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It's sickening people are showing their true color


What's wrong with people making a new forum? There are people who will never come back here, who are looking for a home... makes business sense.
I'm so out of the dark, what's happening?

this man (owner and admin of the site):

has previously engaged in acts of sexual harrassment. one instance of which involved sliding into a girl's shower without her invitation (because sliding into DMs is not assertive enough anymore I guess)

then when a backlash finally became overwhelming enough for him to not ignore he shut down the site, made some really absurd story up to pivot away from apologizing and then shut down the OT and Community forum.

Now he basically handed the site over to Neogaf's very finest sycophants and morons, and this place will basically be yet another haven for the alt-right and gamergate dorks in due time.


abandon ship and go find another forum or community to discuss stuff. this place is a toilet now. adios.
Depends if the funny jokes were offensive to people and often rightfully were called out. Calling a shitty comment a joke was also another sad and classic common defense.

Sometimes and sometimes not. I'm not going to debate what is and what is not funny because that's obviously a waste of time. And there are some things that need to be discussed seriously and I agree that 'lulz' is not a good reason for being a cunt. But there was/is an element of pomposity and humourless self-importance that went beyond that, IMHVO. I'm not asking you to agree btw.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Oh now he should ignore the bullying but when someone says SJW you ask for his head. Nice double standards there dude.

Personally I ignore people in real life who unironically use terms like SJW, Cuck and so on. Its just easier on line.


What's wrong with people making a new forum? There are people who will never come back here, who are looking for a home... makes business sense.
Its terminal. All of them are. Much of Gaf success is its people, sure, but that is also combined with other aspects that have been built up at rhis forum for ages. you can't just barbecue brisket in skillet. "Business" is wishful thinking.


Lying through your teeth

Yeah, and about the "leftist mods" banning anyone for being a right of center. Have you ever visited off-topic? Labor unions, UBI, fight for $15 (and more) were regularly mocked. It was actually the norm! Gaming side is fucking hilarious.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Sometimes and sometimes not. I'm not going to debate what is and what is not funny because that's obviously a waste of time. And there are some things that need to be discussed seriously and I agree that 'lulz' is not a good reason for being a cunt. But there was/is an element of pomposity and humourless self-importance that went beyond that, IMHVO. I'm not asking you to agree btw.

I just think its a statement that holds little water considering the amount of unintended humor that sprung up out of threads and topics that were quite serious. If anything I found GAF to be a little too twee at times for its own good, especially in some topics that probably deserved a more serious response. This isn't even considering topics that were made to be funny or the tons of hilarious jokes made in response to the random posts in threads. Basically the opposite of humourlessness.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Doesn't seem you do, in fact you support and defend the silencing of anyone who dares utter the word.

Yeah because I find most people who say things like SJW have little to add to the conversation except derailing any real discourse and providing tons of negativity. Surprisingly most of those people who spouted that nonsense on GAF didn't last long for those very reasons. It wasn't just the term SJW it was the whole mindset behind people who use that term seriously.


Ah.. Okay understood. Thanks for clarifying things.

Well, honestly, for as long as I've lurked this site, this was definitely surprising...

Regardless of what has happened, I hope things gets better for the community. It's a shame what this site has built on to just 'go away'.

Loved NeoGAF for a long time and I hope it stays that way also for many people.


Its terminal. All of them are. Much of Gaf success is its people, sure, but that is also combined with other aspects that have been built up at rhis forum for ages. you can't just barbecue brisket in skillet. "Business" is wishful thinking.

Whether other site are successful or not is irrelevant at this point. there's nothing 'wrong' with someone attempting to pitch a tent where there appears to be a void or a vaccum.

Personally, I found the "state of neogaf" post to be pretty grating, and the lack of community and OT seems more like a cop out than an attempt to avoid "toxicity". In fact, I believe the "let's focus on games" angle is going to be a dog whistle, making people with shitty opinions feel welcome here. So I can certainly understand the appeal of an alternative. There's opportunity here.


No, this is not an account suicide, so don't ban me.

I have been reading and watching some youtube videos regarding the recent development regarding NeoGAF.

To be quite honest, it just feels wrong.

I am talking about people trying to take advantage of this weak moment of this forum trying to promote their own forums (whether it is existing forum, not entirely new forum just made over the weekend). Sure, I can see that it could be a good business to try to get some of the members from GAF but it does show that these people who criticize GAF is really just kicking it while it is down and more over, trying to benefit from it.

I mean, even people here do it/did it, like the mods making new forums to replace this one.

I really wish we have an OT forum to discuss non gaming stuff like this one here...but I guess we will have to wait.

and if it is an appropriate, then delete it, but don't delete me obviously:)

It's not all just opportunists and haters out there. People have a legitimate issue supporting a man who would sexually harass a woman, or two, or three, and also clumsily try to lie and cover up his association with a pedophile.

We waited days for a statement, (I mean, maybe the allegations aren't as they seem, let's get a decent statement) and all he does is victim blame, go scorched earth on anyone who dare oppose him, and try to pretend that all is well. Fuck that.

