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Konami is making a "New Metal Gear"

Remake the first two nes games or at least remake the first game since the only remake is on GameCube

Do it Konami and I'll pick it up when it's on ps+


They'll still sell millions of copies on the name alone, regardless of how soulless and micro-transactiony it will certainly be.


I wonder if they are doing this out of spite as well to somehow try to prove people will buy it regardless. Konami holds a hell of a grudge.


The only way they could maybe come close to pulling it off is if they had a recognized developer like Ken Levine directing and David Hayter reprising his role as Snake.

Otherwise, they are asking for a tremendous embarrassment when the game bombs due to backlash boycotts.


MGR2 is the only possible title that could be initially received well without Kojima. I think any attempts at a new mainline title will flounder.


I'll buy it if it's developed by Platinum Games or another company I "trust". If it otherwise is first-party Konami, this is a no buy for me.


They'll still sell millions of copies on the name alone, regardless of how soulless and micro-transactiony it will certainly be.
i dunno... an auditorium of gamers, press, and devs actively booed konami at the game awards over their treatment of kojima. the "fuckonami" sentiment is strong amongst a lot of people.
I hope they go full Metal Gear Venom and Diamond Dogs/Mother Base, but in a sort of Metal Gear x XCOM sort of way, even greater focus on building up your army, base, and resources. Preferably in a way that's balanced based on SP pacing, atmosphere, and role playing...

Have a feeling they'll go that way just balanced for MP and based on their RMT and DLC policy with FOBs thus far though.
I would not touch a new MGS from Konami with a ten foot pole.

Not just because Kojima, Shinkwawa etc are gone, but the microtransactions that would be riddled in the game.

It still amazes me every time when I boot up V and see all the horse shit patches that have installed to make the game actively worse with online resource gating or forcing more FOB crap down my throat.

I can't even get past mission 37 or whatever thanks to all that crap.

Make no mistake, Konami will saddle any new MGS with all the money grabbing ills of the industry.
Naturally, the game would be shit too as well.
They could probably just replace sand with snow, advance the story 5 years and update all the enemies/weapons, and give us new Mother Base upgrades, and I'd probably still put 100+ hours into it just because the free roam and gunplay so fun and I love the Diamond Dogs/Mother Base aspect.

Could see that making sense, too. Basically 'Mother Base 2' the game. Light on story, few cutscenes. Mostly just new enemies to recruit, weapons to upgrade, DLCs to sell. Upgrade all the existing art assets... tweak Afghanistan to be a snow location; tweak Angola to be much more dense forested jungle. Gameplay and engine is already done. They could probably get a Platinum in there to make their own version of 'Diamond Dogs builds Mother Base 2.0' with not a tonne of actually new assets and just make almost a sort of MGS V expansion.

Gun Animal

They could probably just replace sand with snow, advance the story 5 years and update all the enemies/weapons, and give us new Mother Base upgrades, and I'd probably still put 100+ hours into it just because the free roam and gunplay so fun and I love the Diamond Dogs/Mother Base aspect.

Could see that making sense, too. Basically 'Mother Base 2' the game. Light on story, few cutscenes. Mostly just new enemies to recruit, weapons to upgrade, DLCs to sell. Upgrade all the existing art assets... tweak Afghanistan to be a snow location; tweak Angola to be much more dense forested jungle. Gameplay and engine is already done. They could probably get a Platinum in there to make their own version of 'Diamond Dogs builds Mother Base 2.0' with not a tonne of actually new assets and just make almost a sort of MGS V expansion.
call it "Chapter 3"
I'd buy a nice Fox Engine remake of Metal Gear 1. Get Hayter back for young Snake, Kiefer as Big Boss, and just do a traditional sneaking mission with weapons and equipment OSP.

However, I have to imagine that Konami will go down the Ubisoft route and make all future Metal Gear games just minor variations on the MGSV theme. The endless resource-collecting, base-building hamster wheel, with microtransactions everywhere.


I would not touch a new MGS from Konami with a ten foot pole.

Not just because Kojima, Shinkwawa etc are gone, but the microtransactions that would be riddled in the game.

It still amazes me every time when I boot up V and see all the horse shit patches that have installed to make the game actively worse with online resource gating or forcing more FOB crap down my throat.

I can't even get past mission 37 or whatever thanks to all that crap.

Make no mistake, Konami will saddle any new MGS with all the money grabbing ills of the industry.
Naturally, the game would be shit too as well.

Is it that bad? I got to mission 19 and haven't played in months, was waiting until I've broken up for Christmas to put max effort into finishing it, but if the patches are that bad I'll probably just uninstall and play it offline without all the shitty patches
I'd buy a nice Fox Engine remake of Metal Gear 1. Get Hayter back for young Snake, Kiefer as Big Boss, and just do a traditional sneaking mission with weapons and equipment OSP.

However, I have to imagine that Konami will go down the Ubisoft route and make all future Metal Gear games just minor variations on the MGSV theme. The endless resource-collecting, base-building hamster wheel, with microtransactions everywhere.
yeah especially based on their post-release FOB policy

On one hand, I love the Mother Base stuff from a SP perspective, and the early pacing balance.

But based on all their post-release online, DLC, pricing, insurance, Online Dispatch, Lv8-9 item resource requirements, etc decisions, I'd be pretty worried that any new 'Mother Base-focused' game from them would be paced and balanced less like, say, XCOM... genuinely for the SP experience... and more like Clash of Clans =/
Is it that bad? I got to mission 19 and haven't played in months, was waiting until I've broken up for Christmas to put max effort into finishing it, but if the patches are that bad I'll probably just uninstall and play it offline without all the shitty patches

Yes it's fucking awful.

But you're a smart fellow for thinking of how to play the game the right way already.
Go for it, because MGS V without patches or online nonsense is great by itself.
Does anyone remember this article and video interview? I feel like it was completely forgotten about. Shortly after this interview, all the Kojima name removing started, and all the controversy. Maybe it's too simple, but perhaps Konami flipped that he was announcing it was his last Metal Gear officially, and they had an argument, and then it spiraled out of control?


Nah, I think he said that because the falling out with him and Konami was already happening, so he knew he couldn't make any more.


I don't believe Konami is actually making another Metal Gear. That old post for hiring will probably get taken down because they see articles getting posted or it'll remain posted because they fired all their staff, including the web masters.

Why can't they just make Rising 2?
It's what we all want.
And it'll be amazing as fuck.
This, for fuck's sake!


Nah, I wouldn't mind a new mind to take care of the story. I need something that feels more complete to leave it off on.


What else is there to tell?

We have MGS3 as the beginning and MGS4, with all the main threats and story arcs closed.

What else is there to do?


Pull the lever!


What else is there to tell?

We have MGS3 as the beginning and MGS4, with all the main threats and story arcs closed.

What else is there to do?
Do a retelling/remake of metal gear 1 and 2.

Do a game post mgs4 and start with new characters.

MGSV Chapter 3.


Konami 2016 planning

Fuck new metal gear
Fuck silent hill
Fuck the hopes of anything good
Fuck good market practices
Fuck it
Fuck you

Pachinko remains
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