I'm not claiming that the Rev is going to be hugely more powerful than what we've got here, but if I've got any faith in Nintendo, it's going to be an awful lot better designed.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
beermonkey@tehbias said:
So many people, for months, have likened Rev to the 'DS' of console gaming.

DS = "underpowered", cheap, and has unique control.

Now we have confirmation that the "underpowered" part is right. We already know that the unique control part is right. So why the doom and gloom?

I think it's because the DS was actually a big leap for Nintendo atleast in handhelds. The Rev isn't too big of a leap, more of a hop actually.


Archie said:

You know if you ever take a Western Art-History class the first thing they should tell you when you get to the Renaissance is that, “You’d be hard pressed to find a tear in an Italian painting, because Italian painters weren’t all that concerned with details; if you looking for Naturalism then look at Flemish paintings.” And you know what they’re right, Italian paintings are smudgy and pale in comparison to northern realism. But it doesn’t matter because everyone knows the Italian Renaissance is the superior of the two movements. Why? Because, even though their technique was inferior they understood what art was really about, composition and vision.


The Rev-DS comparison is disingenuous. GBA -> DS was a full-generation step, it's just that the PSP was doing Dreamcast-level performance (hence two generations above GBA). The Revolution is not next-gen in any meaningful way -- it's the last system of this generation (assuming no AFD crap). I don't have anything against that, but it's no use to deny it -- it's simply the truth.

Edit: Hey, at least the games come on real DVDs this time. Vast improvement over the fruity low-capacity GC discs.
genjiZERO said:
You know if you ever take a Western Art-History class the first thing they should tell you when you get to the Renaissance is that, “You’d be hard pressed to find a tear in an Italian painting, because Italian painters weren’t all that concerned with details; if you looking for Naturalism then look at Flemish paintings.” And you know what they’re right, Italian paintings are smudgy and pale in comparison to northern realism. But it doesn’t matter because everyone knows the Italian Renaissance is the superior of the two movements. Why? Because, even though their technique was inferior they understood what art was really about, composition and vision.

Games aren't art.

Yeah, I went there.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Now im in the stage where I think matt and his sources are full of it ;)


P.S ATI should give nintendo their money back. No new features? Nintendo could have download Rivatuner for free if they wanted to overclock their GPU :D


Ante Up
Nintendo had 99% handheld market share when DS came out. Two vastly different situations.

BTW, Nintendo handheld success has never had a bearing on the retail performance of their consoles. Not in Japan, not anywhere.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
genjiZERO said:
You know if you ever take a Western Art-History class the first thing they should tell you when you get to the Renaissance is that, “You’d be hard pressed to find a tear in an Italian painting, because Italian painters weren’t all that concerned with details; if you looking for Naturalism then look at Flemish paintings.” And you know what they’re right, Italian paintings are smudgy and pale in comparison to northern realism. But it doesn’t matter because everyone knows the Italian Renaissance is the superior of the two movements. Why? Because, even though their technique was inferior they understood what art was really about, composition and vision.

Yes, games with good graphics are completely like Flemish paintings.

:lol :lol :lol

You can have a game with great art and great graphics. What you suggested is almost exclusively negative in connotation for the "power" consoles.

You crazy N-fans will go to the ends of the earth, I swear.
Something tells me this thread will go down like the DS when it was first revealed. DS am doomed with dual screens\touchscreen\stylus with N64 graphics. PSP with PS2 graphics is the winnar!


Y2Kevbug11 said:
Yes, games with good graphics are completely like Flemish paintings.

:lol :lol :lol

You can have a game with great art and great graphics. What you suggested is almost exclusively negative in connotation for the "power" consoles.

You crazy N-fans will go to the ends of the earth, I swear.

You're missing the point. The point is that you don't need graphics if you have "vision". And for the record I'll most likely get a PS3 before I get a Rev, so I don't see how I can be called a N-fan.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Why on earth would the extra RAM only be external to the main???!!

Is this mke any sense for the final product... or is this just a quick-solution for the Dev. Kits?
Reading this thread makes me so glad all this specs bullshit gets lost on me. Don't get me wrong, I love beautiful graphics just like anyone, but I couldn't care less how powerful the Rev is. I just want to know what has Nintendo and other companies accomplished with it.

Of course, if they don't deliver in that front, with innovation, after all the talk they've done, then I'll be disappointed.


Bail out

Bail out

Jump ship while you still can :lol

Benadryl Hitman said:
Something tells me this thread will go down like the DS when it was first revealed. DS am doomed with dual screens\touchscreen\stylus with N64 graphics. PSP with PS2 graphics is the winnar!

eh. i dunno the handheld market is a lot different. im not saying it will or wont be a great console.

since i was for sure buying the thing and it is bound to have some innovative niche games that you wont find elsewhere plus SSB and Zelda. If this translates to a much lower launch price (anything more than 199 would be very disappointing) then im all for it. no one ever expected the thing to be powerful.


Gahiggidy said:
Why on earth would the extra RAM only be external to the main???!!

Is this mke any sense for the final product... or is this just a quick-solution for the Dev. Kits?

Maybe it has something to do with the GC game backwards compatibility?


GhostSeed said:
I realise that Nintendo wants to go in a different direction but it's going to be hard for consumers not to compare systems when there right next to each other at the store.

That being said, I'm still going to get the system reguardless of specs but I don't know if Joe Average is going to care about the Rev. if the graphics aren't on par with 360 or PS3.

And this is the rub. Nintendo would be better off having the Revoltion in a completely different part of the store than the PS3 and X360 Kiosks. Maybe have it setup in a way like those Guitar Hero/DDR displays are. The last thing they want is for them to be side by side.


Well, if they want developers to create games around new gameplay mechanics, this is probably the best way to mitigate the financial risks.


Gahiggidy said:
Why on earth would the extra RAM only be external to the main???!!

Is this mke any sense for the final product... or is this just a quick-solution for the Dev. Kits?
:lol @ your avatar....
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