And here you are, talking shit about other possible forums, about these people who simply can't stand for the aforementioned bullshit, and what, doing some kind of half-assed 'unity' thing? You didn't use the word, but shit, you are Jerry Jones, kneeling before the anthem, and skirting past the real issue to carry on business as usual. Fuck off.


If EvilLore cared about GAF more than his own ambitions he'd hand it over to someone else. I guess that's the least of his flaws though.
THe whole situation is incredibly sad. Seeing people like Boogie and Pewdiepie celebrating is not nice. It’s like they brought the site down when it was nothing to do with them.

Boogie's reaction was incredibly poor and justified for how he was treated here. When you see him play both sides on gamergate and JonTron and then raise the middle finger towards NeoGaf at an opportunistic moment of weakness then it kind of shows he's not sitting on the fence. Not only was he opportunistic but a coward as well, piling on when the site was in turmoil and it became popular and accepted to do so.
At least the likes of Cliffy B and Colin Moriarty had the courage to do so at a time when it would have prompted a backlash, guess boogie doesn't want to jeopardise his viewership and ad revenue with the risks that come from honesty.


It's not all just opportunists and haters out there. People have a legitimate issue supporting a man who would sexually harass a woman, or two, or three, and also clumsily try to lie and cover up his association with a pedophile.

We waited days for a statement, (I mean, maybe the allegations aren't as they seem, let's get a decent statement) and all he does is victim blame, go scorched earth on anyone who dare oppose him, and try to pretend that all is well. Fuck that.

And here you are, talking shit about other possible forums, about these people who simply can't stand for the aforementioned bullshit, and what, doing some kind of half-assed 'unity' thing? You didn't use the word, but shit, you are Jerry Jones, kneeling before the anthem, and skirting past the real issue to carry on business as usual. Fuck off.

To be fair, those other forums are actually terrible. It's most bitter vile from banned GAF members and you're quickly reminded why they were banned.


And here you are, talking shit about other possible forums, about these people who simply can't stand for the aforementioned bullshit, and what, doing some kind of half-assed 'unity' thing? You didn't use the word, but shit, you are Jerry Jones, kneeling before the anthem, and skirting past the real issue to carry on business as usual. Fuck off.

To be fair I don't think he's talking about the GAFugees and resetERA so much; that's a genuine movement of people unsatisfied with how GAF is, setting up a new home.

I think he's talking about the people on twitter trying to take advantage of the situation by being the new GAF. I don't know if I can mention specifics, but there were several examples of people courting GAFfers to get traffic on to their site. And to me that was sad to see.


When GAF went down and we thought it was gone for good it was like the spell was broken and some people acted like they were free from some curse and could finally express themselves.

It was incredible and eye opening, like seeing people venture outside for the first time and realising they had been playing along the "alt-left" ideals of the community mostly to avoid the banhammer.

In a way though, it was also like finally seeing NeoGAF from the outside after being part of it for a long time. It's not all good, and i think the stances are a bit extreme on a number of issues.
But the principles are fundamentally good, so if people need extreme, then so be it.

It's impressive how much of a cultural and political influence (and like i said, ultimately a good one) this community was for a lot of people, myself included.


I've spent the last couple of days on twitter and it really shocked me how many horrible gamergate types there are. It really felt like it was the vast majority. And they were all gleeful at neogafs demise and that they had somehow brought it down.

I'd never really seen the two extreme sides before, but it was a proper battlefield.

I'm glad I'm back here where it feels safe.


Yeah because I find most people who say things like SJW have little to add to the conversation except derailing any real discourse and providing tons of negativity. Surprisingly most of those people who spouted that nonsense on GAF didn't last long for those very reasons. It wasn't just the term SJW it was the whole mindset behind people who use that term seriously.

What real discourse? Anyone who disagreed was being dogpiled and accused of all sorts of terrible stuff with the consent of the mods who sometimes also joined the dogpiling. There hasn't been real discussion in the forum for at least 4 years, the "SJW" people were the least of this forum's problem. Hell, even Evilore admitted these problems way before this incident.


This is like saying the president has done wrong, I'm no longer a part of this country, I'll join another country instead.


To be fair I don't think he's talking about the GAFugees and resetERA so much; that's a genuine movement of people unsatisfied with how GAF is, setting up a new home.

I think he's talking about the people on twitter trying to take advantage of the situation by being the new GAF. I don't know if I can mention specifics, but there were several examples of people courting GAFfers to get traffic on to their site. And to me that was sad to see.

I see. That would make more sense, and I suppose I jumped to conclusions. Still, the situation here is totally fucked. Faux-unity is not the right stance.


Yeah, and about the "leftist mods" banning anyone for being a right of center. Have you ever visited off-topic? Labor unions, UBI, fight for $15 (and more) were regularly mocked. It was actually the norm! Gaming side is fucking hilarious.

I would not call UBI a norm at all on OT.

You always had dissent to the idea in any topic directly talking about it.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
What real discourse? Anyone who disagreed was being dogpiled and accused of all sorts of terrible stuff with the consent of the mods who sometimes also joined the dogpiling. There hasn't been real discussion in the forum for at least 4 years, the "SJW" people were the least of this forum's problem. Hell, even Evilore admitted these problems way before this incident.

I just said those using terms like SJW do not look for real discourse. Its not on us to try and foster a conversation with people who are just spouting off ugly bull shit. They got dog piled in a good many cases because they posted dog pile worthy shit comments. Surprise surprise, people who spout things like SJW with a serious face often harbor some gross opinions.


Whether other site are successful or not is irrelevant at this point. there's nothing 'wrong' with someone attempting to pitch a tent where there appears to be a void or a vaccum.

Personally, I found the "state of neogaf" post to be pretty grating, and the lack of community and OT seems more like a cop out than an attempt to avoid "toxicity". In fact, I believe the "let's focus on games" angle is going to be a dog whistle, making people with shitty opinions feel welcome here. So I can certainly understand the appeal of an alternative. There's opportunity here.
What the?..What is the point of business if not to be successful now you're just saying stuff to say it. A tent isn't going to replace gaf.


I see. That would make more sense, and I suppose I jumped to conclusions. Still, the situation here is totally fucked. Faux-unity is not the right stance.
I think faux unity is good for GAF as long as it's not at the expense of another group. Setting GAF up against resetERA is going to do no one any favours.
This is like saying the president has done wrong, I'm no longer a part of this country, I'll join another country instead.

Ehh no it really isnt. A forum isnt a country. You cant just uproot and go live somewhere else. You can post somewhere else easily.


I would not call UBI a norm at all on OT.

You always had dissent to the idea in any topic directly talking about it.

Yeah, that's what I was trying to say. People trying to drive this narrative that you couldn't discuss centrist or conservative ideas either never visited off-topic for any extended amount of time or are lying through their teeth.


Because the word is only used by people of lesser intelligence.

The word was invented by liberals and it is still being used by many of them. Big groups like liberals or progressives aren't a monolith, just because in the GAF bubble the mods had created the word was synonymous with evil it doesn't mean everyone using it is a Trump supporter.

Also, just because conservatives were quick to adopt it like they always do with words that criticize liberals or the left it doesn't mean these words become theirs.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
The word was invented by liberals and it is still being used by many of them. Big groups like liberals or progressives aren't a monolith, just because in the GAF bubble the mods had created the word was synonymous with evil it doesn't mean everyone using it is a Trump supporter.

Also, just because conservatives were quick to adopt it like they always do with words that criticize liberal or the left it doesn't mean these words become theirs.

Liberals don't refer to themselves as SJW's unless its making fun of conservatives who throw that term around along with libtard and other silly nonsense. Do you seriously believe liberals actually call themselves that because if you do, you might want to give yourself a serious reality check.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Lazy post dude. That's too easy. He owns it. If you can't handle that, you know what to do.

The other egos were just posters who had been over-indulged.

What's even easier is shutting down half the forum because of your own personal wankery instead of facing it head on in a timely and open manner.


Most of the people I've seen hating on GAF on Twitter and Reddit sound like the sort of posters who would be banned instantly for acting like gigantic assholes. For all its problems, NeoGAF comes out looking much more appealing by contrast.

It's disappointing, the way so many people have rallied around hating on those who try to be considerate. Yeah, you can take anything too far, but people don't deserve to be called SJWs and cucks for giving the faintest damn about other people's feelings. This culture of bullying is off-putting. Just a bunch of people jerking themselves off about how far they can take their rude idiot schtick. Not everyone likes to wallow in negativity, thanks.


I just said those using terms like SJW do not look for real discourse. Its not on us to try and foster a conversation with people who are just spouting off ugly bull shit. They got dog piled in a good many cases because they posted dog pile worthy shit comments. Surprise surprise, people who spout things like SJW with a serious face often harbor some gross opinions.

You also told me to ignore toxic people like Amir0x and other extremely rude people that were being protected by the mods here and were ruining every single debate here. So how does that work man, do you want real discussion or not?

Liberals don't refer to themselves as SJW's unless its making fun of conservatives who throw that term around along with libtard and other silly nonsense.

Are you being deliberately obtuse now? When liberals or progressives are talking about SJWs they're talking about a very specific loud minority within their groups. The term was invented by liberals to describe that minority.


They last few days i has to search on Twitter news about the forum Since i didnt hace a discord.
99% percent of the search results were people with anime avatars laughing and celebrating that neogaf died, calling the community full of toxic sjw for banning people who "Think different".
That's when hoy realize why some people are so eager yo call on the death of this forum and urging everyone yo leave.
You can believe Evilore or you can think he is lying. But if you dont think this forum is bigger than one person is probably because you have other problems with this forum.
Are you being deliberately obtuse now? When liberals or progressives are talking about SJWs they're talking about a very specific loud minority within their groups. The term was invented by liberals to describe that minority.

I don't think that's accurate. First time I ever heard it was from conservatives angry about people talking about trans rights or defending islam during the Iraq War
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